5 Things To Remember When Discussing This Duck Dynasty Mess

“Just when I thought I was out…. They pull me back in.” ~ Michael Corleone

Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of finding out that this guy thinks gay people are going to hell….

Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of finding out that this guy thinks gay people are going to hell….

If you haven’t already heard, you will shortly: A&E has suspended some dude (I don’t know what his name is, and I really don’t even care enough to Google it) from the show Duck Dynasty for some offensive comments he made about homosexuals in an interview with GQ. I’m not going to focus on what was said in the interview…. If you care, you can read the whole interview HERE, or you can read some of the homophobic highlights HERE. Myself? I really don’t care what he said. There is absolutely nothing surprising or noteworthy about an old, white, southern, Christian hunter being grossed out about gay sex or believing that all the gays are going straight to Hell. There is nothing rare about this.

There is also nothing surprising or noteworthy about a company suspending an employee because of their personal behavior. It happens all the time. I work for a organization that educates kids about differences, and if I did an interview with GQ where I said that I think that retarded (if you are a person who still uses this word, you should probably READ THIS) people are disgusting and they are all going to hell, I would be a fool not expect to get fired from my job.

Watching people argue on Facebook….

Watching Facebook arguments.

What is noteworthy is the conversation that is going to take place over the next couple days on social media. I say “conversation,” but really it’s mostly going to be a bunch of angry people who are certain that God is on their side typing in ALL CAPS. And I say “on social media” because people (for whatever reason) feel okay about typing things on the internet that they would NEVER say to a person’s face. But before you let yourself get knee-deep into all the arguing and debate and noise, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Freedom of Speech does not mean “Freedom to say whatever you want without any consequences.” This should be one of those things that goes without saying, but apparently, it needs to be said. We all have the freedom to go on TV and scream “My boss is a jackass!” But that freedom comes with some ramifications….

If the only kind of prayer that you want in schools is prayer to the God that you believe in, then you don't REALLY want prayer in schools.

If the only kind of prayer that you want in schools is prayer to the God that you believe in, then you don’t REALLY want prayer in schools.

2. There is also free speech that you don’t agree with. You are not some sort of “Patriot, fighting for the First Amendment rights of all Americans” if the only time you get upset about a person’s “rights being trampled” is when it happens to people who think exactly like you. If you think of the First Amendment when hearing people saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” you are very, very confused. And if the only free speech that you support is speech that you agree with, that doesn’t make you a “patriot.” It makes you a hypocrite. And that’s something completely different.

Something about these dudes and the word "Antibacterial" don't go together very well.

Something about these dudes and the word “Antibacterial” don’t go together very well.

3. Any plans for some grand act of support (probably by “Christians”) for this Duck Dynasty guy will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to actually support him, but it will do plenty to drive an even bigger wedge between the Church and the LGBT community. Please think about this for a moment–This guy is a gazillionaire…. You can’t walk through a Walmart without knocking something off a shelf that has his face on it. He does not need your support. But if people plan some sort of “Wear Camo to Work” day in support this guy (just like the whole “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” to support Dan Cathy’s First Amendment rights to financially support groups that actively work against equal rights for the LGBT community), what you will accomplish is hurting and alienating the very people you believe are going to hell unless they change…. Does that seem like a good strategy to you? Me neither. Also, it will have the added effect of making my damn head explode….

My favorite DD cast member, modeling one of their highly successful antibacterial bandages.

My favorite DD cast member, modeling one of their highly successful antibacterial bandages.

4. This is NOT religious persecution. I cannot stress this enough. He did not get suspended for his religious beliefs. He was suspended because what he said was completely offensive. There are plenty of Christians (many of my friends, in fact) who believe that being gay is a sin and marriage should only be between a man and a woman, yet they could have still answered those questions with love and humility. Someone might use Bible verses to claim that interracial relations are an abomination and say “Anyone who commits the sin of miscegenation is heading straight to Hell” and call it freedom of religion, but really…. It’s just old school hatred. Hatred is not a Biblical belief.

5. And lastly (and most importantly), imagine that there is a gay person reading the things you are writing. Because guess what…. There will be. Please don’t separate the ISSUE from the PEOPLE. Imagine that there is someone reading the words you are writing who is trying to get a sense of what this Jesus guy is all about. Imagine a person reading your words who is just as sure of their same-sex attraction as you are of your opposite-sex attraction. Imagine that person has only ever heard hatred coming from people who call themselves Christians, and he or she is just about ready to give up. Imagine looking into a person’s eyes and saying the hate-filled things you are getting ready to write, instead of looking into computer screen. Maybe even imagine one of your kids has come out to you, and he or she is reading your words. And then finally, think of a time that you have been wrong about something in the past, and imagine that this issue of “how sinful it is to be gay” might be one of those times.

I hope this helps…. And if you’re one of the people who has been hurt by the hate and ignorance and judgment over that is already everywhere on the internet, just know that the folks who are spewing all that hate are not really representing Jesus. Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples: If you love one another.” So that’s the way you’ll know. Let’s keep it clean, internet.

***Oh, and I almost forgot!***
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"Sorry folks. Shitter's full!!" If you're thinking about writing a comment that tells someone else how stupid they are, kindly take that crap somewhere else….

“Sorry folks. Shitter’s full!!” If you’re thinking about writing a comment that tells someone else how stupid they are, kindly take that crap somewhere else….

Please, please stop calling each other names and being so mean in the comments. What started out as kind of ironically amusing, has just become a beacon of discouragement. Read what I wrote–I don’t care what he said. I understand that he said it. I have probably said very similar things before I got a little more clarity on the situation. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. This post was about a few things: How this is not a free speech issue (it’s not), how a having a giant “Stand With Phil” rally will only work to further alienate the LGBT community from the arms of the God who loves them, and how we all (but especially those of us claiming to follow Jesus) should think about how the things we write will be read by people who are gathering information about what Jesus is like. Is there some sort of site that bombs comment sections with ignorant, hateful comments in order to make Jesus look bad??? What in the world, people….

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1,204 Responses to 5 Things To Remember When Discussing This Duck Dynasty Mess

    • Muslims want homosexuals put to DEATH. Our country STILL SUPPORTS them!

      • theboeskool says:

        Stop it, Mary. Take that shit somewhere else. I can deal with a lot, but that will not fly. Muslims are part of our country. And it has been Christian missionaries to Africa that have worked to pass laws making homosexuality illegal and even punishable by death. Take your blazingly ignorant hate somewhere other than my page.

      • Geebzus says:

        They also want you put to death for being an infidel so what’s your fucking point?

      • Skeet says:

        Not all Muslims! There are radical Muslims just as their are radical Christians. Some are even called the KKK. But, I refuse to judge all Muslims by the actions of a few just as I don’t judge all Christians by the actions of a few.

    • Cam92788 says:

      I think that people tend to forget that when he goes on record saying anything, he’s a representative for his company and the television station that plays his show. The punishment he got is far less severe than I would’ve gotten had I said something like this for everyone to hear at my place of work.

      As far as Christian supporters, make sure your hands are clean before you voice your support for this guy. Don’t rely on scriptures to make your argument if you don’t practice every teaching in the Bible. It’s self-righteous and your argument will collapse on itself. That being said, this man is not a terrible person. His ideas may seem outdated to a lot of people, but from what I gathered, he just can’t wrap his head around the idea of a person being attracted to the same sex. It’s also really strange that this is where AE draws the line for “going too far.” Shows like “Hoarders” and “Intervention” could definitely use some reevaluation.

    • Lo says:

      Awesomely written! Thank you for this.

  1. Jen Runyon says:

    Miscegenation is the mixing of races, Misogyny is more anti-Female.

    • lillianb says:

      chris is a terrible speller. and he believes autocorrect/spell check pretty faithfully. 🙂

      • Frank says:

        Amusing how Chris called out Christians in social media for typing in ALL CAPS to justify their anger. Then proceeded to MAKE HIS points, many of THEM IN ALL CAPS.

      • theboeskool says:

        Yes Frank, that is amusing. You have rightly pointed out my glaring hypocrisy….

        But I didn’t call out Christians for typing in all caps. I said that everyone is certain that God is on their side. Both sides are certain. And yes, sometimes people annoyingly use too many CAPS. But it was in prelude to the more important point–That we are far meaner to people online than most would ever dare to be face to face. I think this comments thread has proved that hypothesis….

    • theboeskool says:

      Thank you. I’m a dork, and a terrible speller, and I finished it after my wife went to bed (she’s my proofreader). I changed it. 🙂

  2. Chris says:

    Well stated! I have long tried to explain that freedom doesn’t mean you can do/say anything you want to without facing the consequences.

    • John Paul says:

      Yes, everything we might say or do has a consequence but as long as it can be supported, with facts, you are in the right to say it as long as it is true. Such as my experience in the Philippines where i was asked why i no longer wanted the service of an officer. I first started out politely, even though everything i said was all the same, and first stated “because i did not come to talk with him” which means i can choose whom to talk with and so i was asked why 2 because i do not trust him and I was asked WHY 3 simply enough because he lied to me, which was the truth, but instead of the officer asking if i could support it he cursed at my face and accused me for insulting assaulting an officer because simple enough he was bias and hated me and did not like the truth and he wanted to use something to get rid of me so i would not be a constant reminder that he is not doing his job which was the honest truth they do not do their job and i do not follow a copy cat system which is not entitled to answers because the law itself entitles me to questions and answers they tried to forbid me from.

      As long as what we are saying is the truth, which is what the actor was doing while also sharing he does not hate them he had every right to sa what he said and for no one to try and jump out and use it against him as some crime which he never committed

      We are living in a generation where truth is being hated by many but the truth is still the truth so get your thumb out of your mouths cry babies…

      • Holly says:

        By “actor”, do you mean Mr. Robertson? If so, and you claim he is stating “the truth”. That’s pretty bold. From what (admittedly little) I know of the bible, speaking for God is a big, BIG no-no. He can speak for himself. HE has not said what Mr. Robertson said. That’s active interpretation (or active imagination, depending on your view).

      • Larry Dillon says:

        You use the word “truth” as referring to facts
        Yet in reality, the “truth” you are referring to is religious delusions.
        Not facts…delusions

    • Nate says:

      dude you have to be kidding. first of all, as you said, you don’t even know the guys name. Sounds to me like you are uninformed on this topic and have not done your research at all, which leads me to conclude what would possibly make you think you even know what the heck you’re talking about. What he said was not hateful in any way. He was asked the question what he believes sin is. Soo he listed a bunch of examples, homosexuality as one of them and ALSO included men and woman sleeping with each other outside of marriage. He backed it up with a Bible verse that easily coincides with what he said. The end comment he said that he never disrespects anyone because of sin. Our goal is to love them….

      • Larry Dillon says:

        Plastic Palin defended duck phuck Phil and she also admitted she had not read a word he said….but to be fair Sarah has also said she “only reads whats placed before her”(see the Katie Couric interview)

      • Larry Dillon says:

        “Pointing out sins isn’t hate…”

        That form of intellectual dishonesty and disingenuous platitudes, is exactly why more and more SMART and DECENT people can see them as very false people, if not false Christian.
        Those of us who are HONEST and who have eyes and ears can see just how selectively they single out gay people for social, political and civil denial of equal protections that they wouldn’t DARE try with heterosexuals that would meet their definitions of sins. Gay people are easier to do this too because of the long legacy of discrimination already in place.
        It’s religious doctrine that’s made society hostile and distrustful of gay people, and they won’t own up to that. And regardless the damage, the violence and lack of ability for gay people to BE honest about their orientation without some kind of threat to themselves, they still think the onus of changing is something they deserve. Even though it’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to change their orientation.
        Christians insist on influencing a great deal in our society, and despite screwing up. REALLY, screwing up badly, they still expect to and have unconditional support and unchallenged acceptance.
        Something they’re not willing to GIVE, except to certain specific approved members of their tribe.
        Yeah, it IS hate. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room between ‘you’re an abomination, your blood shall be upon you” and “we don’t want you to exist unless you pretend you’re heterosexual and only THEN we maybe might consider you to be a regular, normal person”
        The price paid and who it really costs doesn’t matter to them, obviously.
        Because they don’t have to pay a dime. It’s not THEM that has to deal with people like THEM.

  3. davemhagen says:

    The most hateful and judgmental statements I have seen regarding this issue or any of the people surrounding this issue, by far, have come from you.
    I’m not saying you are wrong on your stance, just that despite your post encouraging everybody to rise above the fray, you have not.

    • littlebyrdie says:

      Dave, could you be more specific? (Cite some examples) I’m just not seeing it, so I would like to know what you have found hurtful/offensive from your perspective.

      • lillianb says:

        i went back and read his fb page looking for (and honestly, expecting to find) some examples, and didn’t see it. but i could be not as sensitive to it.

      • davemhagen says:

        In the process of trying to write a response I’ve decided I made a mistake in writing this in the comments. Chris, I’m sorry for saying that on a public space and I am fine with you deleting it. I would be more than happy to have a discussion with you about this, but I don’t think a public thread is the venue for that.

      • theboeskool says:

        No problem, Dave. I can think of many times that I have said things that were hateful, and I should be called out on it. I’m just not sure how I’ve been hateful about this particular issue….

        My main concern with this whole thing is how it affects gay people who love what Jesus is about, or people who are convinced that Jesus is full of shit because of all the hate that comes from these arguments. I am far from a perfect example of Jesus’ love, so if I’m coming across as hypocritical, I’m really sorry.

        I can tell you that I have had two different people (who are gay, but didn’t feel comfortable speaking up in those discussions on social media threads) thank me for trying to get it, and reminding them that they are loved by a creator as well. For what it’s worth…. I feel like I’m trying to do the right thing here, but it might not always come across that way.

    • theboeskool says:

      On the upside, I think that at least now you might have a few more examples of hateful/judgmental statements…. 🙂 Things have gotten downright PG13 up in this mug!

    • Mara says:

      I do not see how any of it was hateful. He brought his point across on how it was a very drastic decision to back up what a person says based on their religion. Then he goes to explain that visualizing the person you are speaking to might help clarify what you are trying to communicate without being so rude, hateful and inconsiderate that they are people too. Everyone makes bad choices, but that does not mean that they cannot fix them. I believe that he was just trying to help people in general when it comes to typing online in what someone would say and how it is better to remember that you are talking to people that have emotions, ideas, opinions that all are different from one another. These things make us individuals, but similarities give some groups unity. No matter what sexual orientation, religion, or any other difference we should all be respectful to one another. This is some of what he is trying to explain and is using the situation with Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson as an example of the difference in expressing your opinion based on religion based on rational interpretation and expressing your opinion based on irrational interpretation. So he sounds like a very caring man, who cares about people’s feelings from many different perspectives.

  4. Peter says:

    Is number 2 satire? It’s funny if intentional, hilarious if not.

    • I had the same thought. At what point did the Left become so authoritarian? People who call themselves liberals are now the ones emphasizing limitations of rights, saying, “the law is the law” (in regard to health care, not pot). They’re the major proponents of censorship these days, trying to silence anything that doesn’t meet their standards of approved speech (with the exception of the Right’s weird little idiosyncrasy about “Happy Holidays” vs. “Merry Christmas”). Whether you’re talking about meat, guns, or plastic bags, they want to ban things and impose criminal penalties on anyone who offends their sensibilities. They’re saying they defend the President, right or wrong, no matter how many civilians he kills, how many whistle blowers he prosecutes, or how many corporations he bails out. In a word, they’ve become conservatives.

  5. Emma says:

    Won’t even read this because your first statement is wrong. READ THE ARTICLE BEFORE YOU VOICE YOUR OPINIONS. he never said anyone was going to hell. He said it was not anyone’s right to judge who goes where, but it is his right to LOVE EVERYONE despite what they are or are not. It’s people like you who are making things bigger than they are. GTFOI

    • theboeskool says:

      That’s really funny…. You say that you “won’t even read this” right before you write in all caps “READ THE ARTICLE BEFORE YOU VOICE YOUR OPINIONS.” Was that irony intended?

      Here is a direct quote, Emma: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God.” What do you think he meant when he said they “won’t inherit the kingdom of God?”

      Anyway, you’ll be happy to know that he misquoted 1 Corinthians 6. It’s a common mistake. It doesn’t say anything about “homosexuals.” It says Sodomites. And, as I’m sure you know, the Bible clearly says that the sin of Sodom was being inhospitable. Like Ezekiel 16:49 says, “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Also, the story of Sodom and Gomorra was about rape. Not homosexuality. It says that “all the men of the town” came and demanded they send out their guests. Do you really think that ALL THE MEN of the town were gay?

      Anyhoo, thanks for stopping by with your criticism of my article you didn’t bother to read. I had to Google what GTFOI meant, but yes, I will try my hardest. 🙂

      • Emma says:

        I love how your direct quote is so direct and you leave out this: “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

      • Emma says:

        Oh, and GTFOI is pretty much just get the f*ck over it. His name is Phil Robertson, and he believes what he believes. Heaven forbid a Gay person to say anything bad about Christianity…nothing would be done about it. It would be ignored. But anytime someone so much as whispers their views on them, the world might as well end. I agree with everything he said. I have gay friends, they know I don’t support what they do. But I sill love them, until they give me a reason to not like them, even then I will still love them. Which is what Phil was saying. It’s people like you (I skimmed though your article…so I guess technically I ‘read it’ make you feel better?) who are taking this way further than it needs to be taken. He said his half, none of it was intentionally offensive, and now he’s being criticized for it. Yet everyone who has their panties in a bunch over this, including yourself, has looked past all the good stuff he said. So I repeat, read the whole article.

      • theboeskool says:

        Yeah, like I said, Emma–I Googled it. Thanks.

      • Emma says:

        Oh, and did you google all of you info for this? Find just bits and pieces? Google your bible quotes too?

      • Sandra says:

        Chris, you’re awesome. That is all. 🙂

      • Theresa says:

        Depending on the Version you use, could depend on the verbiage. I use several versions to get an understanding of the Bible. I’m not sure which version you were quoting above in Corinthians or in Ezekiel, but the NIV, Amplified, NKJV and NLT is clear about homosexuality. I’m sure there are many other versions, as well, but these are the ones that I like to use. I won’t quote them directly, but I will let you look them up for yourself.
        I agree with your article, and unfortunately, these things get blown out of proportion when there are so many other things that should have our focus. I am not the perfect Christian, and never claimed to be. In the GQ article, it states that he doesn’t judge. Nor do I. It’s not our job to judge. It’s our job to “love the sinner, hate the sin” (I’ll let you look that scripture up, as well) It is our job, however, to share the Good News. If someone wants to know what the bible says about something, I’m happy to show them and have them look it up themselves.
        Also, if you continue the verse in Corinthians, it says….”And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (NIV – by the way)
        So, as a true Christian, I WAS one of those…….
        One of my favorite scriptures…..

      • He didn’t misquote 1 Corinthians 6. He quoted from the 1984 NIV. You appear to be quoting the NRSV, which made a misleading choice in this case–the underlying Greek word, ἀρσενοκοῖται, has nothing to do with the city of Sodom (note that it’s not capitalized). The translators were using the word in its common usage, “One who practises or commits sodomy” (Oxford English Dictionary). The RSV translated the term as “sexual perverts,” assuming that the passage specifically condemned homosexual pederasts. The RSV-CE (“homosexuals”), ESV (“men who practice homosexuality”), and 2011 NIV (“men who have sex with men”) all revise their former editions to clarify that the reference is indeed to male homosexuality. Cf. the CEB’s “both participants in same-sex intercourse” (translating both μαλακοὶ and ἀρσενοκοῖται together) and Moffatt’s “catamites” and “sodomites” (translating the terms separately to distinguish between passive and active partners).

      • Alan says:

        Love this. And you are right. The sin was NOT homosexuality. People are like parrots. They believe and repeat what religious leaders feed them. Anyone with even an ounce of common sense reads the Bible with educated eyes and a brain.

      • Chris says:

        I always love these people like Emma who say “I have gay friends. They know I don’t support what they do, but I still like them.” Uhm, how do you like them if you don’t support them? And what don’t you support? Being gay is something you are born with. If you don’t support the whole gay thing, then you really don’t like them. I know it makes you feel like you are not bigoted to say that you have gay friends, but trust me, if you have gay friends and tell them that you don’t support them, then you DON’T have gay friends.

      • Blaine says:

        people have rights, ideas do not. and i’ll respect your opinion as long as your opinion doesn’t disrespect my existence

    • JohnDavid Morgan says:

      Seriously Emma….you are doing exactly what Chris was trying to have us avoid… Wow..I guess some people just cannot see past their need to attach others….Imagine what you could accomplish if you used all that energy for love instead of hate…

    • Lee says:

      I agree Emma. I love how he stereotypes “old, white, Christian, southern guys” but then says “hate is not a biblical belief”. It sounds like he is the hater.

      • theboeskool says:

        Lee–I am white, I am Christian, I live in the south, and I am getting old. I do not necessarily expect people who fit this description to have unenlightened views about the Bible and how it relates to Homosexuality, but I’m saying that it doesn’t come as any sort of shock. I held many of those same beliefs a little over 5 years ago. Here’s more on that transition, if you care to read it: https://theboeskool.com/2012/02/24/gay-marriage-and-green-eggs-ham/

      • Holly says:

        You’re getting the directionality wrong. He didn’t say “old, white, Christian, southern guys” hate gays. He said, essentially, to learn that a person who is against homosexuality IS an “old, white, Christian, southern guy” is not a surprise. Those two sentences do not say, or mean, the same thing.

    • Bella says:

      You are exactly right!!! Ppl like him making this something it isn’t !!

    • Larry Dillon says:

      Larry Dillon wrote something really mean and offensive here, and I (The Boeskool) changed what he wrote to this comment. Because I can. Everyone have a great day!!

  6. No gay person gives a damn if some old rich white bigot says they are going to hell…they are a dime a dozen…but the offensive part is not only associating gays with beastiality but giving BS examples of how we need more Jesus because without Jesus the holocaust or pearl harbor happens…look into history… Christianity is far more responsible for tragedy than anything else.

    • Hany Said says:

      You need to re-examine your History books and differentiate between religion and “religious” individuals. It is not Christianity (or any religion) that causes tragedy, but human nature.
      That said, I agree with your first statement.

  7. Hany Said says:

    Thank you for this article. I agree with pretty much everything you said, The only thing that I do not agree with is your comment that any support for this man would drive a bigger wedge between the Church and the LGBT community. Ok let me clarify. I actually don’t disagree with your logic, but to your reference of the “Church” (with a capital C). When you use the word capitalized it should be referring to a church whose followers share the same beliefs, doctrines, and practices. In my opinion, such a church must be an Apostolic Church (as in Catholic and/or Orthodox). Here in the US, while there are millions who belong to that Church, the majority of Christians specifically ones like the man you are referring to in this article belong to any one of hundred of thousands of independent churches, each of which has its own head of church, preaching his/her own interpretation of the Bible.

    This is not a jab or criticism against any denomination. But as a Catholic, I was extremely proud of my Church when the Advocate (“THE” LGBT magazine) named Pope Francis their person of the year. If anything, the Catholic Church is removing wedges.

    That said, I am a fan of Duck Dynasty. I even like this Phil Robertson’s character on the show. I also feel that the majority of people who scream FIRE whenever there is hint of minority discrimination are often not even members of said minority. I think the majority of gays who watch that show would have continued to watch it regardless. Hec, if Catholics boycotted shows or movies that either bashed on or made fun of the Church, there would be nothing left for us to watch. lol

  8. Pingback: I’m Going to Fucking Scream! | Scorched Ice

  9. Well Said….I tried explaining this to a legalist earlier this morning.

  10. 021534789mg says:

    yawn! sorry your a fucking idiot!

  11. Excellent post. Very well reasoned. Sorry about the attack comments. People are gonna be people, and we are all imperfect.

  12. Scott says:

    You must be a gay. Anyone that doesn’t take the time to research the name of a man, Phil Robertson, he is writing an article about has some personal ties to the subject because you went out of your way to insult him. Why aren’t you taking up for the people that perform beastiality? I’m sure they feel their attraction to animals is as real as your attraction to men.

  13. Mark McLain says:

    Thank you for writing this post. I’ve already shared it on two Facebook walls and will send a tweet as well.

  14. Pamela Ortiz says:

    Either it was brilliant humor that has you stating zach galifianakis as a DD cast member (photo with band-aid in the beard)…or just idotica mistake since all bearded men look alike. LOL

  15. SJ says:

    The man has his beliefs and a soap box to communicate them.

    He also stated in his after statement that despite his beliefs he has respect that other people may have different beliefs. They don’t all have a soap box to communicate them.

    So in summary, we have a human race that has different beliefs, where the loudest act with emotional conviction as if they are speaking for all. He did neither.

    While I do not agree with any of his statements, nor do I believe the first amendment does not preclude a person from ramifications and A&E has a business to run and does cater to a large LGBT demographic. I really do not see the issue here. Opinions are like… well you know the expression.

    And if you don’t believe that this is going to raise their income from $80mm to well over $150mm, then you don’t realize how large and powerful his, now niche, constituency will be.

  16. JB says:

    I have a serious problem with the fact that apparently all “white, Southern, Christian hunters” have issues with homosexuality. I am friends with many gay & lesbian couples, I am Southern, born & raised, I am white, I was raised in a house where if you didn’t hunt you didn’t have good to eat. I married a Southern pastor’s son & he also happens to be a US Soldier in the US Army, cause I am sure that is somehow wrong as well. I support Phil Robertaon for standing up for his beliefs. He is blunt, if you don’t like it, don’t watch the show. I do not understand the double standard that exists. How is it that the gay & lesbian activists can say whatever, however they choose & it is okay? But, you have a Christian who is asked a question, he answers said question, the way he answers every question & it is wrong? I was raised to see the person & not the color or the sexuality but I can’t stand around and act like it is okay for this double standard to exist when my husband is risking his life for it & all of our rights, right now. This is ridiculous. He wasn’t being hateful. If people actually read the whole article then they would know he said he doesn’t judge, he just shares the word of God. He was just answering a question.
    The media lies all the time. We just had 5 soldiers killed & 1 injured. The media report was nothing but lies. If they lie about how our soldiers are being killed overseas at war then why wouldn’t they lie about this just to stir the pot? Think about it people???

  17. Dennis N says:

    You were going pretty well up to the point where you claim that quoting Bible verses to explain an abomination is hatred. On the contrary, it could be a simple misunderstanding, or it could be a proper interpretation and an honest effort to point out the sins of another. I’ll say only two things on the issue – 1) if a professed gay or lesbian were censured for stating their beliefs, many would feel they were being unfairly denied their rights – same here. And 2) it is quite possible for Christians to hate the sins of gays and lesbians even while they love the person – that’s exactly what God does!

    • Holly says:

      He was not “censured”, he was suspended… by his EMPLOYER. He was not… anything… by the U.S. government or anyone else. “Censure” implies that there was some legal or governmental consequence. There certainly was not, nor would there be. To use your example, “if a professed gay or lesbian were [disciplined by his/her EMPLOYER] for stating their beliefs, many would feel they were being unfairly denied their rights.” (I changed that language to reflect what has actually happened to Phil Robertson.) Well, a “professed gay [person] or lesbian” would face the exact same consequences that Mr. Robertson did when making a statement that might bring embarrassment or negative backlash to his/her employer. They would have the CHOICE to make the controversial statement, state the controversial belief, etc. and WITH that choice, they would face the potential consequences — just as Mr. Robertson has done.
      Most reasonable people would understand that regardless of the person (gay, christian, atheist, etc), or the belief (gay is good, gay is bad, tacos are delicious, etc.), if a person makes a PUBLIC statement, that will or might embarrass his/her boss, that person will likely face some unpleasant reactions from said boss. I find it both incredible and laughable that you are suggesting that *never* happens to gay people, or other-than-christians, or whatever. It’s equally ridiculous that you seem to suggest rights for some people (christians and perhaps others) are good and rights for other people (gays and perhaps others) are bad. If a person (any person) does what Mr. Robertson did (violates the terms of a contract or offends the sensibilities – or even the bottom line – of his employer) and faces the consequences he has (suspension of his employment), that would be, well, right — even if that person is *gasp* gay!
      As for your second statement, Dennis N, that’s pretty damn presumptuous — speaking for God. Wow!

  18. periham says:

    Chris you are standing up for people that are judged and that is love. Phil Robertson also openly shares his love of Christ to possibly help people, knowing he will also be judged. You both showed a form of love even if you both said things that were hurtful. That’s beautiful

    • Brenda P says:

      Now that is the first reasonable thing I’ve read thus far. Sounds like everyone is having a right fight. In the end it is not going to matter who was right as much as who loved!!!

  19. Sandra P says:

    Chris – don’t forget the fact that the Bill of Rights, which the 1st amendment is a part of, only protects individuals from infringement by the government, specifically Congress. We are protected from the government making laws restricting our free speech, nothing more. Therefore, A&E is completely within its rights and Mr. Robertson’s right to free speech is fully intact.

    • Bj says:

      Ex-ACT-ly, Sandra

    • MarkE says:

      And, Sandra P, everyone has the rights to squabble on social media with their opinions. Chris was trying to make the point, I believe, that we need to be a bit more compassionate and kindhearted in all our public speech.

      • Sandra P says:

        Oh for sure, MarkE…I was referring only to his first point. To me, it’s silly to use the 1st amendment to try to protect all speech when that is not the purpose of the amendment at all.There actually is no right to squabble on social media. Of course, at this point in time, the social norms that guide our society are such that we are able to argue our points. However, if Facebook were to decide that they would no longer allow the posting of our personal opinions on their website, they would be within their rights to do so. It is that distinction that I was trying to make. The repercussion of such a decision would likely be the end of Facebook’s status as a going-concern, but they would not be barred from making such a decision by the Constitution.

    • Brenda P says:

      Everyone keeps setting everyone straight on the first amendment. I believe it is an oversight. I don’t believe people think what A & E did was governmental or what the heck ever. I just think when people start getting reprimanded by anyone that has the power to broadcast it all over the world, that is what people go to. So give them a break

  20. Rhonda says:

    Everyone can argue over whether what he said was offensive to the gay community, but the bottom line is the man believes what he believes and probably doesn’t care whether he is kicked off the show or not. The man has always stated his beliefs on the show and I’m not surprised what he said about homosexuality..that’s just the way he is…..A and E suspended him and his fans will do whatever they feel is necessary to support him! Attacking people verbally and posting fuel to the fire is just idiocracy at it’s best! Move on people!!!

  21. ARCLS says:

    To theboeskool: This is excellent, and I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog. And you handled the Emma’s of the world like a pro. The best revenge is to live well, and it seems you have! Cheers!

  22. This was my first visit to your blog, but it will not be the last. Well done! I wrote a brief essay on the same subject from a different angle earlier today, but it pales in comparison. Glad I got it out of me before I read yours! 😉

    my essay:

  23. Not to be the non-sequitur geek here, but it’s also worth noting that the 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech doesn’t even apply here, at all. The 1st Amendment only applies to government entities, ie congress and the laws they pass, public universities, public schools…etc. A&E can fire who they want for anything they say, and it’s not a violation of anyone’s free speech if they do so because A&E is not a government entity.

  24. Ken Moser says:

    You didn’t win a fan with that psycho babble of a piece.

    • Holly says:

      Actually, your inaccurate insult notwithstanding, he did — me. And, if you read the comments carefully others, too. 🙂 Try to tell the truth. It helps you.

  25. Dave Harris says:

    You don’t care to know his name or what was actually said? Nice research on your article.

  26. Amanda says:

    I’m just confused as to why whoever held the interview asked the question knowing his religious background. It seems to me that he was set up and while I don’t agree with what Phil had said, both parties are to blame here. The way the interview should have gone is Phil should have left it at that’s for God to decide and left it at that; however, many who watch the show know Phil is an open man who will state how he feels. I think the world has taken it much further than this needed to go. Let it go and let A&E and Phil Robertson decide how this issue should be handled. You are not going to change someone who has believed what he believes for years by posting things all over social media. Let it go and let the people who are involved handle it. It’s nothing new for gays to hear this type of adversity. To me it’s not about religion or gay rights, it’s just a bunch of people looking for something to talk about.

    • theboeskool says:

      I had my mind changed about this very issue, Amanda, after believing what I believed for years and years…. And if a person standing up for someone who might not be able to stand up for him or herself helps even one person, I think it’s all of our responsibility to not “let it go.”

      • Amanda says:

        By “letting it go” I am saying who are we to judge anyone. The fact is (and you should look at the reply Phil has given in response to all of this) we should all love one another. I don’t care if someone is for or against gay rights and what they believe. They are still a person and I love them all the same.

  27. Mom of 3 says:

    Thank you! As someone who has been driven away from the church over & over again because these kind of people are held up as “good Christians” I want to thank you for injecting some common sense and a true sense of what Christianity is supposed to stand for.

    • theboeskool says:

      Oh, that sucks, MO3. I’m so sorry. My own family has felt a bit of that sting as well. We all get it wrong so much…. The hope is that we can all encourage each other to be more and more loving, forgiving, and humble. Less religion, more Jesus.

    • Oline Wright says:

      It is a sad fact that the Bible people are so fond of quoting parts of also condemns people who drive others away from coming to accept Christ. Sorry don’t remember the chapter and verse as quite frankly the contents mattered more when I was reading it than the sections etc.
      While writing this I want to thank this author for once again as I have seen various others for trying to straighten people out over the rights that people keep saying were violated.
      I remember when I was in college a friend once said that the religion should rightly be called Paulism instead of Christianity because oh so often the parts that are quoted in this manner are often the writings Of Saul the persecutor of Early Christians who later converted to the faith and then seemingly started to remake it into a more Jewish version.
      Yes the man in question has a right to his beliefs and yes he has a right to say what he wishes to say (for the most part some things can still get you in legal trouble.)
      However suppose the issue was not about gays at all? Suppose the person who made the decision to suspend him was instead someone who committed Adultery and didn’t like that being thrown in their face. I mean how often do you think you could get away with telling your superior in a company that he/she was going to Hell?
      We don’t know all that was involved in the situation and likely few people do to say that we know that one person was right or wrong would be folly.
      Also I have read several things on this matter and even have seen self admitted Gay posters who say that he likely should not have been suspended because they too feel it was a violation of his right to free speech.
      But as the Author said free speech doesn’t mean you are free from consequences for what you say. It only means that the government cannot bar you from saying it nor can they imprison you for saying it based only on the words alone.
      However as we are seeing the Government keeps trying to change that.

  28. Reno says:

    Whether you agree w/ Robertson’s comments or not is ultimately irrelevant. What is relevant is the level of hypocrisy with which he has been judged. Had a popular Muslim reality star (is there such?) said the exact same thing, it more than likely would have been praised by the MSM as being courageous to vocalize someone’s personal opinion in disagreement with someone’s sexual orientation. Had a gay reality star (there are plenty) said the exact opposite thing as Robertson, I think the MSM would have yawned, and life would have proceeded as normal. It’s the hypocrisy of it all that I’m frustrated with, and the political correctness behind it all.

  29. christy says:

    First off i have nothing against gays what so ever i have friends that are gay but once again this goes to show that the united states isnt as free as we thought and you say you arent judgemental but yet you say you arent surprised that an old white southern country hunter why is that statement not judging someone. I am white i am southern and i dont feel about gays like this so dont stereo type but i do feel if i say something it is my right to express it and shouldnt be fired based on something that is my OPINION so if the man wants to hate gays love gays be gay dont worry about it say what you feel and love what you say and other people mind their own business this world would be much better….

  30. Paige henson says:

    This blog post and comments would make a great Shakespearean drama…
    LOVE it…but it’s making me a little weary and wry.

  31. Kevin says:

    Just a quick question…if were not free to say what we want without consequence, than we are not truly free. So then why are there wars against people who want to take away our freedom, if we dont have freedom to begin with?

    • Allison says:

      This seems like a pretty twisted idea. Why then do we punish bullies? I mean, they can just say what they want right? Why put consequences on hurtful or hateful sayings? It’s their right to be a mean person openly and publicly? We really are enslaved aren’t we. Trying to keep people from being hurt is pointless so we might as well just let everyone who wants to be hateful, be hateful. I’m not saying Phil was hateful, I am saying there is no way you can say something of such controversy nature publicly without consequence, someone will be upset, hurt or put down. Just to negate your comment further, wars have not been started over someone calling someone else’s mother fat, they start because of greed or for the goal dehumanizing and eliminating a group of people because so much hate has been spread about them. Freedom is not about being able to say whatever you want just because you can. Honesty does not give grounds for cruelty, so even if you believe it, you still shouldn’t have the right to hurt someone.

  32. jwilly33 says:

    I think its dumb he got suspended for telling the truth read the bible HOMOS go to HELL. Not like he was lying about anything just stating a fact. Truth hurts

  33. Todd says:

    Wow, I’ve never read anything you’ve written before and as I a Christian friend of mine posted this ridiculously painful blog: http://themattwalshblog.com/2013/12/19/dear-ae-congratulations-you-just-committed-suicide/

    Ugggg…. I considered delving into another long facebook debate on how homosexuality shouldn’t be persecuted because of religious opinions, then I read the quotes from the interview, where he suggests Black People were not persecuted under Jim Crow laws. That is when I had to stop and think, wow, how much of a waste of my time is this. This guy is obviously way over line.

    I can’t believe people who defend this and then compare it to imaginary hypocrisy. Give me an example of ‘left-wing’ hypocrisy. You can’t just make it up and say, “in my imagination I think left-wing people or god the evil and somehow left wing mainstream media would praise a famous Muslim for preaching religious hate speech.”

    So please give me the CNN anchor who was praising Sharia Law or the mainstream media telling the world that Iran is a great place because they deny gay people live there. When did Mike Tyson who is a famous Muslim ever say gay people is the next step to bestiality. When you do read the quote, it isn’t that he just said – Being homosexual is a sin, they go to hell. – He compared it to adultery and beastiality.

    • theboeskool says:

      Yeah, some of my friends have shared stuff from that Matt Walsh blog before too. I have decided that he is the bizarro me. Maybe my least favorite….

    • Brenda P says:

      the bible says not one sin is any worse than another. So actually the comparison is accurate. Adultery is no better of a sin than murder…real talk

      • Todd says:

        Thanks Brenda P. I can understand the point that you’re making. But are you telling me that You Shall Not Murder is just as bad as You Shall Not Steal.

  34. Seth says:

    Freedom of Speech does, as a matter of fact, mean you can say whatever pleases you. Whether or not that means there are consequences is up to question, all scenarios play out differently. But regardless, I’ll say whatever pleases me and if being true to my beliefs/mind means some lace curtain sissy can’t handle the opposition of a person who thinks differently then, so be it. A college professor of mine may have said it best: “You don’t have the right to [b]not[/b] be offended.”

    There’s six billion people on this planet, not all of them will be thrilled to find out you’re a sick, pervert. Be that as it may, I still support your right to be gay–just don’t expect me not to give an honest opinion when it comes to pass.

  35. Mickey says:

    I think the photo used for #3 is NOT a cast member of Duck Dynasty. He is a well respected actor. Check this for fact, remove this fine gentleman from this post

  36. Paul Murray says:

    Actually your narrow viewpoint of old, white, Southern, Christian, hunters is somewhat offensive in and of itself. You make some great points in this post but unfortunately they won’t be read and considered by the people that need to because of your lazy, intellectual assumptions and your own narrow mindedness.

  37. jwilly33 says:

    God made Adam and eve for a reason not.. Adam and steve!

  38. Leslie says:

    I couldn’t help but laugh at this article.

    “…headed straight for hell.” No, that’s not hatred. It’s fact and honesty based off the bbile and his biblocal facts. It doesn’t matter what a Christian says, someone will always find it offensive. You are no better than him when you stereotype Phil.

  39. Pingback: Phil Robertson’s Remarks on Homosexuality | Leadingchurch.com

  40. Adam says:

    Nope…respectfully disagree. Mr. Robertson (that’s his name – don’t care if you don’t wish to know it) has stressed before that he loves all humanity. This is not about hate – or fear (homophobia). Don’t break out that old chestnut, or play that card. Pick your metaphor. Mr. Robertson was quoting the Bible after he was ASKED what his opinion on homosexuality was. The Bible states that it is wrong. It doesn’t say to hate these people, and that’s not what’s going on here. Just because you disagree with something, doesn’t make it all about hate. Don’t spin what the man said.

  41. Lokey says:

    I agree… Freedom of speech is not speech without consequences.

  42. Clayton Lassiter says:

    Enjoyed your article. Even some of the harsher moments. I doubt you will see thing in my light or view. I have read the interview several times and found his comments ignorant, but not inflammatory. Please ignore the ignorant. Phil is entitled to his view on things as much as any person. He was not spitting hatred, in fact discusses on the issue summarizing that “I love people.” Here is the thing. God does not HATE homosexuals. In fact of the detestably horrid sins he never mentions hate for LGBT. Proverbs 6 covers this 16 There are six things the Lord hates
    no, seven things he detests:
    17 haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that kill the innocent,
    18 a heart that plots evil,
    feet that race to do wrong,
    19 a false witness who pours out lies,
    a person who sows discord in a family.

    So now let’s other misguided points. Phil’s rant on who goes to Heaven is completely wrong and off base. The word homosexual does not actually exist in the bible. It was first introduced in 1946 at the discretion of the writers. The word there means sexual impurity. The other times sexuality is concerned have to be looked upon in context. Leviticus is about purity. Which it considered doing certain things on certain days a sin. Jesus dying on the cross, rising again, and defeating both sin and the laws of sin makes any point Phil says mute. Jesus said Love God. Love people. It’s simple. I know this is your blog and of course you and the rest of the folks will feel right about blasting someone over this. Simply. It is not worth the time the magazine put in it.

  43. Molly says:

    Interesting comments you wrote – some being true but many questionable and just obvious your opinion (who I guess some are allowed opinions and others aren’t). It is funny when someone (white, Christian men) make comments or state their beliefs everyone (well media and left) bash that person to no end and their feet are held to the fire. However, if you are a liberal or in the media and make outrageous comments, their feet are never held to the fire. So there are ramifications to what one says, but 9 out of 10 times it is only when it is from a “conservative” or “right winger” that that happens. (Alec Baldwin is about the only one recently that was fired for making a gay comment). Robertson’s whole point was there is no or a large lack of morality in this country. Everyone has been “zeroing” in on his homosexual reference which is what stirs all the controversy. He made a comment which covers the fact that people just sleep around with anyone; affairs; children born out of wedlock, parents not getting married, Relationships constantly changing. An overall opinion of the morality of today’s world. (All of which is a fact – watch some TV and “reality shows” Kim K, etc, lifestyles of the rich and famous Hollywood) He has the right to express that opinion when asked the question. Was he supposed to lie to the reporter? Everyone has gotten so thin skinned that no one can comment about anything anymore without being attacked.

  44. Lol someone pointed out that Islam condemns homosexuals to death and was ostracized for it. Yet the Christians are blamed for disagreeing with the practice of it and saying it is gross. How? … Never mind, the liberal mindset is too screwed up for me to understand.

    • theboeskool says:

      And I don’t understand the picture next to your name, Brent…. There are a a lot of things beyond all of our understanding, I suppose.

    • Well the picture… I am a F*cking superhero. Oh wait… You are distracting from the argument. I get it. You hate anyone who doesn’t think like you and you are incapable of defending your reasoning. Now before you go flailing about for an appropriate response, I want to warn you that I completely agree with the homosexual’s right to marry. Surprise. I just don’t like when Hypocritical liberals are constantly screaming for their right to say whatever they feel like and refusing those rights to anyone who doesn’t nod their head to everything they say.

      • theboeskool says:

        I was simply trying to lighten things up, Brent. I don’t hate you. And i am very capable of defending my reasoning. This is not the first post that I’ve written. Pick an issue (maybe “Muslims”) and search for it on the right of my blog…. Chances are pretty good that I’ve already spent some time defending my reasoning.

  45. IED says:

    I find this article interesting. I had to read it through several times to make sure my response and feedback matched up correctly. First, I found the intro paragraph conflicting. You stated that you did not care enough about the guy’s name to google it. However, just to the right of the paragraph is a photograph of the nameless guy’s face. Typically to find a photo of a person on the internet you would need to know even their basic information: name, affiliation, title.. etc. So this statement of not caring is negated by the existence of the photograph. Second, in this same paragraph you stated that you don’t care about what he said but then wrote an entire article centered on arguments about what he said. Naturally it would be assumed that you do, in fact, care even slightly about what he said. Moving on. I do agree with several of your “Five things to remember.” However, I think that the things to remember are weakened by your backup opinions that you followed them up with. Your statements come across gruff and crass. Had you refined your rantings, your argument would have been strengthened by your opinion. The only introductory statement for each of the five points I do not agree with is number four. You stated that “This is NOT religious persecution”. I would have to disagree and say that yes, it is religious persecution. He was stating his religious belief and got in trouble for that. I would have to say that he was being persecuted for his religious belief.

    I think that overall this article reads as angry, harsh, and written the night before it was due. It needs to be refined, read through, and thought out more. I think you set out to make excellent points but your opinions got in the way of your intentions. The “conversation” you started on this social “network” invited angry responses because of the tone people perceived it written in. I think the majority of your writing has some merit but could have been delivered in a more impactful way. Everyone should have the right to speak their opinion and have the opportunity for everyone to hear it. Sometimes we respond with anger and dismiss what is being said when it is spoken in a way that offends us. Please continue to speak your opinion and stand for your beliefs. It is, after all, a right given to us as Americans.

  46. Stevadore says:

    From your article: “There is absolutely nothing surprising or noteworthy about an old, white, southern, Christian hunter being grossed out about gay sex or believing that all the gays are going straight to Hell. There is nothing rare about this.” Um yeah, when the side of “tolerance” starts stereotyping people based on age, race, region, and religion, I’m confident the rest of his/her rant will be nothing but hypocrisy and the so called “hate” they claim to loathe and reject. Physician, heal thyself. I’m out…

  47. Stevadore says:

    Another viewpoint, for your consideration:http://www.russellmoore.com/2013/12/18/duck-dynasty/

  48. Jerry says:

    I do agree with a lot of what was said here, however I do not think this guy should have been fired. I would say there are a lot of Christians who watch MTV, & are offended when they see Miley Cyrus doing the things she does. Why is it , when she does her thing, it is called expressing her creative side, but if a Christian expresses his Christian view he is fired???

  49. Pingback: 'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson Suspended Over Anti-Gay Remarks. Thoughts? - Page 11

  50. lmgoode79 says:

    This is EXACTLY what I’ve been saying all day. #4 especially! Thank you for writing this. 🙂

    • D Mowry says:

      I have been a Christian all my life. I didn’t need to be reborn, and I agree with you completely. With his background, of sex drugs and rock n roll, (His own words) I don’t think he is anyone, that I would take advice from. It is NOT his place, or mine, to judge anyone. I don’t care for him, or any of his family, and I don’t care what he thinks.

      • Elizabeth says:

        So…what I interpret is that you will not take advice from someone who has sinned and especially not someone who admits their previous sins. Who do you get advice from then?

  51. paceaux says:

    howdy Mr. Boeskool. Thank you for writing a good article and addressing the subject from a non-emotional perspective. To make it easier for the trolls and impending flamers, I’ll clarify that I am a 30-ish, Texas-born, gun-toting, Jesus loving libertarian. And I’m white.

    Freedom of Speech is exactly that. The first amendment makes no mention of “freedom from consequences.” This, I believe, is the thesis of your first two points; Phil Robertson can say what he wants, and A & E can react however they want.

    With regard to your third point, that some sort of boycott or, other silly action won’t do any good…right again. Not only is the guy rich, I can’t seem to find a verse in the Gospels where Jesus said, “Go therefore, and boycott them, in the name of the Father…” Not even in The Message.

    On your fourth point, I disagree. All freedoms being equal, they didn’t have to suspend him. But they did. If he didn’t violate a legal contract and didn’t commit insubordination, then what legal argument does A & E have to suspend him?

    On your fifth point, bingo. Jesus also had an adulteress brought before him, with a crowd of people that had **full Biblical precedent** to kill her with rocks. Jesus, being the son of God, was the only one who was sinless and with the authority to cast the first stone. Instead of giving in to first-century-stoner-peer-pressure, He opted to love all of his children. He tells the crowd that it isn’t their job, and he tells a woman, “go and sin no more.” Jesus never said the woman *hadn’t* sinned, he told her not to do again.

    Everyone is a child of God, and we should treat them *all* like they are His Kids. I believe that the Bible is accurate in stating that homosexuality is a sin, but that person who is sinning is a child of God, just like I am. Jesus didn’t want a crowd to stone a woman – because he was looking at one of his own kids. Why push her away, when she has an opportunity to be saved? Christians should be as loving and kind with non-believers as Jesus was, because they deserve the same gift He gave us.

    • theboeskool says:

      Thank man. You should watch this. It really changed my mind about how clear the Bible actually was about the issue of homosexuality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezQjNJUSraY&noredirect=1

      Also, read this that I wrote a while ago: https://theboeskool.com/2012/02/24/gay-marriage-and-green-eggs-ham/

    • Lucy says:

      Love this. Love everyone equally. No judgements, no prejudices. Opinions are opinions. Everyone has different beliefs. I as a Christian believe in the Bible- others do not… I don’t hate them for it. Live and let live. Be kind to everyone. Wishful thinking…..

    • you can also be fired for going against company policy. i dont know any companies where discrimination is policy.

    • Jesus Freak says:

      Well written reply! Your last paragraph brought these verses to mind: 11 Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? 12 Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? 13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” -Luke 11:11-13- NASB

      Food for thought!

    • CindyL says:

      Simply put, I agree. I don’t think Phil R, would have anything but God fearing love for his fellow man-kind.

    • James says:

      Let me start this off with a quote from a famous lesbian, Lynn Lavner:

      “There are 6 admonishments in the Bible concerning homosexual activity, and our enemies are always throwing them up to us – usually in a vicious way and very much out of context.

      What they don’t want us to remember is that there are 362 admonishments in the Bible concerning heterosexual activity. I don’t mean to imply by this that God doesn’t love straight people, only that they seem to require a great deal more supervision.”

      Remember this throughout this article.

      I am going to attempt to keep this short and simple, so here we go.

      Some claim that Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 clearly say that homosexual sex is an abomination. In fact, it merits death. Isn’t it obvious that God hates homosexuality?

      Yes, depending on which translation you are using, Leviticus does say, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female, it’s an abomination.”

      However, a few points must be made about this statement:

      a) It appears in Leviticus, which was given to preserve the distinctive characteristics of the religion and culture of Israel. However, as stated in Galatians 3:22-55, Christians are no longer bound by these Jewish laws. Even if you, for some reason, argue that these “laws” are still important, then you surely follow all of them, right?

      It is interesting that people who use Leviticus against the Queer community forget the part that talks about religious sacrifices, making women sleep in tents outside during their period, the dietary restrictions placed on them and how to cleanse a leper, all of which appear in Leviticus.

      The laws of Leviticus are completely obsolete for today’s Christian; however, even if you do claim to live by the laws of Leviticus, it is not fair to pick and choose which laws you are going to live by, or condemn a people by, if you are not going to follow the others. You should not need any more convincing evidence than this; but if you do, be my guest.

      b) The word that was in the original work, “to’ebah,” which was translated into Greek as “bdglygma” actually means “ritual impurity” rather than abomination (or enormous sin). These passages in Leviticus can be translated to not mean homosexual sex generally, but only limiting homosexual sex in Pagan temples.

      c) This passage does not denounce homosexual behavior as a whole, but just the specific act of anal sex. This was meant for the prevention of disease. It was ruled unclean because it was physically unclean; however, hygiene has made wonderful advances since that time.

      d) These passages in Leviticus can be interpreted in many ways. I have seen it interpreted by scholars and priests to mean: “don’t have sex with another man in your wife’s bed;” “don’t have sex with another man in the temple;” and “don’t have sex with another man and pretend he is a woman,” just to name a few.

      I have never seen an interpretation in any Bible, or from any scholar, that specifically says to never have sex with a man.

      Some claim the Bible simply does not support gay marriage. Chapter two of Genesis defines marriage as a holy union between a man and a woman. And later, in Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus himself reiterates the traits of a traditional marriage. How can you argue that anything other than celibacy is honorable for gay and lesbian people?

      Yes, marriage is a holy union. However, in these passages, while Jesus reiterates (but does not require) the traditional marriage, he also provides an exception for eunuchs (castrated men – or otherwise impotent men, in today’s terms), and allowed them to be married, saying that this law is given to those to whom it applies.

      Because these eunuchs were born sexless, God made an exception for them because it was natural. The same applies to the Queer community today. Science has proven homosexuality is completely natural, so it seems God would allow for homosexual marriages.

      In Matthew 19: 4-5, Jesus encourages a traditional path, but does not discourage alternatives, except in the case of divorce.

      Jesus did stress purity of marriage, but not in regard to the sexes of the people within it. It can be seen that the reason that churches are against homosexual marriage is not because it is explicitly said by God, but because of a lack of instruction to specifically allow it.

      In the time that the Bible was written it would have been impossible to foresee the future to be able to specifically allow or forbid homosexual marriage.

      Some claim, in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he lists homosexuals amongst the many sinners who will not inherit the kingdom of God. Doesn’t that make God’s position on this vice very clear?

      If we look at the other types of people listed in this passage, we can understand what it is actually talking about. Law breakers, thieves, adulterers and drunks are specifically mentioned. The word “homosexual” was not found until the 1890s, so it would have been impossible for it to be in the original version.

      What actually appears in the original is Paul condemning those who are “effeminate” and “abusers of themselves with mankind.” In this context, the original Greek word, “malakos,” is translated into effeminate, or soft, which, more than likely, refers to someone who lacks discipline or moral control.

      In this passage, when Paul condemns “abusers of themselves with mankind,” he is speaking of male prostitutes.

      Then there are the people who claim that, even though science has proven that people don’t choose there sexual orientation, the fact remains that homosexuality is unnatural. Romans 1:26-27 tells us that humans have a sinful nature, and therefore commit sins against God. Certain people are predisposed to be alcoholics and pedophiles, but that doesn’t make their actions any less immoral. God tells us to “tear out your eye” if it makes you stumble. Why can’t you just accept homosexuality as the part of your nature you must deny?

      Because the Bible has gone through so many translations, and through the hands of many people (some being non-believers), it is not surprising that the meaning has become a little fuzzy in parts.

      Homosexuality is normal. The phrase “para physin” appears in the original text for this verse. This term is often translated to mean “unnatural;” however, more accurate translation would be unconventional.

      Proof for this can be found in 1 Corinthians 11:14 where Paul uses this phrase to refer to men with long hair (unconventional, not unnatural) and in Romans 11:24 where Paul uses this phrase to refer to the positive action God made to bring together the Jews and Gentiles.

      All in all, homosexuality is obviously not a sin, unless you take passages from the Bible and add your own words or you just try really hard to interpret it that way. Let’s just remember Galatians 5:14, where Paul stated, “…the whole Law is fulfilled in one Statement, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

  52. Your article is exactly what I was trying to communicate on my personal social media account. For the last couple of years, I cringe whenever I hear someone play the ‘Free speech, first amendment’ card, because 9 times out of 10 it’s a way for them to passive-aggressively advocate someone else’s stance on an issue without actually getting themselves dirty from directly stating their personal convictions. This exact situation has played out many times today over the Duck Dynasty fiasco, and I’m honestly stunned at the hypocrisy of my friends, family, and acquaintances.

    I definitely blew the whole thing out of proportion on Facebook because a lot of bottled-up pain finally came to a head for me. In the last month I’ve witnessed bigotry towards my minority friends, and learned that some people who I’ve known for years and thought I knew well are harboring strong prejudices. I see the ideological war between the anti-LGBT (Christian or otherwise) and LGBT communities being much more than a political issue. It’s one group of humans seeing themselves as superior to the other group. It transcends differing opinions and enters a large, ugly side of humanity: segregation and ostracizing.

    So, yeah, when I read about some random guy saying some random things, it wasn’t his words that got my attention. It’s the idea behind his words, and the fact that a surprising number of people advocate that idea, yet hide behind the defense of free speech for their pet philosophies that they’re too afraid to openly promote. I have a feeling that some reality show I’ve never even watched is going to expose those in my life who are closeted bigots, and in turn cause the end of a few of my friendships.

  53. Karen says:

    Why do the “LG community” get upset over the plain truth??

  54. Missy Taylor, MD says:

    I wonder why you conveniently ignore this part of the interview?

    “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later….”

  55. john says:

    Hey Michael, in your opening statement you wrote you don’t know this guys name. You know the company he works for, you know he is an old white christian, you were surprised that he believes homosexuals and all other sinners are going to hell if they don’t turn from there ways and accept Christ, you’ve seen his merchandise all over wall mart, you know the name of his show and you obviously read them interview. You don’t know his NAME? If your opening statement is a lie, it certainly makes me question the validity of the rest of your comments.

    • theboeskool says:

      Actually, when I started writing, I didn’t know his name. I was trying to be a little funny, but I was actually telling the truth. I’d heard about the show, and I had spent a little bit of time discussing the situation on a Facebook thread. I hadn’t read the whole interview (I found the link when I wrote the word “HERE”). And I add the pictures last. I now know that his name is Phil. But feel free to believe what you you want….

    • Bob Riehl says:

      I knew that stuff, too…and I don’t know his name, and don’t care to know it!

    • Rallyforth Jermaine says:

      He may just prefer to not mention his name

    • Stacey says:

      I don’t know his name or any of their names either, and I too have seen them all over Walmart, and I also know the name of the show, etc. Why is it surprising the author doesn’t know his name? Probably most people who don’t watch the show don’t know the characters’ names. And I’m not looking it up either.

      • D Mowry says:

        Just because I’ve seen his picture. etc, doesn’t mean I know his name? I didn’t either till this mess broke out. And I’ve forgotten it already. One of the sites, quotes him, saying he was all sex drugs n rock n roll for years. including selling hard drugs, I don’t think he’s anyone I would take advice from, on any subject. I’m not judging him, that’s not in my “jobs” title. I don’t think he is anyone that should be judging others, It’s not his job, either.

    • Duane says:

      Who honestly doesn’t know the show and station their on!? If you watch cable TV of ANY kind or walk into a Wal-Mart as the author wrote, you’re gonna know the show, and you’re gonna know the network, but if you don’t actually WATCH the show….how the hell you gonna know his name!? You’re not. Just like I didn’t know his name until looking further into the whole thing.So don’t be so damned quick to judge; otherwise, feel free to read someone else’s opinions.

  56. Melanie J. says:

    A & E is his employer. If you are employing someone and completely disagree with something they’ve stated in a public interview, during which they were representing the show that employs them, (because nobody would even know who he was if it wasn’t for the show) that show has every right to fire or suspend him. I’m quite sure that’s clearly stated in the contract they signed anyway. If I represented my company in a light they didn’t care for, I’d be fired. Imagine if you were the boss for a minute, would you want to have to keep someone you thought was a total jerk employed? And continue to pay them? It’s within his rights to say whatever he wants, it’s also within the rights of his employer to respond accordingly. A & E isn’t saying he can’t say it, they’re saying he can’t say it and still be on their show. The choice was still his.

    • Kimberlee Hart says:

      Agree…whether he likes it or not, he was a representative of the company that employed him at the time of the interview. They are entitled to protect their “brand”, and dismiss someone who does not represent what they stand for. It is a popular show (although I’ve never seen it), and a public interview, and A&E had the right to take action, just as the gentleman (Phil, is it?) had the right to express his opinion…and accept the consequences.

    • jeff says:

      SO can a Christian company fire someone for promoting a gay pride parade? or would that be wrong?

      • T. says:

        I don’t think he was fired for being a Christian (obviously not, the show centered around the idea of them being Christians). I think he was suspended for saying homosexuality would morph into beastiality, which is akin to hate speech, which is not protected by the First Amendment.

      • Craig says:

        It happens often, actually. This man wasn’t fired for promoting a gay pride parade. He was just fired for legally getting married. But, he did violate a clause in his contract by doing so, which I bet is the reason Phil has been put on hiatus from A&E.

      • Only if they do it as a member of their company. If they do it while representing the company then the company can discipline them or fire them, it’s their prerogative. This guy was giving an interview as a participant on A&E’s show so they have the right to censure or fire him for his comments that disagree with their policy.

        If a person goes and promotes a gay pride parade, but as an individual, and is not known to be representing that company, then yes, firing them would be wrong. If Phil had just made his comments as part of a personal gathering and the media had heard about it, but the gathering had nothing to do with the show or with A&E, then it would be wrong of them to take any action.

      • theboeskool says:

        Yes. Yes they can. In most states, they can fire someone for BEING gay because there is no federal protection for people who are LGBT. Isn’t that so messed up?

      • NoisyCricket says:

        jeff has a good question here. Why is nobody responding?

        Does ‘tolerance’ go both ways?

      • NoisyCricket says:

        Obviously my page wasn’t refreshed when I said nobody was responding….

  57. MistyLane says:

    I agree that so-called christians can often be the worst examples. And hate speech and hateful treatmment towards the homosexual community is a big problem. But, this is just wrong. It’s wrong of you to make an example out of the wrong man. It’s wrong of you to comment on the words of someone whose words you dont know. You say you didn’t read them, but then make it seem as if you know he said that gays are going to hell. I know this isn’t a free speech issue because A&E is a private entity not the government. But freedom of religion is extended to private companies. They cannot discriminate based on someone’s religious beliefs. And when someone expresses those beliefs during their own time without using any bigoted slurs or hate speech and then they lose their position that is discrimination. Period. Him being treated this way after having a history and reputation of being open and kind to all kinds of people including homosexuals is just going to add fuel to the fire of the extreme religious right wingers. Squelching hate speech is a good thing to persue. But if you expect to tear down people’s religious beliefs in the process you may very well be fighting a losing battle. Attack the hate not the religion.

      • Truth says:

        no hate speach?

        “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he tells reporter Drew Magary. “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

        Basically says you start gay then go out have sex with animals and orgies.

        Sounds pretty nice and loving to me

    • MistyLane says:

      That is not what he said, that is your supposition of what he meant after taking it out of context. You have to remember it was an interview and he was answering a specific question. You’ll see he was not saying one led to the other. Most of the quote you posted was from the Bible. That is his religion.

      • Truth says:

        that is a direct quote from his interview, and you find one sentence of that quote in the bible….

        i see ZERO questions that could make that sort of answer acceptable.

        Also, he is getting his opinion from a book that also says you should stone unruly children and not eat shell fish (which being from the south i am 100% sure he does)

        Love those who cherry pick what they agree with and ignore the rest.

      • MistyLane says:

        Just because you dont see the question doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. It was an interview. and that “sentence” takes up half the quote. It’s his religion and his right to believe it and speak it. And you are taking a lot of things out of context today aren’t you?

      • kriterrei says:

        I agree with you Misty…… He was asked what he thought sin was and he stated his opinion which is allowed and it was a series of things and OMG he was one of those, a drunkard! You all don’t have to agree with it. That’s not for you to judge him for. I am sure all of you have specific things that you strongly are for or against and have stated so whether or not you knew you were gonna get slammed on or not for it. Get over it. He is entitled to his opinion whether or not we agree with it. He doesn’t hate the gays, he doesn’t think it’s right but no where did he state the words “I hate gays”……. I don’t agree with his belief in what he thinks is “sin” but I support him for standing up for what he believes in, I support anyone who is strong enough to say what they mean and stand up for what they believe in that is what make America great is the fact that we are all so different in looks, opinions, religions, etc…… So quit bashing each other and Phil… It is just ugly all the way around. Those who bash him for not believing in what today’s society is supposed to believe in are just being hypocritical. You can support your opinion with out being ugly. Just say, “respect what you have to say but I disagree with you…. this is what I believe…..” and then agree to disagree then move the hell on.

      • Truth says:

        which sentence is that? because he has no quotes from the bible in there, those are HIS words based on his personal view on the bible.

      • kriterrei says:

        1 Corinthians Chapter 6
        9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

        10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

        Here is the quote from the bible, and the effeminate is what we in the 21st century call homosexual. Phil just put it in modern words.
        I am not a religious person but I had to check it out do my own research and yuup there it is in black and white what the bible says about what is sin. This is HIS and many others beliefs just accept and move on. And I myself will agree to disagree and support him for speaking the truth of what he believes in.

    • Laura Heck says:

      But the hate came from religion. He was referencing the Bible when he made those remarks. His hate was literally derived from his religion. You cannot claim they are separate. For many, this is the case — for him it is.

      • theboeskool says:

        One can, if one so desires, pull a rationale for literally EVERY KIND OF HATE out of the Bible, Laura. People have been doing it since way before there was a thing called “The Bible.” It’s actually one of the things that Jesus got so frustrated with….

    • Laura Heck says:

      But the hate came directly from the religion in this case. He was referencing the Bible when he made those comments; he derived his views from his bible. You cannot separate his hate from his religion. For some people, they don’t get hate from religion — he did. His religion is responsible for leading him to this hate.

      • MistyLane says:

        What evidence do you have that he hates any one. He basically just said, in his red-neck vernacular, “I dont get it” And “I believe it’s a sin”. People do things all the time that I dont understand or agree with. Doesn’t mean I hate them.

      • Donny Fultz says:

        Christians are to hate ALL sin. It’s not complicated. Yours, mine, everyone’s. But love the sinner.

    • For the record, First Amendment rights extend to businesses as well, just as religious rights. However, as the author illustrated, this is not a First Amendment right issue because he was 100% allowed and able to say what he did…obviously. However, it is EQUALLY acceptable to be suspended or fired for IMPROPER SPEECH when representing a franchise or business or when in the business environment. Perfect example, two professionals in a work place environment of opposite sex. Professional A tells Professional B: “That’s a sweet ass!” Prof. A has expressed their freedom of speech; however, it is also violating Prof B, a harm against Prof. B. Prof A would immediately be suspended from working their further. This is something resoundingly supported by the U.S. Supreme Court. Continuing with this, you claim there is also a religious component to this: that his religious beliefs are torn down. That is also incorrect, as the author explains. It was not that he simply expressed his religious beliefs, it was the intent that was provided with such speech (what usually helps determine HATE speech). Going back to Prof. A and Prof B: If Prof A tells Prof B “God’s gonna judge you homo!” You can expect an identical suspension of Prof A. by the company as was witnessed by Phil and A&E. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequence.

      • MistyLane says:

        But he didn’t say that and it wasn’t “on the job”. The argument that he was representing the company because the only reason he was being interviewed is because he is a star of the show does not mean they own him 24/7. And stating your religious belief is not the same as sexual harrassment. Let me give you an example: If a man says that’s a sweet ass to a woman at work, yes he is in violation of sexual harassment laws. But if he says “I dont believe women should be preachers, it makes me uncomfortable when I see women preachers on TV. It isn’t right” while out with friends from work on his own time, he cannot be fired for that if it is the express belief of his religion. Women who hear it may be offended. They may think his religion is a bunch of bunk. But for him to be fired for stating his religious beliefs on his own time because the boss just doesn’t like his beliefs is discrimination. This is especially so if other employees regularly express their beliefs without any recourse. That shows directly that it is discriminatory. The problem is they dont like what the person believes. You can’t fire someone for that reason, especially if that person can prove it is an established doctrine of their stated religion. And keep in mind the express purpose of this interview was to get his view on things.

  58. Anthony says:

    Ok so I will put this out there for y’all.he was asked questions and he answered them honestly and they are in fact his opinions and beliefs. If I call someone a fag and you take offense to it that’s your pr

  59. Anthony says:

    Ok so I will put this out there for y’all.he was asked questions and he answered them honestly and they are in fact his opinions and beliefs. If I call someone a fag and you take offense to it that’s your problem not mine. If you are kissing your boyfriend and my kids see it and I take offense to it that’s my problem and if y’all can voice your opposition to something I can voice that my kids shouldn’t be subjected to seeing it. Here’s the short of it stop getting butthurt cause you don’t like what someone says about you. Bunch of crybabies.

  60. Tristan Antoszwski says:

    Isn’t it just the tiniest bit hypocritical to profile the guy (How could I guess that an old, white Souther Christian hunter would disapprove of gay people?), then bitch about his intolerance?

  61. Mario Diana says:

    Did he make a distinction between homosexuals and drunks, people who have casual sex, those who slander or swindle others, greedy people and others? His point was that, according to Christianity, all these things (and more!) are sinful. If you notice, it isn’t even clear that he ranked what he listed as sins. Did you notice that he then goes on to say:

    “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

    In other words even those whom he thinks are putting their immortal souls at risk and separating themselves from their Creator are eligible for Salvation. Moreover, believers ought to “judge not” and leave judgment to God, and instead open their hearts to those they perceive as violating God’s commandments.

    Is anyone surprised by any of this? Who’s shocked by this? This kind of thing is being preached in pulpits of many mainstream Christian denominations each and every Sunday. And it’s being preached with good reason: because this is exactly what the Bible says and what Christianity teaches.

    Now, for the record, so that no one assumes something that isn’t the case, I’m not Christian. I’m an atheist. And I’m all for casual sex. I’m straight, but I don’t think anyone ought to stand in the way of two people who love one another, so I’m all for gay marriage and all that. (If anything, straight married people have done more in the last 50 or 60 years to harm the institution of marriage than anything that could be blamed on what homosexuals will supposedly do to “undermine” marriage.) I’m ambivalent to greed, since I think much of what is called “greed” doesn’t deserve the opprobrium, but I’ll sign on for slandering and swindling and—what the hell!—even idolatry as being “sinful.” But what I won’t sign up for is the self-righteousness of people enjoying the sanctioned Two Minutes Hate by the self-appointed “enlightened.” With all the things going wrong in this country we ought to all upset ourselves over the fact that somebody basically voiced the Christian doctrine that tens of millions of people in this country believe, or that some half-educated redneck thinks the things that homosexuals do are icky? We ought to pat ourselves on the back at how quickly we “share” our “outrage” with our “friends” on Facebook?

    Who cares? This guy and his opinions are the kind of things at which sane people shake their heads and chuckle over. Don’t watch his show. The reaction to all this that we’re seeing is ding-a-ling silly. No one in his or her right mind—gay, straight, or idolater—could be offended by what he has to say. You know why? TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE GUY. And, please, get a grip.

    • theboeskool says:

      Did anyone actually read what I wrote. I am not making the case that this dude is a bad guy. I DON’T watch the show. I have a grip.

      • MistyLane says:

        Look, you said a lot of great things. And your greater point was a good one. But I got stuck on the first paragraph where you said you didn’t care to know what he said, but then said his words were offensive and then said this: “Myself? I really don’t care what he said. There is absolutely nothing surprising or noteworthy about an old, white, southern, Christian hunter being grossed out about gay sex or believing that all the gays are going straight to Hell. There is nothing rare about this.” I dont mind the profiling of my local white men, I live here in the south, I can see it. (even though I live in a big city so I dont quite see his type very often) But it’s that you presumed to know what he said when you didn’t. Then there are your words in point 4 where you say his words you dont care to know are “completely offensive” and that you have friends who believe it’s wrong but dont say that gays are heading straight to hell – which implies that is what he said. You say it isn’t about him and that you weren’t interested in him but you crucified him in your post it seems to me. Look, I dont like the show. I dont like reality shows period. I have seen an episode or 2 and I do see the draw. They are very witty with no bleeps or screaming or hatefulness but I’m not impressed with red-neck ways over-all. Not my thing. Plus like all reality shows it seems fake and scripted. They over-do the stereotype for show.

        My fear is that making him a pariah when in actuality he seems to be one of the more open and nicer of the christian types parading on tv lately is going to cause a huge backlash. There are plenty of horribly offensive so-called christians out there spouting real hate that we could be talking about.

      • theboeskool says:

        Listen closely: It is NOT about what he said. We all say/believe stupid things from time to time. It is about the REACTION that people have to this…. One side or another.

      • MistyLane says:

        Well, then “look”, you shouldn’t have commented on what he said. And you certainly shouldn’t have misquoted him. All Im suggesting. And only since you asked.

    • Harrison says:

      Right on! Very well said and I notice no snappy reparte to boot!

    • KP says:

      Said “half-educated redneck” happens to have a master’s degree.

  62. Nathan says:

    I do take issue with 4. This is the same channel that began intentionally editing out the prayer at the end of the show and any reference to God. It was only when Phil pushed back that they added it back in. While I don’t believe he was suspended for his religious beliefs, A&E has made it pretty clear where they stand and to say that is wasn’t a factor when they’ve already demonstrated the contrary is naive at best. For the record, I believe they had every right to suspend him, I just wish they were as up fornt and honest about why as he was about the topic in the interview.

    • theboeskool says:

      That is not persecution, Nathan. A private business making a decision that they don’t want their show to be religious is NOT persecution. It’s just not. The definition of words is important.

      • Nathan says:

        Persecution was your word, not mine. I think we’ve established that A&E has the right to do whatever they want, but you made the case that their decision to suspend him had nothing to do with religion. If that’s true then why make an effort to remove it from the show? Clearly they had an issue with the extent to which it was being conveyed on the show and they’ve demostrated that. Portrying A&E as some champion of gay rights (and I don’t mean you necessarily, just in general) simply because it’s the right thing to do just isn’t fair or accurate. They are clearly pro LGBT rights and at the very least sheepish about overt christianity and Phil is at the opposite end of that spectrum. Lets just be honest about it.

      • Nathan says:

        If they made a decision based on religion before, you’re going to have a hard time convincing me that it isn’t at least a factor is this one.

  63. Lauren says:

    I really appreciate #5. That is a wonderful point and it made me so happy to read it. Thank you.

  64. Irad Micah-El says:

    First off, this is utterly biased toward one side, and that is Zach Galifianakis, any DD member… I am an atheist btw, and still think its wrong… Anyone ever read The Naked Ape? A completely liberal atheist stated that homosexual responses were not natural in nature and he studied apes for over 30 years, as well as other documentation that led to his exegesis on sexual trends in humans… and this is a book that the LBGTQ community quotes as being standard against conservative arguments… This has started a revolution…

    • KateDamo says:

      Obviously that naturalist didn’t study all apes.Bonobos (pygmy chimps) take part in sexualbacts with the same sex on a regular basis. As well as over a dozen other species of animals.

    • MistyLane says:

      I majored (but didn’t finish) in animal psychology, my particular interest was feline as I was interested in being a feline behaviorist. Yes I took a course called feline sexuality and it included what was called “abnormal sexuality”. After learning about gender confusion, homosexuality, etc in animals I tell my homosexual companions they dont want to use animals as proof that it is natural or a good thing. lol Animals and humans are very different in many respects. Behavior is a major one. For animals its almost entirely an intricate interaction between hormones and instinct. Homosexuality and gender confusion is almost always found to be from disease or biological dysfunction and always leads to infertility and thus is pretty much never genetic.

      • theboeskool says:

        Please don’t. Just…. don’t.

      • MistyLane says:

        I didn’t say it applied to humans. What’s your problem with animal sexuality?

      • You may not have directly said it applies to humans, but you sure as sh*t just implied it.

      • Ken Hillman says:

        Misty, as someone well versed in Leviticus (I have read it a few times in Hebrew and several other times in English) I can tell you that there is one verse referencing Homosexuality: the same number of times as the fact that you can be put to death for wearing a garment made from two materials, you can be put to death for touching the skin of a pig, if your child is insolent they shall be publicly stoned. There are rules for how to treat your slave, if you can marry the slave from a conquered village and definite rules of dietary laws (no shellfish, no pig because they do not have a split hoof and chew their cud). But it says 37 times some variation of “Be kind to the stranger among you for you were strangers in the land of Egypt”. Thirty Seven. So please spare me the religious purity where poor Phil (and yeah, I thought he was pretty funny up until this) could have answered those questions 1,000 ways without either being hypocritical to his own beliefs or getting fired (“after all of my sinning, I take a very literal approach to the bible” without specifically lumping homosexuality with swindlers and bestiality. You play football Misty? Wear Poly Cotton blends? Then step a way from stones…because WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR WHAT HE SAID ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE!!!

      • MistyLane says:

        I meant quite the opposite. That is why I said: “Animals and humans are very different in many respects. Behavior is a major one.” How can you not get that that means what I then said did NOT apply to humans????

      • MistyLane says:

        At Ken, I think you replied in the wrong place. I know a bit of Hebrew myself and have studied ancient Hebrew and Canaanite history to understand the background of those laws. Again taking any of it out of context is useless. As one who knows Hebrew you doubtless know that the Hebrew word e’vedh is not limited to persons owned by others. A great portion of the law was about preventing disease and the spread of disease at a time when the study of microbiology and availability of refrigeration was millenniums in the future. (Thus the dietary restrictions) You also know that how e’vedh were treated was strictly regulated under the law and that one couldn’t be forced into labor unless they were a criminal or prisoner of war. All this would explain why many e’vedh were said to have their own property, money, and did business, and why many chose to stay in their position past their time of service. And of course you know that the law didn’t say parents could kill their child for being unruly or insolent. Even in our society we have the death penalty and parents have to go along with it for very egregious acts. The context shows it was an especially egregious ongoing and non-reformable blasphemous hateful person who cursed his parents (that doesnt mean what you think it means, it’s an actual threat).

        At any rate none of this has anything to do with my comments about freedom to express ones religious beliefs regardless. And this isn’t the place for it. I’ve never said what my religious view are or what I think about homosexuality.

        And the law was a contract for Jews any way and last I checked Phil isn’t Jewish.

        He claims to be a Christian. He could have answered many ways I’m sure, but I think he went with the truth. The purpose of the interview was to get HIS thoughts. His view. What else was the guy there for than to find out what PHIL thinks? So how is PHIL to answer but with HIS beliefs and authentic feelings? I would have answered very differently, but then again, I’m not PHIL.

    • Sara says:

      I am a wildlife biologist. Homosexuality is found in all sorts of animals, primates included, for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes, it’s a power thing. Sometimes males will “play” to learn proper sexual behaviors when young, or engage in those activities when females are in low supply (or they are not alpha enough to get one)…and surprisingly, some animals have been observed to prefer same sex companions. And in captive environments (some could argue the human condition is more similar to a captive environment), it is relatively more common.

      I have seen some early works where people claim there is no homosexuality in animals, but those works are normally biased. It definitely does happen, though one really can’t say if it’s for the same reasons it happens (some studies have suggested it happens more frequently when populations are high, but I am not sure I believe that). Bring your child to a zoo on a Saturday morning and you’re likely to see it.

    • Sara says:

      Homosexuality occurs in many animal populations. Sometimes it’s just because females are in short supply (or the animal isn’t alpha enough to get a girl). Sometimes, young males “practice” on each other (that’s actually pretty common in apes) to learn how to do it for real. Sometimes, they just prefer the same sex. It’s fairly common in captive animals too (probably more so than wild animals). Some would argue that the human condition is more like “captivity.”

      Early work that claimed there was no homosexuality in animals was pretty biased. We can’t be sure that it’s for the same reasons that humans display the trait (some suppose it happens more often when populations are high and breeding isn’t needed, but I don’t know if I agree with that), but we can be 100% sure IT HAPPENS. Heck, bring your kids any given Saturday to a zoo, and you’re likely to see it.

      • Sara says:

        Sorry this was posted twice. It said it didn’t go through the first time so I reposted. I think the first one was better written!

  65. My favorite comedian said ” You can’t fix stupid ” we can only call out this condition when we see it and hope that enough of people let them know so they , one day , figure out how ignorant they really are. This is a really good article , thanks.

  66. Free man says:

    The fact is that, yes most freedom of speech is used in a one sided matter. But what Phil’s said was his view based on his belief in God. And it’s his freedom to say it, and yes he still has a consequence for what he said. But my main question is why does it seem that anything that is based on a biblical belief seem to suffer the most critical repercussion when things opposing biblical beliefs are embraced by so many with open arms, and when it does get a opposing response it goes straight to accusations of hate.
    It’s my belief that it’s my duty to share the love that has been shared to me NO MATTER what they believe or what they chose to do with there life, but this doesn’t mean I have to agree with them and if asked I’m force to share my belief. Sometimes it’s best to not ask the questions you already know the answer to just to throw that person under the bus.

  67. Nicole says:

    Christians do believe there should be more sex before marriage and only a man shall love a woman and he quoted the Bible… therefore… for all you non- christians this is a religious subject. Freedom of speech?? not to much because he needs to watch what he says but EVERYONE that watches the show knows they are christian.. well wake-up… christians that follow the Bible do not think homesexuality is right… Will they hate you or treat you different? no they won’t. But it does not mean they think it is right.

  68. Nicole says:

    Shouldn’t be any****** hahaha well that sounded great

  69. Ken Bradley says:

    I feel its pretty degrading to define people solely based upon their sexuality. But groups like GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign feel it is very important to characterize, classify and compartmentalize people then define what is offensive to individuals within those boundaries. Phil is very clear that the act is sinful in the same way his life has been littered with sinful acts. And free speech has consequences? I know that is what you learned in barista school diversity training, but this was settled a long time ago with the Alien and Sedition Acts.

  70. Medb says:

    I appreciate your clarity. I’m bi, and as far as the duck dynasty guy I’ve really been more offended by the a lot of the responses to him than by what he said originally. I’m also unimpressed at how much the racial things he said are overlooked in comparison.

    • theboeskool says:

      Seriously…. The responses are so much worse. And people haven’t even HEARD about his racial ignorance. But what are you going to do, right? Some people are ignorant. 🙂

  71. U know what this world is a fuckin joke by all means I hate the government. If people don’t like me I don’t like them I love gay people. Religious beliefs should not be discriminated against an A&E had. Had. No right to suspend Phil because. Of his beliefs I don’t like aethism so should I be suspended just be cause I don’t like what a person believes in. We aren’t allowed to pledge the allegiance anymore were not allowed to recite the Ten Commandments or merry Christmas or preach the gospel on the street when people are lost broken hearted. And homeless We aren’t allowed to say the N Word but the black people say it any way in rap music and they talk about rape or the subject of abortion come on. I don’t want this country turning us is to Islam or tell us we don’t have a god well we do and he is the one who is Judge I was judged because I’m learning disabled all my life and the ignorance of There idiocies I don’t like it listen up I don’t like playing games with sissies like A&E congrati to u u just made Yourself a fool and u got dog shit in your face for that this is your last and final warning DONT do it again we have your address and phone number so if I was you I’d be looking behind your back so get with it and start getting a life if not. It’s my gain and your loss u whistle blower😡😡😡👎👊😠👇👹👹👹👹👹👹👹

  72. MistyLane says:

    Remember he was answering direct questions. And for a company to ask their employee to lie about their religious beliefs would be religious discrimination.

  73. Ashley says:

    Here’s a thought, why is freedom of speech only for the gay community? So what he said some things people didn’t agree with? Sticks and stones. It’s ok for people to be gay and everyone is just supposed to be ok with to but let a man speak his beliefs and it’s over. I know plenty of gay people who don’t agree but understand he had the right to Say what he said. Everyone needs to quit being so damn sensitive and worry about their own selves!

    • theboeskool says:

      You’re not going to get it, Ashley….

    • Ken Hillman says:

      Here’s another…he had a right to what he said-A&E had the right to can his ass for being a homophobic and racist employee and a poor reflection of their brand, their show and their network. And you have every right to think it’s wrong, but even the most stringent protection of th free speech ends at yelling fire in crowded movie theater (Schenck v. U.S.) and as was so capably stated above: there is no constitutional protection from consequences after saying stupid shit in a magazine…

  74. Reblogged this on English Major Malfunctions and commented:
    I’ve been thinking most of this all day. Well said.

  75. chocolatecakesandchocolatepies says:

    This country will fall soon because of its tolerant nature. I’m no bigot, gay, lesbian, bisexual, republican, democrat, what have you. I’m just a normal guy who truly thinks that if this nation embraces this *watch out for everyone’s feelings* horseshit, then whoever wants to take this country from us could just waltz right in and nab it straight from under our pussy asses. Get your heads on straight.

  76. Mark H says:

    A&E has the right to suspend Phil for his behavior, and Duck Dynasty’s millions of viewers have the right to boycott A&E for the network’s actions. In hindsight A&E will probably wish that it left Phil alone.

  77. Alexander says:

    You know at the beginning of the day I supported this guy and his freedom of speech, but as you pointed out there were flaws in my thinking. I didn’t make it an issue of sexual orientation but one of freedom of speech. I want to thank you for proving my mistakes and helping me be more aware of how my support affects my friends and family. God bless or Universe bless or Science bless, whatever you choose.

  78. Dawn says:

    1) This IS a free speech issue; there is no law against being offense
    2) (read carefully, this is super-duper important), this is America, you GET to change the channel Don’t like it, the message, the actors, their lifestyles, their religious orientation, don’t watch their show. Plain and simple I don’t understand why everyone (subject irrelevant) thinks we should all believe like they do. Where is the diversity in that, our nation of immigrants?

  79. Mark H says:

    Also, I find it just a wee bit hypocritical that many of the people decrying Phil’s “intolerant” remarks can’t express their views without being intolerant themselves, calling him and his supporters “rednecks”, “mouth-breathers”, “inbreds”, etc. But I guess that kind of intolerance is OK.

  80. Derek says:

    Thank You, God Bless you and continue to pursue His truth and His love for those who are broken around us.

  81. It’s not controversial that the network distanced themselves from Robertson’s personal views. Most people could accept that. A&E, however, went too far when they put Robertson on “indefinite suspension.” This act is a violation of personal liberty and free speech (and perhaps, employment). If A&E thought this was a good business decision, they will soon find out that they bowed to the wrong agenda. (See my “Duck Controversy?” http://thinkpoint.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/duck-controversy/)

  82. guthrie says:

    I do not ‘stand with Phil’. That being said, I *partially* disagree with this writer’s point #4. On the one hand what he said can be construed as offensive. On the other hand, he is being attacked (sometimes viciously) by those offended, some whom purport to be supportive of ‘tolerance’.

    This gentleman (Phil) is being excoriated in some quarters based upon an *idea*, specifically an idea expressed. There is no evidence that this gentleman has caused any harm, or been anything other than respectful to those around him. He expressed a belief that many millions also believe in to one degree or another. That doesn’t make the idea or belief correct, but it also doesn’t make him (or any else) the antichrist.

    (The fact that he issued a statement at a later time, explicitly stating that Christians ought to love everyone and treat everyone with respect carries little water with some, which is a shame)

    I don’t understand the strategy of demonizing anyone in the name of ‘tolerance’. Someone especially who hasn’t done anything other than speak his mind after being asked a direct question. What’s the end game? What’s the goal? To convince those who hold similar beliefs that they’re wrong? To logically expose the inherent flaws of a faith-based approach to sexuality in a calm, rational manner… at some point *after* the vitriol is spewed? Or is it merely a signal to other like-minded folk that you’re one of the ‘good guys’, and ‘hey, aren’t I clever ripping on this (fill in the blank)’?

    What I *really* don’t get is why anyone is surprised or shocked. This show is billed as the ‘God and Guns show’. I mean, who didn’t see this coming? This can also be said to those who ‘Stand with Phil’ (per point #1)…

    I agree this isn’t a free speech issue. However, in this country, people have the right to be wrong. People have the right to be stupid. They have the right to hold beliefs and express principals and ideas that are offensive to others. So long as no harm comes to others, so long as there is no action which separates another human being from life, liberty, or property, then what consequence can come from allowing people their sometimes-wrong, sometimes-offensive ideas?

    Honestly, the more someone is upset by words spoken and ideas expressed, the less confident they appear to be in their own beliefs and ideas.

    Per Point #3, let’s face it… NO ‘grand act’ on either side will be of much use or effect, quite frankly… it’ll only help to muddy the waters further.

    If he is suspended or ‘fired’ by A&E, that’s their business. It won’t make much of a difference as far as the issues raised are concerned.

    Were I to imagine one of my friends who happens to be gay reading this, then I would hope my words would inspire a more intelligent and thoughtful response to this issue. At the very least I would hope they might relax a bit, if they were upset. So what the guys a little famous? All kinds of celebrities (for example) endorsed Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, and Mitt Romney… to no effect. This is *one guy* who’s ideas are clearly in an eddy in the flow of the general culture. He’s espousing a belief which has less and less power, influence, or resonance in our nation as the days pass. This teapot tempest won’t even wind up being a footnote.

    This is at best – and at worst – a conversation starter. It’s possible to maintain good nature and a positive attitude even while disagreeing with someone. If one claims to support ‘tolerance’, why not start by ‘tolerating’ people who honestly believe as he does? Because that’s where the rubber meets the road. Then perhaps we can all get somewhere in our discussions…

    • debby says:

      This is the most eloquent, thoughtful, and sensible reaction to this issue that I’ve come across. Thank you! A friend of mine of few words said it best, “Don’t ask someone for their opinion unless you’re willing to tolerate it.”

  83. Ruth B says:

    The Bible has principles of right living. The New Testament advocates love…love of all people. Jesus states that He came not to condemn but to save. He did not choose perfect people as His disciples but imperfect ones. I feel all this stuff about Phil and A & E has gotten blown way out of proportion. There is so many other things people ought to concern themselves with than this. No one is perfect or without sin. Let it go and be at peace.

  84. s bub says:

    Believing something is wrong does not equal hate. I believe if a child plays in traffic bad things will happen. Same with ignoring what the Bible says is right and wrong behavior. Doesn’t mean I hate children or homosexuals.

  85. Kiley says:

    Tell me why a gay person has such a chip on their shoulder!? It’s like you guys always have a point to prove! When someone says something about a gay person you get all tore up. It’s hilarious. And yes the Bible says clearly it’s a sin to lay with the same sex. I am 100% Christian. And I’m not doing the freedom of speech thing for Phil Robertson I’m mad over the whole suspending thing just because a group of gays heard one person said it was a sin. All I can say is the truth will stand when the worlds on fire!

  86. Nick says:

    I actually wrote this as a comment to a friend on their facebook wall earlier in the day…seemed to go hand in hand with what you said here…

    I know I’m going to take a lot of flack for this, but just hear me out…Just like his comments have no real effect on your life or the lives of LGBT men and women, the marriage between two men or two women, or a relationship between them, has no effect on your life or your marriage. It was Phil’s choice to speak the way he did and to affirm his beliefs, and kudos to him for having the bravery to do so, but in today’s world, there are consequences for making comments like that. It doesn’t mean he’s a bad person, but it means he needed to think of the consequences before he spoke. He works for a very public company and is a major public image for that company, ABC-Disney has every right to discipline their employees for not upholding their company ideals and beliefs. Think about it, if you had been in a position to be interviewed for a magazine while working at gmc, but had let slip about how you were worshiping the devil or wanting to commit genocide, I don’t think Charley and the gang would have taken too kindly to that. I know it’s two completely and very different scenarios, but just like Phil was able to share his beliefs, A&E and Disney have the right to share their beliefs and their belief is one of support of the LGBT community. The point I’m trying to make is, no one should be or feel directly effected from Phil’s remarks, but as a public figure, he needs to think before he speaks or face the consequences. And one last thing, the world has changed SO much since the Bible was first written, and we no longer follow EVERY. SINGLE. PART. of it to a T, so why has this one piece, the anti-homosexuality part of the book, get followed and scrutinized so much more than pretty much every other part of the Bible. The most important teachings of the Bible are “love thy neighbor” and “do unto others as you would have done unto you”. If the world could follow those rules, accept that the world is not the same as it was when the Bible was written, and realize that a marriage between men or women has absolutely no effect on you, your life, or your marriage, other than an effect you let happen mentally or emotionally to yourself for some strange reason, then the world will just be a better place…

    • Nate Woltz says:

      So just follow what you want and disregard whatever doesn’t fit you? That makes no sense. That becomes no faith and no religious aspects. Atheist you are young one possibly

      • Nick says:

        Nope, not an Atheist, just someone who is educated and realizes the world has changed and that the Bible should be more of a guide to life rather than strict rules to follow.

      • Nick says:

        Also, I also know Jesus was friends with a prostitute, so he’d probably be ok with gay people. You know, it seems like all that anti-homosexuality stuff came from the Old Testament which had a more angry and vengeful God, but then the New Testament came along with Jesus preaching peace and to love everyone. So, if Jesus is God in flesh and he preaches love everyone in later times, seems like God had a change of heart too. Just a thought. Take from it what you will, but I doubt you’ll ever agree with me or even consider an outside opinion and just assume that everyone that doesn’t follow the Bible word for word is not a Christian and MUST be an Atheist…

  87. Wayne says:

    You state that what he said was hateful and offensive and that it’s not religious persecution, and you try to compare you calling some one a retard to what he’s said. He first of all didn’t call any one a derogatory name, he was simply asked what he considered to be sins and he stated homosexuality, drunkards, terrorists those who commit beastiality, and adultery. He didn’t compare homosexuals with the others, or say that they were equal or worse sins, he was just naming groups that he believes are considered sinners. How is what he said to be construed as a hate speech? When in his belief he loves them all the same and that God will be the one to determine who or what the sinners or sins will be. He never said he hated any group or person, he said he loved them all the same but each person would have their own set of sins to account for before God. The fact that he can’t speak his mind as he sees fit, is religious persecution. If he had said Same sex relationships are ok before God, there would have been a vast number of Christians that would have been offended by that, should he then be suspended by A&E for that, or would that be ok in your mind? I for one think that sitting back and watching your mind explode wouldn’t be a bad thing.

  88. john manor says:

    Maybe you should read the WHOLE interview before you cast stones you hypocrite. If you really want to be a serious commentator, check your facts first!

  89. Elizabeth says:

    So its ok for you people to judge him, be critical and speak your mind but he can’t. Now that’s far isn’t it. It’s always the Christians that have to keep their mouth shut. LGBT and atheist and others can throw their beliefs at me but I can’t. That is BS. GO PHIL!!!!!!!!!!! I will support you 100%

  90. tony says:

    I dont get it. All he did was repeat what JESUS said in the bible. It wasnt him giving an opinion. Cmon man, we have fallen SO far as a society. Nowdays, good is the new evil. Evil is the norm. Its too much. We need to wake up.

    • Problem is, Tony, he DIDN’T speak what Jesus said in the bible. He spoke “Phil.” He literally paraphrased tid-bits of the bible. Jesus had absolutely NOTHING to say (at least in our bible) about homosexuality. Jesus did, however, have LOTS to say about love and acceptance. So there’s that….

  91. Tony Bruce says:

    Just wondering how you know his comments are so offensive if you didn’t care to read them. You obviously cared enough to write an article about it with limited information.

    As for a bigger wedge… That’s a bit ridiculous. Unless you seriously thing that the LGBT community is recruiting from churches or vice versa. The difference between an asteroid 20 million miles away and another asteroid 21 millions miles away is…. still way too far way to matter.

  92. Nate Woltz says:

    Hatred is completely biblical. More people have died over that crap than anything else in the history of humans. Why is it that nobody uses their real names here or anywhere on these types of sights again? Even worse than your comment about not saying it to another person’s face.

  93. grlsrule says:

    All he said was his opinion for which A&E suspended him. He has a contract with a television network. The network makes money from ads. Ads are placed based on viewership. This is not A&E’s only show. They needed to take some action and they did. There is no Constitutional issue here at all.

    FYI – he did not repeat the words of Jesus. He made reference to some of Paul’s letter to the Corinthian’s, which is contained in the Bible. And even then he was not quoting from the Bible either.

  94. Plumcrazee says:

    Man, I just love this world of self-rightousness! Phil has his right to his religous belief, and to his freedom of speech. A&E may not employ him any longer for his expressions, but guess what, America hasn’t exiled him! I dislike the the liberal ideology, but I don’t hate anyone for it. May god bless us all!

  95. iamscoundrel says:

    Very well said. Brilliant, actually. Thoughtful and respectful and dripping in intelligence. Thank you.

  96. kelsey says:

    My parents told me I was sinning when I turned up pregnant at a young age. That didnt mean “you’re going to hell” it meant “you are wrong” … everyone is a sinner. No one is perfect.

  97. Awesome says:

    What I find ridiculous, is a people of this day and age believing in biblical references. Sure Jesus was real and he was a martyr, however, the bible was created through mans hands and manipulated to develop power. As far as homosexuality, prior to any biblical reference it was not uncommon for men and men, woman and woman to share beds. Hell Romans were notorious for it. I find it funny to develop sense of pride in religion when it in itself cannot see itself for what it truly is. They call themselves members, crusaders, and followers. Striking similar resemblance to what we today call cults. Funny thing is belief and personal drive toward groups build cults most religious sects remove themselves from the term cult. Christianity much like any other religion is a cult. Look up by definition what cult means and argue in any other way. It is a form of extremism.

    • Awesome says:

      Let me reply to my own comment though, I believe Phil was justified in his response to the question he was asked. He simply stated what he valued and what his belief system programed him to justify what was right to him. At no point should he be chastised for his belief. Common sense says we all have a right to believe in what we want. Religious or not until people respect and understand that we all have a voice, we will forever carry a burden.

  98. You make a really good point. And you are definitely right, I’ve watched this show a few times and what he said about his belief didn’t surprise me, he’s what I call an “old fashioned christian” and yes he really should have been a bit more careful with his words giving today’s day and age. And to make it worse fans, I myself got a bit carried away but then gave myself time to think, are turning it into a freedom of speech thing. Religion and politics don’t mix! This is a prime example. I think that because he is famous and got suspended from the show, people are just looking for something to complain about.

  99. VP says:

    If you have read the Bible front cover to back please raise your hand. Quotes and verses aren’t meant to be interpreted without reading the entire thing. I pray that through this mess, you will all pick up the book that can redeem you from this hell-ridden world and loom at life differently. Please, just read a little and I promise your heart will grow…

    • tony says:

      awesome reply 🙂

    • Todd says:

      “verses aren’t meant to be interpreted without reading the entire thing”
      Why not?
      The Bible is a large collection of writings culled from dozens of ancient texts, written in more than one language, written by many anonymous authors, across hundreds of years, and not a single word of it was written within at least 60 years in either direction of Jesus’s contested birth date, so there is not a single eyewitness account to anything alleged to have happened, and it contains in excess of 1200 direct contradictions to itself. Not to mention it was collected and highly edited and re-translated many times over, and features several omissions made for political reasons by clergy and kings alike.

      The Bible isn’t consistent, or coherent, from cover to cover, and the interpretations for what is written within it, from page to page, never ceases to be highly subjectively interpreted and controversial not only between theists and atheists, but between just theists alone. Since the earliest days of Christianity’s dawn, there have been over 30,000 unique sects of Christianity because finding agreement among the minority of converted Pagans on just how one is to interpret and worship has proven virtually impossible.

      Further, in the first several hundred years of Christianity, a religion that doesn’t really have any significant foothold in Europe until Constantine’s deathbed conversion, it was forbidden to print a Bible in any language other than Latin, and over 90% of the population did not speak Latin, and were illiterate in their own language. This practice ensured that only the high clergy had authority to interpret the text.

      So… what does reading the entire thing gain anyone?

      • reklisslykawshis says:

        and it was written by a MEN. MEN that change what they want to control the PEOPLE, THE CHURCH, THE WORLD!!! If everyone were to just get rid of this BS idea such as RELIGION in general. People would have much less to fight about. Religion is for the weak minded. It is intended to lead those who cannot lead themselves. It is great to be a lion amongst sheep.

      • Rachael says:

        Reading the entire Bible is a challenge. But I think that if you read a few books from the Old Testament and then compare them with books from the New Testament, you might find the history of the Jewish people fasinating and gain more of and understanding as to why things were the way they were. You might also begin to understand why Jesus and what He taught was so significant and controversial that He was put to death by the Jews. I also find it interesting that Jesus fulfilled every prophecy of his birth, life, death, and resurection that was foretold in the Old Testament. There were eye wittness accounts to Jesus and His life, death, and resurection. I would reccomend a book called “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. In this book, Lee talks about this very thing.

      • Candace says:

        Do you have sources for your information? I am not saying I do not believe the information you provided, but information with such statistics is not reliable unless there are credible sources to back your information up.

      • Mrbadnews says:

        “So… what does reading the entire thing gain anyone?”
        Well,. at least you’ll know why you’re going to Hell. That way, where you go when you die won’t be such a mystery.

      • Pam says:

        Salvation. The truth will set you free. Try researching the actual books and stop listening to scholars

      • Rebecca Cherie Stearns says:

        Thank you for this history lesson but it seems as though you missed the most important thing about being a christian… Do unto others as you want done to you… It may be a long book and can be interpreted several different ways but the message is always the same

      • MistyLane says:

        What? Why would anyone judge a book without reading it? And the authors were not anonymous. And it was many centuries from Moses writings until Johns but that is what is so amazing about it. Please tell me some contradictions. Im begging you. I’ve had scores of people tell me they were there and only a couple have been willing to offer examples and they were so ridiculous I had to laugh. I was all prepared to do research but one look at the scriptures and I thought “Seriously?? That’s all you got??” One was a scripture in Judges where it spoke of God and the tribe Judah and said that he could not defeat an army. Then he showed a scripture that said all things are possible with God. LOL I was like, “Read the scripture before it. The “he” wasn’t God it was Judah. and then showed him an earlier prophecy that said because of Judahs unfaithfullness he wouldn’t be able to defeat all who came against him. Then his second example: The scripture where Jesus told his disciples to go to a city and when they see a ass tied up to get it for him and if the owner asks him why he’s taking it to tell him its for “The Lord”. They did that and the owner asked and they told them it was for Jesus and he said ok. Then he pointed out that stealing was against the law. I was like, ummm If I told you to go to somones house and get their bicycle and if they ask why you are taking it tell them its for me and you do that and they say ok, you wouldnt assume I was asking you to steel you would assume I had pre-arranged it and had permission. LOL He gave up after that. He had gotten them from some website. For years I’ve been challenging people to prove to me the Bible contradicts itself and for years no one has done it. I’ve studied it for 30 years myself and only found one contradiction that I cant find and explanation for – yet. Right now I’m assuming it’s an idiom because for everything else to fit is simply amazing.

        And your claim that it has been changed and highly edited doesn’t hold water. Thanks to modern archaeology we have much evidence of that. The Dead Sea scrolls are just one of many examples that prove very few changes have crept in. And as we find older and older manuscripts its confirmed and whatever minor changes have been found are now correctd.

        And by the way, you confuse christianity with christendom. Two very different things.

    • MistyLane says:

      Hand raised. Several times over. And in several versions/translations. I also learned some Hebrew and Greek in the process. Like I learned that the Hebrew word sheol means the grave and is translated as grave as many times as it is translated hell in the KJV. And that when translated into Greek sheol is hades. And Gehenna is not the same as hades and was a garbage dump where criminals dead bodies were sent because they were not deemed worthy to be buried in hades or sheol. And the lake of fire in revelation stands for “the second death” and that death and hades (“hell” KJV) are thrown into it. So I agree with you completely that it takes a lot of work and time to understand a collection of books that were written thousands of years ago in other languages, but amazingly they are all harmonious. This is just one of many examples. And to take one line out of context from one translation with no knowledge of who was talking to who and what the circumstances were and what society was like at that time and what idioms existed in that language etc. is usually misleading.

    • I’ve read the Bible from front to back so many times I’ve lost count. I didn’t actually understand the Bible until I actually studied the history of the people of the time, the history surrounding the texts themselves, the history of the politics of the time, all of it. All. Of. It. Jesus’s focus was love and HIS commandments; and over and over again he begged and ordered his followers to use their own brains to think for themselves against the established governing self-proclaimed experts aka the priests and rabbis and pharisees and others that were essentially killing the core of the Jewish faith. And gee, look what’s happening now. People cherry picking misinterpretations that include, “gays are going to hell” and calling that a tenet of Christian faith (what the fresh hell? Is that John Lennon dancing on a cracker?) ??? Hurling out the ever condescending “it’s not sinful to BE gay but to LIVE THE LIFESTYLE!” I mean… I hear Jesus weeping.

      But then I think about Pope Francis and how he’s turning the Catholic Church around again. No judgment from that man. Maybe eventually, the rest of my Catholic and christian brothers and sisters will follow his example.

  100. NB says:

    I’m pretty sure the person you have a picture of with the band aid is Zach Galifianakis not anyone from Duck Dynasty.

    • Michelle says:

      I just googled Zach Galifianakis band aid and that’s the picture that came up. Probably should post pictures of the right guys when making an important point.

      • YouAreAMoron says:

        Yes, the picture was the issue here. The picture makes a huge difference in the point of the words written….oh, wait, no it doesn’t. I’m sure the author looks nothing like Homer Simpson either.

      • PK Thunder says:

        I’m pretty sure he knows who it is in the picture. I think he’s saying he doesn’t like anyone on the show. There’s no way he found that photo without knowing who it is.

      • NB says:

        You are probably right PKThunder. I’m just not sure how him making fun of everyone on the show helps anything at all.

      • Sam says:

        Or you could actually read the captions of the pictures before you judge the entire article based off what you think he meant by them. I mean, just a thought.

      • theboeskool says:

        Oh my goodness, people. It was a joke. And thank you, because the sheer amount of people who didn’t get it makes it twice as funny for me.

      • Virginia says:

        The writer was being funny when he put Zach in here…because of the beard…get it?
        Geez…no sense of humor

      • NB says:

        @Sam I did read all the captions. I love the one where he says the way they look doesn’t go well with antibacterial. Judging someone by their looks because you don’t like what they said. How mature of him!

      • theboeskool says:

        I have a giant beard, dude. Everyone please take a freaking breath….

    • your butthead says:

      HA! stupid face

  101. Shira says:

    I think the world would be a better place if people would open their hearts and shut their mouths.

  102. Johnny K says:

    Sure, you’re right freedom is speech is still free, but freedom of work isn’t. Good thing he wasn’t at work right? Unless A&E owns GQ. Better yet, I hope his whole family sticks together like we have heard they may and takes the cash cow away from A & E who caved into a group which has a similarity to terrorist group (they both have the same demands and same outcomes) which include you do this or else, but in all reality they don’t want it to go out of the news, they want it in the news because it will further their cause of getting more non profit money in their pocket. If they truly believed in this cause and thought it was hurting Gays by encouraging others to treat them this way too, they would of first tried to make sure it never hit the media so these backwoods role models didn’t get their opinion out. Secondly, it wasn’t just one party involved in getting this initial story out. Why isn’t there a you do this or we’ll do this to GQ magazine. which in turn would should of had to fire it’s interviewer for getting the same thing out, regardless if they didn’t say it, it’s relaying the same information that this group said was so wrong. Do they have some different freedom of speech and work ethic related policy as the rest of America lol. NO, but it’s common sense why they didn’t go after the party relaying the information they wanted this to hit the media so they could profit from it. Why don’t we be more thin skinned and teach our children the same thing, so at a hint of bullying they created a hit list or get their hands on an assault rifle and kill a dozen or so people. It all goes hand in hand which in turn is going to be one of the major downfalls of the US

    • I agree. How is it that GQ first published the interview, and there was no bruhaha over that, but A&E is all upset by Robertson’s comments? Why didn’t anyone complain, boycott and otherwise ‘punish’ GQ? I would imagine that a large percetage of the readers of GQ are gay, and that most of the viewers of Duck Dynasty are NOT. So this seems completely bass-ackwards to me. And talk about biting the hand that feeds you, Duck Dynasty is the most popular cable TV show EVER. The Robertsons don’t NEED A&E, yet I can only imagine what losing them to another network would do to A&E’s bottom line. Yet they bend over backwards (or maybe they just bend over) for the LGBT community? They aren’t bigots against Christianity, they are corporate morons!

      • Elizabeth says:

        I wish there was some way the whole entire world could see this!! My thoughts exactly!!!!

      • gigi says:

        I bet AE owns rights to the concept

      • BN says:

        There wasn’t any stink about GQ because it is a media outlet. Reporters are supposed to write what is said and what has happened, without sugar coating it. If you read the article, the author doesn’t seem to prod too much, these comments just seem to spew out. The reporter is not supposed to keep this information to himself. He is responsible for doing his job, which is to tell what was said in the interview via an article. Any basic journalism class will tell you reporters report – they don’t make things up or let their bias come through (not that it doesn’t happen,) but news is supposed to just be the truth about actual events. Reporters are not responsible for ommitting offensive quotes – that’s the choice of the interviewee.

        Basically, the reporter was doing his job. He gave everyone the truth about the interview. The words spoken weren’t his, he was merely relaying what someone else said. It is the fault of American TV viewers that these ridiculous people are so famous in the first place. Pick up a book people, or at least find something of substance to watch. And stop blaming the media for what it shows, blame the public for wha bit chooses to put it’s viewership behind.

        Lastly, in regard to the “he wasn’t working” comment – when you’re a public figure, you have no choice. You are always on. You are always responsible for what you say.

      • Candace says:

        I am confused as to why GQ should be held responsible for the comments Robertson made. GQ is a magazine with reporters. Reporters and those in the media have an ethical responsibility to provide information in an unbiased, truthful and uncensored manner. I will concede many reporters act unethically, however, it does not appear Robertson or anyone from the DD camp is contesting the article or the comments made, which leads me to believe the comments were delivered correctly and accurately.

        When Robertson and his family started doing the DD show, each person moved from an individual contributor to a brand. When you become a brand a certain feeling, look, and emotion is evoked when other people experience that personal brand. A personal brand is not unlike a product brand. Think of what you feel when you see or hear or experience your favorite things or what you feel when you see or hear or experience things you dislike. Same thing applies with the DD show and the characters appearing weekly. When you become a brand, every action is a reflection of the brand, whether the action takes place in front of the camera or in private time. Marketingsafari.org provides basic information on personal branding if anyone is looking to understand the concept more.

        I am assuming A&E negotiated certain terms and conditions with the DD people in order for both parties to make money. If maintaining a certain image or brand is part of the contract, the A&E is also within its rights to take action if the agreement is broken. Additionally A&E has a certain brand image to maintain itself. If a part of the A&E brand (DD in this case) threatened the overall A&E image, action should be taken. As Aristotle said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” In this instance it appears A&E feels the company brand is greater than the backlash from the actions taken to suspend Robertson.

        This is still fresh news. A&E may retract their decision. Or, it may not. Perhaps DD will go to another network and continue to make money. Or, they won’t. Regardless, Robertson, GQ and A&E made choices and each come with unique repercussions; good, bad or indifferent. The blogger here is simply trying to ask you merely try to put the shoe on the other foot. Christians with similar views should attempt to see those comments from a member or supporter of the LGBT community and members. I would ask it be taken a step further and ask members and supporters of the LGBT community try to understand Robertson’s comments. When trying to place the shoe on the other foot, you are not conforming to differing opinions or being a hypocrite to your own opinions. Knowing both sides of an argument allows you to more intelligently and respectfully debate your viewpoint and, often times, allows you to have a more solid ground in your own viewpoint.

        As a Christian and a firm supporter of the LGBT community, I personally ask you reflect on the bible verse: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”
        Proverbs 4:7. There is a reason this has grown outside the bible. Stephen Covey uses it as one of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The concept is not biblical in nature at all. Listening and communication are natural and important skills for a successful life. No matter what your beliefs.

    • barbie says:

      Of course he was working. It was most likely a PR piece for his show. Now it can be a big ratings draw to see if he comes back and when he does it can be a big win for the “morally conscious”

    • If there are any real loyal Americans in The United State of America we will realize its time to stop the talking about our rights to freedom of speech and do something about it. We are loosing our freedom of speech, if anyone says anything about the 3 top political correct subjects they are fired, or have their business destroyed like Paula Deen, or have the word Jesus taken out of prayer and anything else pertaining to Christianity because it may offend the Muslims, or like with Phil for being a straight man that voiced an opinion about a life style that is unimaginable to him. When will it stop…never we will sit in our bubble and pretend this will fix its self….but it only gets worse. We have been so politically correct that we’ve come full circle to now it should be wrong to be politically correct. We should be offended right back at the one’s offended at the word Christmas, Jesus, the ones that believe in Christ should be offended enough to stop some of this stupid stuff that the politically correct keep thinking has to be fixed. If you fix one offense then the other should be to. Its now politically correct to put down Christians, and the biggest help in this is our own politically correct president….if he was a president for all the people he would not be so biased about Christians and pit them against Muslims. He should be trying to help stop this problem not making the hate and resentment worse. And as Americans we need to look at what we are doing to this country by not standing up for our rights, instead of being politically correct, how about being a human with a heart, instead of an insult. Be it towards a man that knows and lives what he stands for and has the guts to stand up for it whether politically correct or not…his opinion should not be a reason to loose a job or an empire. This century of thinking you are bad and we will fix you is childish and it’s time for the politically correct police to go away. And maybe everyone would be adult enough to police themselves. Then the resentment and hate might go away.

    • You’re so off base here. Look up “employment at will”… there most certainly is “freedom of work”. He has a choice, and so does a&e. There was most likely a contract, wherein basically anything he does or says publicly reflects on the network, and he probably had to sign a code of conduct and broke it. That is common for many, if not the bulk, of corporate jobs even in middle class America last I checked. He might not have been filming, but pahleez don’t kid yourself or I fear you will totally screw yourself over in your own career someday. Juuuust sayin. Word to the wise, yo. 😉

      Has it occurred to anybody else how silly it is that these same camps of people love to vehemently argue for “personal responsibility” in order to snake out of things like helping the poor, but are the first to cry out about the imaginary persecution of Christians in our country?

      Kinda baffles me to see so many people shouting about this duck guy’s rights, as if he’s been jailed and sentenced to the gallows. It’s really quite simple: dude can say whatever he wants, but he also has to accept the fallout. Sorry, but um… boo hoo he can’t be on a reality show and get paid an outrageous amount for that ridiculousness any more? There are plenty of places who fire truly regular joes for breaking their codes of conduct all the time. Anyway he had himself a good run from what I gather, and will be able to milk all this publicity in a series of books or videos or some such down the line. Can everyone just move forward from this now, please?

  103. skandragon says:

    The “freedom of speech” does not even come into play here. He’s not in prison, nor were his words silenced in any other way. This is not even an issue. This is just a lesson in actions and consequences. If you say hateful things, your employer or friends might not like it, and you may have consequences to your hateful words. Freedom of speech only prevents congress from curtailing your speech, not your boss, your wife or husband, or any other entity you are responsible to. The freedom of speech argument, as well as a “civil rights” argument, are distractions.

  104. This advice is so wise, but unfortunately many of my conservative Christian friends will not follow this. It is so sad that we can’t just show that we are Christians by our love.

  105. Lori says:

    @ Ken,
    He said he didn’t agree with homosexuality . To be phobic is to have fear from so if he was homophobic it would mean that he was afraid of them. Please if you are going to try to use big words at least know what they mean first

    • Mere says:

      Moron!! Phobic does not mean “fear of” but rather an inability to accept or physically be capable to be exposed to. Read a book or a newspaper and stop watching Fox “news” to pretend to pseudo educate yourself

    • LP says:

      No, it doesn’t. The suffix phobic is broader than psychological phobias, and refers to fear, repulsion, dislike, etc. In chemistry, hydrophobic substances avoid mixing with water. Please, if you are going to correct people’s usage, have the decency to pick up a dictionary rather than relying on your obviously limited knowledge.

      • Stephen says:

        Alright. *flips through dictionary, clears throat.*
        Phobia-From the latin word phob. Definition-fear of.
        1. The agoraphobic woman had locked the door tightly, so there was almost no possible way to escape.
        2. Nancy’s bad experience with spiders led to arachnophobia.
        3. Ever since Dan had almost drowned in his swimming pool, he’d been cursed with hydrophobia.

        Killed 2 retards with one stone.

      • PJ says:

        how rude you are to put someone down like that!

    • Lee says:

      How about actually looking up the word homophobic, instead of just using the root word. From Webster’s: “irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.”

    • Actually, Webster’s defines it as:
      pho·bic adjective \ˈfō-bik\
      : of, relating to, or having an extremely strong fear or dislike of someone or something

      So… strongly disliking works too, and whether it’s correct in your eyes or not, the world around you uses the term loosely to describe anybody who is hateful or condemning of homosexuality. I mean, even the pope these days does say who is he to judge… and guess what? If YOU are Christian, it isn’t your job to judge either. It’s YOUR job to “love they neighbor as thyself” no matter what’s the what… and that is supposed to challenge you sometimes. I think a lot of Christians don’t concentrate on the BIG messages like judge not lest ye be judged, or let him who is without sin cast the first stone. … You know, that kinda thing. 😉 You might not be a self professed Christian though, so if not… kudos on being comfortable with being a douche if you’re defending the guy. I only presume that’s the case based on your defensive reaction to mince word definitions on his behalf.

      I can also presume you are quite familiar with a plethora of “big words”, so btw: you should take note of and tuck away in your memory bank the definition of condescending (which you were, and in case you hadn’t noticed I am using to get through to you since you taught me that’s how you like to communicate best by demonstrating it yourself first.) con·de·scend·ing adjective \ˌkän-di-ˈsen-diŋ\
      : showing that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people

      😉 have a good one!

  106. Amy says:

    All I am reading is bla bla bla on both sides stfu already tired of giving this story more publicity than it needs. Move on!!!

  107. DTP says:

    I worked for Thomson Reuters and got to peruse through many company forums while taking calls. I have known gay people who were very kind, most I have met are the most JUDGMENTAL of people however. What is odd, is the fact that Reuters has a special and specific INTERNAL employee forum category for LGBT’s. We even had a special LGBT week. On the LGBT forum you can talk about non-work related subjects like your favorite LGBT movies, books, TV shows, etc… My question is why is there no off-work forums for heterosexuals? I am sure Thomson Reuters is not the only company doing this.

    and what? a picture of a Muslim praying is going to convince anyone? Really? Go ahead and try to be LGBT in any predominately muslim country and see where that gets you. The worst thing any LGBT has to fear is Westboro Baptist Church here in the USA. You don’t know who his name is (Phil Robertson), yet the article linked above seems to know A LOT about Duck Dynasty? Without that simple knowledge it just comes off as bad reporting, lame blogging.

    • Tyler12 says:

      You question why there aren’t heterosexual off-work forums, so I imagine you may ask the same tired question, why isn’t there a White Entertainment Television (as a parallel to BET)? The reason for this is privilege, which you obviously have and dominate white-and straight-by default culture. The reality is that ‘minority’ groups are marginalized and not represented in broader institutions, thus these communities form and create their own cultures, values, entertainment, and networking opportunities. When you do not see yourself reflected in mainstream society or know other people who are like you, you create your own outlets and find your own resources. How many influential LGBT people or people of color throughout history can you name? I can sure as hell tell you all about the heterosexual, white males we are all taught and talk about. You clearly do not know what it means to be part of a marginalized community and do not understand how heteronormativity hold us all back.

    • Lex says:

      There’s such a standard response I can’t believe you haven’t heard it.
      Because the rest of the forums are usually standard for heterosexuals.
      Why is there no “White History” Month? Because that’s the rest of the year.
      When is “Cisgender Remembrance Day”? The other 364 days of the year besides November 20th.
      That’s the only time I’ve heard of a company doing that.
      Is it over-correcting? Maybe. But just like for feminists, things have been so messed up for minorities for so long, that personally, I’m okay with a bit of overcorrection while people become aware of the issue; then it can fade into the background.

      Lastly, this isn’t even supposed to be “reporting” as much as straight up, opinionated blogging.

    • LuckBeALady says:

      The WORST thing an LGBT member has to fear in America is WBC??? Could you please explain that to those who are victim of actual hate crimes, including assault and murder? I dislike WBC, but they don’t jump out and beat LGBT individuals or kill them.

  108. Ginger says:

    Best post I’ve read on the subject! *cheers & applause!

    • Tj says:

      If this is the best post you have read on this then you do not read much. How can some one comment on a topic if they don’t even have the facts right?

    • Pat says:

      Ginger, you need to read more gooder, cuz this is about the worst sort of biased drivel ever written in the whole history of things being written…and stuff.

    • And the “I’m right you are wrong” police is like all these Zombies movies and TV shows, it’s getting old and let move on to something normal, if you are homosexual, great, or if you are heterosexual great….now stop trying to get everyone to be like the other…just stop it already….DAMN..grow up already….crap, get a life…..Merry Christmas!

      • LuckBeALady says:

        No one is trying to make you gay, Cynthia. They are just trying to be accepted. Big difference. The only one trying to make one group like the other are those who “disagree” with homosexuality.

  109. Michelle says:

    @Youareamoron Obviously the biggest issue isn’t that the picture is wrong but it would be nice for the media to get their facts right and maybe these things wouldn’t get blown out of proportion again and again. It doesn’t say that’s the author under Homer Simpson just a silly quote. The author also says that because of the way they look they must be dirty (under their poster picture). Judging from both sides as usual. The point about the picture is you should have your facts straight before you write an article.

  110. ed shell says:

    Phil disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle so now he is homophobic? What does that mean? Some ppl diagree with the punk rockers lifestyle. Are they punkrockerphobics? What about the ppl that disagree with the yuppie lifestyle. Guess they’re yuppiephobics? Ppl generally disagree with lifestyles because they believe those lifestyles are not what they consider traditional or they may just simply believe they are stupid. No one agrees with every lifestyle. Therefore we are ALL are phobics of some sort. With that being said you can ALL put your stones back on the ground where you picked them up from. There will be no stoning here today .

  111. Phil Robertson only Quoted what was in the Bible and I totally agree with everything he said, like I stated in another comment I do not hate gays nor do I hate African americans, I have both in my family and I love them dearly, God did not say he hated them NOR did I hear say Phil he hated them, but he does hate the lifestyle, it is not right no matter how one tries to twist it and I love how we “Christians” keep being blamed for stirring the pot, sometimes the truth hurts, we “Christians” didn’t make the rules and being a southern Christian even makes me worse as has been pointed out in several comments, that’s ok, I will be a southern Christian until the day I die and I will be proud of it, now if it hurts some of yawls feelins, then maybe you should read the Bible and see that Phil did nothing more than quote some of God’s word and us southerner’s don’t pitter patter around the truth, That is what’s wrong with some of the churches and pastors today, they are too scared to preach hell fire and brimstone cause they don’t want to offend some of their biggest tithers, well where I come from and go to church My Pastor preaches God’s word, like it or not because our church will survive with or without the tithes because God is in Control not man, nor mans money !!!

    • tony says:

      YOU GO!!!!!!

    • TJ says:

      How can Phil disagree with the African-American lifestyle and not be considered racist? Do most Christians believe that blacks were happier before civil rights? How is that okay in any way?

    • Frank M says:

      Sadly Phil did quote from perhaps the only translation he’s read. There are other versions with more scholarship behind their words than the “red-letter” editions many of us have grown up to rely on as the “only truth.” What is really hard is for the arch conservatives to embrace the possibility that the KJV had flaws. It’s gonna take more time for that to sink in.

    • SLE says:

      Janet Morrison-Strout, your comment is:
      1) a shameful representation of southerners, serving only to further the stereotypes in the minds of outsiders of southerns being uneducated country bumpkins with little room for critical reasoning (or for punctuation, for that matter). I’m a southerner, and your comment embarrasses me for myself and all other socially-aware, educated, conscientious southerners.

      2) showing your ignorance either for what was actually said by Robertson and/or ignorance for what is stated in the Bible (I’ve read the Bible a number of times, and I know that it doesn’t say “a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus”. Sorry, but vag just isn’t spelled out in there, no matter what translation you’re looking at.

      Bottom line: This all boils down to a guy (Robertson) who lacks tact and social intelligence. It’s fine for him to have his beliefs and opinions, but it’s not fine for him to present those in a thoughtless, crude manner. THAT’S the issue. It’s NOT an issue of Christians being persecuted, it’s NOT an issue of free speech, and it’s also NOT an issue of southerners being hated on.

      P.S. It’s “y’all”, not “yawl”.

      • MRZ says:

        “It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

        Tell me where he said this was in the bible please moron? If you are going to quote partial comments, go to work for some Liberal media site, you will do well there. If you can’t tell me where Phil said that comment came from the bible, then STFU!

      • Rod Lewis says:

        i am so tired of people speaking in “bumper stickers” and sound-bytes and not deeply thinking about the illogic of “we don’t hate homosexuals; we hate homosexuality.” really? is that even possible? that’s like saying “i don’t hate japanese, as long as they don’t eat with chopsticks. or speak japanese.” i agree that there is a lot of things to be proud of in southern culture, but there is a lot of other things to be deeply ashamed of. i am german-american, i feel your pain. i also truly dislike this idea that evangelicals have somehow pirated the term “christian.” you do not, by any means, represent us all. in fact, i would suggest that if you are truly “christian” that you totally disregard the old testament. its laws and basic vengeful “eye-for-an-eye” death penalities, laws about what you can eat and wear, do when you are on your period, the correct way to acquire a slave is much more in line with islamic shariah law. and we all know how much christians love that. and, of course, you could have as many wives as you wanted. it also contradicts nearly everthing jesus said in the new testament. thus the terms: “old” (outdated), and “new” (now). jesus was a revolutionary, and by modern standards, a flowerchild hippie (well, i am 54, so modern is relative). he said NOTHING about homosexuals. in fact, the only person who did in the new testament was paul. who never met jesus, and who was not a big fan of woment EVEN speaking. so my point is, if CHRISTians want to be CHRISTians, focus on what jesus said. if you are so in love with the OLD testament, convert to orthodox judaism.

      • SLE…What difference does it make, y’all or yawl, heterosexual or homosexual. You sound like you might ought to go back and read some more of your Bible. Kindness and tolerance, and not being a condescending smart ass would be a good place to start. The words want be spelled out there, but the meaning is still the same.

      • SP says:

        I agree that his comments were thoughtless and crude but if that was the issue then this controversy would have stalled a long time ago. I believe the real issue is whether his comments are fairly labeled as hateful and intolerant.

  112. Tj says:

    You obviously don’t have a clue what you are talking about. You should read the interview. He was asked is opinion, he responded with his opinion. No offensive comments were made!

    • Rod Lewis says:

      Unless you are gay or african-american. but since you are obviously not either, all is well in your world.

      • Rowland says:

        The issue is people do not and will never see the same perspective, and life’s hard. White straight men have hard lives too, black straight men have hard lives, Men and women have hard lives and deal with intolerance. There is racism against each race deal with it. I am personally against homosexuality, I think it’s nasty but any straight man that says he doesn’t think it’s nasty is a liar. Life is fool of unfortunate events for every one. Get over it

    • Nate says:

      Exactly, people have taken to it that offensive and an opinion you disagree with are now synonymous. He stated an opinion, as simple as that. There was no hatred within his statements. He condemns homosexual behavior as well as many other choices like being a drunk or being an adulterer. Now I am not of the mind that thinks that homosexuality is a choice and I disagree with nearly all if not all of what he said, but I still back him for stating his opinions, as he has the right to do.

  113. Michael says:

    SERIOUSLY??? You people need to get a life. IM GAY, AND I TOOK NO OFFENSE OR SAW ANY HOMOPHOBIC REMARKS FROM ANYTHING IN THE ARTICLE! He even says his job is to love people regardless of their sins. WHAT A CHRISTIAN IS SUPPOSED TO DO!!! So the conclusion people are drawing is, if an action violates someone’s OWN morals, then that person must hate anyone who violates it. THIS IS WRONG. These are personal opinions. People are allowed their opinions. If I think eating spaghetti is immoral, then its against MY OWN beliefs to EAT SPAGHETTI.

    In the big picture however, if you rely on someone for a paycheck, you probably shouldn’t take a side on any sort of controversial topic. (unless you are a multimillionaire like Phil who doesn’t care about a scrawny company like A&E)

    And the people arguing about the picture of Zach Galifianakis, have a point. The author of this article is an irresponsible journalist. Seriously, this whole article is biased. And if you want to strengthen your argument about a topic, use valid sources.

    And finally, until people stop arguing and start debating to try and find a middle ground (which is never going to be possible because people are egocentric), you may as well just give up and realize the world is a dumb place and no one cares about your feelings when you violate theirs.

    • Dallas says:

      YES! Finally a poster that used the cap lock key! Wait for it….

    • NB says:

      Gosh thank you! I’m sure he knows that isn’t a Duck Dynasty member. I just felt like all this article did was do exactly what he was mad about in the first place. He is judging them because he doesn’t like what the guy said. I’ve said from the beginning if we read what Phil said without any commentary from a biased journalist we wouldn’t have taken it so seriously.

    • Daniel says:

      Finally, A voice of sanity. Thank you!!!

  114. Pat says:

    I really don’t care, and I don’t know anything about you, but I am pretty sure some smug conservative wrote a very similar musing about the uproar around the Dixie Chicks blasting “W” Bush. Libs were outraged that Natalie Maines right to free speech was being stepped on because country radio was boycotting Dixie Chicks music. SO the point you argue, argues against itself. Let’s be honest, we are just happier to vilify whomever we disagree with, than we would be to find any common ground. We seek polarization rather than respectful disagreement. This article is just smug, silly posturing. At least it’s not printed on paper and killing trees.

    • theboeskool says:

      Dude. I’m not vilifying anyone. I (as well as a lot of other people) happen to think what he said about equating homosexuality with raping animals is offensive. And if enough people think what you said is offensive (for example, Natalie Maines saying she was ashamed of the President) there can be consequences. Boycotts, suspensions, etc…

      Do you feel like I have vilified him?

      • SP says:

        Sorry but de does not equate homosexuality with bestiality. He was responding to a question of what he considered sinful. He also mentions promiscuous sex in the same statement. Should all the “players” out there be equally offended?

      • Jacob says:

        Exactly what SP said. He didn’t equate it to bestiality. He simply named of some sins including sleeping around with a lot of women which everyone seems to ignore.

    • theboeskool says:

      I had to go back and read what I wrote. I said he made homophobic comments (he did), he is grossed out by gay sex (he is), and he believes that gays are going to Hell (that’s what he means by “not inheriting the kingdom of God”). Is that what you meant by vilifying?

      • SP says:

        I think it could be considered vilifying when you label someone who says “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em…” as “It’s just old school hatred.” This statement also contradicts your presumption that he believes gays are going to Hell. I would also be interested in which statements you consider homophobic. Just reasserting your claim does not really strengthen your argument.

      • MistyLane says:

        On a business trip I went to dinner after work with a gay man and 2 women once. The conversation turned to movies and the man explained how he had to leave the movie theater during the movie because there was a naked scene in it. He explained that the female body disgusts him. Especially breasts. They make him “sick”. He can’t stand to look at them because they are “gross”. He started getting pale and said he was getting nauseous thinking about it so we had to change the subject. I dont remember any of us, including his female boss who was at the table, being offended. If I remember correctly we mostly giggled. I remember wondering if he had some awful boob experience in his childhood that left him damaged. lol So he thinks my body is icky? I spose many gay men do. Isn’t that kind of the point???

  115. cryscoann says:

    I didn’t read the actual interview with Phil Robertson, but this whole story is the big buzz everywhere. I love watching Duck Dynasty and I am in no way against any lifestyle. I think this whole thing is being blow WAY out proportion. There are a ton of “non-famous” people saying things far worse than anything Phil said everyday. The only reason they are freaking out about this is because Phil has become a sort of icon. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. His opinion does not change mine, nor will it stop me from watching the show.

  116. linda drespling says:

    Corporate bullying!

  117. jeremiah says:

    You left out one thing though…

    The issue isn’t that a person should be free from consequences or that an employer is not allowed to fire an employee for personal conduct. It’s that the HRC and GLAAD went after this guy for saying something that no one should be surprised by and put so much pressure on A&E that they buckled and fired him. He didn’t say anything A&E didn’t already know he believed (or the rest of the world for that matter).

    He didn’t even say anything hateful; he just said what 90% of Christianity already believes.

    You mentioned that a movement by Christians to support him would “put a wedge further between LGBT and Christians”…

    Believe it or not, several of my gay friends have expressed the same sentiment but about their own community. HCR and GLAAD demanding that he be fired and the show taken off the air was an overreaction and did exactly that… the people fighting for equality and acceptance just drove a HUGE wedge between LGBT and Christianity.

    If they hadn’t reacted this way, no one would be up in arms on either side of the issue.

    I’m an atheist, polyamorous, straight man that considers himself an LGBT Ally and I think the attacks on him for simply answering a question according to his faith was a stupid move on the part of HRC and GLAAD. The majority of the planet has believed what he believes for almost our entire existence. We’re not going to win the hearts and minds of everyone over night and stupid overreactions and tantrums like this do nothing but set the movement backwards.

    • elizabeth says:

      Well said

    • Gary says:

      Excellent points!

      What GLAAD, HRC, and many others that have their panties in a wad over what Phil Robertson said, they forget that he does have a RIGHT to his opinion and self-expression whether or not anyone else agrees, or heaven forbid might find offensive. If the concept of Freedom of Speech is only allowed to be used selectively for certain people or certain opinions/beliefs, then it isn’t a right.

      • Kimberly Knight says:

        Freedom of speech ONLY means to protect you, me, any of us from LEGAL consequences (or worse) NOT at all to save our sorry asses from economic or social ramifications when we stick our bigoted foot in our willfully ignorant mouths. This is pretty basic civics here so maybe a good old middle school government class is calling some folks’ names.

      • LuckBeALady says:

        Actually, whether you agree or not, GLAAD and HRC doing what they did is a perfect example of both the first ammendment and a free-market economy working exactly how they are intended to work.

        I keep seeing people say “if you don’t like it, don’t watch”, which is exactly what GLAAD and HRC said they would do, encourage people to boycott A&E. That is why A&E decided to suspend him, because they were worried about a large segment of people deciding not to watch anymore if they didn’t.

        Everyone has a right to express their opinions and to refuse to give their money to a company that does not uphold their opinions, and private corporations have the right to fire employees for actions that directly impact their profit line. That’s America, folks.

      • MistyLane says:

        Employment equality and civil rights are extended to private companies. A company cannot obligate someone to suppress their religious beliefs when not on the clock. They cannot compel someone to lie about their beliefs. They cannot base employment, pay, promotions, etc. or lack there-of on their religious beliefs. Their own statement says expressly that the suspension was because of his religious belief about homosexuality. They didn’t forbid him from doing the interview. They didn’t forbid him from answering the question. They suspended him because they didn’t like his answer which was a non hateful simple statement of the established doctrine of his religion. I dont think you get any more cut and dried than that. It doesn’t matter who the employer is, there are no caveats in section VII of the Civil Rights Act that would exempt A&E from having to respect his right to express his religious beliefs. (except something about companies with at least 15 employees. ???)

    • Josh says:

      Well-put Jeremiah

    • Candace says:

      I think it is a narrow-minded, broad assumption to say no one would be up in arms on either side of the issue if GLADD and the HRC did not react. I read the article and it made me uncomfortable reading his comments about the LGBT and black communities. He has his right to his opinions and I respect his right to say them, however, I also have the right to my feelings and actions as well. Actions have repercussions and as long as his is/was prepared for them, then he can carry on. If he was not expecting this backlash, perhaps he should have used his words more carefully. The reporter asked the questions, but he answered the way he wanted to answer the questions. His rights. His repercussions.

  118. Krista says:

    The authors of this article are complete idiotic arrogant morons with no cuth!! Read a fucking book assholes! And get the fuck out of MY country!!

    • theboeskool says:

      I believe it’s “couth,” but point taken.

    • Scott says:

      Yeah!! Shouting expletives via exclamation marks, insisting the authors(of which there are only one, signified by the pronoun, “I” throughout the article) read an unspecified book by calling them names(via expletive), and boldly claiming the entire United States of America under your personal ownership totally helps you express how idiotic and arrogant someone *else* is!!

  119. jonah says:

    Come on… Your opinions will hold a lot more weight after you watch the dumb show. Why are you trying to make a point without doing the easiest and most obvious research (i.e. watching the show…. duh)… Talk about no credibility!

    • theboeskool says:

      Sweet Lord, did anyone actually read the post? It was not about my opinion of the show, folks. Come on…. We can do better than this, people!

    • jonah says:

      I get that… I think you have some great points and I agree with you for the most part. I know it’s not about your opinion of the show. I just don’t get why you choose to post such pointed thoughts without context. I think it’d suit you better to know who this guy is before you try to make some big statement. From what I’ve seen I think his heart is in the right place, I think he’s just missing the real truth of what Jesus was trying to say all those years ago….

  120. VelvetKnight says:

    The world would be a much better place if people would simply think and act the way I do.

    Whatever that happens to be in the situation at hand.

  121. elizabeth says:

    While I fully agree with 99% of what you said, my main problem is that ae suspended him. I know they are within there rights to do so as a business however like you said it comes as no surprise that an old white southern christain has these fews. A&E knew all this about him before they even aired the first show. Did they really expect something like this not to come put of his mouth? It Iis like someone getting a dog and expecting the dog never to bark

  122. Mike Hancho says:

    Ok duck dynasty aside if you are going to write a rant at least research your rant man.you dont even know his name or what exactly he said you sound ill informed and kinda like a blind one sided writer.research all aspects and offer an unbiased opinion. Thank you

  123. Sid says:

    Did the article call him “old” & “white”. Sounds like we have an ageist, racist on our hands. Hope the PC police lock the author up.

    • Tanner says:

      Oh SNAP, looks like this author could be fired by their boss if they SAID SOMETHING OFFENSIVE WHILE PROMOTING THE BLOG THEY WRITE FOR. But since this author wasn’t a complete loon, I’m sure they thought about things before just blurting them out for all to read.

      And if that’s NOT the case, if the blog-boss DOES take offense at this author’s words said while promoting their blog, then the author DESERVES to be fired.

      It’s like people don’t even think!

  124. Pingback: Duck Dynasty's Religious War? | ParkingSpace23ParkingSpace23

  125. rubylaffoon says:

    I live in the Bible Belt. A place where the popular opinion is to jump on the support Phil band wagon. I think that Phil Robertson is probably a good man in his heart. I think the real problem lies within the culture he’s been brought up in. I think it’s much like mine. I think religion plays a huge part in that. I am in no way anti religion. I am anti hate. I am anti judgemental. I just wanted to say that I found your perspective on this very enlightening. A few points were things I had thought of and felt strongly about and a few had not crossed my mind and most certainly wouldn’t have played out in such a way. I think you have an excellent diplomatic view on the situation. Thanks for the read.

  126. otto says:

    In meantime.. on the other side of the pond, laughing our asses off.

  127. Josh says:

    You just equated homosexuals with retarded, dysfunctional children, and no, Phil Robertson did not make “gay-bashing” comments. His comments were clearly pro-heterosexual. If you haven’t already, read the actual article, it might be refreshing: http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson

    • Tanner says:

      Yeah! And Hitler was never Anti-Jew or anti-minority, he was pro-aryan, pro-train! Go Hitler!

      • MistyLane says:

        You seriously aren’t comparing the 2. That’s ridiculous. I dont remember him calling for anyone to be hurt or saying they should or would go to hell. But I certainly dont recall him saying they should be exterminated nor did he blame gay people for all the economic problems we are having. He didn’t vilify them. He said he thought it was a sin. The guy repeated a scripture saying “they wont inherit God’s kingdom”. Not his words. The question was, “What do you believe are sins?” He answered with a list. They chose to question him further about the homosexuality issue apparently and he responded with his personal viewpoint which is that he just doesn’t “get it”. Personally I dont either, but that’s because I’m not gay. I had dinner with a gay man and two women on a business trip once and the man told us about how he had to walk out of a certain movie once because it had a naked scene and he found womens bodies “gross”. Upper body nudity especially made him “sick”. He couldnt stand to see them. He got pale and nauseous talking about them. I did not see it as hate speech. I didnt take it as intolerance. It’s just his quirk. He doesn’t have to explain how he feels or why. Feelings just are.

  128. I am a mother of a gay person so I am very sensitive to expression. I believe there is good and evil in all of us. As there is misunderstanding on the part of this Southern white man raised in the 60’s who basically means well and has God in his heart, we are not to judge. Maybe someday he will be better informed. Do not judge! Who judges Mylee Cyrus?? Who judges liberal media who turn the other cheek on her actions? Or deficating on Sara Palin? I love my son and do not approve of any of it! GQ magazine was wrong to allow this interview to happen ! Very devious! I am fed up!

  129. joey cadre says:

    why do you only focus on the homophobia and not the insane shit he said about jim crow laws and the racism he has? of course the homophobia is bad but you have to also include he said that blak people he knew during segregation never “sang the blues” what a moron.

    • MistyLane says:

      True, but I think it is because A&E suspended him for his comments about homosexuality. That is what is so egregious about the whole thing. Those comments were simple straightforward with no signs of hate or intolerance and they are a stated doctrine of his religion which is protected under the employment section in the civil rights act. But they never mentioned the comments about blacks and Jim Crow laws. A&E’s actions bely an intolerance and prejudice which is sad because it’s just going to give legitimacy to the extremists who have been crying wolf for so long.

  130. AnonymousDoc says:

    This column is neutral how? You place several points saying “Christian” this and “social media” that. First of all, quotations are used for citing resourced materials or spoken word. Second, your points are EXACTLY what is wrong with this nation. He said something about gays going to hell, and you’re gay. Change the channel. The channel that hired this guy knew EXACTLY the type of personalities they were dealing with from the start. Was this stipulation in his contract? Maybe…maybe not.

    My only point to your 5…. If you don’t like what you hear, move on. America is the only place on Earth this man can say what he wants. If you get offended, move on. There are 6-7 billion people on this planet. In case you’re not good at math…you are 1 of nearly 7,000,000,000 people on this planet. Get over yourself and your beliefs. 300,000,000+ live in the USA. That equates to many personal beliefs. If we catered to them all, we might as well stay indoors with all the doors and windows locked.

    By the way, consequences for freedom of speech? Really? Consequences in the same sentence as freedom of speech is like putting a gun to anyone’s head and saying, “if you say what you want to say, you’ll deal with problems!”

    Oh and by the way, that’s an appropriate use of quotations for a statement in written form. For those of you stating this man should have been careful, he shouldn’t have said that, or anything along those lines, move out of my country. YOU are the reason my rights are trampled. He can say what he wants. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” – G.F. Northall. This is a children’s taunt from 1894. We can all learn from the aforementioned quotation from G.F. Northall.

    Before anyone comments that I’m against any person for beliefs, sexual preference, or race, I love all people. Regardless of how ludicrous your views or statements, I don’t care.

    Rachelmclemore… Religion and politics do mix, sweetheart. Our country was founded on the principals of religion. Maybe you should go back and do a complete historical review. Your new, unfounded, false-prophet leaders want you to believe the statement you made is true.

    In conclusion, we as an American culture should not fault those for stating their minds, but understand the truth behind the blind eye our nation looks through. We are not equal. We are not the same. We are a great melting pot of ideals, falsities, truths, cultures, and absolutes that must find harmony in others. We survived a bloody civil war to break through the bullshit you complain about. Do you want another?

    • Kimberly Knight says:

      Freedom of speech ONLY means to protect you, me, any of us from LEGAL consequences (or worse by the GOVERNMENT) NOT at all to save our sorry asses from economic or social ramifications when we stick our bigoted foot in our willfully ignorant mouths. This is pretty basic civics here so maybe a good old middle school government class is calling your name.

      • MistyLane says:

        Maybe you need to read The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Particularly article VII. BY THEIR OWN STATEMENT, A&E suspended him because they didn’t like his belief on homosexuality which is a confirmed doctrine of his religion. He stated that belief without any hate speech. He was answering a simple question: what do you believe are sins? Here is a synopsis of the law for equal opportunity employment in the United States:

        “Employment discrimination law refers to federal and state laws that prohibit employers from treating workers differently based on certain attributes unrelated to job performance. Discrimination by government employers violates the constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process. Discrimination by private employers may conflict with any number of statutory protections, most notably, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

        Not all classifications qualify for protection against discrimination in the workplace. Under current law, individuals are protected against discrimination based on race or skin color, national origin, genetic information (such as family medical history), gender or pregnancy, religion, disability, and age. In some cases, it is also illegal for employers to discriminate based on marital status, political affiliation, and sexual orientation.

        Assuming a protected classification is involved, many types of conduct can be found to be discriminatory, including decisions to hire, terminate, or promote. Employers cannot discriminate when imposing work conditions or privileges, or when determining pay, bonus, or time off. Workplace discrimination can also take the form of harassment, or retaliation for reporting improprieties or exercising a legal right.”

    • Kimberly Knight says:
  131. Dawn says:

    OMG, Did you all read his blog or not. NO ONE TOOK HIS RIGHTS AWAY!!!! Stop screaming freedom of speech. His words got published, and he didn’t get arrested, no one froze his accounts. He is under contract with A & E, he broke the contract so he is suspended. NOT a freedom of speech ISSUE! (notice my caps) If I go into my bosses office and say something that offends them…I will get suspended. As for GQ… THEY DIDN’T SAY IT. If they didn’t print his words that would have been a freedom of speech issue. That would have been censorship. So you can’t cry freedom of speech and then turn around and blame the magazine. IT IS IDIOTIC!

    • MistyLane says:

      Turns out equal opportunity employment is a right in the United States. He didn’t go into his bosses office and say something that offended him. He answered a question about his religion without using any hate speech in an interview by a separate company. A&E cannot contractually obligate him to lie nor can they require him to keep his religious views to himself while not “on the clock”. Their own statement shows that the reason for suspension was not because he did the interview nor because he answered the question but because they disagreed with his answer which was a confirmed doctrine of his religion. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says you simply cannot base employment, pay, time off, promotions, etc etc on that. I mean have you ever filled out a job application? It says right on their they cannot discriminate based on religious belief. Their not allowed to ask you what you believe in an interview. And their not allowed to tell you that you have to keep your religion a secret either.

      • Is it equal opportunity rights regarding religion being violated when Robertson made offensive remarks about others? How about his vulgar comments in general about women’s vaginas and anal sex? Did he really have to describe in detail? Or were his rights regarding religion being violated when he made racist remarks? He made several offensive remarks, most of which had nothing to do with religion.

  132. Well done good and faithful servant. Well done.

  133. Andrew says:

    The Author makes a logical plea for tolerance and some people use it as an opportunity to display rudeness and fear. This byproduct of ironic commentary goes a long way in proving the author’s point; which he presaged in his writings. For me, it boils down to this– the author is advising tolerance, a modicum of thoughtfulness and kindness. You can totally disagree with his stance, but embrace the three precepts and the world will be a better place.

  134. sherri says:

    I think everyone is missing something here. Duck Dynasty is a reality show about Phil and his family. He is not playing a part, he is just being himself. No one should have been surprised about the things he said in the GQ interview, least of all A&E. GQ knew exactly what would happen. A&E makes a lot of money from this family who are just being themselves. If they aren’t allowed to be true themselves then I’m sure they are ready to move on too.

  135. ken says:

    let the people vote right or wrong…everyone on both sides quit whinning…live and let live….we are not the judge of mankind……family values are what counts..bring back parental rights and watch the world change…right is right and wrong is wrong..let your guilt if you feel any decide…mom and dad tried to raise us all to be adults…start acting like they were right……lets heal the world by our actions….

  136. Dora says:

    Don’t you folks have anything better to do? Oops, i’m doing it too. Don’t pay attention to what Phil said. It just gives it more importance.
    Ps. Too many have died protecting our rights to free speech, even that with which we disagree, to qualify now what IS free speech. Now, if he yelled fire in a crowded theatre, I’d agree.b

  137. Pete says:

    If you believe in what he said then you are obviously not offended. If you don’t then you most likely were not hurt by it because you think he’s a blithering idiot. I see no reason to suspend him.

  138. Kim Clark says:

    This blog is spot on! Thank you!

  139. Vo Mac says:

    As people who strive to live by our faith and principles, we are called to be the hands and feet of God. We are to walk out the values taught in the Bible as it is considered by Christians as the word of God. I don’t believe in radicalism but I have to disagree with idly sitting on the sideline and watching the perversion and erosion of morals and personal freedoms. Everyone has the right to say what they want and be who they want to be. I have read the GQ article and it is clearly trap-journalism and sensationalism. I agree that while we have freedoms like speech, not everything needs to be said. However, hyper sensitivity to one’s personal views and beliefs is the main issue here. Yes, there is a snippet of coerced censorship which infringes on Phil’s 1st amendment rights but not from A&E. The forceful censorship came from the LGBT and GLAAD. Was it wrong for Phil to say what he thinks?…NO! He is entitled and was put int he situation to answer a question that was presented to him. Are there ramifications? SURE…but Phil acted upon his conviction and did not compromise the integrity of who he is and has been all along. One of the issues is that Phil was not at A&E or an A&E event. GQ was writing an article. To say that GQ is just a media outlet absolves too much responsibility from a magazine looking to stir the pot. So I ask: doesn’t GQ bare some of the responsibility and be held to the same premise that the article above expounded on which is: Consequences of action and words. A&E acted on fear of public opinion and ratings…in my opinion because they lack a backbone. A&E are within their rights to suspend Phil Robertson but on the flip side they too have to live with the consequence of their reactionary measures. I personally do not share the same views as the GLAAD and LGBT but think that if you want to be Gay then be Gay…However, do not impose your views and censorship on mine or anyone’s right to have a different set of morals and views. The Bible does not mince word when it comes to homosexuality and Phil simply responded according to what he believes and thinks. Also there was no undertone of malice or ill will towards anyone in his response. It is not the responsibility of mainstream media or politicians to dictate what is moral or immoral, nor should we as people with inalienable rights accept it. Everyone will have to stand before God one day and answer for his or her actions as is taught in the Bible. With that said, Christians are supposed to speak the truth even when it is not the popular thing to say.

    • Kim Clark says:

      Vo….if some of us are atheist, then everything you say is null and void. We don’t follow the bible because it was written by men with their own biases. The whole basis of Christianity is a scam to control the masses. And calling homosexuality a sin is a prime example of the nonsense the bible spews. Religion is for the weak and ignorant.

    • jay says:

      Interesting that you mentioned that he wasn’t at a A&E event.– That was my thought as well. Could this have been an unsuspecting ambush?– He, after all, was being interviewed in the comfort of his own home and he, like so many of us, have our hair down and are not curbing our outloud thoughts . — I feel like, in an environment such as that, we are at our most protected place. Or, we should be, in the very least.
      This interviewer took advantage of that.- (And very bias-ly, I might add. If there is such a word.) For goodness sake, Phil took him out and did some shooting, showed his property..yadda yadda…sounded like Phil was being very hospitable. All the while this reporter was probably salivating on what was being said and waiting for more, so he could spin it as dirt.
      You know, Some stuff is repeated and printed for nothing other than sales. I am in agreement that GQ should be held accountable on some levels. As a former Editor, I can say that there are certain ‘unspoken’ rules about moral/immoral inclusion decisions that are always considered before presstime. My mother always stressed to me…”some things are just better left unsaid..pick your battles and count the cost” I agree mother, some things are better left unprinted. As most money seekers go, GQ just decided to take the low road. Not caring of the damage outcome to Phil as a person. I am a pretty good read of people..and I can tell you that Phil is a harmless God fearing man.– And by the way, this isn’t the first time there as been a bumping of heads, when it came to “faith based” opinions.– A&E has kept them from using the name of Jesus in their table blessings..they also inserted “bleeps” in their conversations. As if to imply that the guys were all using swear words. Phil, in an interview, made it clear that NO cussing was actually happening. It was all ‘theatrics’. And he brought it to A&E’s attention that he had issue with that.

      Bottom line here….your words… “Everyone will have to stand before God one day and answer for his or her actions as is taught in the Bible. With that said, Christians are supposed to speak the truth even when it is not the popular thing to say.” That is why I am commenting here. Though a defense of Phil is unpopular with — We are all on our own paths and levels of maturity. Spiritual included.–

  140. cjraines says:

    My fav movie quote ever…

    America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, ’cause it’s gonna put up a fight. It’s gonna say “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can’t just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the “land of the free.”

  141. tory says:

    Hi there, I am just going to preface with I think that there were issues on both sides of the fence here. I don’t agree with a media outlet outright asking a person what there feelings on homosexuality are and then a person getting slammed for giving his personal opinion when the man is from Alabama and he was born in a time long ago. I’m sorry but he shouldn’t have to apologize for the way he was raised or be forced to change just because he is on tv. I am pretty sure he won’t any way. But I also don’t think he should have been so blunt and I think even he would probably say he wishes he had said it differently. The church is a place of love where all are welcome so I think in Phil’s answer there was just a little lost in translation because if you read for context that is what it says.

  142. Candice Harris says:

    While I do not share Phil Robertson’s thoughts on this subject, I wasn’t offend by someone using their first amendment rights. Please, read the First Amendment, it does say that US Citizens are NOT to be persecuted for voicing their opinion. What the heck did GQ think the answer to their questions would be when they asked a very conservative Christian about his thoughts on his subject? Phil, did not say anything that disparaged anyone, nor was he condescending.

    It is indeed a sad state in our Country when we value ‘Honey Boo Boo’ more than our Veterans. And we have a white house resident that wants to pass a law that makes it illegal to speak out against him.

    Oh, and by the way… we do not live in a Democracy, but rather in a Constitutional Republic.

    It scares the hell out o me that the writer of this article is a teacher of any kind.

    An d when all other common sense fails, turn the channel!

  143. John Bohnsam says:

    It’s simple people! Phil was given a loaded question because they knew how he would answer it! I think homosexuality is disgusting and wrong. However, I do not discourage it or even publicly comment on it. To each his own! I have worked with gay people and they knew my position on the subject. Never talked about personal lives or what they do and we got along fine. I do not condone or condem for choices, I just don’t make those choices! You people need lives!! Get a job and stop living to bash opinions….

    • molly11180 says:

      John, read the original GQ article. It wasn’t a “loaded” question. It was pretty simple. He was asked something along the lines of “OK, so what is sin?”. That is not a loaded question at all. Most people would start talking about murder, lying, stealing, cheating, violence, or any number of things. He took it in that direction from the get-go.

  144. From someone who has been incredibly hurt personally by this event, thank you for articulating what has been running thru my head and heart the past couple of days.

    • Jason says:

      Personally hurt by this event? How? You must not go out in public very often.

    • Sherri says:

      If you are hurt by a complete strangers words then you need to grow a thicker skin. Seriously, I could care less what strangers think of me. What a mess I would be if I did!

      • molly11180 says:

        Sherri – so Phil has the right to feel/believe/say what he wants, but Rene can’t feel hurt? Re-read the article up there, you missed the whole point.

    • theboeskool says:

      Rene’, there are probably always going to be the kind of people in this world who hear someone say that they’ve been hurt and respond by calling that person a pussy.

      Thankfully, there will also always be the kind of people who ask you if you’re okay and tell you they are sorry you got hurt. I believe that empathy is something that can be taught…. That it is a skill. Anyway, I’m sorry that you’ve been hurt by all this. Look for the ones who are doing the loving, and hope that the haters see them doing it.

      This has been very troubling for me as well….

  145. Merideth says:

    Oh thank you! As a Christian I have to say that the company has a right to defend themselves as much as Phil had a right to speak his opinion. Wake up people! And find something more important to worry about!

  146. david29073 says:

    I understand freedom of speech, and I am caught between a rock and a hard place over what this guy said.. For the record I have no problems with the LGBT community or gay marriage..
    Free speech is just that, free to say whatever you want, what I have a problem with is the “consequences” part of the equation. I don’t like “purple people eaters”, but am I going to lose my job because of that statement.
    Why should this Duck Dynasty guy lose his job just because he expressed his personal opinion. I personally find his opinion wrong, but that won’t stop me from going to Temple or him from going to Church. My personal freedoms to say what I want or go where I want without government interference won’t be affected by what this yahoo says. So his remarks don’t reflect the ideals of A&E, he still has a right to say it without fear of being arrested by the government. So A&E fires him? For his right to say what he said? That’s where freedom of speech and consequences colloid and I am not sure he should have lost his job. It is when free speech is offensive that it has to be protected, and that has been proven in the case of Fred Phelps and his maggot family that protests at soldiers funerals. He has the right to protest and have those offensive signs,yet there are people who have organized to protect the people attending these funerals from seeing these totally offensive signs.
    This particular forum allows all of us to express our particular views without fear of government intervention and that is really what free speech is all about. Different groups have different opinions and can express them openly, but lose a job? I just wonder where the line is in free speech and its consequences.

  147. Reblogged this on Simply Ramazing and commented:
    Perfectly stated!!!!!!!!!!!!

  148. Jason says:

    Often times the ones clamoring for “tolerance” are the most intolerant of all. A bit ironic when a lot of the DD haters are posting things on facebook and other social media sites to the effect of, “Why can’t these darn retarded rednecks just respect people?” They don’t see the hypocrisy in their outspoken opinions. “Tolerance is fine….as long as you agree with ME.”

    • phil says:

      Liberal fundamentalism and social activism runs the PC decision making in this country. social activist set corporate policy, not the free market, that is what is wrong with the system. If ratings decline because of what he said that is one thing. but if it is solely because a group of people say we don’t agree and you should fear us, that is another… that group does not represent the free people and should not be making decisions, unfortunately sponsors are too scared of making anybody upset, regardless if they truly represent the free market.

      the only problem is the door does not swing both ways. The don’t ask don’t tell policy is no longer around. and I dare anybody to put into writing they will not employ someone solely because they were gay. I would like to see that breach of contract… If any company did that it would violate discrimination laws. In other words liberal fundamentalism has taken over this country, good luck trying to voice your opinion to all those “open minded” progressive people who do. not. agree. with you.

      • Kevin A says:

        Actually, being fired over being gay is not illegal in I believe 29 states. The ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act) is moving through congress to make it nation-wide, but the LGBT community has the least protections of many groups.

      • phil says:

        thanks for the info Kevin, I wasn’t completely sure on the laws by my point is more directed at the fear of companies who are scared to fire a gay person, even though it is perfectly legal as you said, solely because they do not want minority activist groups bringing down the whole company. this is a factor that runs corporate policy and is completely outside the realm of economics. But you do make a fair point. My problem is that I have a gay guy living with me and he has been suspended from school beat up and a list of a lot of other things not solely because he is gay but because he is a drama queen who usually starts it. regardless of his sexual preferences the way he acts is what get him into trouble. I feel like there is an aspect of the gay culture that people disagree with more than homosexuality itself.

      • NatalPlumb says:

        I’m not so much interested in getting into a debate about this duck business. I just wanted to mention to phil that the plural of “social activist” is “social activists.” As in, “social activists set corporate policy…” It seems to show up a lot in your writing, so it’s probably best to know the proper spelling. Good day, sir.

      • D. DuJour says:

        Phil, when you say that your gay acquaintance gets beat up because he “starts it”, do you mean he physically attacks these folks, and thus starts the fight? Because you appear to be saying he “starts it” by displaying “drama queen” gay behavior that you and others dislike, and that these folks then respond with physical blows or other prohibited behavior. You do realize how juvenile that logic would be, don’t you? I mean, every domestic abuser the police deal with counters with “she made me do it–she made me mad”….on and on down the list of intolerant behaviors, especially the physically violent types, the persons committing such behaviors blame the victim for “provoking ” them. But no matter how much I dislike someone’s actions or speech, unless they are physically attacking me, I have no excuse for physically attacking them–or even for harassing or persecuting them. I don’t have to be their buddy–I’m free to ignore them–but I don’t get to attack them because they’re a “drama queen” or displaying “gay behavior”. I don’t even get to do that to intolerant bigots.

      • Tanner says:

        No, money and power set corporate policy. Do you think Bill Maher and Phil Donahue were fired because of their anti-liberal utterances.

      • phil says:

        Dujour My room mate would seek out people who have homophobic tendency and throw it there face. he would try to kiss guys and he would make people purposefully feel uncomfortable. he was suspended for school because he printed a picture of a two guys have sex and photo shopped him and football player faces to them. I dont care what you are if someone tries to kiss me espcially another guy and i punch him in the nose out of reaction that is becuase I was harrassed, not intolerant. he knows what he is getting into and he knows it will make people upset. yeah he didnt WANT to get punched in the face, but he did want to start something. If I walked into Harlem in a KKK outfit Im not wanting or asking to get my but kicked but should I be surprised when it happens? no. My friend is not surprised either. in his twisted mind he likes the attention..

    • JohnDavid Morgan says:

      It is funny to look at all the different post concerning this Duck Dynasty thing…everyone has an opinion including me. What amazes me the most though is not the subject, but rather seeing how hateful folks can be to each other. People certainly do not let the Christmas spirit interfere with their need to say horrible things to each other and to top it off, so many do it in the name of God. Seems like maybe people should consider getting their point across without so much anger and hatred…Somehow I do not think the good Lord intended for us to be so cruel to each other. With all there is to worry about and deal with in today’s world, I find it kind of funny that the biggest topic right now seems to be a Duck Dynasty issue… Think about this…now the show and all it’s merchandise is going to be even bigger…..hum……maybe good ole Phil and the folks at A&E are smarter than some folks seem to think!

      • phil says:

        There are a bunch of activist who picket the salvation army money stands..I guess the guy who runs it does not like gays. and these gay activist would rather you not give to help children who need coats, than just let someone voice there negative opinion about them.

      • caramelmacchiatto says:

        I agree. There’s a lot of hatred on both sides, though personally I have seen more hatred and angry statements from people who support A&E than from those who support Phil. And one thing that grieves me is articles like this that address others with such sarcasm and disrespect … while accusing them of not being loving. Galatians 6:1 is something for all of us who follow Christ to keep in mind.

    • evilrobert says:

      So people should be tolerant of racism and hate exhibited towards people for their sexual or religious preferences/nation of origin; but people shouldn’t be tolerant of folks different from them and exude hate towards them publicly even if it’s not a part of what Christ directed us to be towards each other?

      That’s a pretty awkward standard to proclaim.

      • phil says:

        This is not hate.. This is an opinion, Phil did not say gather your torches and pitch forks. he said what he believes. You have a right to be uncomfortable around people for whatever reason you choose. Just like you have a right to elect a president for the reasons of whatever you choose. There is a line between hate and opinions. The Neo nazi get to march and so do the gays, and I have the right to disagree with it on these blogs just as much as you do.

    • bonnie says:


    • Rebecca says:

      I believe intolerance of hatred, bigotry and injustice as a good and moral thing.

    • Susan says:

      I have not read the GQ article (I don’t read GQ) but I have several “questions” about whether Phil’s words might have been taken out-of-context.. maybe, maybe not. Maybe it was Phil being Phil, and he lives in America with the rest of us and has that right!! I wonder if the whole thing might have been a “set-up” because of the Prayer at the end of the show with the meal (as in: “Let’s get Phil to say something that will give us leverage..” Think about THAT seriously for a minute! They were after him for quite awhile AND very angry when the Family put their foot down and said No, the Prayer stays, it’s who we are. Or that maybe GQ KNEW exactly what it was doing in opening up a whole can of worms when asking a self-professed “Simple Man” to talk about Homosexuality! “They” knew what the outcome would be because they chose to speak to the most outspoken of all the Robertson’s! I’ve heard Jep Robertson speak in person. He came up here to Illinois and spoke in one of our largest churches. There were 2 services and each one was packed full! As far as the DD programs, there is no cussing, no wife swapping, no nudity or homosexuality.. if you want that, you can find it on any other channel up or down on your remote. Just sit down with your children and lap it up. I THINK: that this is one man (and his family) that made themselves into something from nothing and now people are trying to control them… like they control the rest of us. What we see on TV.. what to like.. what not to like (sounds like our government, doesn’t it?) Which sandwich we should buy from which fast food place and which car we should be driving…. I’m sorry, but a man that speaks his own mind about what he believes is like a breath of fresh air to me.

  149. Monica brower says:

    He didnt say he was grossed out…blatant lie. He said he he wasn’t in the position to judge then and wouldn’t but was just preaching what the bible said. And he is fully okay with the consequences. I have many gay friends and I love them. But God will decide for them. Not me. Get it right!!!

    • God will decide for you, too. We are all sinners. HE will decide for the greedy and the adulterers, too. Don’t be so quick to past judgement lest you be judged.

      • Clayton says:

        Truth be told, GOD does not judge. GOD is love, unconditionally. In all the near death and DMT experiences, it has been told over and over again that GOD does not judge. GOD reviews your life with you and you see the truth for what it was. Experiences. And the same message over and over again. There is no HELL. Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion. I am also exercising my right to free speech when I say it. My opinion. My belief. Persecute me for it. I don’t care. IT is what I believe to be the truth. It has nothing to do with religion, sexual orientation, gender, or what is right or wrong. It is what they call contrast. In order for one thing to exist, there must be its opposite. Contrast. Balance. Without it life cannot exist as we have come to know it. The research is there to validate this statement if you are willing to look for it.

        Infinite LOVE is the only truth… everything else is illusion.

      • Yiska says:

        Yep! But the real question here is… what KIND of sinner are you? There are only two kinds … Either you are a repentant sinner who turns away from your sin, and the grace and mercy of God creates a desire in you to walk in Obedience to the ONE who created you … or your an un-repentant sinner… in which case; brings the full judgement of God on your sin. Every single soul will one day stand before God and give an account for their life and every word said… and its either going to be a repentant soul who will be judged for their work for the LORD through Salvation in Jesus … or they will be judged based on their sin according to God’s Holy Law.

      • Jazzy says:

        I’d like to ask Clayton… and this is simply a question: If everything needs a contrast to provide a balance, why is there only a Heaven and no hell?

      • Clayton says:

        Jazzy… I did not claim there was a heaven. Metaphorically, there is, and what you perceive it to be is what heaven is. A state of pure love and bliss. That exists here. It is what you create thru your perception. Hell does not exist as a punishment. If you believe in hell, then you will create one here personally suited for your existence. It is conjured in the human mind, by the human mind. It has never existed as a form of punishment from GOD’s wrath. That would be counter productive. The choice is ultimately yours in what you choose to perceive. Do not be fooled by the scare tactics.
        It is this simple. Look into documentaries like “DMT The Spirit Molecule” and David Icke has some brilliant video on this topic as well. We are spiritual beings. We are meant to love and feel compassion for all living things. Somehow along this journey we have lost our way. But for the true seeker, the info, the truth, is waiting for you.

    • Pax says:

      That’s actually not what he said. He compared homosexuality to bestiality and prostitution.

      “It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

      “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

      • No, Pax, he did not compare homosexuality to bestiality & prostitution. He made an all encompassing statement about sins of the Bible. He stated, in his opinion, to start WITH homosexuality & went on to state other sins that the Bible states. He paraphrases Corinthians.

      • actually Leigh Anna the way his statement is worded “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” can very easily be seen as an inference that all the crap that follows STARTS with homosexuality as its root cause, as if Homosexuality gives birth to the other things…i can see how someone would take offense with that especially since it is blatantly false.

      • Alisha says:

        Funny how only the parts of Phil’s reply to get the spotlight are those that a group of radicals believe to be offensive! We all sin and fall short of God’s glory, however through repentance, salvations and changing our lives we then are found in God’s grace!

      • Clayton says:

        You see what you wrote. It can be inferred that… If you look at that statement, it states the reader inferring his own conclusion. If you read the whole interview, and choose to infer from there, you may come up with a valid hypothesis. However, the act of inferring is the responsibility of the reader. Do not judge because of what is said in an interview, and what is taken out of context for sensationalism, but the acts the man does, and what he gives of himself to other people. Does he do good work? Does he “Pay It Forward” with charitable acts? Does he do GOD’s work? If he can quote the bible, and then interject with his own opinion, and his is in the article, I feel and think I see a man who satnds by what he believes in, and does not judge. He may be a little gruff, but he is accepting of people. He is not judging, he is speaking his mind and his beliefs. What you infer from it is your responsibility, not his. There is an episode where he and his wife get photos taken by a photographer. You can infer that the photographer was gay, and, it is apparent that he does as well. As uncomfortable as it made him, he was accepting, albiet a little on the gruff side. I do not believe in the same religious beliefs as he does, but I believe he has a right to express them. Just as the Gay Pride Parade has a right to be expressed, and I am heterosexual. Just as you have the right to speak your beliefs freely. A touch of tolerance, comapssion, and acceptance will ease the outrage you experience due to the biggest disease known to mankind… The human ego.

        Merry Christmas

    • Malkie says:

      Oldest adult fairy tale in the world……..is it worth it?

  150. Kerry says:

    You should always read a article before expressing opinions.

  151. Jacob says:

    I bet A & E is still cashing the checks from all the Duck Dynasty stuff being sold even though they don’t agree with what was said. Someone commented that these guys are plastering their faces on everything. I’m quite sure A & E has lots to do with the marketing of these products so they can rake in the money!

    • Connie says:

      For your information…. A & E owns Duck Dynasty and the family gets nothing from those sales…. Duck Commander sales is the only place the family receives anything from.

  152. Olivia says:

    Okay . You are clearly a liberal . And that article was the biggest waste of 5 minutes . I would have rather watched paint dry then read one more liberal hypocrite preach about how we all must get along blah blah blah . NO. Who cares if you hurt someone’s feeling . Calling someone gay is calling a spade a spade; if you don’t like it then there http://gopthedailydose.com/2013/12/17/eyewitness-hitler-warns-americans-keep-guns-keep-guns-buy-guns/is a very simple solution, DONT BE GAY. That is all. Have a nice day!

    • theboeskool says:

      You make a compelling case, Olivia….

      • Ted says:

        Olivia, When you stop being an idiot, I’ll stop being gay.

      • Big5Hole says:

        Best. Reply. Ever.

      • Elizabeth says:

        In an effort at facts- he did not say he was grossed out, and he did not say gays are going to hell. As a side point- Olivia does not make a compelling case. I do applaud you for not taking offense. But it does irritate me that someone with such a huge platform, who professes to be a believer, would twist facts or blatantly ignore them. Robertson called a sin a sin. Does it make me uncomfortable- yes, because I sin daily. Make no mistake there will be a judgement day- and you and I will be judged for our sins. Robertson also commented that our job is to love each other. Love- God calls us to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves- regardless of whether they sin the same as me or not. My burden to take is to love unfailingly and leave the judging to Christ. A heavy burden that I fail Him in daily.

    • Calling a spade a spade... says:

      Hey…stop being straight!
      Better yet……stop being stupid!

      Take a minute….are you still stupid? See how hard it is to just stop? Let’s be honest, I’m just calling a spade a spade. Now you understand why it’s hard for people to just “not be gay”.

      I hope you realize how much you are laughed at for comments like yours.

      • phil says:

        I don’t have a problem with gays, I don’t agree with them and I believe your gender is what gives you a right to marry not your sexual preference. But the gay activist who have put fear into corporate policy so this kind of stuff happens is total crap. quit making decisions for the mass. A&E had to ban Phil not becuase of they are afraid the rating are going to drop, but becuase they dont want a bunch of peopel picketing outside of corporate making a big spectacle and using fear and intolerance to get there way.

      • dear Phil, i want to thank you for the visual image you have implanted in my mind of a “rowdy group of intolerant homosexuals marching and picketing and striking fear into the hearts of the mighty television execs while screaming “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!” i will be amused for quite a while.

        i’m just wondering what other type of groups or people display their “intolerance” by picketing and causing spectacles to put ”fear” into people to do things “their” way…hmm…oh i have a few:

        1. Women-for many different injustices they have endured and got tired of finally.

        2. Minorities-to be paid a wage, to be able to own property, to vote, sit and eat or ride a bus where they choose to, to marry whomever they choose.

        3. gun owners

        i’m not gonna list all of them but you get the picture. that is how you affect change when there is something wrong or unjust being perpetrated against a group of people that are not the majority.

        from reading your posts it seems as if you believe it’s ok for gays to be treated differently because they are different…even your “roommate” who [brings his bad situations on himself]. what you see as decisions being made for the masses are actually decisions being made to protect the “little guy” and someone having the balls to stand up to the MAJORITY and say “Hey! you can’t say nasty things about folks no matter where the information comes from.” you are allowed to believe whatever you want. what you are not allowed to do is persecute others that don’t subscribe to the same point of view or treat them as second class

      • phil says:

        Brenda I dont have a problem with social activist groups some are very helpful and do get rights changed because they need to. Infringing on people rights is one thing. Giving an opinion is another. There is a hazy line between opinion and persecution, Phil did not call for action with torches and pitchforks, he gave his opinion on a life style not the people who live it. And when was the last time some one got kicked off a show because of they made a comment on gun control? My issues is when the decision being made for the little people began to get too much control to the point that if you used the N word one time 20 years ago you can be charged for a hate crime today. I know for gays need to be protected form persecution but not from Phil Robertson and his opinions. And theyre are minority groups of people that should not be stood up for.. I think the top 1 percent in this country is one.

      • Malkie says:

        Phil: I don’t believe you know what being gay is. Gender??? Really??

      • phil says:

        malkie my roomate is gay I am around gay people quite a bit. When I say your gender give you the right to marry I am saying we are world of men and women, let me repeat that, we are a world of men AND women. if you are a Male that give you the right to marry a female. If you are a female you have the right to marry a male. If you have an alternative sexual preference of whatever that might be, that does not give any right or special circumstance to change this rule for you to freely decide on what you want. Preferences are intangible and really cannot be measured, only proclaimed and demonstrated through action. Your gender is concrete. If you are a transsexual, you transcend this rule because, your gender is in question, and i dont want to get into that, I am not a doctor.

    • Richard Hunt says:

      Olivia, nobody is complaining about being called gay. The problem is when you are comparing being gay to beastiality, incest, pedophilia, etc. What this DD fool did, and had a right to do was state his opinion. We don’t care about that. But then when he tells us it is not his position to judge, he turns around and starts judging people. As I said, he had a right to say what he said, and A&E had a right to suspend him.

      Obviously, you have no concern about other peoples feelings, and that is fine for you. We don’t really care about you either. However, you want to show us how NOT do be gay? Here is a perfect example for you to lead us. How about for the next month or so, you don’t be straight! Let us know how easy it is to change your sexuality. Then we will consider your opinion. In the meantime, go watch paint dry.

      • Jen says:

        She was just stating her opinion just like you do in writing your reply. Phil was doing the same ~ they asked what he thought about the issue and he believes the Bible! The interviewer knew before he went into the interview with him what he stood for. He was not passing judgement he is simply a disciple for Christ. The one who wrote the bible is the judge in the end and everything he quoted is from the bible~ he did not mean he would discriminate the person that is gay but the sin that they are dealing with.

      • evilrobert says:

        The sad part, is no one actually asked Phil what he thought. The interviewer himself stated that Phil just kind of started throwing his opinions out there on his own. I think the part where he said that “blacks were happier without civil rights” was a result of being asked about his childhood.

        The part about Japan (aka “the Shintos), the Nazis, the communists, and the Islamists (who actually include Jesus as a part of their religion, just not as their savior) all being violent and murderous because they don’t have Jesus? That was just priceless.

      • phil says:

        How not to be gay.. Stop going to gay bars stop watching gay porn stop living the gay life style. You do it because you want to. You CREATE your own desires and then you go fulfill them. Trying to step out of your created scope satisfaction is hard and that is why most people dont do it, but it is possible and you can have just as much if not more satisfaction with fulfilling new desires. You are only gay becuase you want to be gay. Im not saying you werent born with an attractions to the same sex, but Im saying that you are not limited to only that. Most have you guys have just that monster your whole life and now have narrowed your desires to the point of having blinders on to all of the worlds other satisfactions. The drug culture and porn culture are the same. Even the military culture. people just dont want to step outside of what they are comfortable with.

    • *sigh* says:

      Olivia, no one is complaining because this guy “called someone gay.” Most gay people I know are perfectly happy to call themselves gay. Shockingly enough, they don’t have a problem with it. Clearly YOU think it’s an insult. But that’s your problem, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with this post — except for proving his point about further alienating the LGBT community. Oh, and just out of curiosity, how do you think you’d handle it if someone told you DON’T BE STRAIGHT? I’ll bet you’d rush right out and change your sexual orientation, right? Yeah, didn’t think so. Probably couldn’t do it if you tried, could you? Any idea when it was you CHOSE to be straight? Believe it or not, many gay people feel EXACTLY the same way about their own sexual orientation that you do about YOUR sexual orientation.

    • tw says:

      Olivia, a very simple solution? DON’T BE GAY? I may as well ask you to say something intelligent, all along knowing your an IDIOT? It could never happen? Nothing even resembling intelligence will emerge from that pie hole.

      • Love 4 All says:

        Darkness will not drive out darkness… Only light can do that.
        Hatred will not drive out hatred… Only love can to that.

    • Erin says:

      Seriously, Olivia? Maybe you spend too much time watching paint dry. There have been claims suggesting paint fumes cause bigotry. Good for you for reading the article the entire way through. It’s unfortunate the message didn’t get through all the red tape in your brain, which was placed so effortlessly by all the bigoted media you’re expected to filter through each day. Pick up a book once in a while, it might help unclutter your scattered and assainine misinformation.

      Oh, happy holidays!

    • Love 4 All says:

      Olivia, I’m going to pray for you… Read a bible, and try to respect your God enough to listen to ALL of it and not just the parts that make you feel better about yourself.
      I would love to hear how you will explain to God that your endless lists of sins committed every day are so much better than any that another human being has committed. THEY ARE ALL EQUAL IN THE EYES OF THE LORD. Find a mirror & chill in front of it for a bit.
      And then remind yourself that you are LOVED regardless of what you find in yourself.

    • JohnDavid Morgan says:

      Olivia you wrote..”Okay . You are clearly a liberal . And that article was the biggest waste of 5 minutes . I would have rather watched paint dry then read one more liberal hypocrite preach about how we all must get along blah blah blah”
      Okay, let’s clear things up… This posting was something that was such a waste of your time and made you feel watching pain dry was more enjoyable…Can I ask you something? How come you a.) Took time to finish reading the posting if it was so boring and b.) why bother wasting more time posting a response when your time would have obviously by your account, been spent so much better finding something freshly painted and watched it dry… .

    • haberdashery says:

      Really, Olivia? Really? How about you DON’T BE STRAIGHT? Did you choose to be straight? Exactly.

    • Lucas says:

      Olivia, I’m a conservative. I’m a Christian. I’m a hunter. I’m from the country. I support the traditional view on marriage. I believe in liberal media bias. I’m a big Duck Dynasty fan, but you’re simply wrong. Phil is gruff and absolutely could have chosen a better way to say what he did. If you’ve watched the show enough you know it wasn’t motivated by hate. However, there is a difference between standing firm in your beliefs and being an a**. What you are talking about is the latter. If you are a Christian I can assure you that there is nothing in the Bible that supports your position. If you are not a Christian, there is very little within a civil society which indicates that being ignorant to prove a point is the best way to go about things. There is nothing wrong with believing in the traditional view of marriage, but the world will get nowhere if you have to stick your finger in someone’s eye to prove a point.

    • Kalynn says:

      To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand within someone else. ~HHDL

      • Rick Yaeger says:

        If only we all took that to heart……..every moment. When asked Jesus said ” ‘Love the Lord your with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment and the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Perhaps we should stop talking and start listening?

    • Tara says:

      Olivia, I am not gay, nor am I a liberal… I considermyself just a SMIDGE left of the middle (and I only consider myself this way instead of dead center because I seem to have more compassion/understanding/tolerance of those on both sides of any issue than those who are dead center seem to)… What worries me about your comment (I rarely read, post, or reply to comments because I find so many of them (on both sides, again) filled with vile hatred) is your stating “who cares if you hurt someone’s feelings.” Please put yourself in another’s shoes; if you had a child who is slightly overweight, is it ok for someone to call them fat and hurt their feelings? If you have a child who has a mental handicap, is it ok for someone to call them retarded and hurt their feelings? We live in a world that is already so full of hurt, can’t we all be a bit more wary of the things we say that someone we know (or maybe even ourselves, if the role is reversed) may take offense to? Would you want someone to say hurtful and mean things to you, even if they truly felt deep down that they were true, or would you want them to leave by the teachings of our Lord and love their neighbor as themselves? Just a little food for thought, ands I hope you have a pleasant day.

    • Sandy Moran says:

      I just have to say this, so I will feel better. I don’t like you, Olivia. I don’t like people who think like you think. I believe you drip hate like poison, and everyone around you is slowly dying of the poison, while you thrive on it, like a venomous deadly snake. I believe that the world would be a better place without people like you in it. I hope you don’t have children, but if you do, I hope they recognize you for the poisonous cloud that you are, and get away from you, far far away, where your poison can’t reach them. I guess that is about all, except for this: DON’T BE AN ASSHOLE. That is all. Have a nice day

    • don't be gay? says:

      people like you are the reason i struggled with suicide as a kid. homosexuality isn’t a choice. if it was, why the hell would anybody choose to be gay in a nation filled with homophobia and discrimination. think about how what you say affects other people, its the christ-like thing to do.

    • BCasey says:

      That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Who would choose to be gay? Really? Did you choose to be straight? Is there some survey you do as a child where you’re supposed to check if you want to grow up to like boys or girls? Did I miss that? He has every right to say whatever he chooses to say but that does not mean he will not have to deal with ramifications that come from that. His employer (A&E) has every right to terminate him due to a misrepresentation of their brand (because they OWN Duck Dynasty) on a national level. If you’re Christian…cool. If not, cool. What does that have to do with me? Nothing. If you are so against marriage equality, don’t marry a female. If it does not apply to you, why cause a ruckus? And in regards to your statement, “Who cares if you hurts someone’s feeling”, would Conservative Christians be offended and/or be upset if a reality star went on an interview and said the bible is nothing more than a book and the chance of it depicting an accurate account of history is the same as the Flying Spaghetti Monster depicts an accurate portrayal of aliens? Um, yes. So I know many people who would “care” if it was THEIR feelings getting hurt. I don’t understand why Christians want this country to be all about them (their deity on our money, in our pledge of allegiance, etc) because within the same guidelines that they love to hold up it also states there is to be a separation of church and state. Yet again, the majority of Conservative Christians picking and choosing what parts of the Constitution they would like to acknowledge, just like the do with their bible.

      • Jeff says:

        Where in the Constitution does it state there is to be a separation of church and state??? You do realize that that phrase was in a letter to a pastor and not any official document don’t you??

      • Doll Fan says:

        “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

        It’s called the 1st amendment.

      • Jeff says:

        Yes I am well aware what the amendments and the text say. I asked about your use of the phrase seperation of church and state. It isn’t there. Never has been. What that amendment says it that the state is not to create or interfere with religious expression in any way shape or form. It does not say freedom from but rather freedom of. You do see and understand the difference, I hope so.

      • Doll Fan says:

        The phrase is an interpretation but the forefathers were very clear with “respect no religion”. History shows that church leaders of the day wanted that to stop state interference of the state in church practices like was occurring in the Church of England. Clearly separation of church and state is the concept. So, yes, it is in the constitution as a concept, just like equal protection under the law, and the implied right to privacy in the 4th amendment.

  153. Greg says:

    Olivia needs to learn how to spell correctly. And a bit of education on how to think logically would not be hurtful either. I thought the article was spot on. Oh, and yes, haters, I’m a big ‘ol liberal and a gay guy. Screw you!

  154. Marco says:

    Although you have good points my friend, the truth is the truth, call me stubborn blind or whatever you want, I agree with you when it comes to treat gay people with respect, but do I agree with what they do absolutely no. I think we ought to pray for them to change their wicked ways and I know just the only person who can do that, the bible says nothing but the blood of Jesus.
    Now let me say something I think you are very wrong, when some movie star or singer or whoever they show on tv doing something very bad like “twerking” or abusing drugs or abusing family members or singing about killing or let’s get high type or deal, is it right there their right of speech? I think this is a really messed up situation I don’t know if you have kids but how would you feel if he/she would start mocking Miley Cyrus doing drugs, sleeping with as many guys or girls as he/she wants, I don’t know you but I definitely don’t want to raise my daughter in this society or at least I won’t let her watch tv. But going back to the point, when this guy Phil Robertson wants to speak his mind everyone I. This satanic society jumps right in saying “he is a bad example” he is homophobic, just so you know the guy was just using his right to speak openly about his beliefs, if you think that’s the worst thing on tv let me just tell you you’re messed up in the head and they already brain washed you my friend, the guy later say that he wouldn’t treat anybody with disrespect just because they are different than him but he stands his ground, why is it no one talking about this last comment he made or guess why cause he’s already the bad guy, but ill tell you something I know the god in the heavens is watching an d I have no doubt he’s gonna get rewarded for trying to bring god to this society!!

    • Pax says:

      Mr. Robertson’s rights are in full swing. He was not jailed or arrested for his comments. He was suspended from his TV show because his employer did not like the way he was representing their brand. If I said something offensive to my employer, I too would be suspended. See how that works?

    • BamPowKate says:

      Just FYI, I have a son who is 16. He doesn’t “copy Miley Cyrus and do drugs”, and that’s because he was talked to openly about sex, drugs, etc, it has nothing to do with being a certain religion. He is a great kid who has never made any major life stumbles and does well in school. With the way some kids at his school have been taught to be hateful via being “Christian”, I am glad he has been raised to make his own choice about religion. I wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if he told me he was gay…OR Christian. He’s a good, thoughtful person because he was raised to respect people and was told the truth about what was out there. He has Christian friends, and he has experienced bullying from what I can only say are kids who were taught to be hateful by their parents and possibly their churches.

      But I guess parents who raise their kids via TV and lies have a lot to worry about, I’ll agree with you there.

      As a person who is not Christian but has read the bible, the real Jesus would probably be mortified by his followers twisting his words and using them to attack people instead of loving them. Just a guess.

  155. Zack says:

    Nice excessive use of Caps and Bold font. Almost like an opinionated facebook rant.

  156. Angie says:

    Thank you for sharing this, I thought I was the only 1 of my friends who thought this way, especially after reading all the discussions on FB yesterday.

  157. Victoria says:

    Oh, for goodness sake. “Don’t be gay.” Do you think gays wake up one day and decide to be gay? When did you wake up and decide to be straight? God made you – and them – that way, so don’t judge.

  158. linda says:

    The best article I’ve read since all of this nonsense surfaced. You are exactly right, it’s simple.consequence for your actions.

  159. Steve Hull says:

    You know what is just as offensive as a negative LGBT comment is to them? When people like you say things like “those supposedly ‘Christians” to Christians. That is very offensive to me, it demeans my beliefs and the life of faith I live. How can you generalize a population by comments made by a minority? You are doing exactly the same thing to me and my way of life. So I guess that means I can put you in the same catagory as all those crazy left wing radicals that I see spewing their retorict around and lump you in with them. When I do that, you loose your voice as well. Think about it, you did the exact same thing…….

    • theboeskool says:

      I’m a Christian, Steve. Here’s what I believe: If you are a person who only seems to spread hate (not saying that you are. At all) and believes that following Jesus is about telling everyone who doesn’t believe the same as you that they are going hell, I would say that (in my opinion) I wouldn’t consider you a Christian. Is that fair? I’m not saying that ALL Christians are like that…. I’m saying that a Christian who is full of hate is no Christian at all. They’ll know us by our love, right?

      • evilrobert says:

        I have to say I’m glad I bit my tongue before engaging in a response to Steve. The lessons that Christ brought is to love everyone no matter who they are or what they believe; and that no matter what they do to you, that doesn’t mean you do anything less that show them the love that Christ and the Lord have shown you.

        Although, I do personally think that criticizing someone else for their choices or “how God made them” as if we’re superior to them is completely non-Christian thing to do. That falls under the whole “judge not, lest ye be judged” clause of salvation.

      • phil says:

        Jesus also would end most of his sermons with go and sin no more.

      • theboeskool says:

        Phil–Except that the sinning that Jesus spent his time talking about had nothing to do with same-sex relationships. The thing he talks about most? Loving money. So great, I agree with Jesus on that: Go and sin no more.

    • Matt says:

      Steve, let me explain to you why the phrase “supposedly Christians” gets used like that. Instead of lining up at homeless shelters, hospitals, and jails ministering or helping others, you guys are lined up at Macy’s, Toys R Us, Target and these other places on Black Friday like a bunch of greedy jackals. Oh yeah, and Chick Fil A too. Instead of being outraged that George Zimmerman got away with killing a defenseless teenager, you guys not only defended him but you also offered to get him another gun and you defended Florida’s law instead of God’s law “thou shalt not kill.” So man’s law trumps God’s law? Ok, gotcha. Instead of your churches investing their money in building more schools, residential housing for the less fortunate, homeless shelters, or even investing in a business that can contribute positively to the economy by creating jobs, what do you Christians do? You build mega-churches, fund greedy corporations and politicians, and spend your money on countless other miscellaneous garbage that has nothing to do with healing lost souls, helping the sick, and less fortunate. Oh and lets not forget about that mansion your pastor lives in that you people fund every Sunday.

      Now Steve you or someone else could easily come on here and lie and say I’ve never participated in or felt like that about any of those things, or my church does wonderful things for the community and blah blah blah. You don’t have to convince me of anything anyway. Your actions and comments keep solidifying my thoughts towards Christians. The comments that I have been reading on social media and new sites that so-called Christians have been posting are just downright disgusting, misinformed, and downright pathetic. But yet, not one single prayer has been uttered of your mouths about the cancer patient dying right now, but this clown from Duck Dynasty gets your attention. Prasie the Lord everybody and don’t forget to leave a little for something for me, uhh, I mean the Lord in the collection plate!

      • Laura M. says:

        Matt, I can understand how disappointed you feel but I don’t think is fair that you generalize that way and is even more unfair that you are not leaving any room for us to defend ourselves.
        I’m not going to tell you all the works of charity that my church does because I’m not trying to convince you of anything. But I have to tell you that you are plain wrong if you think that all churches are the way you say they are. Please remember that those Christians you’re reading don’t represent the whole church just as I don’t think that all the homosexuals who look so perverted in the “gay pride” parade don’t represent all the homosexuals in the world.
        I’ve noticed that people fill their mouths criticizing the church/Christians without even bothering to know better.
        There are so many good Christians just as there are so many Atheist who are good people. Please, never generalize.

  160. Jan says:

    There is more here than meets the eye and it’s getting old. The media, news outlets and internet create this chaos and promotes this hatefulness. GQ asked Phil a question and Phil answered it based on what he believes so it was his honest answer. If he can’t answer honestly then why ask the question. Phil also was into drugs and drinking and cheating on Ms. Kay during their marriage. He claimed to have found Jesus and thinks it’s wrong. He is a sinner like everyone else. The media, news and internet get all these groups into a pissing match pushing buttons to get people to react. Tired of it!

  161. Regardless of what motivated the points you made, you are spot on in the context of how we should be communicating with each other.

  162. He quoted Corinthians, and based his statement of homosexuality’s sinfulness on Romans 1:26.

    How is this not a biblical belief? It certainly is, just not one you accept. Then read your second point.

    He also said, “we love em, we just give them the goodness about Jesus Christ”. How did you end up interpreting “what you’re doing is wrong, and I will show you love anyways. ” as being hate speech not protected. By the first amendment?

    • D. DuJour says:

      I was raised in the evangelical church, educated in “Bible college”, and spent decades studying on my own: the actual original languages, history of its preservation and translation, and the numerous and widely varied interpretations of these texts. What so many “conservative Christians” refuse to understand is that their beliefs about “what the Bible says” are not necessarily obvious, logical, or unassailable. What you believe is “doctrine”–and doctrine is simply what you’ve been taught about what Jesus and the Bible said. I know so many people who just read the English translation and then believe they have correctly understood it without ever bothering to truly study it.

      Example: I note that a previous posting quotes a modern English “translation” as listing homosexuals among those Paul said would not go to heaven. But the problem with that is the original Greek does not have a word for “homosexual”–so it simply could not have said that.. The KJV translation used the questionable word “effeminate” to translate a Greek word that most likely (from comparative language studies) meant “self-indulgent”, “lover of luxury”, or possibly “cowardly”. There are hundreds of instances in the KJV that demonstrate the doctrinal biases of the translators–but there are many, many more instances in the modern translations that do so, mostly because they relied on their interpretation of the KJV more than returning to the original language.

      f this disturbs your sense of spiritual security, I would gently point you to Paul’s exhaustive lectures (particularly in Corinthians) about why you should not base your beliefs on “the law”–a general term for any of the written scripture–but rather on a spiritual heart experience with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said something very similar to the woman at the well. You may certainly embrace any doctrinal interpretation that seems right to you, but please know when you say, “This is what the Bible says!” that there are many sincere students of the Bible who will see it differently.

      • phil says:

        I agree with a lot of what you said. the levitican laws that say homosexuality is an abomination were written when the isrealites had left egypt, had no country and were basically walking through the desert. Survival was the most important thing for the people at the time and it was logical that the alternative life style would be shamed in those types of situations. We are now at a point that survival is not that big of deal anymore and really are overpopulated. but it does show that homosexuality is not recession proof so to speak. I do not believe homosexual tendency was the problem, it was those wanted to avoid responsibility of their people or tribe by not taking a wife and have kids which in fact was crucial for the survival of the tribe.. In Catholicism the definition of witchery is the “avoidance of responsibility”

  163. CC says:

    I have no idea what a Christian is anymore. They certainly don’t follow the words and teachings of Christ. If anyone is in for a big surprise on where they’re going to end up after they die, it’s the modern day “Christian”.

  164. Dwr Wrd Rdw says:

    1. Freedom of Speech does not mean “Freedom to say whatever you want without any consequences.” This should be one of those things that goes without saying, but apparently, it needs to be said. We all have the freedom to go on TV and scream “My boss is a jackass!” But that freedom comes with some ramifications…. (( I disagree with that statement. As long as a person says “In my opinion” in front of whatever they are going to say it is considered freedom of speech in which shall not have any consequences. Legal or otherwise. If this person would of read the actual constitution Starting with article one paragraph one, this person would of learned that. This blogger clearly did not look at the facts before posting their statement In which constitutes as fraud. In my opinion I could careless on what goes on on tv.

    • shannontapia says:

      Actually, if you read the constitution it is quite clear in saying that the “government ” shall not in fringe in your rights, it is not a protection in any way from a private individual or corporation.

    • Chris H says:

      Actually your response is not correct. he signed a contract with the network, that included behavior clauses, so they can fire him all they want. If he didn’t like that…he shouldn’t have signed the contract.

  165. Emily says:

    Upon reading the interview in it’s entirety, it becomes clear that all your points are invalid… Except the chick-fil-a comparison. That one was just wrong even if you hadn’t read the full interview.

  166. Joe says:


    The video will be available soon. The sermon explains very explicitly what the Christian Bible believes about the LGBT lifestyle.

    In essence, the Bible says that to be Gay is not a sin, because it is consequence of ‘the fall’, however, acting out homosexual acts IS a sin in the eyes of God. That said, homosexuality is no less forgivable than me going out and murdering an innocent person. Our debts have been paid for by Christ already and all we need to is accept God’s Grace.

    My .02¢

    • Laura M. says:

      To accept God’s Grace and repent. Jesus told to the adulteress: “Then neither do I condemn you, go now and leave your life of sin.”
      We’ll be forgiven as long as we accept that we’re sinners and are wiling to live in grace.

  167. Lisa says:

    This is the best written ‘discussion’ I have read on this topic!!! Very very well said!

  168. The first amendment says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” It specifically addresses Congress and no other entity. It does not say that your employer cannot limit your speech – opinion or otherwise – as a term of your employment. Many employers do just that through various clauses in employment contracts. In the real world, there are most definitely consequences for your actions.

  169. Kaylee says:

    The person who wrote this is stupid. He quoted THE BIBLE. There is absolutly NOTHING wrong with what he said and we arent “supporting” him in his “money,” we are supporting what he said, and that isnt to “offend” the gays. He has a right to his opinion, and damn straight he has a right to express it. Sorry that if someone isnt for something, they damn well cant be against it. That is ridiculous and I am so sick of people not being able to be honest and open with what they have to say. Thats what gays want right? To be able to be open and honest? Its all about EVERYONE being EQUAL. AKA, letting him say what he wants and have an opinion on things. Sorry he is an older man who read from the bible. He did not ONCE say he hated them or would judge them now did he?

  170. Gil Gonzalez says:

    This is an excellent post. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  171. Laurie Bates says:

    what was in the contract that he signed with A & E , IN order for this show to air is another question. and for him and his family to get paid for it. and so far A & E is still airing it, it was on last night after the first 48.I myself tried to watch it for a few minutes and just didn’t see the big deal about this show not my kind of show. and I agree with anything we say , we have to be ready for people who believe different to came back at us. sure we have freedom of speech but where do we all draw the line of what comes out of our mouths. There are ways to say things without offending others beliefs.

  172. Boeskool, I do not always agree with your posts, but I applaud you on this one. I am not a Christian, nor am I a gay man. What I do know is that if I am rude or intolerant to anybody my insides hurt. People are people people. Everyone has feelings regardless of their ideals.
    If we just saw each other as equals across the board, we might realize that the kind gentleman who held the door for me was a gay man. I choose to shoot him a smile and offer my thanks.
    Happy Holidays to everyone(yes, even you Olivia).

  173. Pingback: 5 Things To Remember When Discussing This Duck Dynasty Mess | Very Sharp Things

  174. Doll Fan says:

    What’s also being totally ignored is that fact that i guarantee that there are gays within the Duck Dynasty. They are closer than you think (just ask Dick Chaney). Now they certainly won’t come out because “the Commander” has made it clear what’s acceptable and what’s not.

  175. Megan says:

    I feel compelled to leave a comment in regards to this whole DD situation. I’m a Christian. I believe and agree with the comments Phil made. Is it wrong in believing this, I’m not sure. I’m just going by what is stated in the Bible. I’ll be the one who is judged for my actions and beliefs when I meet my Creator. I also don’t think it’s wrong for Phil to express his beliefs in the manner he did. He was asked a question, he answered it and also gave scripture to back up his beliefs. He talked about love for one another, not hating each other because we think differently. As Christians, we should show love, but we also must stand up for what we believe is right and just. There is a fine line when it comes to showing these two things. like I said, I’ll ultimately be the one who is judged for how I lead my life just as you will be judged with how you lead yours. We can love each other even if we do not agree with each other.

    • Sherri says:

      Well said, Megan.

    • I have just one question, one that I usually ask when they use the Bible to defend their take on homosexuality, and I never get a straight answer. Mind you, I am not judging you; it’s moreso a challenge, but also at the same time, something for my personal understanding:

      The billboard quote in one’s defense against homosexuality is Leviticus. In the same book, it speaks of cursing the deaf and blind, mixing fabrics in clothing, tattoos, even selling land. Do you, or anyone else that abides by that, give the same regard to those who commit those mentioned acts, as you do to those who identify as homosexual/bisexual, etc? They’re from the same long list, and yet we as a society harp on one line out of hundreds, If it was such a case where we love one another even if we disagree, then why is this still such an issue?

      • Megan says:

        That is a great question and I really hope I can answer it the best I can. Anyway, I believe that The Old Testament is a great source to look at for the life before Jesus Christ. But I am saved by Jesus Christ because he is The Lord our God who came to save us from our sins. Because of that, the New Testament gives us better knowledge and reasoning (again this is my belief, I’m sure there are many others who do not believe this). There are versus in the New Testament that offer more clarification of who will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Corithians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:8-11 are just a few versus. Not only does it say homosexuals, but it also says the sexually immoral and greedy among others. I fully believe that these things are sins. Have I committed some of them, yes, and that is why I will be the one who must stand before God at the end of my time on earth and endure the judgment.

      • Megan says:

        Also I wanted to add that as being apart of society, I don’t harp on that one scripture. I don’t ask someone their sexual preference upon meeting a new person, nor do I ask if they are an adulterer. I feel that the media has harped on this question far more than people as a whole. I have friends who are homosexuals but I don’t judge them for their way of life just like I hope they don’t judge me. I hope they would pray for me and pray that my ultimate place will be beside God.

      • Michael says:

        Tasha, this is a good question. Many people are confused by passages in the Old Testament because it was written so long ago, and applied specifically to a particular group of people. It seems archaic and strange, if not outright offensive at times. Is it still relevant to our lives today? Absolutely, but context is important.

        Judaism actually divides most of these laws into a variety of categories: those given to Noah, dietary laws, laws of morality etc. Many Jews believed only those given through God’s covenant with Noah applied to non-Jews i.e. do not murder, no stealing, no sexual immorality no idols etc. Some of the laws only applied to the Jews. God’s prohibition of homosexuality was a reflection of God’s character (morality law – no sexual immorality), and as such, also applied to non-Jews, and still applies today – God’s character is unchanging. Clothing restrictions, such as mixing cloths, was not considered as such. Many of the Jewish laws served as an arrow, leading people to God, or at least that was the intention.

        In the New Testament, Paul, discusses a new covenant removing the necessity for some (not all) traditions of the past. After Jesus died as a penalty for sin, a new era resulted (called the New Covenant). In the new covenant, God promised to write His law on peoples’ hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-34) and Paul argued that many of the laws of the Jewish tradition were no longer applicable. This however, even caused disputes within the churches in Paul’s time because of the mix of Jews and non-Jews attending together.

        Ultimately, I think what you’re trying to get people with when you ask them that, is do we as Christians know, and abide by, what we tell others. You ask that by pointing out that we also fail in abiding by the law, and you are correct. Even if I obeyed most of the OT laws, I would still fail and be a hypocrite, because I have still disobeyed God in many other areas, so you will always win that argument. However, I choose to believe that God loved me, and everyone else so much, that despite the horrible atrocities committed in the world today and despite my own failures, He chose to manifest Himself as a human in the person of Jesus, die a horrifying death so that you and I, should we choose to believe and follow God, will inherit life – even after death. Everything in the Bible points to the singular person of Jesus and his sacrifice.

  176. be high says:

    We need good writers. You are not one.

  177. Steve says:

    Whoever the guy is that wrote this article obviously did not read the entire interview in GQ or he’s intentionally leaving out half the facts to further promote the liberal agenda that has done nothing but separate this country for over 70 years.

  178. chad smith says:

    Phil is not a bad man. He is a man who found the lord and believes in following god’s will. But, he is a modern man interpreting a book that has been translated 10 times over the centuries, and that today uses many of our modern words in which there were no equivalent meaning in that time. Not important though…just like him, you are absolutely sure of what God meant for us because look, it’s right there in black and white. Old testiment Leviticus says gays are an abomination! And of course we are so sure of what God wants because lucky for us, we found one verse out of 31,000 versus in the bible that we interpreted and they just happen to fit perfectly with our own desires and prejudices. But you’re a biblical scholor right? You already know there wasn’t even a word for gay or homosexuality in biblical times. Whatever word is closest to our meaning and ideas will do. Wake up. There are 6 versus in the bible that talk about issues of same sex behavior – all with disputed meaning with regard to lust and cultural behavior at that time. There are thousands that talk about love and feeling the pain of others, and the value of community and the importance of not being alone. But hey, the really important thing god cares about is taking people born with a sexual identity and destroying their lives, sending them into exhile, and forcing them into solidute with no hope of marriage or love. God is love!! Please people, give yourself the gift of biblical education and love this holiday season. Just one hour will do you and this planet so much good. Please sit down and watch this sermon for just one hour and then come back here and post. http://www.upworthy.com/every-biblical-argument-against-being-gay-debunked-biblically.

  179. Loved this read… fair, balanced and insightful… even Christ like… I couldn’t stomach most of the comments and quit reading as not to fill my head with more hate speech from those who didn’t bother to really read what you stated here. Had to share it. Thanks. Jimbeau Hinson

  180. Michael says:

    Many of these comments stem from a lack of understanding of the nature of God. The writer of this blog seems to think God is simply a loving, merciful God who does not judge. Other commentators on this blog think God is a judgmental God who condemns anyone for being homosexual. Both are wrong and neither reflect what should be the foundation for any Christian’s stance on this topic: the Bible.

    As the author points out, hatred is not a Biblical belief, but let’s be clear: God does hate. He hates sin. God however, does not hate humans who were created in God’s image (Genesis). And, as most of you are probably aware, God hated sin so much, He even took human form and sacrificed Himself by taking on all sin, in order that we might have the option to believe in Him – meaning we believe what He says, not just that He exists. If we believe what He says, we will follow it.

    With that in mind, I noticed the author uses circular reasoning to conclude that since God is not a hateful God, that the verse in Corinthians was used to justify hatred towards the homosexual community and as such must have been taken out of context etc. First, I noticed no one actually bothered to quote the real verse from Corinthians (6:9 by the way). Here’s what it says:
    Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

    The bottom line: God will not accept anyone into heaven who is a “sinner.” Just as a homosexual lifestyle will result an eternity in hell, so will those who commit adultery, and drunkards, and slanderers and everyone else. That should cover just about everyone. The one exception to this rule? Those who choose to believe in God’s sacrifice. Yes, God is loving, and yes God is also a judgmental God. He hates sin and will eventually eliminate both sin, and those who chose not to believe in His sacrifice. That is ultimately a choice each person must make, and for those reading this who consider me narrow minded, realize that regardless of my opinion, regardless of A&E’s opinion, regardless of Duck Dynasty’s opinion, if God is real, then His opinion is the only one that will matter at the end of your life.

  181. michele says:

    the Salvation army also doesn’t believe in homosexuality. If you are gay, didn’t you drop money in the bucket? If you walked by and didn’t even give change, you are hypocrite. Grow a tougher skin. Whatever happened to the “preschool” saying about sticks and stones….. grow up. Not everyone shares or cares about your life style, understands you, will like you and will accept you no matter of your sexual preference, race, religion, etc. And if you are whining, you are a hypocrite. Because at some point in life you, yourself, have made an opinion about another person based on their religion, race, or political stance. I don’t think by him reference the Bible about “his” opinion you as a person did not bleed, were not hospitalized, did not lose your job, etc. Oh, your feelings are hurt, that is called life.

  182. Bopen says:

    Dear Love4All, your voice in this discussion gave me a sense of hope for how those of faith can open doors rather than close them. I am not a member of a church but I feel that we share a view of love.

  183. Lisa Hess says:

    I really think you should read the article before you express your thought’s. It was nothing like what you just said here and nothing about hate. It is funny how people are so quick to judge him when they don’t know him and know how he feels in his heart.

  184. SteveFB says:

    It is remarkable that the author believes himself to be tolerant in any way! I am a Christian who believes the Bible to be the Word of God. (And, please notice that I am not typing in all capital letters …) Holding a belief that homosexuality is a sin is not homophobic any more than believing that adultery is adultery-phobic. It is merely a belief that some actions are sinful and others are not. The essence of this matter, as I see it, is that the author and many others are Christ-phobic. You will notice that they never bother to ask devout Muslims about the eternal consequences of homosexuality, only Christians. The reason that people are Christ-phobic is that there is power and authority in the name of Jesus that challenges the cultural norms of the day.
    My prayer is that those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will find the truth in Him and His holy Word. May the Lord bless you this Christmas season and forever!

  185. Ariana says:

    If you’re saying that his comments were hateful, then you clearly haven’t educated yourself on what was said in the full interview. “…part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.” -Phil Robertson

  186. i don’t care what he said either… not even enough to google it. but i do think it’s rather ridiculous for them (whoever they are) to expect him to be filtered…when his ‘job’ is all about how ridiculous and unfiltered he is. come on. this is a d*mn show. it’s a show where people get paid a significant amount of money to act ridiculous and ‘backwoods’. i mean, what do they expect? yeah, i may be at my job and think some offensive comment… i don’t say it. because my job is accounting. i’m expected to be a professional. if i was a field construction worker, who would care then? no one, that’s who. this isn’t a blanket decision that works for ever job scenario.
    p.s. i skimmed your blog post but still… the main point is this… has nothing to do with religion. it has more to do with us taking these reality shows and trying to over-censor the content therefore creating… just another stupid sitcom.

  187. katie says:

    The thing that is being over looked is that it is the LGBT is the group that brought this all about. If this certain group could have shrugged it off and ignored it as “thats his opinion,” then this would not be an issue. He has a right to say what he wants just like gays have a right to do what they want.
    LGBT can express their Hatred towards Christian groups but throw hissy fits if something is spoken they do not agree with. I have people in life close to me that Are gay and I love and support them. That doesn’t mean I agree with it, but I love them and I know God does as well.

  188. kevin says:

    #4 is a completely false lie and only mine-quoted to make the point. Any reason you didn’t include the rest of Phil’s statement that would have disintegrated your point? After all, he stated that he loved all humanity and didn’t judge humans and leaves it all up to God to do.

    To state that what Phil said is offensive is a mis-guided attack at the messenger. Your comment is directed solely at God who wrote the Word. Good luck with that later.

  189. I Just do not get it. If some one is American, African, Russian, Christian, Hindu, Atheist, married, single, or what ever. they all have their own way of looking at things. If I was to say that seat belt laws are bad for us because they take away our freedom I would not be surprised that some small percentage of other people would agree. If I said that trans fats should not be regulated by the government because that’s takes away from our freedoms again some small percentage of people would agree. People say that marriage should be between an man and woman, others say that its not fair and any one in love ( not that everyone that is married is in love ) Man and Man and Woman and Woman should be allowed to get “married”.
    Everyone needs to have a “compass” in their life to navigate by. Most use their parents or guardian “compass” at first then they find or develop their own. People like this duck dude thinks the bible tells him thing should be this way or that ( His compass for guiding his life )! Others people use a different religious text perhaps or they have thru personal introspection, life experience, or the guiding’s of other people created their personal “compass”.
    At this point in history the liberals ( I hate labels we put on people, Just saying ) want a even playing field for everyone. Does not matter that I might like Christmas it should not have any religious over tones ( its not fair to every one ) It does not matter that I think school uniforms in public schools are wrong ( its fair for every one ) It does not matter that I had good health care thru my company but now have to use Obama care and the market place ( its fair for every one ) It does not matter that this Duck dude believes the way he does, he needs to shut up and go along ( fair for every one ) It does not matter if I do not like to hear the F word or the N word or the B wordin the movies and in songs on the radio I should just not say anything ( freedom of speech fair for everyone )! The point is the man expressed him self ( not at work ) and he being penalized for it. Just like the ( lack of better term ) Gays in the military don’t ask don’t tell or you fired ( its not right that who you love)! Just like the Catholics, Mormons, Baptist and other Christian Churches. if you don’t like the abortions, Gay marriage or If you celebrate Christmas ( its not fair the way you believe to everyone so you need to change ) Only the group that has control of the media or has the most influence in the government gets a say in what’s right or wrong, in what should be or not be at any given time. That does how ever cut both ways!
    So after all the words WHY CANT WE ALL GET ALONG. That is what I just do not under get …….. I guess like my father told me as humans we all have the gift of reasoning which we can justify a lot of our beliefs with and all we can do is live our life as best as we can and stay true to our selves! Or to put it a different way every one has opinions best just keep to your selves because they are like arm pits and some peoples just stinks!

  190. Meagan\ says:

    #4? Really? Before you wrote this post did you read what he was asked and what he said. If that was offensive then you really need to get a grip and quit whining. There was nothing offensive about it….the end

  191. Ourcountry isbackwards says:

    I get it may be AEs right to suspend him. I do hope they fire the person that did not ensure there was an AE person at the interview. I do hope this family/show starts playing on another network. I will watch it. Its fun and comical.

    In regard to what he said. I get that words may hurt someone. However, does that mean he should not of said them? It is what he believes. You don’t have to believe the words. You can think he is wrong. Many shows, speeches, words from coworkers/friends/strangers, hurt people every minute of every day. He should have the right to speak his words an you have the right to think he is wrong, turn him off.

    My issue with all if this….time and time again individuals that have Godly/Christian views and speak about them are judged much harsher than those with opposite views. I can’t wrap my brain around how AE did not think he would say the words he said.

  192. Arandompasserby says:

    What is really hilarious is that it all comes down to 1. Most (mainly Fundamentalist) Christians believe the Bible actually condemns homosexuality. 2. They do not realize that most of the Bibles they are reading are from incorrect translations, such as the King James. 3. They do not understand the historical context, thus the reason the Bible would be saying these things, and thus they miss the whole point of the damn message.

    As not only a History major with a Religion minor, but as also doing my thesis on the quote of the Bible he is using in Corinthians, it’s wrong. It’s mistranslated. The Greek word that was actually used in that circumstance did not say “homosexual.” It said basically “effeminate men”. Do you know why? (Probably not because that is the stuff Bible School likes to leave out) Its because Hebrew, Greek, and Roman societies were built on the standards of a “masculine” patriarchy in where acting in anyway like a “woman,” such as being penetrated, was considered weak and wrong.

    It had nothing to do with sin or morality. It had to do with ancient ideas of gender roles, which are still ever present today. And as not only a woman, but someone who is and sees others constantly held down by the “Boys Club” (which should read, “WHITE MIDDLE AGED PROTESTANT CONSERVATIVE BOYS CLUB,”) I will fight against it any time something like this springs up.

    So when people start to fight for and use “their Bible” to ok their hatred and condemnation of other people, maybe they should actually read and understand the damn thing first?

    • Paul says:

      You state that the Word of God today is not accurate when evidence points in the polar-opposite direction. allabouttruth(.) org/origin-of-the-bible.htm Though you are correct on the effeminate meaning in the scripture Phil used, you are forgetting other passages that are consistently stating that active homosexuals and sexual perversions are not going to inherit the kingdom of God.

      Your last few paragraphs indicate that you might have some knowledge of the scriptures in your head, but haven’t been able to use the wisdom you possess to understand what you memorized to pass the classes.

  193. Proud Phil Supporter says:

    You can’t get mad because he told the truth. He didn’t say it with hate he said it with love. It is okay for someone to express how much they support Gay rights and how important “tolerance” is. But as soon as someone has beliefs differen than theirs, that “tolerance” they have is nowhere to be found. Practice what you preach. Phil is more tolerant than most of you gay rights supporters. You guys bash anyone who believes differently from you.

    I agree that you words can have consequences, but part of being a Christian is being willing to be spit upon, cast out, and blah blah.. I don’t want to bore you guys. Jesus didn’t care what others thought of him, and he what he said was very offensive to people, but he said it with love. Oh and showing love doesn’t always mean being nice.

  194. Josh says:

    I find this blog one of the most comical that I have read yet. Here is someone posting their opinion (which I find great and all the power to you ) but comes out and says: 1- I don’t know who this guy is nor do I care to. Maybe you should do a little research on exactly who Phil Robertson is and what he stands for. 2 – you state “There is absolutely nothing surprising or noteworthy about an old, white, southern, Christian hunter being grossed out about gay sex or believing that all the gays are going straight to Hell. There is nothing rare about this.” I ask you this please since you speak for all the old, white, southern Christians who are grossed out by gay sex or believing that all gays are going to straight to Hell… where is your non judgmental approach in such statement and are you 100 % sure you are speaking for all of said people and how they feel? You want us to stop and think before we say something and as we are typing, picture what we type as if we were saying this to a person. Did you do the same before writing this blog ? Because I am pretty sure you just clumped a whole group of people into one category and by doing such shot you whole premise of think before you type to little itty bitty pieces. 3- Phil Robertson never condemned gays to Hell. I please ask you to show me where he said they are all going straight to hell. Once again your ignorance has gotten the better of you by not doing any type of research and has gone against your entire blog post. Phil Robertson actually stated his opinion that he thought it should be a man and woman because he believes in the bible, he also stated he loves everybody and it is not his place to judge. Phil has shown more tolerance in his controversial statements than your blog has. In your blog you also state this is not Religious Persecution, I care to disagree. Please look up the definition of persecution or let me tell you some of it .per·se·cute: ˈpərsəˌkyo͞ot/Submit verb 1.subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, esp. because of their race or political or religious beliefs. If this definition does not say that yes it is persecution I don’t know if you are as logically thinking as you claim to be. Or for you is persecution only a term that swings one way? Because all the time I hear the LGBT community use this term. So when a Christian mentions persecution it is obscene and of heard of to think that anyone could persecute a Christian for their beliefs as that just does not happen. Once again I am glad you wrote your opinion I just wish you would have done more thinking before you wrote what you did, like you said in your own blog. God Bless you and yours and have a Merry Christmas.

  195. A-man says:

    It seems everyone on here is just saying “you’re stupid” “No you’re stupid” back and forth while putting forth their best educated voice.

  196. Dee says:

    Being a gay male, I wasn’t offended by what he said. Let me explain. Growing up in the church, reading the bible, and going to different conventions, I know what’s in the bible, so why should I be offended because he stated that men should be with women, women with men. I know in my heart that I’m not going to hell, because of my relationship with Christ! God made us all different – and he loves us all the same.! So many people are wanting the relationship with Christ that others have, when we should all be trying to have a personal relationship with him. We all sin, please don’t look at homosexuality as being the only sin. I’m not going to quit watching the show, nor burn the dvds, because the show is entertaining..

    P.S: You are what you answer too..

  197. Amy says:

    Homosexuality is a sin. Period.

  198. Get Over It says:

    I think perhaps they should stop allowing people to comment on this article. Just read it, agree or not, and move on with your life.

  199. Justin says:

    Does anybody care that we have lost 6 more members of our American family in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan? Or is the DD debacle everyone’s priority?

  200. So What.... says:

    A&E gave them a show knowing they was a strong Christian family….did they think if interviewed and asked a religious question they wouldnt give their honest and open beliefs? Of course they knew…like any religion u ask a question u get a raw answer….what u are saying is he said offensive comments…its not a comment its a belief just like Santa clause, Easter bunny or whatever else people chose to believe…sounds to me like u picked a side to and are a hypocrite yourself..who cares what he said it wasn’t offensive nor hurtful..its what one man believes..A&E can do what they want its there network but the show ends with them all sitting around a table in prayer…. They knew what they had and shouldn’t have expected less of him.

    • Matt says:

      Thank you, that was exactly what I was thinking, but my post would have been more focused on how the OP is much more of a hypocrite. He is clearly against this whole thing, goes to mock people for being Christians and trying to stand up for their beliefs, then goes on to say that we are doing the opposite of what we should want by supporting our fellow Christians. I guess thats what you get whenever you go to nothing more than a webpage you could make with HTML coding and a misspelled URL trying to be unique..

    • Tee says:

      I agree! A&E knew Phil has a Christian background, yet continued to film the family bringing in the ratings and now that Phil was being true to himself and his beliefs A&E became backstabers to the family. If Phil would have called out and directly pointed the finger at LGBT then they can say something with probable cause, however that isn’t the case. He was given a question and responded with HIS beliefs and faith. LGBT has again twisted the comment to create yet another uproar for publicity. “Stand firm Phil and don’t let the bullies bully you into who you are not”

      • Doug says:

        Phil Robertson signed a contract with A&E that certainly had a morals clause and a restriction on embarrassing comments made in public. He violated his contract. A&E had the perfect right to suspend him.

    • Eloise says:

      SO WHAT, you’re EXACTLY right!!
      I’m VERY offended when the alternate “queer” lifestyle is thrown in my face and I’m expected to be PC. Well….I have the right to express my disgust, as I consider it repulsive. People can choose..but they also have the responibliity to keep their sexual preference to themselves. I don’t want to see or hear about anyone sexual preference,. Whether they believe God’s Word or not…makes no difference….IT STILL STANDS. Romans 3:3 They Will certainly stand before GOD to give an account for violating HIS LAWS. Read Romans 1:18….God HATES the sin but LOVES the sinner.
      Sin destroys… Choose LIFE. John 14:6.

      • Christina says:

        Romans needs to be read to a greater depth than that. Go back and read Romans 1 and 2, and pay attention. Paul is speaking from a third person perspective.

      • Jason says:

        “sin destroys”

        Do you eat pork?

        Do you have a tattoo?

        Do you have bangs?

        Have you tried to enter a church after your genitalia have been injured (men only)?

        Have you ever consulted a psychic or fortune-teller?

        Have you gossiped?

        Has your wife helped you out in an argument? Did you cut off her hand afterwards?

        Has your child talked back to you or cursed you? Did you put them to death?

        Have you been divorced? Did you remarry? The bible considers this to be adultery. [Women must be put to death. Men get away with it.]

        Have you ever worked, or done anything that could be considered work, on the sabbath?

        Have you (a woman) ever uttered a single word in a house of god?

        Have you ever eaten shellfish or other bottom-dwellers? [Included shrimp, crab, etc.]

        Were you a virgin when married?

        According to the bible, you should admit to your sins and put yourself forward for stoning or some other form of religious sacrifice/death. You have sinned. And there’s no reason to think that god would think any differently of you for eating shrimp than he would of a person for having sex with someone of the same sex. Enjoy hell.


        Happy Holidays, bigots. Christ would be ashamed of you.

      • Deanna says:

        Oh Eloise, it really is quite funny when people have NO CLUE as to what they are saying.

        You said “People can choose..but they also have the responibliity to keep their sexual preference to themselves. I don’t want to see or hear about anyone sexual preference,. ”

        Does that statement apply to YOU, too? I guess NOBODY (hetero’s) should EVER hold hands or kiss in public, or especially not send out wedding announcements. That would be against your belief that they should keep their sexual “preference” to themselves.

        BTW, how old were you when you made the actual, thoughtful decision to choose to like men instead of women? And how do you know you made the right choice? After all, according to you, you could just as easily have DECIDED to like women instead.

      • Alice says:

        I can’t wait until religion finally dies out. Or at least the people who spread this nonsensical hatred die out.

      • Eric says:

        Jason, what you replied with would be Old Testament Mosaic laws.

        Christians are no longer under Mosaic law. Christ came to fulfill that law and do away with it. (Romans 7:6, 7; Romans 10:4, Galatians 3:25)

        The reason for the Mosaic law was to show the Israelites how much they needed God’s forgiveness. It demonstrated how imperfect they were and why they needed the foretold Messiah to redeem them from the sin and death they had been sold into by Adam’s disobedience.

        Christians are now bound by GRACE. A new covenant was made based on a better sacrifice than the ones Israel had to make under the Mosaic law – that of Jesus Christ. So basically the laws for Christians are: 1) to love God with our whole hearts, souls and minds, and 2) to love our neighbors as ourselves.

        When Jesus was sacrificed, the earth (and the animals that live on it) was cleansed.

        Acts 10:9-15
        9About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air. 13Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”
        14″Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”
        15The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

      • The great goddess Vishnu says:

        I find it disgusting you let a book of fiction written thousands of years ago dictate your life and I find your lack of original thought disgusting. And you’re throwing it in my face. You can choose your faith, but keep it to yourself.

    • gabriela says:

      yes I agree with so what, and I don’t just type things down I spead gods word in person too. it kinda seems like this person only focused on the parts the media twisted around. and phil did not express his opinion or comments he told the truth about the bible. he also said God loves all his sinners even those who got offended with his words.

      • dtd says:

        He also said black people were better off and happier prior to the Civil Rights movement. How do your Christian beliefs square with that?

      • Deanna says:

        Gabriela, where does the bible say ANY of what Phil said? I’m guessing you really haven’t read the bible, since Jesus didn’t speak about this.

    • Frida says:

      His responses were not “christian” at all, and if you think they were then you have a lot to learn about your Christ.

    • Homophobia is a sin. says:

      Yet he slandered hundreds of millions of people, and the Bible says that slanderers, like Phil, don’t go to Heaven. And Phil and his family are multimillionaires, while people freeze to death on the streets this winter – and Jesus said ‘whatever you fail to do for the poor, you fail to do for me’ – so really, how Christian can Phil be?

      • True believer says:

        First off the robersons give a lot to the poor but they can’t solve world hunger, so your argument is faulty, also I get that you have never read the bible nor are a Christian but there is a difference between living in sin and a lifestyle of sin and committing a sin every here and there. It’s obvious that no one is perfect but that doesn’t make any of our sin ok or any less of a sin. According to the bible homosexuality is a sin, it’s clear as day in the New Testament! But that does not mean in anyway Christians hate gay people, I believe it’s a sin same as I believe sex before marriage And lying are sins. But that does not mean I hate anyone that is gay! I have good friends that are gay. And he never once talked bad about anyone only called the action a sin, if you don’t agree with the bible that’s fine but he does so he was only defending his faith

      • rwhat says:

        You say he slandered hundreds of millions of people, and you are slandering him, does that mean you are not going to heaven? What does it matter how much money he has? You have no idea how many charities he gives to or how many people he has helped. BTW, how many people have you helped from freezing to death?

    • And... says:

      Yes A&E gave them a show knowing they were a Christian family. The Robertsons also agreed to essentially work for A&E, a company with strong ties to the LGBT community. Phil Robertson should have known that as a representative of A&E, which he is like it or not, he cannot make offensive statements without repercussions. Perhaps the Robertsons should find a channel whose agenda more closely resembles their own.

  201. John Cox says:

    This article is a great example of a sixth point to consider:
    Get to know the subject you are discussing before jumping in. If the author of this article had even bothered to learn Phil Robertson’s name he might have discovered that there was no malice or offense intended by his comments, and it wasn’t just homosexuality that he called out as immoral and sinful.
    That is the point really, some members of the LGBT community take offense to simple nonthreatening statements of belief on morality, and that squeaky wheel gets the grease. And then what happens? A show (that people in that community didn’t even watch) get’s cancelled. People who were not wronged spoil something great for others talk about driving a wedge!

    • j says:

      I agree 100% with you.

    • Laura M. says:

      I completely agree with you.
      I was just thinking that the author said twice “I don’t even care about what he said” but still bothers to take time to write this article.

      • Joshua R. says:

        The author doesn’t care about what he said. The issue he’s writing about is what everybody else is saying.

      • Deb Lovins says:

        Why bother to write at all if you have no knowledge of the subject and don’t care? Apparently the author does care or he wouldn’t have written this in the first place.

      • Laura M. says:

        Exactly what I said, but I said it differently…

      • Pat says:

        Ya, he spent a lot of time on something he does’nt care about. He did have some valid points about hatred and free speach misconseptions though. Hopefully one day stuff like this won’t get such attention for what it is or is’nt and people will concentrate on bettering the world instead of dwelling on the bad to make themselves feel better.

      • caramelmacchiatto says:

        But he assumes (by his final comments) that Phil was “spewing hate” and while I found some of his statements cringe-worthy and could certainly see why people could find them offensive, he wasn’t being hateful.

    • All I can Say is AMEN Brother! If you don’t want to hear what the Bible says don’t ask a man who quotes verses from it every day. The homosexual community should concern themselves with issues that they can relate to rather than attacking a man for his personal religious belief that the Bible is the True Word of God!

      • Joe Phillips says:

        “The bible is the true word of God”

        That right there sums it up. The hypocrisy of the Christian church and values. Your savior Jesus Christ kept company with prostitutes, lepers, and thieves. He absolved them of their sins. He forgave them because that’s what a true Christian does. Forgiveness not damnation.
        You people have twisted the core values of your own religion. You have trampled on the religious values of others in the name of God and a book written by men decades after Christ’s death. Heaven is not reserved for the bigots, the racists, or the Christian warriors you believe yourselves to be. It’s reserved for those who have lived with love and compassion for all of God’s creations regardless of race, sexuality, or profession. Remember only he who is without sin cast the first stone.

      • rob says:

        Really, the true word of god, that’s amazing considering how much of the bible is now ignored. I’ve got no problem with Phil expressing his beliefs, I don’t agree with them though. Since all you bible thumpers are up in arms I’m just guessing you start following the bible closer. Of course this means you’ll need to start killing everyone who is working on the sabbath, believes in another religion and a whole lot of other things that the bible claims deserve death. Also I expect you start telling women they need to refrain from speaking in church or at worship. Finally I’m pretty sure you’ll insist we all stop eating shrimp, because I believe the bible says shellfish is bad. But now to the point, no one is impeding Phil’s rights or his beliefs. As t he author noted it is well within a boss’s right to terminate an employee that they find offensive or have done something they find offensive. If you’re just choosing certain passages of the bible to justify your bigoted beliefs while ignoring other parts of the bible, you just ignorant fools.

      • Laura M. says:

        Rob, Christian people based their faith on the new testament. Read it and you’ll see he’s not ignoring anything of Jesus’ teachings. I said “Jesus’ teachings”, don’t get confused with the way of living of people from that time.

      • Rob says, “If you’re just choosing certain passages of the bible to justify your bigoted beliefs while ignoring other parts of the bible, you just ignorant fools.”
        I find this entertaining because rob spent the majority of his commenting doing that exact thing. Choosing to quote the bits about women and shrimp but ignoring the entire point of the coming of Jesus and the resurrection, which is laid out in the New Testament. Seriously, if you’re going to put people on blast for something, don’t do the exact same thing you’re putting them on blast for…

      • Jason says:

        Do you follow all of the bible’s laws?

    • Erin Sheller says:

      Do you really believe that there is not one single homosexual who watches Duck Dynasty? That’s pretty ridiculous if you do.

      Also, he simply could have answered that he is a deeply religious man who doesn’t believe that homosexuality is okay and left it at that. Instead he compared it to bestiality. How that not malicious or offensive?

      • This is the sticky part that I’ve been debating with people about. He didn’t compare it to beastiality. Read the whole article (without prejudice) and see what he really said.

      • Medie says:

        Well put Joe Phillips! AMEN

      • christina says:

        He never once compared it to beastiality. He mentioned the two sins in the same sentence as examples to answer the question and that’s about as close as he got to doing so

      • If you think he compared homosexuality to beastiality and terrorism then you’re reading too many headlines and not enough of the actual article. That’s the problem with people nowadays. They form so much of their opinions based off the complete crap that the media feeds them. People need to stop being lazy and do their own research otherwise it’s not the people or the politicians that run the country, it’s the media that makes headlines with the goal of making a few million bucks.

      • That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time! He said it leads to bestiality…hmm…sex between two consenting adults is one thing, but sex between a human taking advantage of an innocent, powerless animal is quite another. Not only that, he went further! He said put homosexuality in the same boat as terrorists….so two men or women loving each other/ having sex is equal now to evil people targeting innocent people and murdering them?! I’m not gay and I’m so extremely offended for my gay friends!!

      • Hager says:

        Actually, it’s probable that there are gay people who like to hunt and are christians who did watch DD. Gay people are just as diverse in what they like to do as straight people. They probably don’t watch it anymore though.

      • Hager says:

        He didn’t compare homosexuality to bestiality and terrorism. He did equate them which I find even more offensive. There is no way a person’s sexual preference is in the same category as animal abuse or blowing people up.

      • Hager says:

        He may not have compared homosexuality to bestiality and terrorism but he did equate them which I find even more offensive. A person’s sexual preference is not the same as abusing animals and

    • RJR says:

      This post is a great example of a seventh point to consider:
      Get to know the subject you are discussing before jumping in. If the author of this post had even bothered to learn about shows like The New Normal, Modern Family, Glee, Will & Grace, Ellen, amongst others, he might have discovered that there was no malice or offense intended by their broadcast, and it was just homosexuality that Christian groups called out as immoral and sinful.
      That is the point really, some members of the Christian community take offense to simple nonthreatening statements of belief on morality, and that squeaky wheel gets the grease. And then what happens? A show (that people in that community didn’t even watch) gets cancelled. People who were not wronged spoil something great for others talk about driving a wedge!

      See, my point is… people on the Christian side of the fence have tried to take down FAR more television programs than just one reality show. Every time a gay character appears on screen, some “Family Rights” group decides it is their new mission to get the show’s sponsors to run away and ultimately get the show cancelled. So, if you argument is persecution of lifestyle via television programming cancellation… then boy have you set yourself up for a very strong counter-argument.

      • I couldn’t agree with you more. If anyone remembers, back in the 1990s, Dan Quayle putting in his two cents regarding the television show “Murphy Brown”, they can understand how some people like to comment on something when they really don’t have a clue what they are talking about. To Quayle, it was nothing more than “glamorizing the plot of an unmarried woman getting pregnant and having a baby without a father in the picture”. I wonder how many people understood that in the plot of the show, Murphy Brown and her ex-husband were trying to reconcile and renew their relationship. She got pregnant before they realized that it wasn’t going to work out. Would it be realistic to say that a couple who was once married should abstain from sex until they renew their vows? Perhaps there are a few people out there who believe that. But most people would see how ridiculous it would be to expect that.

    • Torvil says:

      And what about THESE comments:

      Robertson says that men who have sex with men, and women who have sex with women, will receive the “due penalty for their perversions.” He goes on to say that they are full of “murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, god-haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil.”

      Read more at: http://www.heavy.com/entertainment/2013/12/watch-new-phil-robertson-video-homophobia/

      Care to defend those statements?

      • christina says:

        Sure thing. He’s a preacher. He’s saying those things in church. Because it’s his belief. Which he is completely entitled to. There isn’t a church south of the mason dixon that you won’t hear things like that. It’s just a huge deal because he is in the public eye. No one asked anybody to go tape that and put it on the internet. Just like I know I didn’t ask for my 6 yr old son to watch 250 lb men dance around in high heels in the thanksgiving parade so I chose not to watch it. Just like no one has to watch his sermons.

    • Mikey says:

      Hi! I’m gay… and I watch DD. =]

    • molly11180 says:

      So could one say the same thing then about what the Dixie Chicks said a few years ago? Because I believe the backlash was MUCH more severe for them.

    • Deanna says:

      John, Phil spread vicious lies about gay people, that very likely will incite others to become even more hateful, violent or even deadly to gays. It is NOT Phil’s belief that the BIBLE says those horrid things about gays (or others he mentioned). It is pure incendiary, hateful bigotry which has NO basis in ANY biblical writings.

  202. j says:

    Maybe everyone should stop focusing on just one comment. He was saying his beliefs no matter what anyone says… It was not a target at gays… Read the bible and tell me what he said was not his beliefs. I think Americas have become the biggest bunch of babys… I mean come on… That’s look and look and pick and point so we can blame everyone else and lets only stand up and speak up if a famous prison says it. That is the main problem… America needs to grow up.

    • RJR says:

      I agree. Let’s quit focusing on the gay comments. Let’s now focus on black people being happier when they were slaves. Or maybe we can focus on how all ungodly people start wars, but Christianity has never brought upon death via murder or war. He said both of those things too. They deserve just as much attention for their outright stupidity.

      • christina says:

        How bout we focus on the fact that nobody listens to what was actually said. Cause every bit of that was false.

      • Carol Henrickson says:

        No. He didn’t say anything about slaves (unless you are suggesting there were slaves in backwater Louisiana in the 1960s. He said he never witnessed “with his own eyes” mistreatment of the blacks he knew in the south in the 60’s that he lived and worked near (because his family was poor white trash). That is wholly different. He said those people who he worked beside were happy. Are you saying they were not? His language is coarse, but there was no malice attached. Perhaps you should read that again? I agree with the war statement… that was weird, but again, not malicious.

    • Torvil says:

      Yeah, maybe focus on THESE comments:

      Robertson says that men who have sex with men, and women who have sex with women, will receive the “due penalty for their perversions.” He goes on to say that they are full of “murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, god-haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil.”

      Read more at: http://www.heavy.com/entertainment/2013/12/watch-new-phil-robertson-video-homophobia/

      • And somehow, people think that those comments aren’t bigoted or hateful. ::sigh:: They think it’s “just an opinion” that’s valid and has just as much “right” to be held and expressed as any other, and that it’s not harmful to anyone. I suppose if you agree with those disgusting sentiments, you don’t actually see how anti-Jesus and anti-Christian and anti-Catholic and anti-God those comments really are.

    • Michael Dunn says:

      People in general need to grow up and try actually understanding what people of a differing viewpoint are saying instead of automatically getting offended and attacking. Instead of saying “HEY! You’re wrong!” How about saying “Hey, why do you feel that way?” or “Okay, but have you ever considered, this….?”
      As for the “Christian” who attack people for their “sins” I am pretty sure that the teachings of Christ were of love and tolerance. I am also pretty sure that, according to Christian doctrine, Jesus hung on a cross and died to forgive the sins of EVERYONE, not just who YOU pick and choose. I say let’s break it all down to this, Be good to yourself, and each other! Let God, or who/what ever you believe in do the judging. Peace & Love to all!

  203. Teresa B says:

    My comment is this: regardless of what you believe about what Phil said, A&E has taken a chicken sh*t step in suspending him. The network knows that this is a deeply religious man – they knew that before they ever signed the contract. They even exploit that fact as part of each and every show when they show the family sitting down to dinner and ending each show in prayer. They take pride in showing that this is a traditional, (Stereotypical) Southern, Christian family. They also know that this man doesn’t sugarcoat his feelings and comments – it’s sort of what the show is known for. They are real people acting the way they probably always have. However, when the man grants and interview, and acts exactly the way he is, the network suspends him. They don’t fire him (that might further hurt their profits). They leave the door open so that they can see what the fallout is, in hopes of bringing back their cash-cow when the furor dies down. What I don’t see is A&E doing anything of substance to show what their beliefs are. I’ve got an idea, why don’t they take ALL the profits made off this “offensive” man and donate them to a GLBT charity? That’s putting your money where your proverbial mouth is!

    • I am deeply religious. I am deeply Catholic in the original doctrine that Jesus gave to us. I am deeply spiritual. The beliefs vomited up by the Duck or anyone else of similar belief are ones of ignorance and not born of religion. What it boils down to is, “We think gays are icky, and we are afraid of anyone that doesn’t act like us or look like us. We’ll hide behind religion and say it’s God telling us what to believe so that we don’t have to take responsibility for being downright assholes. Not only that but I don’t know anyone in my personal bubble who is gay so I have no reason to think about these issues very deeply other than OOH GAY ICKY!”

      A&E has already come out and said that they are long time supporters of the LGBTQ community and don’t share the shameful remarks the Duck made.

      I find it sad that there are so many comments saying, “Well hey, they’re Christians so you had to know what you were getting into watching these guys.” That’s offensive considering most Christians are NOT represented by these people and the offensive words they’re speaking.

  204. chad smith says:

    Anyone who outright says that gays are going to hell doesn’t know the bible from their ass. Chris, you are right on with your approach. We all have a choice in life, focus on hating and rebuking sin, or showing love to sinners. That being said, I don’t believe God views gay life any more sinful than straight life. We’ve never encouraged gays to find happy and open relationships and build families, we’ve called them sinners, and then we act surprised when they have no interest in the church. A gay child is born gay and starts with the same yearning that you do…having a loving partner and a family. It’s us who tells them that hope is impossible and their life is evil. This foolishess is based on those who live life by following a very literal interpretation of one old testiment verse – Leviticus 18:22. Did you know that many historians point to a fact that during biblical times it is was common military practice for soldiers to group rape men in order to show dominance/power as part of their battle victory. Many believe this rebuking this “cultural” practice was a major reason of some of the same sex verses in the bible. Als, bi-sexual orgies were common in biblical times. Many believe the word we intrepret in today’s bible as “unnatural act” were actually meaning that if you are attracted to the opposite sex, don’t be unnatural and also be with the same sex. Also, over the years the world “abomination” as many love to quote as reason against gays, has also been translated to say detestable, vile, evil, etc. This has confused many as to the biblical meaning of the word abomination. In ancient times, the word abomination means something more closely to “not in our culture” and the word was used to described all sorts of things…like not cutting long hair, eating pork, etc. Leviticus and others lovable anti-gay quotes are mostly just an old testiment set of rules written by Jews for Jews. Later in new testiment Hebrews 8:13 says (New International Version)
    “By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.” Later he goes on to say that the old law is a yoke of slavery. Leviticus and other old testiment laws are what this verse is talking about. The new testiment then became a newer set of guidelines that included gentile culture. There are far more versus in the bible overall however that say it is better to marry than live in lust, that we should stick to our natural sexual selves (born with being natural) and that we should let god judge sins. Again, anyone who outright says gays are going to hell is building a wall between man and between god and his children. A man or woman who yearns for love, wants a family/kids and stays true to their mate is not the problem. Hate and false judgement are.

    • Alisha says:

      Seriously? I’m praying for you! I do agree that being a Christian means to love one another and not be judgmental! However, black and white doesn’t have a grey area!

    • Pastor Chris says:

      It is always funny/sad/frustrating to me when someone accuses others of not knowing the Bible and then completely misquotes and misrepresents what Scripture actually says. Chad, I respect your view and desire to communicate what you did, but unfortunately the basis of what you said is completely false. Leviticus 18 is a list of laws given from God to His people on how they were to live–specifically here–a list of laws regulating sexual behavior. And as you shared Lev 18:22 states, “You shall not lie with (a very common term in the Bible for “have sex”) with a male, as with a woman, this is an abomination.” The clear rebuke here is a man having sex with man, like he would a woman. Your explanation of this–that is it culturally driven from the fact that men raped other men after battle, is one–true historically, but two–has nothing to do with what God was communicating here. The next verse, verse 23, states that a woman should not have sex with animals. And before verse 22 there is a list of family members that a person should not have sex with. So the context in the passage is clearly the list of wrongful sexual actions that the people of God should abstain from. And as a person who has studied Greek and Hebrew at the Masters level for years now–what you said about the word “abomination” just doesn’t hold up.

      Also, to say that this is an Old Testament idea and not a New Testament one…or for that fact a timeless principle set forth by God…is also just not accurate to what the Bible says. If we are going to have an educated debate on this…even through comments in a posting…we must be accurate in what we are saying…listen to both sides…and communicate with care and consideration for the other side. With that, the Bible also speaks against homosexuality in Romans 1 (which you alluded to in your comment). Romans 1:26-28 states: “For this reason (context right before is mankind’s rejection of God) God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.”
      What you stated was that the “natural relations” Paul is referring to here is how people are born…or what comes “naturally” to them. So if a person is born gay, then they are being obedient to what is “natural” is for them to be gay. That sounds good, but that is just not what the Bible says. I actually wrote my Master’s thesis on this section of scripture. For one, Paul says that women exchanged “natural relations” (meaning natural sexual acts) for those that were “contrary to nature”–not contrary to their feelings. Paul is clearly referring back to Genesis 2 here–when God created Adam and Eve–male and female. But then Paul continues to clarify by describing the men by saying, “men likewise (like the women) gave up NATURAL RELATIONS WITH WOMEN (definite distinction) and were consumed with passion for one another–men committing shameless acts with men.” So here in Romans 1–Paul simply does not give us the option to interpret that “natural” is whatever inclination we are “born with”–but rather “natural” is the order by which God created men and women. So with that clear…
      The Mr Robertson actually is quoting from a NEW TESTAMENT verse in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 which states: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
      YES, in Scripture we are called to love–that is the Greatest Commandments–Love God with all we are…and love our neighbor as ourselves. But we are to love God first–which is then pours out to our love for others. But that never means not saying what is right and wrong before God. Jesus, numerous times after healing someone or caring for their needs says to that person–now sin no more…or “now that you have experienced grace and mercy from God–leave your life of sin.” None of us can do this on our own. We cannot do this apart from Jesus. Which is Paul’s point in Romans 1 (the author of the book)–that we have all sinned–we are all separated from God–and we all need a savior–in Jesus–and that is for the straight person or the gay person. But that does not mean that in God’s grace we continue to sin…but rather faith in Jesus changes our hearts…and God makes us more and more like Jesus. Which means the homosexual needs grace…which comes through faith in Jesus. Just like Mr. Robertson needs grace…which comes through faith in Jesus. What he said might have lacked tact…and could have/should have been said better. But the content of what he said is straight from the Bible. But we need to understand that…and hear both sides…even the Christian side where the Bible does say that homosexuality–among many other things–is a sin and separates us from God.

      Good article though. While I don’t agree with everything on it, it is communicated well, and for the most part with respect for both sides of this hot, cultural debate.

      • aib says:

        Pastor Chris,
        I’m not even going to begin to say that I know the bible because I don’t, I haven’t studied it. However, before I go on, I am going to point out that I am a gay (Christian) woman who does in fact support Phil Robertson, I appreciate his strong religious values and don’t ever think that it’s okay to stuff my way of life down somebody’s throat and make them believe the same things I do, but I do expect respect and compassion as a human being.
        I know full well that Christian responsibility is to love your neighbour as yourself and I know that Phil said he would not treat gay people differently because of sexual orientation. That is a true Christian!!
        I’m a little unclear about your stance on being born gay. I was born this way, I know this as I know the sky is blue and I have tried to live a straight lifestyle, it makes me miserable. As a 7 yr old I can remember having a crush on my female teacher. I’m wondering if you think that at the age of 7 I knew what a lesbian was? Or that my feelings were sinful? Not a chance. I’m 43 yrs old now and lgbtq was not in the news or spoken about during current events around the dinner table or in school.
        So, I just want to say this isn’t a choice that I’m making, but it’s the card that I was dealt at birth and when my soul has been claimed I know where it will be going.

    • dylan says:

      Actually that’s exactly what the bible says. Unless the sin is repented of, it explicitly says they will go to hell.

      • Pastor Chris says:

        It is sin that separates us from a Holy God. But it is faith in the person and work in Jesus–that he is God, that he died on the cross paying the penalty for our sin, and he was resurrected from the dead–proving he IS God and what he said he did on the cross is true and what we can and need to put our faith in. This message is open for all people–straight, gay…whatever. The repenting that we need to do is repent from our unbelief and rejection of Jesus.


        Thank you for your thoughtful response. And I respect all that you have to say. I have a dear friend in my church who found out he was gay when he was around 7 or 8, and lived the gay lifestyle for decades. He is a Christian…loves Jesus…but also knows and accepts that the Bible says that the acts of homosexuality is a sin–and is upset when pastors try to sugar coat what the Bible actually says about homosexual activity. Let me also say this…I knew the truth of Jesus as a little kid. But in my teens I said to God, “If you have stopped working for me…I’m going to stop working for you.” I started doing drugs…getting drunk…sleeping with as many women as I could. In my early twenties God grabbed my heart and showed me the utter destruction of my behavior and actions. I am married now, with kids. But do you think I struggle with the desires of my past? You bet. Do you think my gay friend struggles with the desires to act on his desires for men? Every day. But because we see God not just as our savior…but the Lord (or King) of our life…we must submit even our desires to HIM…and lay those desires at His feet and depend on Him for the power to live righteously. Does that mean I am perfect? NO WAY! But that is why wee need GRACE. I am anything because of God. Grace does not mean that I get to do what I want…and I get away with it. Rather the Grace and Love of God freely gives compels me to obey Him and His Word–which is to love others (as so many people have noted) but also to live according to how God has called. So no matter our inclination…no matter what we are born with…we are ALL born sinners with an inclination to sin. That is the thesis of Paul in writing Romans 1. But it is God’s grace that frees us from the slavery of sin…now to be slaves to righteousness. But let me be clear…it is not our “lack of sin” that saves us. It is our faith in Jesus that saves us. If you believe in Jesus…that is the most important decision you can make. Now allow Him to speak into every part of your life…not just being a lesbian. I need God to help me with my pride…with my lust…with my (fill in the blank). God bless! And Merry Christmas!

  205. Mossyoakguy343 says:

    Its a country thing you wouldn’t understand!! Country boys and girls freely express what they feel and obviously this man did just that! Its okay A&E will loose a bunch of viewers because that’s there only popular show, other then the fake Rodeo Girls.

  206. Amanda Bates says:

    This was my status on this matter:
    “Yes, I understand “free speech”, but this is bigger. This is about a society too blind to see that this is a devout Christian; the Bible, his Christian faith, is his truth; the same way that believing in LGBT rights and actions are mine (and many others). He made a statement that is continuously overlooked regarding the fact that it is his responsibility, as a Christian, to love all those which the Bible call “sinners” and let God sort it out. I do not believe in his religion, nor his views, but that doesn’t take away the fact that he actually DOES have a lot of wisdom to offer in other areas. If I was lost in the forest alone, he’d be the one I’d want to be lost with me.”
    “Furthermore, just as A&E took a stance, so did many Americans by boycotting the network. It’s how people feel oneness; “we’re all different, but look at this thing we can do together”. Unfortunately, we have become a society saturated in anger, fear, and mostly negative emotions; yet despite this, we are wired to be a species which needs this “oneness”, so we often come together for all the wrong reason. It takes understanding and compassion to truly become one. When we accept a person’s beliefs as their truth, we have an opportunity to be near that person, to be part of that person; only then will the opportunity come for us to change their mind. We must be gentle. No one likes to be forced to do anything.
    Imagine if, upon the news of this story, the ENTIRE LGBT community had reached out with compassion. What would have happened? Would we have changed his views a little? He lives in a place where being gay isn’t just his truth, but it’s not common for him to be exposed to gay people. The Bible tells him “gays are sinners”, just as the white man said Native Americans are savages, and everyone believed it. The difference is that he’s not out slaughtering gays. Instead, he’s speaking his truth, but offering love; there’s the open door for change. When two people come together, they offer different insight into things, and what’s “right” becomes the common ground. Follow Nelson Mandela’s example; he befriended his attackers and imprisoners, and just look what he accomplished! He changed an entire country for the better! He showed the white people of his country that black people are the same race as they are; the HUMAN RACE. He did it with compassion for their “ignorance”, not with anger and force.
    The LGBT community completely missed an opportunity to change a strong headed man’s strong beliefs about them. In fact, the LGBT community might have changed an entire church, southern town, or even a entire Christian faith through his celebrity and because he is a preacher. Maybe if he had been met with an outpouring of acceptance and compassion he would have thought, “Wait a minute, these gay people and supporters are kind, compassionate people. Why are they called sinners?” Imagine where we could be today.”

    • Although my beliefs on some of these issues differ from yours, I agree with so much of what you said and the approach you recommend. I so often see people react to statements like Phil’s with accusations of bigotry and hatred and completely write the person off and close the door, with no hope of dialogue. And of course the same thing happens with people on the other side of the issue, too. I think if people on both “sides” (of this or any other heated topic in our society) did as you describe and react with gentleness, humility and compassion rather than snap judgment and their own hatred and blind fury, there would be a lot more mutual understanding and respect in this country. To me it’s so much better to try to truly understand where the other person is coming from and why they believe what they do. Find the common ground and then seek to understand how you arrive at different conclusions. Try to learn from each other.

  207. Caleb says:

    Just because a man answers a question honestly from his opinions and beliefs, he shouldn’t be reprimanded for his words. He was the one asked the question and he spoke, like it or not shouldn’t matter. It’s not even likehe called the gay ccommunity out or even made a threat. Cmon ppl you guys are acting like he’s the only person to ever say anything bad about gays. Personally I will not watch the show if phil isn’t on it and A&E wouldn’t beand will not be as big of a network if it wasn’t for the bearded men. It’s all pretty petty if u ask me.

  208. Wendy Abbott says:

    Get your information right The guy with the bandaid is not on DD But he is in the hangover movies

    • Steve says:

      The photo was a visual joke, he was making a gag out of his own unfamiliarity with the show, and also about the insane amount of product tie-ins it has spawned (there are actually Duck Dynasty band aids). I assure you the author knows who Zack Galafianakis is.

  209. Charlie says:

    Hi, I am a sinner (however not for homosexuality). If you are homosexual, you are a sinner as well. Probably have many more sins than that, as I do as well. There is no argument that choosing to be gay is a sin.
    The argument seems to be whether The Book that has outlasted and out sold any other book ever written is true or not. Some will believe others will not. God made it that way. You have the choice. I choose to believe in its entirety.
    Phil choose to the answer the question using what he believes – not denying God. Sure A&E has the right to get rid of him for that. Will not work out good for them, but that is their choice.
    Now for my fellow Christians – BE THE LIGHT AND THE WAY – no the wedge! Understand, and be grateful you where given the ear to hear and believe. But also realize you are a sinner as well and God still loves you. I share your beliefs regarding the state of our society. But choose to love, regardless.

  210. Brandy says:

    The bible is the written truth. Believe what you want. I love everyone. I don’t have to love their sin.

  211. Will says:

    All he said was a womans vagina, to him is more desirable than a mans anus. How is this in any way out of line, not only that, how does these words even piss off homosexuals? I guess i’m missing something here or you are all crazy.

    • Todd says:

      He also compared homosexuality to beastiality. Which comes to the tired old line of “we can’t allow gay marriage, because you allow same-sex then it is a slippery slope to animals and inanimate objects.”

      Brenda responded to me saying, that he was just listing sins and a sin is a sin, there isn’t a ranking for sin. You go to hell (not his words but I think a reasonable interpretation of what he was saying) for adultery, beastiality or homosexuality.

      But to me, I see Brenda and is Phil Anderson meant that, then I see his point, but then I find fault in a Christian morality that could ever believe that. One sin isn’t equal to others, that is why we don’t have the same punishments for different crimes. Stealing is not an equal sin to death or idol worship. In the Good Samaritan Jesus says you should love your neighbour, even though Jews hated the Samaritans. So even though people are uncomfortable and hating gays, learn to love. Being gay isn’t a lifestyle or behaviour choice.

  212. TGL says:

    And in regards to the end of this Post you said…And if you’re one of the people who has been hurt by the hate and ignorance and judgment over that is already everywhere on the internet, just know that the folks who are spewing all that hate are not really representing Jesus. Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples: If you love one another.” So that’s the way you’ll know. Remember Jesus was one of the most controversial people and he spoke the truth and sometimes it was not nice. But he spoke the truth out of tough love. So you might not agree with the choice of words, there was love in the heart. Sometimes its hard to judge a person by their words if you don;’t know their heart. We assume the DD Leader hates Gays. But that’s because we judge his words not knowing his heart. I know that some will quote the scripture that says Matthew12:3434You are evil snakes, so how can you say anything good? Your words show what is in your hearts. 35Good people bring good things out of their hearts, but evil people bring evil things out of their hearts. 36I promise you that on the day of judgment, everyone will have to account for every careless word they have spoken. 37On that day they will be told that they are either innocent or guilty because of the things they have said. The Pharisees were on a mission and were all about the Law yet they lived as they wanted to so that they had control of the church. But I believe Jesus called them out for who they were and this didn’t settle well. If the DD Commander mis quoted scripture to get the population and viewers to believe a particular view than he would be wrong. He will have to deal with the society and network for what he said simply because he offended someone. But He did nothing wrong in quoting scripture and stating his beliefs. The media will abolish him and make him out to be Satan or a cult leader or something and make us believe the Majority feel he is wrong. But that is what our society is about, believing media and living our lives the way society sees fit. We tend to fall into the hands of people who will twist the truth and lead us astray until they step on our toes and hurt our feelings.

  213. Interesting that people think that “it’s just their opinions, they’re just the opposite of yours” are just words and therefore not harmful. Do people really believe that the words and harmful attitudes and beliefs don’t translate into actions? Being a bigot by being racist or homophobic affect your entire life in how you behave and what laws you pull the lever on in the voting booth. The fact that you are in a majority religion (Christianity) and ethnicity (white) gives you a privilege that you don’t even have to think about the harm you’re doing by believing that it’s okay to think that gays are going to Hell and shouldn’t have the right to basic Civil Rights like marrying or comparing being gay to bestiality and assuming being gay means you’re going to be promiscuous. You don’t get to criticize “the gays” or the people who aren’t white in public without repercussions for your Constitutional right to hold those weird opinions. It doesn’t mean that being Christian gives you a pass on being a bigot in the eyes of actual Christians. Jesus wasn’t a bigot. Jesus loved everyone and that’s what he taught us. There’s not one single word in the Bible saying anything against homosexuality because they knew nothing about it at that time. You know what they were condemning? Forcible man on man rape and the rape of the leader’s women from raiders pillaging and raiding other settlements and villages. They were condemning the man on man rape that Roman soldiers were known for. Don’t just pretend to “know the Bible” but learn the history surrounding it and the people that lived in Biblical times and just after.

    Words ARE harmful. They do hurt. Inaction hurts as much as actively trying to remove others Civil Rights and Liberties. You get to have your religious beliefs and you get to stand on government property and say whatever you choose against the government without it being death threats, and not be jailed for it. You are NOT immune to reasonable people calling you out on your shit.

    The suspension of a Duck on a privately owned (as opposed to government owned) network is not a freedom of speech issue and it’s not a Civil Rights issue. The network has every right to do what it’s doing. The interview wasn’t even done by A&E, but GQ magazine. The Duck DOES NOT represent all or even most Christians. It’s only a vocal minority that believe the bigoted things people like him espouse publicly. The rest of us try to live our lives proving him wrong. We walk the walk and try to walk in Christ’s path rather than give live service.

    • Aimee says:

      Nothing in the bible about homosexuality???? What?!?! Have you read the Bible? God destroyed Soddom and Ghamora for that reason!

      • theboeskool says:

        Sorry, Aimee, that’s not true. Here’s what the Bible says: “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Ezekiel 16:49 And it certainly wasn’t a story about committed, homosexual relationships. It was a story about rape and power and inhospitality….

      • Absolutely and unequivocally not true, Aimee. Have you ever actually studied the Bible and what it means? Have you studied its history? Have you spent significant time studying the time period Jesus lived in, and the political atmosphere? Or what daily life was like? Have you used thoughtful logic rather than what some old school bigoted priest vomited up during CCD on Sunday morning before Church? Or do you still think that Jesus was a poor white guy dressed in rags his entire life until one day God finally gave him Divine knowledge to start his ministry? Jesus was well educated, after all he was a Rabbi who knew the Torah backwards, forwards, and inside out. He was well entrenched in the politics of the entire region, and the religious atmosphere of the Jewish Community. He knew exactly what was going on in the fringe Jewish groups. The laws that came from the Torah and the New Testament ie. The Bible didn’t just spring up in the modern day. Even when the Bible was put together using the available texts at the time to create the Canon, it was what, 100-300 YEARS after Jesus physically rose into Heaven.

        If you look ONLY at modern day printed Bibles, you’ll find the word homosexual and other words relating to gays. Think about that. Because the Bible doesn’t say “Love everyone and don’t judge anyone lest ye be judged… except the gays.”

        God, people, crack open some history books and do some research from unbiased, reputable resources. Not the Knights of Columbus dude that’s 85 years old and a closet drunk. He’ll just fall back on “Gays are icky but I’ll blame it on “religious beliefs”.”

  214. Lisa Mariano says:

    Did the editor of the GQ mag fired for allowing controversial material to be published??? If it was that bad they should have cut it out of the final draft, clearly Phil Robinson is not into GQ at all and was raised that way TO EACH THEIR OWN oh and people get too carried away with the “freedom of speach” when it works in their favour, just saying things because u can doesn’t make it right if A&E drop duck dynasty they would lose a shit ton of viewers but another channel would scoop it up real fast! I have no problem with glbt and I still love duck dynasty too I like the show none of my business anyone else’s personal beliefs it’s a great show…that is all

  215. DuckCommander says:

    The right to “not be offended” is a counterfeit right. Silencing Phil Robertson because of comments some view as offensive is absolutely a free speech issue. It absolutely is.

    You’re characterizing anyone who would support Robertson in a condescending manner (your snarky invective is very clear). It’s duplicitous to be offensive to a person who holds of a point of view in an article ostensibly about keeping an open mind.

    • Clayton says:

      If something someone says or does offends you, then you should direct your focus within and deal with the offense. How it offends you and how to change yourself so that you become accepting of peoples beliefs, instead of judging and being offended by them. They are personal beliefs after all…

  216. Reblogged this on Side Streets and School Daze and commented:
    I have so many thoughts on this issue.

  217. david says:

    Here’s the funny thing about the show I am a big fan of the show but have noticed some thing that don’t seem right. If u watch the show they depict that willi I has two kids…. right. But if u read the first book they realest call the family there is a picture of willi his wife and 4 kids 2 white 1 Asian and one mixed. Now before u think I’m going somewhere racist with this I’m not. Why are they never talked about? Even in the book they don’t talk about them…
    I just feel that there is something strange.

  218. Joe says:

    Im not sure what the big deal is. Everyone talks shit about everyone else. From comedians and celebrities to the people that live right next to you that might have a few things to say about you. Now like you commented before about the job that teaches children about differences, now when it comes to that, yes, you should be fired because you have no reason to be teaching children to accept each others differences if you cant yourself and make and idiot of yourself on tv. Mr Duck Dynasty here doesnt work with queers, he has no reason to be taken off of anything for saying what he feels. Yes i said queers and for some that might be offensive, but then again i remember hearing alot of advertisement on tv for the supposed hit show Queer eye for the straight guy. where was all the media attention then. why didnt anyone get fired for broadcasting that title out to millions of viewers. How many actors have spoken out of terms when it came to people of a certain race and color, you still see them on the big screen. So yea Home of the Brave Land of the Free. Put up and shut up is what you get. Why make such a big deal now? nothing will ever change your only choice would be to just accept it.

  219. Laura says:

    I hear what u are saying and I understand on where you are going but until ppl calm down I’m afraid there will be a lot of ” old school ” comments. They start reading with the thought in their head ur against this man and although not true this is FB and ur educational view although very true will not sink into most of FB fans who read it. But I wanted to say I believe freedom of speech is what u say .. And if things keep going the way they are we won’t even have the right to think we can speak what we want without consequences . not many look at what happens after we open our mouths and trash falls out because we expressing how ” we ” feel caring nothing for how it may effect others.. Basically ppl could care less bout others feelings. Called lack of respect in today’s society.

  220. Catherine Rolerson says:

    Thank you for the insightful article. A comment on what was said about people jumping on the band wagon (my paraphrasing), of issues which lead to derogatory remarks directed at fellow commentators. Just recently I saw a posting about people receiving a letter complaining about the way their house was decorated; Comments quickly left the subject of decorations and became an all out ‘naming calling’ fest, including someone that decided the nationality of the unsigned letter .

  221. Jerome Boye says:

    You ask a man for his beliefs and he tells you.
    But for a moment, imagine A&E suspended someone for endorsing the Gay lifestyle or for proclaiming the The Word of the Prophet in an off camera interview. These scenarios seem too absurd to contemplate. But it can be done to a Christian. I am far from a Hell Fire and Brimstone, Repent or Die CHRISTIAN. But I admire Phil for speaking his mind. Honestly and from the Heart.

    • christina says:

      I absolutely agree. And I honestly don’t think A&E really cares at all about the GLBT community I think they just wanted to capitalize on a situation because no one watches their network. And Phil could not care less. He didn’t want to play football anymore, he didn’t want to fish professionally, and he gave his successful business to his sons. He has more money than he could ever want and just wants to hunt. He’s been saying for over a year he didn’t want to be on the show anymore.

  222. Aimee says:

    I think your publication on this topic is off-base. (To say the least.) You are right about Freedom of Speech not being protected by freedom of consequences. However, you are wrong with the example you give. (Calling your boss a jackass and subsequently being fired). The funny thing is: I’ve got a “what-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg” dilemma with this. I don’t know if this is an original thought from you, the writer, or an argument you picked up while watching the arguments fly during yesterday’s hot topic? You see, I heard many people argue the same thing. But answering the GQ journalists question on “What is sinful?”, and taking Mr. Robertson’s answer out of context to use as your soapbox are different things. I’d like to make two points very clear to you:
    1.) First of all: it is lazy journalism to argue anything on a topic you haven’t researched yourself. You start your article off by admitting you didn’t even read the actual interview from GQ with Mr. Robertson. You only read his “homophobic highlights”. Any journalism teacher worth their salt will tell you that’s a big “no, no”. (Unless, you plan on working for CNN.) You are not only compromising your integrity as a journalist, but as a reliable source for anyone reading this. Maybe if you HAD read the article you wouldn’t be so damning of Mr. Robertson and his responses.
    2.) If you know nothing (or very little) about what it means to be a Christian, do not presume you do. This point circles back to the first point as well: do your research. I understand your argument about “scaring off people who may be wanting to know more about Jesus”. But I, personally, did not read any arguments yesterday that would do that. And my own arguments I made sure to keep to the point, factual, and not hate-filled. (Anyone claiming to be a child of God should never be hateful.) However, from reading your post, “hateful” means anything that is not all “rose-colored-glasses” and the like. I’m sorry to be the barer of bad news but being a Christian isn’t all pretty. And I mean that in the sense that liberals (mostly) think Christianity has something to do with being accepting and inviting of everybody and everything. Because “what kind of god would not allow EVERYONE in to HIS heaven?” Well, I’m sorry. But that would be… My God. Each and every one of us has the chance to come to Him, accept him as our Savior, and spent eternal life in His Kingdom. BUT, (“oh no!”) there are some guidelines he has for us to live our lives here on Earth! He is the Father! And not some laissez fare kind of Father. Not a permissive Father. He teeters between the Authoritarian and Authoritative kind of parent. He has rules. He expects us to obey them. You want a religion where the god wants you to do what feels good for you… Christianity is NOT the one for you. But if you’re searching for a religion, nay, a LIFE, that PROMISES you a God who wants what’s best for you… Well, then: “ding! Ding! Ding!” Jesus Christ has that!
    So… To sum it all up: not getting into everyone else’s responses about this whole Phil Robertson thing (as I cannot possibly know what everyone else has said), he is not a Homophobe. He follows the two most important laws that God gives us as brothers and sisters in Christ: 1.) “Love The Lord your God with all your heart, your soul and your mind”; and 2.) “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Just because Mr. Robertson said, he doesn’t understand what attracts a man to another man, and that living a homosexual lifestyle is sinful (just like slander, idolatry, and others) does not make him a homophobe. He’s out their spreading the word of Jesus and a Love that no one can know until they’ve come to Christ. He’s not out there trying to hurt people, simply telling the Truth. As I said, as Christians, we are not supposed to be living lives that merely “feel good” with earthly pleasures. Just like any good parent, God has rules for us as His children. “You received a new heart and a new spirit. Moreover, I put my Spirit in you, enabling you to do what I command. You are not who you once were. All things have changed. I have given you a fresh start with no history for you since the exchange of hearts took place and you received the Spirit. There is nothing from your past to hold you back. Your future is as bright as the noon day sun. I have plans to bless you and not to hinder you in any way.” Ezekiel 36:26-27 (MSG) When we come to Christ, we are promised a whole new life… Here! And in the hereafter! God bless you all.

  223. Suzanne says:

    I find it interesting that many people commenting here seem to assume that all Christians think the same – that being gay is a sin or at least an aberration. Here’s one that celebrates love between 2 people regardless of gender. It’s sad that so many people who believe in a religion are usually the ones who demonstrate the least tolerance.

  224. Aaron says:

    Here’s something I learned in elementary school … People say things you don’t like, get over it?

    • theboeskool says:

      Yeah, this response has been gaining some steam today–“Get over it.” Like all those people should have gotten over having those fire hoses turned on them. I guess they should have had some thicker brown skin, right? And all those people denied jobs or education because of their color or heritage or who they love should just “Get over it” too…. And those kids getting verbally bullied? GET OVER IT! There is no such thing as emotional pain….

      Is this your plan for peace and understanding in the world?

  225. Cameron says:

    What did he say that was offensive? He just quoted the Bible, like any Christian would. It’s no new surprise what Christians believe and what the Bible says. A&E has known this all along. They knew this would eventually happen because they already try to censor them. He didn’t say he wants them to go to hell. The Bible verse he quoted, and his own words, mentioned straight sin and all kinds of other sin, equally deserving of hell. That’s always been the Christian perspective. Not giving into neo-Gnosticism and recognizing the physical complimentary nature of sexual organs is not an outlandish opinion either.

    I’m calling BS on people’s offense to the gay issue alone. It’s a special offense for a special people. They perpetuate their oddness by being the most offended all the time. No one else who is said to be sinful reacts the way they do.

  226. John smith says:

    Your an idiot

  227. Susan says:

    I think I love you! GREAT comments! Are you married?

  228. Pingback: How to Respond to the Duck Dynasty Controversy - Movie Mom

  229. Omaji says:

    It seems to me that regardless of the “fixed” point of view you are coming from on this issue, the loving approach would be to apply these very wise words from one of the greatest teachers to ever walk the planet: “Forgive them…. they know not what they do”. Teach only love: To teach is to demonstrate. Blessings to all to know true peace in your heart.

  230. Idontwanttoknow says:

    I really want to know people for who they are , not how they have sex . Why does the gay community insist on identifying themselves in this way? I don’t want to think “sex” when I see people of the same gender together but you all make me feel this way . On topic…..I think A&E had it coming to them when they hired this bunch . Why is anyone surprised ??? For example , if you asked me how I felt about addicts I would give you my honest opinion and plenty of folks would be offended. But nobody had to ask especially when they already knew . I think this is all intentional just like one politician taking down another . Whatever. I’m kinda sick of all this oppression . Thinking living in the USA isn’t as free as it’s chalked up to be . Blegh.

  231. Jenna says:

    Great article!
    And for some of you who have left comments, do yourselves a favor and buy a dictionary. The spelling on this comment feed is horrific.

  232. Nate says:

    This patriot idiot is nothing more than an idiot being a patriot wont get you into heaven speaking the truth of the bible like Mr Robertson did is what is respectful and wasnt directed toward the individual but toward the act . So as for me and anyothers that consent to what Phil said dont hate the person but the sin.

  233. Linda says:

    Thank you for the article. We’ll written and very true. I love my gay son so much. He did not chose to be gay, he was born that way. I thought be might be gay at the age of 2. I would not try to change him even if I could. Thanks again.

    • Tommy says:

      Sorry, I do not agree people are born gay. Usually they are introduced at a young age to learn this lifestyle. Ask if he was promiscuous at a young age. Not trying to condemn anyone, just tired of the lies.

  234. Jennifer S. says:

    At one point in this great nations history the gay community was persecuted for their beliefs as well as being let go from jobs or being discriminated against when applying for jobs, as well as being discriminated against when joining groups, clubs, organizations, along with other such functions. Just for being gay and believing in their gay lifestyles. I feel their persecution of Phil Robertson is the exact same thing they, as a community, have fought so hard against. It is now illegal to fire or suspend someone based on their sexual preference. It is illegal to fire or suspend someone based on their religious beliefs. Why is it okay to do this to Phil? Duck Dynasty was one of only a few shows that I can sit down with my children to watch. It is faith based, and centers on family. If you don’t like or agree with the Robertsons, don’t watch their show or read their articles or buy their merchandise. Its that simple. If you don’t agree or like the gay lifestyle, then I’m sure you don’t put yourself in the middle it. Its common sense. This is just my opinion. I am positive some people will not agree with me and guess what, that’s okay, You don’t have to, just like I don’t have to agree with someone else’s opinions and beliefs. I just have to respect them. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. Christ is the reason for the season!!

  235. Ethan says:

    Can’t we all just get along? I mean, really. Both sides of this argument are often unbelievably disrespectful. It astounds me.

    Anyway, well-written article…well, based on the information you had and forgoing the information you didn’t care to look up, ha.

    This whole thing is silly. It’s not a political statement, it’s not a social stance, it’s not a big deal. As a member of the LBGT community AND a Christan (GASP!), I’m not even offended. So some whack-job in the entertainment business said some mean things and got in trouble at his JOB. It’s not like he was fired from life. And everybody says mean things. Just read this thread.

    Everybody just breathe. Too much emotion over this…

  236. quo1 says:

    Crap. My cousin just shared this blog post on facebook. I would have sworn you plagiarized my recent Duck Dynasty post if you hadn’t posted it 24 hours before I posted mine. Did I plagiarize you? God, I hope not. Regardless, I can’t follow you because we think too much alike. I’ll never be able to write confidently again. Thanks for nothing. Peace.

  237. Karen says:

    I am gay and could give a flying leap what this redneck has to say. All A&E did by suspending him was give importance to his words which frankly weren’t important to anybody at all. He has a right to say what he wants about gays being sinful and I have no problem with that. When I get to heaven he won’t be there so no skin off my nose

  238. Uncle Mary says:

    Well this is gay as aids.

  239. Berly K says:

    You are an idiot. Try thinking. Or better yet, just stay silent and people may think you are smart, Boeskool!!

  240. Ant says:

    Can’t believe I just wasted all of this time reading this. Get over yourself OP. If you don’t like what someone says then don’t listen. YOU are the problem with this country, not someone from the south who feeds his family and teaches them what HE thinks is right. Nothing screams insecurity and holier than thou at the same time more than this stupid article. Get over yourself.
    Sincerely, someone who has a life.

  241. Look at all the butthurt

  242. Brian Miller says:

    Thank you! As a christian who really tries to be, i strive to walk in unconditional love as should we all. I hope your blog on this helps people to see the real issue at hand. I hope everyone here has a wonderful love filled life!

  243. Tommy says:

    2. There is also free speech that you don’t agree with. You are not some sort of “Patriot, fighting for the First Amendment rights of all Americans” if the only time you get upset about a person’s “rights being trampled” is when it happens to people who think exactly like you. If you think of the First Amendment when hearing people saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” you are very, very confused. And if the only free speech that you support is speech that you agree with, that doesn’t make you a “patriot.” It makes you a hypocrite. And that’s something completely different.
    O.K. Read your statement again. You don’t agree with Mr. Robertson’s speech so that makes you a hypocrite?!

    Please think about this for a moment–This guy is a gazillionaire…. You can’t walk through a Walmart without knocking something off a shelf that has his face on it. He does not need your support.
    You seem to be a jealous person. He patented a product to make his money. That used to be the American way. Not now, it’s all about hand outs and politically correct speech. Why is it o.k. for you to criticize others, but others can’t criticize or disagree with you? If you don’t care for Mr. Robertson’s beliefs, don’t listen to his speech or watch his tv program.

  244. Since there are now over 34,000 denominations all labeling themselves as “Christian”, I think it’s time to do away with the term entirely. There is no true “Christianity” anymore, we have exchanged it for arbitrary, man-inspired legalism. God is love, and Jesus said the greatest commandments are to love God and to love one another. It really is that simple.

  245. luvmytigers says:

    So it’s okay for Whoopi Goldberg to host the View without suspension after publicly supporting a child “rape rape” ist (Roman Pulanski) and Mel Gibson’s bigoted rant , for Jay Leno and Chris Rock to condone dog fighting with no censure by NBC for Jay, and for the cable networks to exploit children (Honey Boo Boo and her go go juice) but a old guy with bigoted views is canned ? Come on. Talk about hypocrisy. Jay Wow and the Situation never spewed something offensive? Really?

  246. riverkat0811 says:

    I liked your thoughts.

  247. Joni says:

    This is awesome!!!!

  248. Nathan says:

    Well done. But I don’t think Zach Galifianakis is a member of Duck Dynasty 🙂

  249. Michael says:

    If what you are saying, “it’s what this man believe’s and it’s his opinion” and that people should not take offense to it, then people won’t take offense to my opinions.
    He’s a back woods redneck! Who the hell cares what his opinions are. Opinions are like A holes, everybody has them.

  250. Deb says:

    To the author, here is some free speech for you … You’re a gay azZhole

    • Sarah says:

      If this is really the only intelligent thing you could think of to say that is really sad.

      • Amen……………………Sarah !!!!

      • John Edge says:

        Ok. I agree say something that’s intelliegent. So here I go.. It’s funny, I always here, be open minded of others and I am. If someone is gay so be it. Here’s my problem, if someone is not and they chose to be heterosexual, then the gay community shouldn’t bash them. So, I’m sick of hearing be open minded. Remember we have to be tolerant of others. EVERYONE should be politically correct not just the straight people. I hear SOME gays say this, “I was hurt and offended by their comments”, Then they turn around and bash some Christian. Who’s the open minded one and who’s the closed minded one. Sounds like the people who cry “be open minded” need to do JUST that. BE OPEN MINDED.

      • LIz says:

        Wow, Deb, what an intelligent observation…grow up.

      • Wow, John… you want people to be open minded about anti-gay speech and anti-Christian attitudes coming from people who claim to be Christian but preach how they think the Bible says it’s a sin to be gay and those same Christians think it’s all right to vote against gays having the exact same secular, legal, Civil Rights that they themselves have? Good to know.

    • Mac says:

      It’s ok to swear on the internet, Deb.

    • What other people think of someone is none of their business; besides, it’s not ever about the person it’s being directed at. It’s a projection of the person saying it, and it’s always about them. Very interesting. — The Four Agreements

      Really? You wasted your precious time and energy on that?

    • theboeskool says:

      I think it’s fantastically funny that you feel okay about using the word “gay” as a slur, you are okay with using that slur to try and hurt a stranger, you also are fine with calling that stranger an “ass hole,” but you aren’t okay with actually spelling out the word ass. I want to take all of the delicious irony in this, and I want to SQUEEZE it out into and ice cube tray. Then, I want to put plastic wrap and toothpicks into each one of those cube spots and freeze that irony, and then pull out those delicious hate-filled irony pops on a hot summer day and share them with friends who are bored and sweaty.

      Thank you so much for that. Fantastic….

  251. Speaking of “child rapists,” tiger lover, perhaps you’ve seen this quote from Duck Daddy Phil: “Look, you wait till they get to be about 20 years old, they only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You gotta marry these girls when they’re 15 or 16.” http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-duck-dynastys-phil-robertson-five-jawdropping-moments-from-his-sermons-20131220,0,4783746.story#ixzz2o3ynM2qb

    • Mertis says:

      Mr. McPherson, if you will listen again, I believe you will hear him say that those were the beliefs of the culture in which he was raised, therefore that was all he knew…at the time. Could there be anything in your past that you have grown to not believe as you matured? I believe that name calling might be one of those things that you might consider reconsidering…as you mature, that is…

    • Becky says:

      Mr.McPherson, Phil Robertson also said spoke about this subject in a video about his past and how he had met his wife and when taken out of context, as you did, yes, you can paint him any kind of perverted man you wish, however, he was referring to the cultural beliefs of his era in which “the saying was…” and followed up with his own injection of that “you need to get their parents permission first.” You paint him a pervert wanting to marry or prey on young girls when he himself was a teenager when he married his teenage wife… Your comment is out of context and not accurate in portraying the situation.

    • luvmytigers says:

      Two teenagers who get married are not rapists. This comment is ridiculous and proves that you cannot follow a point beyond your own bias.

      Again, why are the deviant lifestyle reality stars UNSENSENORED (Sister Wives, Karashians, Jersey Shore) when old man Robertson’s coarse personal views treated differently? I don’t agree with his comments. I also don’t look to a bunch of reality stars to light the way for my life either. America was hungry for a show about a family that is not broken and tunes in to watch. It doesn’t mean that viewers agree with everything a Robertson says.

      As far as reality shows, let’s just Ban them ALL. Then , let’s ban movie stars Tom Cruise (anti military), singers -Beyoncé and Jay Z ( called for a boycott of Florida on his way back from a vacation in CUBA), comedians- Whoopi Goldberg (roman Pulanski supporter), others- Kayne (just for being dumb).

  252. Elaine britten says:

    I think what you said was so beautifully put. I agree with you! There will be hearts open to your words and genuinely reconsider their way of sharing their beliefs how wonderful if EVEN JUST ONE person got it….. Imagine how that would effect the world for the better!

  253. Tasha says:

    “And if the only free speech that you support is speech that you agree with, that doesn’t make you a “patriot.” It makes you a hypocrite.” – This doesn’t just go for Christians. The gay and lesbian community needs to understand that when Christians speak what we believe in, it does not make us anti-gay. But when we are called anti-gay for speaking what we believe in, it makes the people calling us anti-gay the hypocrites. Communities, whether they be the Christian community or the gay and lesbian community, should be able to live and speak their beliefs without being attacked by others…this is what equality is about. No one can insist that they want equality for themselves, but not be willing to give it to others. I have not seen an outcry from people attacking the gay and lesbian community due to this event. I have only seen an outcry of people from all communities supporting freedom of speech, and yes freedom for Christians to be able to speak without being persecuted.

    • Sandra Allen says:

      AMEN TO THAT!!!!

      • Gail Finnamore says:

        I totally agree it seems that the only people that are allowed to state their beliefs and expect not to get criticized or have repercussions are the ones that want to change the laws to concur with their beliefs and those that are trying to ban the bible and get rid of the word of God. I think they are the ones that need to be reprimanded.The Bible has been here and has stood the test of time and will be here long after the constant complainers sre gone to meet that maker. wonder what he will think of your idiotic statements !!

    • Kelly says:

      REALLY sick of Christians constantly claiming to be persecuted. It’s not persecution to lose your job for saying things that make your employer look bad. Oh and last time I checked. Christians weren’t constantly told their going to hell for loving who they love or for having a different belief system but, I see a whole mess of Christians persecuting Pagans whose religion is way older than Christianity and a whole mess of Christians telling the gay and lesbian community they are going to hell for being who they are. Try some logical thinking and stop allowing some book written by men to think for you.

      • Bryan says:

        It’s not the sin that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of God. It’s the not accepting Jesus Christ as your savior that will do it. Jesus died on the cross for all sin and no sin is greater than the other. We all live in sin daily. To all no matter you preference, accept Jesus as your savior and you will inherit the kingdom. There will be a day that we will all be held accountable for our own sin. Until that day, love thy neighbor as you love thy self.

      • Tashina says:

        Word!!! Love this^^^^ kelly

      • Kelly says:

        Thanks, Tashina! 🙂

    • Jack Kilman says:

      Yes, people should be free to express sincere beliefs, but there is a right and a wrong way to do it, which is part of the point the author was trying to make. Saying “as a Christian I believe that homosexuality is wrong” does not make you an anti-gay bigot. Saying “all homosexuals are going to hell” or “homosexuals are destroying America” does. Unfortunately, most public comments by Christians on the subject have fallen into the latter category, so it should be no surprise that there is a backlash, which is not remotely the same thing as persecution. If you want to see Christians being persecuted, go visit a theocratic Muslim country. American Christians getting yelled at for spouting offensive nonsense is not persecution. Christians who truly want to lead others to the Lord do not say the kinds of things that Phil Robertson said. That wasn’t representing Christ, it was just self-righteous grandstanding.

      • Barclay Pittman says:

        Very well said….I am a lesbian and a Christian and it seems everyone is missing the point. Phil was put on leave because he embarassed A&E, not because he spoke his mind. When you work in the public eye you can expect to have every move and word scrutinized. His comments disgusted me, but he had a right to say them….just like I have the right not to watch his show or buy his products…:-D

      • D Mowry says:

        about half of the Cristian comments on the subject, are definitely not phil approved

    • Brian says:

      The issue here isn’t “You can’t believe what you want to believe”. The issue is that “Homosexuality is a sin” which is a Christian belief, is influencing state law. I, and the majority of people championing for gay rights, don’t care what you believe. We only care that the separation of church and state is upheld. You can continue believing that homosexuality is a sin and they are all going to hell. But your beliefs should have no actual impact on their life.

      • Justin says:

        On the reverse side of that Brian, then why is it okay for the gay and lesbian community to allow their beliefs to effect the law? It goes both ways. If the law is changed, then the beliefs of the gay and lesbian community have an impact on a Christian life. So why is it OK for one group but not the other?

      • Jason says:

        Justin, if you’re talking about laws that legalize same sex marriage, how does that effect you as a Christian? How does that impact your Christian life? The answer is that it doesn’t. At all.
        If you’re talking about laws that give the LGBT community equal protections in the workplace, that you as a (presumably) hetero sexual Christian enjoy, how does that effect your life? It doesn’t.
        Giving equal rights to others doesn’t automatically take away your rights. It only allows others to enjoy freedoms you apparently take for granted. You shouldn’t feel threatened by this.

      • Evanrai says:

        This is directed at Justin,

        Christian beliefs are not being denied by the law, the beliefs of lesbians and gays are for no good reason. Your claim that they would affect your life is simply not true. Allowing same-sex marriage will impact Christian beliefs in the sense that Christian beliefs will no longer be supported by the law and this really only goes one way, no other religion has this back up nor should it. The only way a change in laws will affect your way of life is in the sense that you will no longer be able to tell homosexuals that their love is illegal, you will still be able to tell them that according to the Christian faith their love will endanger their immortal souls, and they can either acknowledge or ignore that.

    • Diane Wiser says:

      Tasha said or had a good reply. We must remember (God) and Jesus loves us all, we don’t have to have a tag on us that states, we are___, or____, we are one person, me , myself and I, we have to answer to God, he talks to us, we listen, we communicate and we believe, So both Phil and all others have to answer to Gods/Jesus call, no one else
      can do that, so it is a persons choice. I just hope each one of you realize that it hasn’t got anything to do with what a person states, it has to do with what is in their heart and what they and God know about their personal feelings and their own hearts.

    • Ron Catalano says:

      Very well said. Thank you very much, and Merry CHRISTmas to you.

    • JJ Fad says:

      As a fellow Christian, I take umbrage to you saying “But when we are called anti-gay for speaking what we believe in, it makes the people calling us anti-gay the hypocrites.” No one is calling you anti-gay because you believe being gay is wrong. They are calling you anti-gay because you want laws based on your religion, that specifically prevent gay people from being full citizens.

      Your freedom to believe what you want ends at trying to take away, or prevent other people from having, their inherent human rights. You can speak all you want about being a Christian and disagreeing with the gay lifestyle or that you believe it’s a choice they can change. You have that right. You do not have the right to say “and because *I* believe these things, *you* shouldn’t be allowed to get married or have families or live without fear of harassment or harm.” I have also heard heard many people of all types cry out for a banishment of all religion, and I tell them the same thing. Your rights to think what you want and say what you want and do what you want (as long as it’s not hurting anyone) ends at PREVENTING OTHERS FROM BEING ABLE TO DO THE SAME.

      The biggest problem here is majority privilege. Christians in America are so used to not facing any REAL challenges to their beliefs or authority, that they view anyone asking them to see things from a different perspective, or be more inclusive and tolerant as said challenge. The Bible tells them to expect, and indeed embrace persecution, because it will make their faith stronger; and since their isn’t a whole lot of actual persecution going on in these parts, they have to find it wherever they can get it.

      • Tashina says:

        J J Fad you have made one of the most educated comments on this article. I may actually have to borrow it and quote you on FB. Have A merry Christmas my dear.

      • JJ Fad says:

        Tashina, thank you for your kind words. I just think this world would be much better of if we all *truly* embraced “live and let live,” as opposed to simply saying we did. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  254. Carolyn S Hardt says:

    Love this article!

  255. This was a very interesting take on the situation, I think you were right on point.

  256. Nellie says:

    Personally, I think when a “wanna be” writer, such as the editor of the article, has to resort to using profanity and the Lord’s name in vane, it completely removes any credibility on his part. From my perspective, Phil merely answered questions and stated his beliefs. The entire problem comes down to the new rule established by the LGBT community that if anyone disagrees with their lifestyle they are bigots and ignorant people. What happened to freedom to express your own views in a non-confrontational arena? We can love everyone but still hate the sin. In this Country we have the right to our own standards and choices and just because it’s different it should’t be judged and condemned by those who disagree.

    • Kelly says:

      If you’re so sure that being gay or lesbian is a lifestyle then please do tell when you decided you wanted to be straight because as a straight woman I do not recall making that decision. If sexuality is a choice then we ALL must need to make that choice at some point. While you’re doing that explain why, if being gay or lesbian is a sin, did God create gay and lesbian people? I’ll be honest, if he created people to be gay and lesbian just to watch them suffer and struggle against their own nature for their entire lives then he’s really sadistic and no one I know would want to worship any deity like that.

      • Emily says:

        I don’t know how much you know of God, but if you want a better idea I can help give you one off of the argument in the comments.

      • Kelly says:

        I know plenty of the Christian perception of God and I do not need your help. I am Pagan and I’m proud of that. I spent years searching for my spiritual path and that included researching different religions. I came away with a less than favorable view of Christianity.

    • Mertis says:

      Excuse me, but isn’t “‘wanna be’ writer” used here as judging, condemning and confrontational?

    • Reada says:

      “using the Lord’s name in vane” — did you mean VAIN? Exactly where in the article did the author do that? And even if he did, what makes you so sure he was referring to YOUR god?

    • Laura B. says:

      You surely mean “… the Lord’s name in VAIN…” (It’s NOT “vane” (weather-VANE), or “vein” (the blood-vessel); the word is VAIN–as in USELESS and without due respect and reverence.
      I don’t take writing seriously if it’s not done with due thought and accuracy.

    • Denise says:

      Nellie, you are correct. I also believe if you read the article you will see you only see what the author wants you to see. The complete article is from his viewpoint of his visit and he only repeats parts of what was said, enough to know he will get such a reaction as he has. I do believe he accomplished what he went after, and in doing so, allowed a group of people, GLADD, to decide what they feel should be done to Mr. Robertson. Unfortunately, A&E didn’t have the balls to stand up to them and instead of pulling the man from his show, simply state his viewpoints aren’t representive of the station. There were much better ways to handle this all the way around. It seems funny to me how the only group that seems to be so outraged is GLADD, maybe a nerve was hit.

      • Evanrai says:

        You are looking at this too narrowly. This isn’t merely about Christians and homosexuals, if it was it wouldn’t be such a big deal. This is about money. A&E is a company run for profit and that profit comes from various people with different views. Even if he is not acknowledged as a representative he is on their network and therefore people will assume that the network supports his views, so if he speaks about ANY controversial topic in an inelegant way (he did attack the LGBT community in a hateful manner, that much is clear) and angers a certain proportion of the public they have to do damage control otherwise people will start avoiding them and speaking badly of the network. A&E did not back down before one group of people, the backed down before a large section of the public which supports same sex marriage and homosexual acceptance. Just look around the internet: a lot of people are outraged.

  257. Never once have I said anything I don’t believe. Maybe some things were directly asked that I gave my opinion. I have also said that it is not my place to judge anyone as I am not without sin and God will work it out in the end (and no, there is not a difference in regards to sin). Phil Robertson’s comments – “I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person,” Robertson told GQ writer Drew Margary. “Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field…. They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

    • I have also read the comments that he said in regards to homosexuality. I don’t agree with the crudeness he used however he is a 60+ backwoods redneck. He said what he felt. He didn’t need to be so crude with his words, agreed. If you know anything about Phil Robertson you know that he too s not without sin. The magazine GQ is geared towards metrosexuals and it feels as if he was set up. Just my thoughts.

      • Ron Catalano says:

        I also believe he was set up, possibly because the people who do not like the fact that they regularly pray on the show wanted something like this to happen in order to get the show canceled. As plain spoken as Phil is, I am sure that his views on homosexuality were already known. Yep, there was a bigger agenda here.

      • D Mowry says:

        He’s a college grad, “he is a 60+ backwoods redneck”
        now, you are judging him.
        I don’t think your post is going to help him much.
        He’s been dealing with press since he was a star football player in high school and college. This was hardly his first interview.
        I agree with most of what he says, but if that how he thinks and talks to the press, Louisianna better their college scholaeship money back.
        Bu the way, do you like his college, wedding etc photos?

        “he is a 60+ backwoods redneck”

        I don’t think so. you just insulted him.

  258. Valerie says:

    I enjoyed your thoughts on this. We should all remember that hating a person for their beliefs on a subject is also a form of bigotry. If you hat Phil Robertson for his honest answer to an honest question, that makes you a bigot too. We also need to remember that it’s important for people to speak out on their beliefs even if it goes against popular opinion. There are two reasons I say this. A) It might open up a dialogue that could be productive enough to make changes in the world. B) If a person is uneducated and/or ignorant on a particular subject, is a good opportunity to educate them – in a humble, loving manner. Hatred has so far solved absolutely NOTHING in the world. So even if you feel defensive and offended, remember this is another person and that if you were to sit across the table with him, there may be a great many things you find you have in common and even like about one another and you may find understanding when you finally broach the controversial topics that we are often, as a society, told to stay away from (i.e. religion, politics, etc.). I don’t fault Phil for his honest answer. I am sure he could have answered it better in a 1000 different ways but he didn’t. He answered it his way. Now, unfortunately for his family who is really quite lovely, he has to deal with the backlash that encompasses, as all groups do, extremists. I have seen several death threats already over the last several days. I think that is appalling. I guess the bottom line is the following cliches. Perception is everything. Love liberates. Walk a mile in another person’s shoes. Think about the times YOU have said coarse, ignorant things in your life and how you wished you would have been treated and be like that to those who offend you. In other words do unto others…to be biblical in nature I suppose.

  259. Brad says:

    A&E hire this old southern christian hunter to do a “REALITY SHOW” based on he and his families life. Well this is what they hired him for. And then they fire him for being who he is and always was. It is not realty when you try to censor what that person says or does. What did they expect. Maybe if they would have done some research into the beliefs of this family none of this would have happened. And as you mentioned they don’t seem to have any problem selling merchandise with his face on it. Kind of sends mixed signals to me lets fire this guy but continue to make money on his gay bashing image that will make everybody happy.

  260. Angie says:

    My teenage son is openly gay. He doesn’t understand what everyone is getting their panties in a twist about. The man quoted Bible scripture and said some things that in the context of that article are cringe-worthy, but I don’t see them as vulgar or vile and neither does my child. I wonder if anyone read where he said that though he doesn’t agree or understand their lifestyle, he loves everyone and it’s not up to HIM to judge anyone, but the Almighty. I do believe that he also said that even if he doesn’t understand someone, he respects them regardless.

    I am a devout Jesus Feminist {look it up}, a proud mother of a gay son, a diehard Duck Dynasty fan {my best friend is friends with their family and I’ve been to where they live when I visited her}, and wish that instead of spewing hateful, vile vitriol at each other because each side believes they’re right or have been attacked, that people would agree to disagree and leave it at that.

    A few Bible verses since this seems to be a favorite.

    1. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Jesus, didn’t cast a stone at the adulterous woman, and he was without sin. {Think about THAT}

    2. We are commanded to love thy neighbor. Let me expand on that. WE ARE TO LOVE EACH OTHER JUST AS CHRIST LOVES US.

    I see very few people practicing what I consider are the two most important lessons in the bible.

    • Yvonne Noble says:

      amen Angie! Great Bible verses you shared!
      The thing that sticks out the most to me in all these posts, is the fact that a lot of people, even a lot of Christian people, actually think ~the way they live, is their ticket into heaven!
      Ephesians 2:8 & 9 is clear, it’s not of works! “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of WORKS, lest any man should boast.”
      Being a homosexual, being a murder, being a devout religious person, being a gossiper, being a liar, being a no body, being grand, being smart…fill in the blank! Being good doesn’t get one into heaven, just like being bad doesn’t send one to hell.

      John 3:18 says, “He that BELIEVETH on him is not condemned: but he that BELIEVETH not is condemned already, (why is he condemned?) Because he hath not BELIEVED in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” KJV
      John 3:16 is a great verse! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever (fill in your name, you are that whosoever) believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
      Jesus Christ paid ALL of humanity’s sin debt! He shed his spotless, sinless blood on the Cross, for all! The most important thing any of us can do is to believe God, when he says, the only way to me, is through Jesus. There is no other way. WHich means, living a more righteous life, being better than your neighbor, that doesn’t get you into heaven nor keep you out of hell.
      Satan is a sly piece of crud.

      They shall know us by our love.

      Yes, homosexuality is a sin, just like a bunch of other things, we’re all sinners. No one isn’t a sinner. Our sin had a price on it, which was death, separation from God. But God loved us so much, that he sent Jesus, who had no sin, to die for the ones that had the sins. And it was Jesus’ blood that appeased God for our sin debt. Sins have been paid for. He died for us, but he didn’t stay dead. He came out of that tomb, in less than 3 days. He paid our sin debt! That’s the Good News!! That is what we as Christians should be proclaiming to the lost ~ YOUR SINS HAVE BEEN PAID FOR BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS, PUT your trust, your faith in that and receive God’s free gift. The gift of eternal life! It’s the best gift of all. You don’t work for a gift. A gift is a gift. You just reach out and accept it. You come to God just as you are. You don’t first run somewhere and quit sinning first! You don’t have to quit being anything, you just need to know, you owed a debt, a sin debt. But Jesus paid your sin debt. Because He loves you!

      • Justin says:

        James 2 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

        Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

        Oh the Bible is fun and FULL of contradictions huh? Funny how we can pick and choose a few verses out of the Bible and base an entire belief system around them.

      • Evanrai says:

        As an atheist this is why I love old Churches. When I enter an old Church all I sense is the deep rooted faith in a concept so pure that it lasted two millenniums. Peoples these days hurl Bibles quotes at each other without realizing that Christianity cannot be be defined as a whole by which Bible verses people choose to support. Most Christians these days focus on the best message: love. If this belief brings people peace and joy and they cannot help but try and tell others about it that’s ok. People want to be good and they want to love and be loved and if Christianity makes them feel that way then it should not be denied to anyone, regardless of sexual preference. There are Christians that choose to hate and they will be hated in return, but there are also Christians who love and they should be loved.

    • Leslie Witty says:

      Jesus didn’t cast a stone, but he did tell the woman, “Go and sin no more”. Everyone forgets that part.

      • raiinedrops says:

        No, Leslie, I didn’t forget that part. Did I omit it? Yes, because we sin ALL. THE. TIME. He told us not to sin anymore, but He knows that we will. Over and over and over again. It is through HIS Grace, HIS blood that we shall enter the kingdom of Heaven.

        If I was to base my faith around one bible verse it would be 1 Corinthians 13:4 – 8.

      • Leslie Witty says:

        He was talking to the woman about her sexual sin. And he gives us the power to not do it. He also gives homosexuals the power to stop. Do you think the woman in this Bible story went out and sinned again after hearing Jesus speak to her in person? Just picture him saying the same to you.

      • JJ Fad says:

        “He also gives homosexuals the power to stop.”
        That means he also gave you the power to stop being straight, so try not being straight for a few weeks and let me know how it works out. Or do you believe that since being gay is the “wrong” sexuality, that’s the only one you have a choice to stop doing?

      • leswiy says:

        Your logic fails when you consider bisexuals. Also, there was a time in college when I was attracted to my same sex.

      • D Mowry says:

        I don’t think that I would put Phil in the same category as Jesus. Phil wouldn’t either.
        At least the language has cleaned up today. I’ve seen a lot of hate and anger filled posts the last couple days, that I don’t think Phil would approve of. He’s a college grad that’s been doing interviews since he was a football star. Since he was in high school, college, etc. He’s been on TV for a year or 2. I don’t think this was his first interview. People are pulled from TV all the time, for interviews, articles etc. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. NObody is stopping him from talking, obviously.

    • Emma says:

      Agree 110% RIGHT ON!

    • Ron Catalano says:

      Very well said. Thank you for sharing, and Merry CHRISTmas to you.

  261. Doug Mitchell says:

    Phil never says anyone is going to hell. You, and others, say that.

    • theboeskool says:

      What do you think he means when he says they “won’t inherit the kingdom of God?” If you walk around and say, “It’s not ME that says all Jews are greedy and responsible for killing Jesus…. It’s GOD that says that right there in the Bible!” Guess what…. It’s not God that is anti-Semitic. It’s you. You and your terrible reading and understanding skills. You, who unfortunately believed a lie that God hates all the Jews.

      He doesn’t. And he doesn’t hate gay people either. He loves them. Just like the Jews. Just like me. And just like you. 🙂

    • D Mowry says:

      “Phil never says anyone is going to hell. You, and others, say that.”


  262. pam manuel says:

    if glbt have all their rights, then so do the Christians. I love it when the Christians get put in ” ” when every one is against what they have to say, but if they go along with the crowd and forget their moral compass then they are ok. but when they pick up their cross watch out we are out to put every one on it….

  263. Tara says:

    Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who thought this way lol I agree 110% with this article… it is just common sense!!!

  264. Blake says:

    It’s not a matter of freedom of speech, the man can say what ever he pleases on his own time, but in an interview where you are not only representing a company but a television network? Your freedom of speech doesn’t matter, I’m sure the Dynasty family signed a contract with A&E that prohibits such speech. I am a supporter of the LGBT and I am a bisexual American and I honestly took no offense to what this man said, because he is nothing to me, I could care less about him or his idiotic show, but his so called “supporters” are really starting to piss me off. He will probably be let back on the show, who gives a damn. I’m sure if the Dynasty family made a comment like this and say they weren’t Christian but Muslim or Atheist no one would give two shits about this whole thing. But because it IS between Christians and Gays it’s a big deal. So everyone put your fingers down and stop playing like your five and grow the fuck up. What does it effect your life if I marry a man? Does your mother die? No. Does the world end? Wait for it…NO! It doesn’t effect the Christian community at all, fuck they commit more sins than any of us. Good day, By the way I love this post, keep posting sir.

  265. KARDWatson says:

    Here is what I think. Somehow, in many peoples’ minds, the word “homosexual” conjures up images of depraved individuals who are child molesters, pedophiles and sexual predators. (We can thank a generation or two of priests for that, in part.) Now, what does the word “heterosexual” bring to mind? I would guess that most people hear it and never give it another thought. Maybe some people hear it and think “the opposite of homosexual”; but I am pretty sure that most people who hear it don’t think about rapists, child molesters, promiscuity, etc. I have a newsflash–there are plenty of sexual predators who are heterosexual. I think that that label, “predator” is an equal opportunity label that can be applied to both straight people and gay people.

    Where am I going with this? Let’s take the root word “sexual” out of the equation. I understand that sexuality is important. It is a basic human need.It is an integral part of relationships. However, it is not the only thing at issue here. What about the words “love”, “commitment” and even, “monogamy”? What difference does it make WHO you love, who you choose to spend your life with as your significant other? If two people find each other and want to commit to a life together, who is to judge? People have a very hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that two men or two women could love each other enough to commit to each other for the rest of their lives.

    There is plenty of promiscuity in the world–“casual sex”can be found everywhere, regardless of the sexual orientation of those involved. I am always happy for the people in the world who find a soul mate and settle into a committed relationship. In a world where the word commitment seems to mean very little, I applaud those who can make one. It’s about the relationship, the partnership and the desire to live and meet life’s challenges as a couple. It’s not just about the sex-it really isn’t.

  266. Michelle Salla says:

    You spoke exactly how I feel, thank you.

    • theboeskool says:

      My pleasure, Michelle. I don’t think we’re alone. 🙂

      • D Mowry says:

        the haters seem to be looking for a fight? I don’t understand that part.
        Most Christians don’t watch his show and care little about him. They’re out living their lives. Not in here, swearing up a blue streak. (sorry blue, I didn’t mean to insult you).

  267. erin says:

    Obviously none of you have actually read the Bible and seen any scripture. He wasn’t hatin…. he was stating scripture! Honestly…if theses lame ass people are gonna be offended then the real question is why? Why are you offended? Maybe because deep down you know the truth and ur fighting yourself?

    • Dave Natale says:

      Maybe he should read some MORE Scripture, perhaps the one where it says long hair is a sin, or you know.. the really big stuff about greed. But the best, how about honesty? These were preppy college frat boys before they conveniently “morphed” into the long haired redneck stereotype they pretend to be on TV. It’s an act and there are photos everywhere to prove it. Jesus was pretty specific about liars.

  268. Tanya says:

    Whats funny is #5 applies to Christians too.

  269. Steph says:

    Isn’t A & E’s motto “Be Original”?? Is that just their opinion of original?? If you want reality TV… We have to see reality… PLEASE believe this they also can turn it off if they don’t like it.

  270. Sherri Sugg says:

    This is just another attack on Christians. Do I agree with everything he said? NO. But he has the right to his beliefs and was asked about this subject by GQ. I am so sick of political correctness. I have plenty of gay friends. I do not agree with their lifestyle, but it’s not my place to condemn them. And by the way, it is very clear in the bible that homosexuality is a sin. I think that A&E will pay a heavy price for this. They could have issued a statement disagreeing with what he said, but they took it too far. These days no one can say anything that doesn’t agree with the liberal mindset. Well guess what, the christian majority have had enough of being called back wood rednecks for having real faith.

    • Mike says:

      Sherri Sugg, the Bible is also very clear that eating shellfish is a sin. The Bible is also very clear that sleeping in the same bed as your wife while she is on her period is a sin. The Bible is also very clear that cutting the hair in the area of your temples is a sin. The Bible is also very clear that wearing clothes with blended fabric (cotton/polyester blend) is a sin. The Bible is also very clear that planting different crops in the same field is a sin. Do you believe in the Bible’s stance on these issues? Do you completely abstain from any of this sinful behavior or do you pick and choose which of the behaviors the Bible considers sins you feel are applicable?

    • Okay… serious question. What makes you think that homosexuality is something that heterosexuals need to “agree with?” Or that the fact of being gay, the Being-ness of Gayness, is a lifestyle?

      What makes anyone think that God would make anyone gay, and not love them exactly as they are and welcome them into Heaven? God does not make junk, people.

    • D Mowry says:

      “Well guess what, the christian majority have had enough of being called back wood rednecks for having real faith.”

      The only people that I see calling him/them “back wood rednecks”, are his own supporters?

  271. In Iran there is free speech, and when Iranians use it to proclaim that homosexuality should be permitted, they get murdered. But that is OK because they have free speech, which the important thing. In the United States we have free speech, too. When we say homosexuality is not OK and we prefer not to practice it, we get fired. But we still have free speech, thank goodness.

  272. Nannie says:

    ……..Since BOTH sides here are “coming to some agreement ” ~ Let’s get someone to write this is: “The LG Guideline Beliefs Book” and let the Christians simply say: (No inappropriates (sp) toward each other here now); “Go to our belief system guide book ….like we do for Christian, Jews and Muslims !!” ~ Policy and beliefs and guidelines are important ….and being willing to “see” what is being written (for the world at large to see) is important too. ~ Jesus, himself said on many occasion during the 40 day/fast : “It is written !!” He did not say: “I wrote this and “I” wrote that….He simply said: “It is written!” ~ This is at least a start !! ~ I am a Christian and I want to hug all Gays and Lesbians …..and tell them that God does loves them. ~ God is sad at my behavior or my choices when I do not choose wisely about many things. I had a pastor when I would make excuses for doing or saying wrong….he would look at me straight and say: “Nan ….simply repent and go on with your life….if it was gossip, offending others, etc …. “Guide books are good” …I love them !! ~ They are like goal-posts for those who play sports……. ~ Ms Nannie ~

  273. Reada says:

    Huge publicity stunt. Next year’s shows have already been taped… and Phil Robertson already said he wasn’t going to do another season.

    But BOY, look at us all talking about that show! STOP FEEDING THE DUCKS!

  274. Rachel says:

    I do not believe in God. But I have read the bible and find it bizzare that so many people are blaming him for his beliefs. One can only assume that a large amount of the offend has never attended a southern baptist sermin!
    There are types of Christianity that force feed you hatered against all life styles of humanity, if it differs from them. And after so many helpings you don’t know anything else but what they serve you. His bible thumping belief is what made that man a better father and better husband. I don’t agree with him, nor does anyone else. But I do think people should read the entire GQ article. Because it has been reworded a thousand times in all the post I have seen. Which is kinda ironic, his interview much like the bible has been interrpurted to fit the fight.

    I read the GQ article and I read your post so many more

    • Ron Catalano says:

      Rachel, i appreciate your comments, but have to differ when you say that no one else agrees with him. while I may not like the wording he used in part of the interview, basically I do agree with him, and I feel that a lot of other people do also. I am truly sorry that you do not believe in God. I do admire you for being willing to state your belief (or lack therof), you seem to be a very logical person. My prayer will be that you will come to the point that you are willing to sit down with someone who you trust and have an in depth study of the Bible, and that your heart will be opened to receiving Him. I wish you a Merry CHRISTmas. In Christian love, Ron.

    • theboeskool says:

      I’d be willing to bet that if you told me about the God that you don’t believe in, I probably would believe in him either.

  275. saycaity says:

    Well said. I’ve been referencing John 13:34-35 since this crap started too. Condemning others in the name of Christianity is completely unchristian.

    Whatever you believe, whomever you love, be kind to one another.

  276. Rita says:

    Someone asked why would God create gays if HE is a loving God and thinks being gay is a sin. We don’t, as humans, understand God or His reasons for anything, but, why does He create mentally handicapped persons, physically handicapped persons, or, people who seem to be unable to love or bond with anyone; or, born blind, or born deaf or any other thing we wonder why God does or allows. It is NOT for us to understand. Only God can be God. If we knew all he knows, we would be Gods too. Whatever God you believe in, I am sure that God has some rules He expects you to follow too. My God gave us the Bible and said if we believe in Him we would believe his Word.

  277. Charlie Banks says:

    The same people that say homosexuality is a sin and is wrong because that is what they “believe” also “believe” in talking snakes. Just remember that when you begin an argument with a christian my friends.

  278. Charles says:

    I love ALL people, no matter what. As for who is or isn’t going to Hell, I leave THAT option up to the Lord. He’s the Boss. I’m only His servant. LOVE TO YOU ALL. (Yes, I am a Christian.)

  279. Andy Diaz says:

    To whomever wrote this article… You are pretty stupid, just have to get that off my chest 🙂 and to take the time to write what you did to prove your point, what a waste… Sure wish I could see you in person! The bottom line is to remember to taylor your message Phil Robertson. Say what you want but remember your audience. I think he is a great man (from what I’ve seen on the show). Good luck to everyone in the challenges we bring upon ourselves.


    • theboeskool says:

      You forgot a comma, there. You probably meant to say, “You are pretty, stupid.” Right?

    • D Mowry says:

      “To whomever wrote this article… You are pretty stupid, just have to get that off my chest and to take the time to write what you did to prove your point, what a waste”

      And the anger continues. I don’t see many real Christian comments in here, but is a lot better than yesterday.

  280. Craig says:

    You’re lost.

  281. kd says:

    I think the Christians that are on here whining about persecution for comments or exchanges being made need to remind themselves…
    Gay people want to be left the hell (yup i said it) alone. They dont force their beliefs on people or burn shit down or commit genocide or picket with disgusting photos or words to make their point. They beg for equality and acceptance from all which YOUR SAVIOR DIED FOR! Whens the last time some gay rights activists knocked on your door at 7am selling their beliefs? Do you see homosexuals building massive “churches” and making millions of their trusting members? Do you get home from work and find rainbow colored pamphlets in your door or tucked under your windshield wiper? Im guessing you see where im going with this and if you still feel as though our country that was built on mass genocide, theft and blatent disregard for “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR” then you are most definitley part od the BIGGEST problem OUR country has!

    • Ron Catalano says:

      Kd, you are right that we do not see homosexuals doing a lot of the things you referenced, and I do believe that a lot of the gay people would be perfectly happy just to be left alone, BUT there are those who do have a bigger agenda. Reference GLAAD and GLBT organizations. They have done a lot of things that I am sure you would agree do not constitute wanting to be left alone. It goes above and beyond standing up for gay rights. I used to be a charter bus driver in Orlando, and was the driver for a group in Orlando for gay day(week,actually) in 1999. I took them to a venue for a special show (no one there but gays) but the drivers are allowed to come in and have dinner while the show is going on. I personally observed the president of GLBT make an announcement to the crowd there that evening. What he said was this: Last year, we had enough of our group in the magic kingdom at 1 PM that the fire marshall closed the park until some of us left. This year, we want to do better than that. I want EVERYONE at the park entrance at 9 AM, so that we will have the entire park to ourselves all day. Now, that meant that any families who had planned to go to the magic kingdom that day, any groups that were there and had the magic kingdom on their iteniary for that day were out of luck. That, in my opinion, was not right, and it is things like that which, also my opinion, cause people who are not of the homosexual lifestyle to have a bad opinion of homosexuals. If GLAAD and GLBT would just stay out of the way, I do not believe we would have near the dissension among all of us that we do. Just my opinion.

  282. Tim Collins says:

    My issue is simply this: I honestly don’t care what he said or how he said it. The problem I have with it is that he stated that he was relating how he personally felt about the issue, and was not expounding on A&E’s stand on it. If he had suggested that A&E had taken the stand he was taking, I can see why they would feel they had grounds to suspend him from the show. If I say that I believe that president Obama is a fool (see Obamacare), I am only opening myself to comment and/or ridicule…not my employer. My employer has no grounds to punish me, in spite of how many Democrats it may offend.

  283. Squirm says:

    I doubt that Phil Robertson cares what you think or what I think. He could care less about GQ, A&E and all the others. All this hulabaloo is creating more promotion. He is still entitled to his opinion just like you. Be careful judging others just because they sin in a different way than you.

  284. Smokin says:

    Phil wins….he has you all thinking about this and discussing it…what he said didn’t bother me or cause me to hate him or his family….it is just his opinion and beliefs …to each his own. BTW I’m gay

  285. barb says:

    I disagree wholeheartedly with Phil Robertson’s views on homosexuality, but the man is entitled to his opinion and beliefs. Why is it ok to disrespect him by not even acknowleding that he has a name, using stereotypes of old, southern, Christian to define him…but he cannot use stereotypes to back his claims and views???? Many things seem a bit hypocritical to me. Just because you don’t agree with him doesn’t make him wrong..it is free speech many of us don’t agree with. I don’t think attacking Phil and who he is as a person is any better than his ignorant beliefs on homosexualaity.

    • D Mowry says:


      He can say whatever he wants. Obviously he does or we wouldn’t be in here. Freedom of speech does not include freedom of consequences. A LOT of celebs/people etc, have been dropped from shows.

      12 sports commentators who got fired for being stupid – 02-11 …
      I didn’t believe it

      Women too
      “Susannah Collins has been fired after an on air gaffe while reporting on the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team. Her firing is reportedly coming after her employer, Comcast SportsNet, took another look at the raunchy sports videos she made in her past, according to the Chicago Tribune.” google it.

      ESPN fires announcer for calling female colleague ‘sweet baby …

      Keith is going for a new record, he’s been fired from more stations than anyone else, that I know of. Some people never learn.
      Why was Keith Olbermann fired from ESPN? In: TV Programming and Commercials, …

  286. MMarcus says:

    I pray for you phil

  287. Sara P says:

    You are the hypocrite. You twisted and changed what he actually said into things he did NOT say. He said that it is unnatural NOT that it is gross. He said that being gay is a sin. He did NOT say that all gays are going to hell. He said that there are many sins in this world, not just homosexuality, and that we ALL are guilty of sin. He said that just because he doesn’t understand or agree with something does not mean that he won’t respect the person. He said he doesn’t hate anyone and that it is not up to him to judge a person, that is God’s job. You are ignorant if you think that what he said and what you claim he said are interchangeable.
    You go on to say that you have friends who have said the VERY SAME THING he said. How can you call them friends and say that his words were offensive. You also grouped Christians into one big group of people who, according to you and your community of gays who have a desperate need to be angry and vengeful towards someone and have chosen to target Christians, “hate gays and believe they are going to hell” when the fact of the matter is the group of people who actually hate gays and believe they are going to hell is a very small sector of people who call themselves Christians and yet CLEARLY are not!
    You are the hypocrite! Phil Robertson didn’t do anything wrong. If you don’t agree with him change the channel or turn off your TV and quit your whining.
    The community of angry gays needs to LET IT GO! It is doesn’t matter how angry you get or how loud and obnoxious you can be when you are trying to justify your choices. The fact is, the large majority of the Christian community does not hate gays and does not believe that all gays are going to hell. The fact is NOBODY is fighting against the gay community but yourselves. You all need to wake up and realize that being homosexual is a sin that is NO DIFFERENT than being in a heterosexual relationship that involves sex outside of marriage is a sin. In fact, it is not different from ANY other sin. A sin is a sin is a sin whether you are a Christian or you are not one. We ALL have sinned and we ALL fall short of the glory of God. People who are gay can go to Heaven. People who have committed murder can go to Heaven too. It all comes down to repentance and desiring to do the best we can to live by God’s standards which are clearly communicated to us in scripture.

  288. Sara P says:

    Oh and I almost forgot. I want to say a big Thank you to those of you who are openly LGBT and are open to other peoples opinions and choosing not to bash Phil or bash Christians in general just because they have an opinion that doesn’t line up perfectly with yours. You Rock!

    • D Mowry says:

      I am a Cristian, and approve of 90% of what Phil says, that last 10% is a sticker thoHe’s a college grad, and ex yuppie. Look at his photos, from his school years.
      Neither I, nor Phil, approves of a lot of language in here tho. Those posters really hurt your and Phil’s case. A lot of hate and anger bouncing around lately.

  289. Thatoneguy says:

    I believe that the bible says homosexuality is a sin. It’s right there. I’ve read it. But, I also believe that times change. For example, my shirt is made of multiple kinds of fabric, but I won’t be praying for forgiveness for wearing it. I believe that all biblical rules were given for one reason or another, but sometimes they aren’t needed anymore. When that law was written in the bible, the population of Earth was very low, so humans as a species needed to have marriages that produced children. It was a societal need that I believe God recognized. But, as I said, times change. For all we know, God may have told a prophet in the present day that this and possibly other things, are not bad anymore. But, with all of the fake “prophets” out there, they may have just been drowning out the real ones. I believe that homosexuality is not a sin. I also do not feel that I can lay any blame or fault on a person who believes it is a sin because of the bible. I consider this to be similar to something my pastor told me about the relationship between Jews and Christians. In short, they are both saved. God made a covenant with the Jews. They are Gods chosen people. Jesus never said the his resurrection and ascension voided that promise. These are two groups, with the same core beliefs, but one set of beliefs has changed more recently. Be it 98, XP, Vista, or 8, Windows is Windows. I guess the main point is that I think God would like us to continue to progress, but I also don’t think He will fault his followers for following his word (or those of his prophets).

    • I think this is a misinterpretation of the passing away of Civil, Ceremonial, and Moral Law (ie., The Old Covenant.) When Christ came, civil and ceremonial law passed away – that’s your mutli-material shirt you reference, along with why we eat bacon, don’t wear tassels on our coats, and (ironically) don’t need to grow beards. Moral law remained after Christ came. This is where Christ reaffirms we are to love one another, and throughout the New Testament reaffirms the 10 Commandments. Basically, what you have said is (and correct me if I’m wrong) “The institution of marriage was set for a time and a place, like the rest of the old covenant, and because that time and place has passed, we no longer need to honor it.”

      However, the institution of marriage was not defined in the civil, ceremonial, or moral law. It was not set down on the tablets of stone or created by prophets. It has a higher origin.

      It was created at the creation of mankind, when Yahweh created Even for Adam, and specifically states: For this reason a MAN shall leave his mother and father, and shall join his WIFE [female] and they shall become one flesh. That’s Genesis 2:24. The exact words of God. Not a prophet, not a fake prophet, not part of the Old Covenant, not part of the ceremonial or civial law codes. The institution of marriage was set down for mankind OUTSIDE of any set of laws, and it is for this reason we should honor it to this day.

  290. Danny says:

    Everyone will die one day, you will all face judgment and be a forgotten soul! So what is the point of hating someone for who they are? if they would like to be gay let them be gay, as long as there not throwing themselves at you, WHO CARES!? Right? Oh and if they want marriage right’s let them be married! Let them be miserable just like we are! SMH

  291. jake says:

    To the writer of this fine piece of waste of fucking time heres my freedom of speech at work lick my fucking balls you low life and when i make a house call to see your mom i will open the door to her basememt and tell u to fuck off u fucking loser

  292. I agree with a lot of what you said. But I have some tweaks.
    So lemme lay my cards on the table:
    I am a Christian. I am not perfect. I support Phil Robertson. And I do believe that homosexuality is a sin – as is heterosexual sex before marriage, murder, lying, and disrespecting your parents.

    What I am tired of is people assuming that ANTI-whatever means HATER-OF-whatever. I do disagree with same-sex relations. But that doesn’t mean I hate them. In fact, I love them more, because, whether those people will ever say it to your face, it’s hard to live a lifestyle people MIGHT/will/do hate you for. And for that, I love them. I disagree with them, yes, but I don’t hate them.

    I hope that people will understand that IN CONTEXT, Phil’s comments were not expressing hatred towards the LGBT community, and I hope anyone who is gay will understand we as Christians do not hate them. Phil’s sin of promiscuity and adultery as a heterosexual is the same as the sin of homosexuality, and Phil would be the first to say that, I can guarantee that.

    AS AN ASIDE: I just want to say this: a homosexual mindset/way of thinking is not a sin. Acting upon those thoughts is though. From a Christian worldview, we believe sin has corrupted this world, and even if one were to be born with homosexual tendencies, he/she should do everything within their power to fight that temptation, as much as I would struggle with a heterosexual lust problem. Sin is sin, at a fundamental level. Yes, some sins carry a much bigger, realistic consequence; ie., lying to your boss is not the same as murdering your boss, but both are wrong.
    At the end of the day, both separate you from the God who loves you dearly, and wants to be with you. The same is with homosexuality and every other sin; thinking about it and acting upon that thought are two different things. In this case, any form of impure sexuality is a more dangerous sin than telling your wife her butt doesn’t look big in that new dress.
    We as Christians do not hate the person, we hate the corruption sin has brought into this world, and on behalf of all Christians, I want to apologize to you for the treatment you might have received from a “Christian” who has mistreated you. They have in no way shown you the love of Christ, and for that I am truly sorry.

    ANYWHO, I think if everyone could understand where Phil is coming from, a lot of this drama could be avoided, but unfortunately the media has blown this well out of proportion. Technically, Phil did have every right to say what he did, and in no way were the comments hate-speech. But now the Robertson Family has a choice to make, and in staying with A&E, they are putting themselves at risk for getting themselves are suspended, because they hold to their beliefs and this is bound to happen again. I hope next time people will have the ability to see them for what they are: Christians who are not ashamed to tell it like it is, no matter what popular opinion might dictate.

    • Ron Catalano says:

      Alex, out of all the comments on this subject, I think yours are the closest to what Jesus Himself would say if He were here today. I so appreciate your comment, and wish that everyone who calls himself a Christian would take this comment to heart. I know that I am going to. Thank you, and I wish you and yours a Merry CHRISTmas.

    • Larry Dillon says:

      I desire no apology or excuse for your genocidal slaughtering raping torturing oppressive sick twisted belief….a demented filthy immoral disease it is…must be purged from the planet like the virus it is

  293. Kerrie says:

    I have heard enough media coverage about this guy to last me two, no, make that three lifetimes. As a Child of God, (I no longer call myself a Christian because 99% of the people who do have no real clue what that actually means) I see myself as the “black sheep” in my “religious” family as well as with my “religious” friends since, among many many other things i don’y agree with, all they want to do is stand up with this guy, start protests in the streets and maybe even start bond fires with the county library’s books!!! They “have no ears to hear”…. (Mark 4:9) what they are actually saying or agreeing with!! All they can see is the misrepresentation of what I believe is God’s Word. Jesus NEVER ONCE spoke of homosexuality in the New Testament. His words were of loving one another, taking care of one another…not judging each other. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:1-5 NIV)
    Many “Christians” have a tendency to gloss over those words spoken by Jesus himself! They don’t have the courage to face themselves and see what it is they are doing in their own lives that may be just as “bad” or worse than what this guy is proposing. They forget that we’re to look out for one another–“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” (Galatians 5:14, 15 NIV)
    We can see this happening on Wall Street, in Government, between people of different cultures, religions, colors, orientations, and ANYONE who wants to cross the boarder!!
    These “Christians” also forget that God views all immoral acts the same– “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:14, 19-21 NIV)
    I find it awkwardly strange that of all of the immoral acts that will keep you out of Heaven, homosexuality isn’t up there…hmmm. It says sexual immorality, but, that casts a WIDE net, however, hatemongerers want to reduce it to the act of homosexual sex. Go figure! That way it keeps all the heterosexual immoral sexual deviants in the running for the keys to the Kingdom! But, if you look just a wee bit further down the page in Galatians 5, you’ll see what God IS looking for… “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22, 23 NIV)
    Just remember kiddies–“So God created mankind in his own image…”(Genesis 1:27 NIV)
    That DOES NOT mean that he is either male or female, nor does God float around Heaven in a body, shrouded in a logistically placed tunic pointing at angels as depicted in Michaelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. God is a Spirit. What the New Testament speaks of over and over again is the condition of our spiritual being, not our physical one. The spiritual being is what God made in his own image. Why are we so hung up in what this person or that person, who you may not agree with, is doing with their body?!? “and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”(Ecclesiastes 12:7 NIV)
    We should be working FIRST on our own spirituality so we can SECOND be the things to others God ACTUALLY wants us to be. Loving, kind, helpful, and leading by example, not throwing the Word of God in judgement at others, leading them to it, if they choose, so their spirit can become closer to the one that created it.

    • Kerrie says:

      Oh, and how could I have forgotten this little gem spoken by the Son of God himself–“Those without sin can throw the first stone.” As far as I know, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23 NIV)
      So, to speak your opinion in an interview is your right, under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, no matter if the vast majority of the populace agrees with you or not, but to preach hate from the pulpit is completely different. He will be held accountable and his spiritual well being is in serious jeopardy.

  294. Ron Catalano says:

    to the writer of this article, I would just like to say that it appears that you are writing it from a Christian viewpoint, but what I do not understand is the fact that you use some words in the article that I definitely do not consider words that should be written in an article of a Christian viewpoint. I appreciate the blog, but do not like some of your language.

    • theboeskool says:

      Sorry Ron…. Its just the way that I talk. 🙂

    • D Mowry says:

      to Ron,
      Would you prefer that he use the language that Phil’s supporters use?

      I gotta bleep it. I’ll bet there are a lot of posts in here, that disappear tonight. “post deleted”

      “To the writer of this fine piece of waste of xxxxing time heres my freedom of speech at work xxxx my xxxxing xxxx you low life and when i make a house call to see your mom i will open the door to her basememt and tell u to xxxx off u xxxxing loser”

      Did you run this by Phil first? I don’t he’d approve. This is what gives the 80% of the Christians, a bad name. This is what people will remember. And, that won’t help Phil, or the real Christians that actually live the Bible. I’m a Christian, always have been. I wonder what hater-ade they’ll throw at me now?

  295. pirate says:

    The whole world has lost there fnnnn minds! Seriously!!!!

  296. Jonathan says:

    I disagree with the actions taken because someone asked what his opinions are. Just because a group of people that got their panties in a bunch and went off kicking and screaming. Its sad that in a world where if a white person said the N word their racist where as a Black Man uses the N word and its normal, Where a straight person disagree’s with same sex relations we’re all Bigots and jumped on for not agreeing with their lifestyle. And yes, the new laws to support gay rights does effect me and my family. In California they passed a law where Transgender or Kids that associate themselves as the opposite sex can use a boys or girls restroom, shower in the right locker room and what not. Not everyone is going to have the same views and beliefs but you shouldn’t be punished because their views don’t agree with a group of people your a strong supporter of.

    • vik says:

      continue your ignorance, bra… America needs moar dumb dumbs

    • Tashina says:

      You are part of a group of people who have gotten their panties in a bunch over A&E’s actions and are now throwing a tantrum and kicking and screaming. Its not like the gay community petitioned A&E to remove him the executives mad that decision on their own. You my friend sound like you need Jesus.

      • Ken says:

        You don’t need Jesus… you need empathy. The main story is about homosexuality but it also has to do with his views when it comes to race also. For him to make a comment to say blacks were happier before the civil rights movement with the Jim Crow laws would be the same as Non Christians were happier when the inquisition ruled the lands in Europe.

      • Mat says:

        No. The gays simply started kicking and screaming and said advertisers should not associate with the show. Its a show that they do not even watch! The shows fan base has every right to”kick and scream”about the decision made due to the panties in a was community complaining about a show they don’t even watch. Everyone can loudly flaunt their beliefs except Christians. We as Christians are done with being silenced and that is what has happened here. Well the gay community tried and failed to silence in this case! Calling us bigots, racist, etc for talking about our Chriatian beliefs doesn’t work any more Get used to it.

    • Mary says:

      you clearly didn’t even read the article

    • tmthymcclain says:

      -I totally agree with you!!!

    • Jim says:

      Seems to me that you’ve just repeated what the original blog says–except from a different perspective.

    • Then buy your own network and hire him. You obviously didn’t read this post, did you?

    • KPJ says:

      Well said Jonathan.

    • max says:

      you know what though, jonathan?
      he could have just said, “read the bible. that’s what i think sin is.”
      instead he went on to compare homosexuality to bestiality and terrorism. that’s why he was punished – not for disagreeing or being a christian, it’s for saying offensive things in public. that’s not socially acceptable, because this is the 21st century. not the 1950’s
      besides, if you supported equality, would you want a mouthpiece for discrimination on your most popular tv show? no. he could have been more sensitive to that, and he wasn’t. that’s called “biting the hand that feeds.”

      sorry about the bathroom laws, i’m a full supporter of the LGBT movement but i don’t agree with that. equality doesn’t mean special treatment, it means “equal.” directly effecting others in a negative way isn’t right. one solution could be transgender bathrooms – that’s what the unitarian universalists have been moving towards, very non-intrusive.

    • Frank says:

      “Its sad that in a world where if a white person said the N word their racist where as a Black Man uses the N word and its normal,”


      That’s why black people can say it and white people can’t. White people can say n***** when they’re specifically talking about that word, but why do they wan’t to use the word as an insult so much? Why use that specific word? Because when you use that word you KNOW THAT YOU’RE TRYING TO BE RACIST.I think there should be a rule that every race can use derogatory terms towards their own race as much as they want but they can’t use derogatory terms against another race.

    • kozickib says:

      It is not about groups. And in fact, thinking in ways that generalize portions of the population is, in and of itself, part of the logic of racism. Please note that thinking about people in such a general way makes one a racist, and so please understand that I do not mean to insinuate that you are a racist for thinking this way. Certainly the population can be broken down by demographics, age, race, biological sex, etc, but this does not mean that these groupings define the individuals that are lumped into these groups through and through.

      It is not about groups. It’s not about what this group says that that group can’t, or this group getting angry at what another group (or even person) says. Not every black person drops the N-bomb with impunity and even within the black community there are factions and individuals who want to stop using that word (and maybe not for the reason that they perceive that black people who use it are being racist, but not to digress).

      It’s not about groups, it’s about individuals. And the problem begins when we start viewing entire groups in a negative way based solely upon the actions of a handful of individuals, or worse, on some other preconceived notion or prejudice of thinking. And even if political or social identity groups are formed, this is not to say that every individual of that group can be defined through and through by the ideals or actions of that group. Once we start assuming that all individuals of a given group behave the same way, or possess the same attributes we are definitely on a slippery slope.

      It is not about the rights of groups but the rights of individuals. And that’s the kicker, is in public the idea is that everyone has equal rights so long as they do not harm or infringe upon the rights of others. But that means that you have to compromise sometimes and tolerate others, even if you don’t like them or what they do. I don’t like it when that one old guy at my gym goes walking around in the men’s locker room without a towel on, in fact it kind of creeps me out. He must go to the sauna or the pool while I’m doing my workout, or maybe he just gets there at the crack of dawn and it takes him an hour and a half to get ready, because he’s there every morning when I get to the gym, and he’s usually in the locker room when I’m done and have to get ready to go to work. I just don’t look though, and it’s not like he’s hurting me or I’m hurting him. It’s just a trifle, really.

      It might be weird to see a butch, bull lesbian in the men’s locker room, but I’m sure I’d just do the same as I would with the old guy. In fact, since you seem to be worried about your family in the public locker, based on some irrational fear that homosexuals or transgendered people are somehow predatory sex offenders, wouldn’t you rather that a butch bull lesbian or a female to male transgendered person change in the men’s room instead of the women’s… where they could potentially ogle and maybe even molest the women of your family? Wouldn’t it be safer if they were in the men’s room where they didn’t have to see anything that might tempt them?

      Anyway, I am digressing again, but only to make a point. I am not sure how your personal fears or concerns about the locker rooms in California relate to this post, or the interview of the Duck Dynasty guy, except for the fact that both you and the man interviewed seem to have some general preconceived notions about homosexuals, or other individuals that you don’t consider normal. Other individuals who are not like you… or rather, other individuals that become associated with a group who you think aren’t like you based upon your understanding of that specific group of people. This is the root of the problem on all sides, and the action which leads to knee-jerk reactions on every side as well. But people will surprise you, once you get to know them.

      • kozickib says:

        *Please note that thinking about people in such a general way DOES NOT MAKE one a racist, and so please understand that I do not mean to insinuate that you are a racist for thinking this way.

        sorry, editorial error.

  297. eric says:

    Honestly speaking, this is blown WAY out of proportion. I’m a catholic but a reader of GQ. Impetus (look it up) is on GQ. Just like Paula aeen, oh, yeah, we allllllllll hate her. Once they
    re commercialized, you give up. Then, GQ after years of irrelevancy (4yr unrealistic expectations)

  298. Michael says:

    Hey. Hey you. Yeah you. I love you. There I’ve said it.

    I love the author of this article. I love the LGBT community. I love God. I love that crochety ole set-in-his ways Phil. I love the folks at A&E who did what they believed to be right. I love each person who agrees with that decision. I love each person that doesn’t. And I can love a person infinitely greater than I can a group of people. And I can love a person sincerely and deeply, regardless of their stance on anything. It’s kind of my super power.

    Here’s the thing. Love comes first. Being right is less important. It doesn’t seem like it when you’re angry, but being right pales in comparison to live. Here’s the second thing. Being right is also impossible without loving first. The truth brings people together.

    When you comment, and I mean you specifically, you aren’t addressing a group of people. There aren’t lecture halls and group readings of these things. You’re addressing an individual. And that individual has so many things in common with you. And the true differences between you are beautiful. The person reading your comment is your neighbor, who you are called to love. Remember that. It’s so important.

    I’m straight, but I have many gay friends. The more I love them, the less different they become. The more I love, the more open and inclusive my heart is, and my world view expands accordingly. Whether or not you agree with this is all up to you. But for the record, I love you. And I love everyone I possibly can. You are welcome, wanted, and loved by me.

    And here’s the last thing. I don’t think for a second that I’m more loving or gracious than God.

    • Sharon Kass says:

      The real science confirms that “gay” is parent-caused, preventable, and treatable. The Left is scared to death that anyone will find out. But Americans are finding out. Find out at http://www.narth.com.

      The half-century of lies of the normal “gay” will go down as a sad chapter in our history.

      • Mark says:

        Sharon – you do know what is required in scientific method, right?

      • JJ Fad says:

        And what research can you offer to support this theory that doesn’t come directly from an organization whose sole purpose is to convince people of this “fact” in order to take their money in exchange for “fixing” them?

      • vik says:

        sharon… grow up. i hope for this country’s sake, you are not in a position of influence… it’s obvious that your ignorance is untreatable

      • Angie says:

        Sharon, did you just really say that I caused my son to be gay?! You have GOT to be kidding me. Your “proof” cracked me up.

      • I feel so sorry for you, Sharon. I grew up on a farm witnessing same sex mating behavior. I’m sure my mom didn’t cause that. I’m praying for you and all who are misinformed.

      • tmthymcclain says:

        And where is your proof that its not caused by your up bring or melestation its a choice not something you cant help and its not normal can same sex relations produce offspring no I didnt think so so what makes you think this nasty perversion is nornal its people from the LGBT that I dont want around my child because they will molest him

      • BAAAAAHAHAHA! oh…i’m sorry…you were serious! well if all these straight homophobic parents would stop raising their kids and training them to be gay, then the problem would be solved, wouldn’t it?

      • Margie says:

        Sharon, you must know that there are homosexual people who are, strangely enough, Republicans. I am a heterosexual female liberal Democrat and I am not “scared to death” of the findings of legitimate research. But remember, if the source has an ulterior motive, it’s not a good idea to rely solely on that source for information.

      • NFL says:

        Go read my lengthy post below. #1 educate yourself properly before you go around speaking out against others. That group is not against or thinking being gay is preventable. They clearly say, if you are gay and want help fighting the urge, they believe they can help change someone who wants to be changed. And I only had to go read the FAQ page. Real science…give me a break. I feel sorry for you.

      • Sharon – There is NO scientific proof of what you stated. For the record, homosexuality has existed since the beginning of time. If there’s any scientific evidence of anything, it’s that “nature” trumps “nurture”. The ‘nature’ of a person who is homosexual is the same as a tree’s nature is to grow leaves – or for the sun to rise each day. It just “is”. It’s not right or wrong. It just “is”. No one cares if Phil or anyone else “agrees with it” or condones it or not. It just “is” and will always be. So let’s love each other and stop with the self righteous condemnation. Judging others hinders our own soul’s development – not theirs. I will never experience God in any form or fashion if my awareness and ability to love is clouded with these types of judgmental assertions.

      • I just can’t stop giggling at this. I can’t figure out if you’re actually this dumb and believe this chizznit, or if you’re joking. So I’m going to go with, “you speak untruths, you speak untruths, your trousers, they are ablaze.” Or, you know, I call troll.

      • trey gusler says:

        If you think being gay is a choice, then you probably made the wrong one. Because there was never a time in my life where I got to choose.

      • Barb says:

        You are ignorant!! I did not cause my daughter to be a lesbian but I love her and her wife to the moon and back. Saying that I caused my daughter to be gay is like saying that I raised her to get cancer. Oh and by the way….I am a Christian but I don’t believe that God would want us to judge people….that is His job!!!!

      • joe says:

        i don’t believe it’s a choice, however i do believe that a combination of environmental factors along with some predisposition result in a person being attracted to the same sex– however, if you are a Christian, whether someone is “born gay” or not is completely irrelevant! being tempted is not the sin, giving into the temptation is. a man feeling lust for another man is not a sin, but committing sexual acts with him is. that sucks to think about sometimes, as i have some really good friends with gay relatives, but everyone has their temptations to fight and for someone who is sexually attracted to another of the same sex, that is theirs. just like me being a straight unmarried male, my temptation is sex before marriage. for some people, they have to fight an attraction to those that are underage. for some it’s drugs, for some it’s excessive gambling, for some it’s stealing or murder. do you see what I’m getting at? I’m not saying you have to agree with Christianity, just trying to give you some reasonable insight on what we believe without getting all emotional and mean and telling people they are going to hell for any reason whatsoever; for those of you who actually read the interview, you noticed that even Phil said it wasn’t his job to judge anyone, it was God’s.

      • Todd says:

        Well Sharon, I went to your NARTH site and read the research arguments. That studies of twins show only a 11% chance that a twin of a homosexual will also be gay.

        But it is cruel to use that as your argument basis. Here is a link that if you are open-minded you should consider reading. http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/12/11/1318311/study-finds-biological-causes-for-homosexuality/#

        It is cruel to say the homosexuality is parent caused. Maybe you consider television shows that allow homosexuals to be portrayed as people as recruiters to ‘turn’ people gay.

        On a personal note I was listening to a presentation by a 45+ year old gay man from South America. He was asked “When did you decide that you’re gay?” his response was that it was never a choice for him. He said ever since puberty he was attracted to males, he lived in a society that had greater hatred for homosexuality than Western society. That he had to hide it for years, because he was a political activist and it would have been used as an excuse to persecute him. He explained that he had to leave the country because otherwise he couldn’t live there and be homosexual. I imagine it is very similar for homosexuals living in Iran, where they deny it exists.

        The research suggests that there are hormonal differences in homsexuals.

      • Sharon Kass “gay” is parent -caused , preventable & treatable What planet do you hail from ?

      • M says:

        Wow Sharon. You obviously do not know what real science is. narth did not present real scientific proof. Also check out what Christ said about LOVE. I do not understand homosexuality, but it is God’s job to be the judge.

      • M says:

        Sharon, you need a refresher course on the scientific method and what real science consists of.

    • sherrsand says:

      Thank you! I hope you don’t mind I shared your comment on fb– I didn’t think you would since it needs to be shared with as many people as possible. Merry Christmas- Happy New Year to you and everyone you love

    • raiinedrops says:

      Michael, you are amazing and I commend you on your comment. It is exactly how I feel and how I aspire to live! Bravo on loving just as Jesus loves you!

    • mycluba says:

      I love your reply and I love this post. Probably two of the best things I’ve read on the Internet. Your reply made me smile. I want to be just like you when I grow up!

    • Lovey Love says:

      Beautifully said. God IS love. Thank you for taking the time to confirm this.

    • Patsy Bishop Nelson Johnson says:

      You are so right, I love straight and Gays. I leave the JUDGING up to GOD. I am not fit to judge anyone.I’m a Straight white lady,and I can honestly say I love everyone. I believe in Jesus an I love him.

    • Michael. You are right on. Absoloutly square. Thanks for your post. I wish it was plastered on every surface, everywhere. God bless you and I pray more people figure out what you have.

    • Barry Hoff says:

      ….and because you love all these people (as Jesus does) that has nothing to do with any desire you might
      have to sodomize them! You love them in spite of any perverse desires. The problem with A &E and the entire progressive Community is , what they think of as a legitimate sex act, they confuse with love. Has nothing to do with it. The Word of God was given to us by a God that loves us and wants what’s best for us. I would ask the neo-Christians, “without it, how would you know anything about Jesus or His perfect nature?”

    • There’s only ONE “commandment” in the NEW Testament: “Love God with all your heart; soul; and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.” There are a few other verses that come to mind: 1. “God IS love.” 2. “Love covers the multitude of sins.” 3, “Follow these things: Faith; Hope; and Charity.(Love). But the greatest of these is: love. Jesus died on the cross to forgive sinners, because He loves them. He loves the sinner…but just hates their sins.

    • Sean Thomas says:

      Thank you. In a sea of comments offered by people (on both sides) flaunting their ignorance and lack of empathy, yours is the only one that felt like it conveyed anything of value. I appreciate you taking the time to write it, and I happen to agree with everything you said. I feel very similarly to you, and the way you articulated your ideas made your comment enjoyable to read. I hope more people take the time to stop and consider what you are saying.

    • Jerry Oliver says:

      I love you, too, Michael. If xtians (I left Christ out, as they seem to do) came in that spirit to a discussion, perhaps they, and their theology, would be more kindly received.
      My best regards to your parents. They raised a fine and good man.

    • Stephanie says:

      Michael love, thank you for bringing back the heart of the matter, and the true travesty tied to this debacle. Not to take away from the author’s points, but to emphasise the fact that humanity filled with grace should have no room for hatred.

    • megg says:

      this was an amazing response!!!! thanks for the share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    • TGL says:

      I feel the same way. If you want to disagree that’s good, it’s what our founding fathers wanted. But to disagree out of spite or aggression accomplishes nothing but self destruction. I am a follower of Christ because he has changed my life. I’m excited about that and I like to share that excitement with others. I am here on this earth to give praise to my Lord and Savior, be a light to others, and love everyone unconditionally. Don’t mistake my disagreement as a plot to keep you from making your own choices. I speak out of love and I will say some things that you might take offense to, but it’s not a stab at you it’s just my view. I would still give you the shirt off my back and if you needed my food I’d give that to you as well. But the thing I have most to give is Love. If I quote scripture and it offends you, I’m sorry in advance. I can only speak what I believe is sound and doctrine. I will do my best not to misrepresent the love of Christ with everyone, or misinterpret the scripture that so many have done. My only advice to reading the word of God is read it in its entirety, grasp the big picture and don’t only pull things out that agree with your ways. Gods word is very clear and is can be offensive and has many boundaries that we tend to twist so that we can live the way we want to and justify our beliefs. But understand God is the one we have to answer to and deep in your heart you will know what is right and wrong. As a sinner myself no better than the next person I have and will make mistakes, bad decisions along the way. But I hope by this I don’t hurt you or anyone else but that I can learn from them and be a better person overall. Much love to all. Have a merry Christmas.

    • A Johnson says:

      This comment. Yes. Didn’t Jesus say that is the most important commandment? If all Christians lived this way the world may not have such a negative view of us “bigots”.

  299. pat says:

    Oh please…anybody that beleives that interracial dating is a sin absolutely needs to read the bible again if they ever actually read it to begin with!!! The bible reads that we are to stay with our own kind and that means human species…not color lol. God seperated the nations and didn’t want RELIGIONS to mix…IT WAS NOT ABOUT COLOR!!!! Funny how people use the bible to support what they want it to support but sounds like no one actually reads it!!! Being gay is a sin…along with with adultery, sex before marriage, gambling, drunkeness, among lots if other bad behaviour that is in the bible. We all sin and no sin is worse tgan another!!!

  300. Bison says:

    I like the piece, but I don’t understand the third point; it’s referenced again when you ask people to read before leaving a comment. It’s written as if the people who might organize a “Save Phil” rally care about alienating the LGBT community. If Phil or anybody who wants to save him cared about alienating the LGBT community, the blog would be of little interest. Point five is a weak appeal, especially the bold near the end. One of the reasons that people hate the LGBT community is they simply don’t have the mental capacity to envision their own child as gay or anything else they hate or, worse, they are so wrapped up in their own beliefs and principles, they would hate and alienate their own child in defense of them. I guess one doesn’t quit trying to get through, but bold letters are about as convincing as their caps.

  301. Kim says:

    I am voting for Chris Boeskool for our next President of the United States. Well written word Chris. Thank you for your God given talent.

  302. Alicia says:

    Um.,,, he did get suspended over his religious beliefs as what was so offensive was paraphrased from Scripture (the Bible.). If you understood true Christianity, you would know that it’s entire premise is offensive. Like someone was born to die – that’s not fair. And you have to lay down your life ( your wants, your needs, your desires) and seek someone else’s will above your own.). And that DD person didn’t target homosexuality exclusively – he paraphrased the entire Scripture that talks about a whole slew of persons that, according to most Christians who believe what their Bible says is true, will perish and not inherit eternal life. Heck the whole concept of everyone having to A, B & C to even go to Heaven, is, quite frankly, offensive. But the beautiful thing about it is you don’t have to become a Christian, everyone has free will to accept or reject the gospel; however those of us that accept the gospel often face intolerance because of our belief system – usually from those who insist that we must not only tolerate their lifestyle that is in direct contradiction with our beliefs but also embrace it. It’s just hypocritical.

    • Tashina says:

      Alicia so in the bible it speaks about how men should like vaginas and not a mans anus. Those are the words that are written. Lol it wasntbhis beliefs per say it was the was he presented them. He did nntotab in a crud tactless way which made it sound disrespectful. That was the issue.

  303. Hoax says:

    With very little respect, the issue with this whole mess is that the journalists, GLAAD and the FB gay pride fanatics pushing the issue have the same amount of integrity you seem to have in your topic based blogging. If you want to comment with authority, know your shit. Just like the right wing Jesus freaks who attempt to take a few select passages out of the bible and twist them into a justification for why “God hates ____” you and those who choose to defend A&E’s haphazard cave to PC diatribe are simply too lazy to research the contexts of the quotes used as “proof” that “Phil Robertson hates____.” Saying Phil Robertson hates Gay people because he disagrees with/expresses a lack of understanding with their lifestyle is pedantic and absurd. Maybe just maybe like many other white males of his generation he just doesn’t fancy hearing about or looking at another man’s bum. I know it’s horrible but we still have all these straight white males laying around in the world. To quote Ricky Gervais “Suggesting I hate people with religion because I hate religion is like suggesting I hate people with cancer because I hate cancer.” Having disdain for a concept or situation has NO correlation to showing disdain for a person. If you could get a quote from MR Robinson that stated “I hate that Ricky Martin cuz he’s a buttpumper” you’d have clear and direct evidence that he hates gay men. Instead you have clear evidence that he doesn’t understand them(duh), his religion doesn’t condone them(duh), and the mechanics of their sex acts don’t appeal to him (I dare you to eat choc pudding while a gay man tells you bout his last rim job).

    • Hoax says:

      Putting it more simply it’s the difference between saying “I find Obamacare to be a poorly executed train wreck of a bill, because its impossible to negotiate buying service through a website we paid millions to fund, and financially unfavorable to me as a 30 year old consumer who only needs to make annual doctor visits .”and the statement “I’m headed to Washington to kill everyone involved in this legislation and let God sort em out cause every single one of em is a complete scumbag.”

      For those who say, “Bigots say these things because they can’t envision their child being ____” I can only say you must have had parents who didn’t love you enough to correct you, made their criticisms too personal or maybe you’re just the type of person who takes all criticism personally without actually acknowledging accountability. My parents told me frequently that they were disappointed with my actions when I screwed up, and provided plenty of warning when they saw me take off down a path they didn’t trust. If I go down the bramble edge path despite warning and fall down its my consequence to bare, if i find my way through safely and get a reward, the risk was mine to take. The modern notion that your parents must not love you because they won’t bail you out of jail when you wreck the beamer has more to do with children suffering from too much privilege.

  304. Libby Aldridge says:

    He wasn’t disrespectful or rude about gay people. He just stated his opinion. Why is it that if you don’t agree with homosexuality it makes you a hater? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it isn’t politically correct.

    • Tashina says:

      It is the was he presented his opinion. It was very crud and tactless which is why it came off as disrespectful to some people. Those at A&E and the LGBT community weren’t the only ones who see it as disrespectful. It is fine if not applauded to have your own opinion and be yourself however there is a proper way to conduct yourself. If I was to say I believe that it is imperative for everyone to live a health lifestyle to be successful in life that is a properly spoken opinion. However if I said that i believed fat people are all lazy and that they will get no where in life then that opinion become distasteful and offensive.

  305. james says:

    So…..the author cant be bothered to include information in the article instead asking readers to “google it?” Will countless google searches garner bylines now? This is quickly followed by a characterization of phil (the man in question) as a stereotypical backwoods racist/homophobe.

    One part the author got right is a&e is fully within their right to suspend or fire as employee based on their comments or actions. Freedom of speech doesn’t protect your employment.

    This article could have read as a balanced editorial, instead it is an example of the exact problems it hopes to prevent. By classifying this man as a less educated or tolerant individual based on the traits of “old,white,southern,or Hunter” you show your true colors.

    If the message intended means members if those classes, and should be mindful of their words (ill include straight there as well) it should be mentioned this goes both ways. Young, non-white,north/west/global,vegan,any part lgbt, should heed the same advice. Hate goes both ways. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect, operating on the belief that if it is not what you like then it is offensive does not move the conversation forward.

    I don’t agree with him, but at least Phil was honest in his interview. He deserves whatever punishment a&e gives him, but he doesnt deserve being crucified or championed for freedom of speech.

  306. cindy says:

    I take it your gay? lol

    • theboeskool says:

      For the third time, folks–If you’re going to insult people, here is a fun thing to know: YOUR is a possessive pronoun, as in “Your comment was surprisingly ignorant” or “Your comment is shows an example of crappy grammar. YOU’RE is a contraction of the words YOU and ARE, as in “You’re surprisingly ignorant” or “You’re a person with really crappy grammar.”

      Either way, being accused of being gay because I’m standing up for the rights of gay people is something that I am okay with…. It might have really freaked me out as a kid, but I’m a grown up now. I hope someone in your life loves some sense into you.

      Thanks for reading.

      • Todd says:

        Hahahahahahaha elegant response, thank you. I’m very amazed by how much effort you’ve put into responding to comments.

  307. AMS says:

    I want to make this as respectful as possible here, and everyone has there right to say what they believe. First of all Free speech IS the right to say whatever you want as long as you are not inciting a riot. The same right for a christian to say what he believes is the same right for the LBGT to say what they believe. No one has gotten physically hurt by what was said, it is not possible. As I am writing this, I am currently in the US Military fighting in Afghanistan, fighting for everyone’s rights that are protected by the Constitution. When you are in a foreign, third world country, it kinda puts things in perspective. To see what is going on with peoples human rights here and to read articles about what people are arguing about back in the states is sickening. People are arguing about if someone can quote the bible, do you think this discussion would be happening here? People can state their opinion about thinking being gay is a sin just as much as someone that is gay can state their opinion that it is not a sin being gay, that is America. What is the discussion about? We all know what the bible says, and it is up to the individual to interpret it as he or she sees fit. And it is no surprise that a gay person does not think it is a sin. In your own words “old, white, southern, Christian hunter being grossed out about gay sex or believing that all the gays are going straight to Hell. There is nothing rare about this.” If you believe that why do you care enough to right this? Why would you even care what he says? Americans are a bunch of self centered baby’s that get there feelings hurt because someone hurt there feelings. Words only hurt someone if you let them. Words are words unless someone makes them more then words. If you don’t like something that someone says then walk away, don’t talk to them, don’t be there friends. I have meant a lot if ignorant people, and I choose not to associate myself with them. I am not going to go cry about it and say i was hurt or offended, THEY ARE WORDS. You choose to be offended! everyone needs to stop winning and get on with their life and worry about what matters, not if someone hurt there feelings and they are going to cry about it. In this situation no one took away someones rights according to the laws that are in place. if you are blaming what was said you have just as much right to have that same blame for anyone who says what they believe. I am a christian and I have gay friends, do I think it is a sin? I don’t know nor do I care. There are much more important things for me to worry about then what someone thinks about me or what i think about them. If people worried this much about the things that married the US would be such a better place. And if anyone wants to see how bad it can be, and how good they have it in the US, I suggest you find a way to come here and I promise your petty arguments about peoples feelings getting hurt wouldn’t amount to a hill of beans. I know what i believe and I don’t give a damn if you agree with or not. that’s my RIGHT. Just like it is your RIGHT to believe what you believe. So stop being a baby and live your life according to what you believe and stop worrying about what someone else says. If everyone put this much effort in supporting there military instead of crying on the internet about there feelings being hurt it would be a lot of help to the men and woman fighting to preserve your right to do and say whatever you want. I am sure everyone remembers the saying “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”. If we all followed that, the world would be a better place.

    • first, thank you for your service, and I pray for your safe return. second, while I agree with a good chunk of what you said, and I agree that free speech lets you say what you want, it doesn’t protect you from the consequences. he is a representative of A&E, and he represented them in a way they did not agree with. it is well within their right to suspend him because of that. if they are represented in a way they feel is unfavorable, they can change their representatives. I am a strong supporter of LGBT rights, and while I disagree with what he said, I can’t hate him for it. he has the right to think the way he does, and I have the right to think he’s ignorant (but i’m sure he probably thinks i’m ignorant as well, so it doesn’t really matter). I respect him for standing up for what he believes, but I also respect A&E for standing up for theirs.

    • Well said AMS!! and thank you for your service!! Thank you!! Stay safe. Much love to you!

    • Todd B. says:

      Words are like those bullets you carry around over there. They do great damage.
      Thank you for your sevice.

  308. Michelle says:

    As you can see you are in the Minority (Not African Americans, Not Homosexuals – “the smaller number or part, esp. a number that is less than half the whole number” – The Minority ) with your opinion! It’s about time the Majority (Not Caucasians, Not heterosexual just the Majority Opinion -“the greater number, a number that is MORE than half the whole number”– The Majority) Stepped up in the United States because for years the majority has been getting looked over in what is suppose to be a “majority makes the rules” society cause everyone is scared to speak up in fear of not being PC. My daughter is Gay and she was not offended by what he said. Its his Opinion and he clearly stated that. Just like you are entitled to yours he is entitled to his. But you should probably read the article before you write something, because several of the things you said are ignorant. Just because you didn’t read what he actually said. He wasn’t putting down anyone he was stating his opinion and religious beliefs. And that is not just ok for the Minority it should be ok for the Majority too even if the minority doesn’t agree!!

  309. Wes says:

    I don’t care what you’re article says you can’t spin the truth. Gays are going to hell and the bible says so. End of story!

    • theboeskool says:

      Alright, see in THIS case, it would be “YOUR article.” Keep working at it, guys…. You’ll get it!

    • Louis says:

      The scripture Phil quotes also condemns adultery, fornication, greed, cursing, drunkenness and a few other things…careful who you condemn to hell unless you are not guilty of anything on that list

    • Todd B. says:

      Wes, are all the lying, cheating, adulteres and divorced and re-married folks going to hell too. Those are all sins too. Jus sayin…

    • Lori Sitar says:

      So are you….see you there!

    • It seems you and the Duck guy missed Jesus’s explicit Commandments which are the step-by-step directions for getting into Heaven. KJV Matthew 22: 37-39; John 15: 9-14

      Not a word about gays-are-going-to-hell-end-of-story-get-off-my-lawn!

      You’re welcome.

    • Julie says:

      The Bible is full of all types of sins and every single person who does even one of those things one time is a sinner and condemned to Hell. Think back on your life. Have you ever run a red light, even on accident? You broke the law. Have you ever taken a pen from work and not brought it back? You’re a thief. Have you ever looked at what your neighbor has and thought you deserve it more? You’re prideful and greedy. What the Bible goes on to say even further is that you CAN get to Heaven in spite of your sinful nature and that’s through Jesus. Read the book of Romans and it will tell you all about how you get to Heaven. What it never says is that just because you love Jesus you’ll never sin again. I still speed and occasionally run red lights. I say curse words and am a selfish person too. That doesn’t mean Jesus loves me or you any less. It also means that Jesus loves people who have chosen the LGBT lifestyle. I truly believe that to live our best possible lives, we should follow the rules God sets out for us. Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world and that means we’re never going to get it right all the time. We say mean and hurtful things when we don’t really mean them the way they come out. And sometimes, maybe we do mean them the way they come out. We choose lifestyles that aren’t God honoring and that doesn’t just mean an LGBT lifestyle. It means a variety of different things. Jesus still loves us in spite of those choices. The problem with so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ is that we think unless “you” follow every single rule in the Bible “you” can’t possibly be a Christian. But we forget to look in the mirror. There’s a verse in the New Testament that says something to the effect of you spend so much time yelling about the speck in your brothers eye when you have a huge boulder in your own eye. If, as a whole, we could stop judging every person we come across this world would be an amazing place. At the end of the day, my personal belief is this: I love Jesus, the Son of God. The Bible does state LGBT is wrong and I don’t necessarily agree with that lifestyle choice. The same as I don’t agree with my Christian (and I say Christian on purpose. Non-Christians shouldn’t have to conform to Christian beliefs.) best friend who has sex with her boyfriend outside of marriage. But I don’t love her or anyone who chooses the LGBT lifestyle any less. She’s my BEST FRIEND. I truly believe Jesus meant for us to call each other out on our sins, but he meant for us to do it with, and in, love. Until we have solid relationships with each other, I don’t think we have the right to call each other out for anything.

  310. Sha says:

    I love that this article contradicted itself many times.

  311. Larry Anglin says:

    Please, please stop using the term ‘Freedom of Speech’, it does not apply here. The First Amendment secures our right to voice our opinions without fear of reprisal FROM THE GOVERNMENT. This dispute is between individual parties, none of whom are acting as agents of the government, so the First Amendment does not apply. Calling this a ‘Freedom of Speech’ issue is inaccurate, misleading, and only confuses people about what ‘Freedom of Speech’ actually means. This dispute has nothing to do with ‘Freedom of Speech’, so please, stop.

  312. DP says:

    I’m going to try and be nice about this. Just like you tried to be nice in your article. You have a good writing style :). However it does not match your viewpoints. Your points suck ass and lack punctuality. You name 5 points that aren’t even points, but rather just liberal statements. Stop writing about what you hear and start writing about what you actually feel. Phil quoted the bible, and as a non-religious person, good for him. The fact that you are attempting to turn this against him may very well be the downfall to your blog, or whatever. If you don’t want an honest mans opinion don’t ask an honest man a question. In the future please write about your beliefs, not just other peoples that you found on the internet.

    • Mike Carsner says:

      I dont believe in a god… never have and never will. But, I can read. Obama contorts the Constitution to make his agenda look viable the same way the gays and lesbians contort the Bible. Do what ever you want people.. no punishment in the afterlife for it, but dont take scripture and twist it around to fit how you wish to live your life.

    • AMS says:

      DP, thank you for you gracious reply. I wasn’t trying to make 5 points, just one. The point was that everyone is worried about getting there feelings hurt instead of worrying about things that really matter. I never intended to turn this against him, I actually like that he said what he said, it shows his character as a man to say what he believes. And the show is one of my favorite shows on TV. My point is why is this even an issue when there are much more important issues to deal with. Our country is on the brink of bankruptcy, more people out of work then ever before, and we are worried that someones feelings are hurt because of what someone said? As far as my beliefs, Do I think people should be able to say anything they want? Yes. Do I think that being gay is a sin? I don’t know nor do I care. Do I think gay people should be able to get married? Yes, but they should not call it marriage, come up with a different name, but whatever they call it it should have the some rights and privileges as a married couple. I do not write about what I hear, I write about what I believe and what I see, and I guarantee I have seen a lot more then you. Live your life the way you want and stop winning about what other people say or think. For you to call me liberal is a gross misinterpretation of what I was saying, I am as right wing as they come. I don’t post things on blogs very often but when I do I try and remain neutral and not try and sway to one side or the other, just state the facts and my beliefs.

      • Lulu says:

        @ AMS, DP wasn’t referring to you in regards to the 5 points but to the writer of the article. You misunderstood who his reply was target at.

      • It’s being discussed as an issue because the words the man used, while they weren’t being shouted with cuss words, were in fact full of hatred disguised as opinion. It’s sad that you don’t see how words can in fact be violent in their make-up when they drive how people behave. Someone fighting in Afghanistan where people not only can’t share their opinions of minority, but can be killed for them and the law allows it, should know this. Children and teens and even adult gays are still being bullied severely both emotionally, verbally, and physically. They’re being hospitalized by others. They’re attempting suicide. To claim that words can’t hurt just because words don’t come out of the mouth with physical bullets is disingenuous. Words not only hurt, they kill. You can talk (general you) about the idealistic, “Well kids and teens and adults shouldn’t listen to bullies or verbal thugs like the Duck” but that’s not how life is. Society isn’t that evolved yet. A very loud minority of extremist Christians is at war with gays, believing the words they use are “loving” and caring and not understanding how “loving the sinner and not the sin” is so very offensive and condescending in itself. But it’s not just the extremists in Christianity, it’s nearly every major religion in the United States. Those people are affecting the gay people and children in their own families, driving them out or driving them to suicide.

        If something like this Duck Dynasty issue, where A&E exercised THEIR freedom of speech, and is showing the true majority opinion of America to the gay community, and is also bringing about actual discussions then isn’t that what we’re about? And the fact that we can think about and discuss and publicize other issues and events is, well, American and means we’re not one-dimensional robots.

        The Duck guy had the right to speak. He didn’t have the right to expect people to not be offended. And others had the right to respond to what he said. As did A&E. For those who think it’s just about the gay comments, it’s his comments in their entirety. It’s really not about the rightness or wrongness or how to be or not be gay. That’s just… another blog entry, I guess. It’s not even about what Christians believe, because as a straight white woman who has some very good gay friends and family that she loves and adores, I am Christian and believe that the words spewed from people like the Duck guy are anti-Christian and that Jesus would be very disappointed with them and him.

    • AMS says:

      well then my apologizes to DP, I dont get on these blog sites to often. Thanks Lulu for pointing that out.

      • Yvonne says:

        “…I guarantee I have seen a lot more then you.” I’m thinking, *than you* not then you. Punctuation is VERY important. LOL (I could be wrong about the then/than.)

  313. Kelly says:

    I do agree with alot of what u said. Not denying the or imposing on ANYONE’S freedom of speech weather u agree or not. As a Christian it is not my job nor my right to try to ( for lack of a better term) shut the mouths of those speak different than what i believe. It is my job and right to speak what i believe and let God prove himself. I do however have the feeling that if someoane would have had that interview and something critical about Christians that person would not have had the same repercussions. That is what bothers me. If i

  314. You brought up some very interesting points. Liked the format you used to bring them out. Yes this will gather so much news and whats worse it will create more hate.
    We have freedom of speech and it won both for this man Phil who used his free speech to share his opinion, and A&E also used their freedom to suspend him. Got to love it.
    Yes Christians are accused of hate speech to much, things could be said with some compassion. We live in a world that will never be perfect, it will always be filled with sin. Many things are sin, and sinners don’t like to be told about it.
    But I also notice the people who are always preaching the message of peace and lets just all get along, are the same people to jump at a fight like this. As my old friend Zig Ziglar used to say if you think the church is full of hypocrites? Its not we always have room for one more come join us!
    We are all hypocritical in some area of our life, which goes back to your first point your actions have consequences, be ready to accept them. Both A&E and Phil are ready to accept the consequences for actions taken.

  315. Jason says:

    I have a simple take on this: what Phil Robertson (that’s the guy that made the comment) said is the truth as he understands it. He is no more bigoted or hateful than anyone else who says something other people disagree with. The reactions of A&E and of the LGBT community were to divorce themselves from something they found distasteful, and that’s their right. It is the right of the Robertson Family to take their very entertaining show to a set of sponsors and a channel that wants or is willing to broadcast their show, opinions and all.

  316. Alex says:

    The writer quotes a Gospel verse out of context and doesnt consider what the Bible says as a whole. The Word of God is not a toy for you to play with. You didnt write it. Dont act like it is your own book to take out of context.

  317. Alex says:

    The most loving thing Jesus said in the Gospel to someone He chose to have mercy on was “go and sin no more.” That is Biblical love.

    • theboeskool says:

      Nope. Sorry Alex. That was just more of the law. The real mercy came before that, not just when he said to the crowd, “If you’re without sin, go ahead and start throwing,” but mostly when he looked at that woman’s face and said, “I don’t condemn you either.” Very powerful statement, especially if you believe he was without sin, and by how own rules COULD have condemned her. The rule for what to do with adulterous women was well-established–Way more established than stuff about homosexuality. And yet he se’s Jesus saying to someone caught it the act of adultery (a well established sexual sin), that he doesn’t condemn her. That’s mercy. “Go and sin no more” could be something as simple as, “Now get outta here, and be good.”

      See how something as simple as how you read a story can change how you feel toward people?

    • Barry Hoff says:

      of course they would like to leave that part out as well as anything about “kingdom living”!

  318. Julie Moorehouse says:

    In my neighborhood (Cincinnati) yesterday a woman and her boyfriend were arrested for shooting their 3 year old. There was not a peep about it on FB or twitter. We are so screwed up. I am heartbroken.

  319. NFL says:

    Sharon Kass – thank you for the biggest laugh I have had in a long time. OMG that was down right hysterical. ‘Parent caused, preventable and treatable’ Is what you said. Oh and Scientific proof. Ok, so for even more laughing, I went to your link, and I was immediately drawn to the word (I will type it as it appears on the web page) Counsellor Ummmm yeah, I think someone should have paid closer attention in English class and learned how to spell before they went on to science and the thinking you can ‘change’ the way a person is born. There will be a cure for cancer before there will ever be a ‘cure’ for being gay, you can’t fix gay and you sweetheart are proof you can’t fix ignorant! You should actually read the FAQ page of their web site #15 at no time do they claim parenting is the cause of gay children. You should really educate yourself before you go around sharing your wealth of humor! I know because I lived my life for 30 years as a heterosexual woman, got married, had a child blah blah blah. Five years after my divorce, and sick and tired of dating men I decided to stop internally fighting what I had known my entire life….I am attracted to women. I am thankful, happy, and at peace with my life and my God. I personally am not shocked by Phil’s comments, it’s what he believes, so be it, he has, does, and always will have those beliefs. Not trying to change him or anyone else. But he did say several offensive comments that his employer and sponsors don’t agree with and they reacted as they saw fit. He’s in good company, just ask Paula Dean! When you are in the public eye, have sponsors you must find more tactful ways of expressing yourself so as not to discriminate, insult or offend anyone. I respect his beliefs and he should stand by them. I respect A&E’s beliefs & that they stood by them. They did what was in their right as a privately held company under the T’s & C’s of their contract with Phil & DD.

  320. Kristy Colbert says:

    You stated “I work for a organization that educates kids about differences, and if I did an interview with GQ where I said that I think that retarded (if you are a person who still uses this word, you should probably READ THIS) people are disgusting and they are all going to hell, I would be a fool not expect to get fired from my job.” Seriously? Well, this “old, white, southern, Christian hunter” is obviously different from you, but you seem VERY intolerant of him and his views/opinions. And this from a person who educates children about differences? You seem VERY unwilling to accept this person who is different from you. So, maybe you are not someone who should be teaching children to accept differences since you obviously can’t accept them yourself. Or is you acceptance only for certain groups? Maybe you do need fired from you job after writing this. I know if I was your supervisor and I read what is apparently very intolerant of a group of people different from yourself, I would fire you. That is your job, Mr. Robertson’s job is not to educate children, your is!

  321. Carol says:

    Fine, people are offended. I am offended when I see a television show that is pushing their values and beliefs on us that I don’t agree with. Stop using the F bomb, stop using God’s name in vain, and any other profanity. It is not necessary to use these words to get a point across. Stop having shows on that seem to say that ALL cheating is OK. We don’t need to have this influence on our children. Let’s go back to Little House on the Prairie, The Partridge Family, Gilligan’s Island to name a few. They had much better moral value and integrity. No, I do not have dish, direct tv, or any other cable network.

  322. And…the greatest of these is LOVE. Let’s love one another enough to not hurt each other with words.

  323. Teresa says:

    Love it when people attempt to leave intelligent comments, but can not spell their words correctly. Now THAT is funny/sad to me!

  324. Epic says:

    I believe that homosexuality is a sin. I also believe fornication and adultery are sins. So are greed and overeating. BUT- I KNOW that no one ever hated or insulted anyone into changing.

    I’m pretty sure that I have enough sin in my life that I don’t need to get all twisted about what I believe is sinful in the lives of others.

  325. Heidi says:

    You just don’t get it, do you? The underlying issue here isn’t about freedom of speech (although that is what gets ballyhooed)…it’s the fact that Mr. Robertson’s comments are completely consistent with every other thing he has ever said (and you have every right to agree or not agree), and that A&E took the show on, knowing full well what-all the Robertsons’ beliefs and opinions are. A&E has made a pile of money off of those opinions and views, and only now, when one particular issue comes up, do they hop up and down and scream “foul.” They want to appear as being LGBT friendly–they claim they are–but if I were gay, I’d question their motives from the beginning here. They could have seen this coming from a million miles away–yet they chose to associate with Duck Dynasty. The whole thing is a disturbing media ploy for hype, and although I don’t particularly care much for DD (for other reasons), I’m glad the Robertson family is remaining consistent and standing behind their patriarch, because A&E has taken their family all the way to the bank on their views and opinions, and is just now acting surprised to find out what they are. Shame on A&E for being so two-faced.

  326. B. Vercher says:

    You’re an idiot.

  327. Michael Williams says:

    You are a liberal left thinking anti american nut job. Everything you’ve said is reprehensible. I find you to be an utter joke. We should kick you and other libetards out of the USA.

    • Margie says:

      And exactly who are “we”?

      • Todd says:

        Wow. That is offensive and disrespectful. I wonder… I’m a teacher and I have to think, does Michael Williams have little children that he teaches to speak to others like the way he communicated online. Or is it the electronic divide that makes you willing to communicate so. Did you know that Liberals have done lots of great things to the United States, for example, medicare for old people. Dwight Eizenhower put taxpayer dollars to work making all the highways you likely use, although he was conservative, he was pretty left leaning compared to the far right political leaders.

        How could it possibly be that support homosexuals in anti-American (American is a proper noun and you should capitalize it). Shouldn’t homosexuals have the right to pursue happiness. The constitution clearly divides religion and state.

        I personally work with special needs kids and it would be very considerate of you to not use variations of retarded anymore. I’m sure you will rage at the request for more political correctness. But the thing is, ‘retarded’ people are people and you should deem them with a little more respect than to use their challenges as an insult to people whose opinions or politics you disagree with.

      • Jeff says:

        I’m curious about one thing Todd I wonder if you know the real reason Eisenhower decided to spend the money on the interstate highway system? You are aware that it was because of the autobahn in Germany and the ease of moving troops around?

      • Todd says:

        That is a fair point, but are you trying to say that my point is moot due to interstate being made for military preparation rather than societal good. Although I’d think they are one and the same.

        Yes Jeff I did read the interview and I see your valid point. I can see your point that my interpretation to listing sins is just grouping sins. But lets be honest Phil Robertson has a masters in education, he isn’t an idiot. There is a reason that he listed those sexual sins rather than emphasizing stealing or murder which are also sins. Or you know idol worship or praying to another god.

        Personally, I consider murder a worse sin than homosexuality or even beastialty. I would even say I consider adultery worse than either too. Considering the fact that you’re not victimizing your spouse or taking a life. Although I guess beastiality would be the worst crime since animals don’t have any rights to divorce.

        I don’t know if you could read this without realizing how disgusting the whole idea is. Sure, if you believe homosexuals are going to hell, then whatever, but to people having consensual sex doesn’t effect either you or I. Premarital sex has far worse societal repercussions with teen pregnancy, but if you’re really religious and don’t believe in birth control then the poor child generally does poorly in life as a result of having a teen mother.

        So why don’t we all rant about premarital sex, because isn’t that a sin, it is also a sex sin so why didn’t he list that? ‘Homo-sex’ is a victimless sin, so relax and leave them alone. Don’t let them join your church, but if you’re a celebrity, probably lay off or be prepared for societal repercussions. You know his eloquent argument that anal sex just isn’t logical made sense to me, but I don’t think people should go around saying things like that. Because you know, you start with a slightly offensive comment, then videos from before you were famous, with more offensive things come out.


      • Todd says:

        That is a fair point, but are you trying to say that my point is moot due to interstate being made for military preparation rather than societal good. Although I’d think they are one and the same.

        Yes Jeff I did read the interview and I see your valid point. I can see your point that my interpretation to listing sins is just grouping sins. But lets be honest Phil Robertson has a masters in education, he isn’t an idiot. There is a reason that he listed those sexual sins rather than emphasizing stealing or murder which are also sins. Or you know idol worship or praying to another god.

        Personally, I consider murder a worse sin than homosexuality or even beastialty. I would even say I consider adultery worse than either too. Considering the fact that you’re not victimizing your spouse or taking a life. Although I guess beastiality would be the worst crime since animals don’t have any rights to divorce.

        I don’t know if you could read this without realizing how disgusting the whole idea is. Sure, if you believe homosexuals are going to hell, then whatever, but to people having consensual sex doesn’t effect either you or I. Premarital sex has far worse societal repercussions with teen pregnancy, but if you’re really religious and don’t believe in birth control then the poor child generally does poorly in life as a result of having a teen mother.

        So why don’t we all rant about premarital sex, because isn’t that a sin, it is also a sex sin so why didn’t he list that? ‘Homo-sex’ is a victimless sin, so relax and leave them alone. Don’t let them join your church, but if you’re a celebrity, probably lay off or be prepared for societal repercussions. You know his eloquent argument that anal sex just isn’t logical made sense to me, but I don’t think people should go around saying things like that. Because you know, you start with a slightly offensive comment, then videos from before you were famous, with more offensive things come out.


        Anyways, Merry Christmas!

  328. Louis says:

    I disagree with the idea that this isn’t religious persecution. The article quotes the guy showing where in the bible homosexuality is prohibited for Christians, along side adultery and heterosexual sins, and he says they are all sins. The guy repeatedly says he just talks about the bible and leaves the judging up to God. He repeatedly says he treats all people gay or straight with love and respect. He could not have admitted to being a Christian without saying what he said. The fundamental message of “I believe homosexuality is a sin according to the bible” is now called bigoted hate speech.

    • Todd says:

      He compared homosexuality to beastialty. I wouldn’t say it is hate speech either, but just offensive. But the whole point is, why defend it, people don’t have the right to just say offensive things.

      Would you go tell this special needs kid, that he’s an idiot and really slow?

      Being religious and having an opinion doesn’t give a license to be an asshole. It isn’t like Phil Robertson is going to be arrested. But I am an atheist, should I tell kids that god doesn’t exist? Should I use my own soap box to tell people that Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus, but rather the church using Pagan winter-solstice celebrations to convert people to Christianity. Should I highlight the history of Christianity’s exploitation? Indulgences: hey why can’t homosexuals just buy a indulgence, or give some hail marys? Just because I have offensive things I can say about religion, I don’t. I don’t use my social influence to spread offensive things.

      • Jeff says:

        Todd, did you read the actual interview he did not compare. They were in the same sentence but it was not a comparison other than the fact that they are all sins. (oh disclaimer just in case you didn’t realize this is just a reference to a quote from the Bible, so don’t get your panties in a wad okay) thanks and merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  329. Pingback: Bigotry and the Free Speech Smokescreen | English Major Malfunctions

  330. chaddster says:

    I see alot of hate right now ,i’m not a perfect speller or writer and i don’t care,what your doing is dissing people for not spelling or saying something right,what’s the different between putting some one down for not spelling correctly or phil quoting what he believes ,your making a big deal out of it,would it be a big deal if a not so rich and famous person said what phil said no,this is just away to attack some one,which i feel is not fair,phil din’t wish harm on any one he just simply is telling what the bible says.And if you do not watch the show and do not know nothing about the Robertson’s then keep the pie hole shut,you have no right to judge.

  331. Rachel says:

    This is seriously the best thing I’ve ever read. No one knows who’s going to hell. Or what’s really a sin. And why does it even matter? Live by your own rules and let everyone else worry about themselves. It’s a shame that so many homosexual people are turned away from God and Jesus BC of some fanatical bigoted approach to them. Real Christianity is about loving everyone.

    • Jeff says:

      First Richal I want to say amen to what you said it is a the Bible is a book of everyone is to basically follow the 10 Commandments and anything else to be judged after death either by god or your peers or both. As long as you are not physically hurting someone other than yourself you are free to be, all must contribute in some way.

  332. Brian says:

    Great read. Thank you!

  333. John Hajder says:

    I do not agree with you that his comments were “completely offensive” I have spoken with at least a dozen gay people who found nothing at all offensive about his comments. Just as a gay person may believe he/she may go to heaven Phil believes this not to be true based on “The Bible” and what he has been taught. Now with that being said, I know that just because I believe something to be true it does not make it the truth. When I was 5 I absolutely believed that a fat man in a red suit slid down my chimney and left me presents. (after of course flying to my house with reindeer). This was my truth. Was it true? of course not.
    My point, individuals have many truths that are all there own. For you to change their truth (or even want to) Show them a different one. Phil has backed up his statement with the Bible. A book that has stood for hundreds of years as the only true truth. If a gay person can show me where it says that they ,being gay will allow them into the kingdom of heaven then and only then will my truth change.

    • John Hajder says:

      Your belief is that no one knows who is going to heaven. However Christens believe that they do know because the Bible says who is and is not going. It’s all about your personal belief. Believing something does not make it true!

  334. s. says:

    this would all be so much easier if people took religion out of it. if there was not greater proof the bible is fiction is apparent when society progresses and learns. the reason the bible says things about homosexuality being a sin (as well as slavery and lots of degrading things about women) is because it was written by a PERSON at a time when society accepted and believed these things. as we have grown as a culture its no longer viewed in the same way, the same way that slavery was one day realized by someone as wrong. the bible was written before we know the things we know about science and evolution. I really dont get how people reconcile these things and still think that the bible is really the word of god. wouldnt God have known this stuff back then if he was really all knowing? how people don’t see this is beyond me..

    • A nthony says:

      To S, thank you for your post, it saved me the time and energy of writing it myself. Why cannot people see that the bible was writen long ago, and has been translated and rewritten many time, usually by PEOPLE who may have had their own axe to grind, or beliefs that influenced them – and is a very long way from “the word of God”. A quote I heard recently said ” the bible has human fingerprints all over it.”
      Think about it, folks.

  335. Shahrazad says:

    Really loved reading this. I come from a psycho-Christian family that is already gearing up to sign petitions and throw fits over this.. Glad someone can see what’s actually happening here!

  336. Marie says:

    What did he say that was hateful or hate-filled? Might want to read the whole interview. Accusing him of “hate” this and “hate-filled” that? You are doing the exact same thing you are accusing him of, lol.

    • Marie people read want they want and the media reports bits and pieces. I read the whole article and he even said he loves everyone but does believe what the Bible says. I am so tired of the left taking bits and pieces of things and having fits over it. They all need to grow up and take their rose colored glasses off.

  337. Siennafly says:

    Why should anyone care about anyone else’s sexuality? Does it directly affect your life? No, so who cares! I know many people who come from loving families and are gay. I know people that come from abusive families and are straight. There is no “blame” to be assigned here. People are born the way they are. If you think otherwise then you have clearly never gotten to know someone who is gay. I myself, am not gay. No, it’s not a choice. It’s how I am. People really need to stop worring about who loves who, who has sex with who, and who marries who. Worry about your own personal life. And if your life is so unfulfilling that you have to constantly stick your nose in others, then I feel sorry for you. You must be miserable. I can only imagine how miserable it must be to constantly have to hate someone, which by the way, IS a learned behavior.

  338. Rudicus says:

    I feel like the author missed the main point. He was getting close to it in #2 but didn’t seem to fully address it. The author seems to feel that what happened to Phil is justified because what he said was very offensive to the LGBT community. I’m not arguing that point. I think he’s right. My opinion is that those that are upset over this are upset because there seems to be a double standard in the media. I don’t want to make this a “Christian” or religious issue (as I agree with point #4 in the article), but to illustrate my point I will use Bill Maher as an example. He has said incredibly offensive things about Christians. However, when he does so, he doesn’t seem to get the blow-back that Phil got. He’s not fired, reprimanded or suspended and his network doesn’t come out with an official statement to distance themselves from him. That seems like a double standard and that tends to tick people off. And I think it’s a legitimate reason to get ticked off. Just my 2 cents. Would love to hear your thoughts.

  339. Jesse says:

    I think it was well written article. I don’t fully agree with it but we all do have the right to are own opinion weather it popular or not makes no difference. I just wish that we didn’t have to try and be so PC there is very little can say that isn’t going to hurt someone’s feelings one side or the other. I say speak your mind and stand by what you believe. Our country has be brain washed to not have any opinion or belief that the media has not preapproved to be ok. But that’s just my opinion

  340. Brandon says:

    Everyone needs to chill out we forget that the man is in his late sixtys early seventys.He is from a different time where being homosexual wasn’t as tolerated as it is today he is just an old man who is set in his old outdated ways. And hello freedom of speech. And he isn’t rounding up homosexuals and killing them.

  341. Kj P says:

    Here is an interview Phil Robertson did with Parade in July, where he says he’s not interested in doing the “Duck Dynasty” for much longer, and that the show doesn’t need him.

    What a bunch of hypocrites! The media has fallen for this guy’s giant PR stunt.


  342. Wizard says:

    I have a novel idea, if you dont like the opinions or behaviour of the morons that call themselves DD, if you think the program is for those who have the intelectual capacity of a slug then look closely at your remote American and either change the channel or turn the Damn TV off. Although I disagree with this DD guys opinions and I think the whole show is moronic and followed closely by those with half a brain, the choice to watch listen and hear is still ours as is the choice to turn that crap off. TV today is becoming overun with Reality shows that have ZERO reality represented, but then could that be representative of where we as a country are headed? What have we become America??

  343. Nicholas Wright says:

    What is the purpose of the Bible? What authority does it possess over humanity? Over Christians?

    • Jeff says:

      Nicholas wright, the purpose of the bible is to teach history and to instill the knowledge of right and wrong. Follow the Ten Commandments and your’e good to go; otherwise you may face earthly justice. That is all government is is a way to enforce these laws. Period end of sentence.

  344. George says:

    People, please! Which god are y’all talking about? Zeus? Last I checked, there were quite a few….

    if you think there is only one god then how could so many people from other religions be so wrong?

    or maybe there isn’t a god and it is was just made up to explain the inexplicable (at the time)?

  345. Mark says:

    Instead of complaining about what is happening to Duck Dynasty’s star Phil Robertson I am going to rejoice alongside him! Praise be to God he took a stand on the Gospel, because that is really what he did and that is really what matters. Phil called sin sin and he did not single out homosexuals, he called ALL of us sinners, because we all are and we all need a Savior Jesus Christ to free us from that sin. We should not be shocked or even mad that this is happening to Phil, listen to what Christ said on this matter…

    “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you ‘no servant is greater than his master’ (John 15:18-20a)

    Stop complaining and rejoice that our brother in Christ is suffering for the sake of the Gospel!

    • Roy Wargi says:

      I will rejoice with Phil, He does not need this show to prosper in life. I will miss the hilarity in the show, but the less shows I like on tv the more time I have to do something more constructive. As far as this 5 things to remember article, your an idiot with a blog dude, and after I got done wading through all the crap you wrote it was clear the only thing that you got right in your article was that we should wish the Roberson family well and move on.

      • Dear Roy Wargi:
        I am a little puzzled that, despite a plea from the blogger for commentators to make a point without insulting another’s intelligence, you decided to respond to the blog by calling the author “an idiot.”
        Unable to heed the writer request, please consider the recommendation from this gentleman: “…but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew 5:22, King James Version).
        It would appear you disagreed with the blog. The blog has five points. You haven’t said which point, or why you disagree with it.

      • JC says:

        I have to giggle at your comment – mostly because I need a red pen to correct all the grammatical errors. It’s adorable, really.

    • Penny Adams says:

      Um, just a quick question for you, what about the brother and sisters in Christ that are suffering for the sake of YOUR interpretation of the Gospel? Are not Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Bisexual sisters and brothers suffering? Would Jesus be throwing stones at people who love each other despite the persecution of YOUR interpretation of the Gospel or would Jesus pat you on the back for condoning hatred of people due to YOUR idea of sin? What is the greatest sin, love or hate?
      As for me and mine, we chose LOVE.
      (and yes, he did single out homosexuals in his comments, and so have you by not acknowledging them, the sin of omission maybe?)

      • Roy Wargi says:

        Gay people are living in sin, You don’t have to agree with their lifestyle to love them. Ultimately there are consequences to their lifestyle, but those consequences only affect them.

      • you forget that he was says what was written in the bible , but he also stated that he loves every one and that is was not his place to judge !

      • Theresa says:

        well said…personally i really enjoyed the show until just recently. First the chia beard growing thingy..and now this discrimination issue…another person commented that the Robertsons don’t need the revenue they’re acquiriing via DD, and allll the other money making venues. All of the money in the universe cannot take back what this blog is about….Discrimination!!!

    • nothanksmcgee says:

      But nothing he said came from the Gospel. He quoted the same book that says it’s ok to put your daughter to death or sell her into slavery.

      I’ll quote what Jesus said about homosexuality: “……”

  346. Northern Sentinel says:

    “believing that all the gays are going straight to Hell.”

    Where is the quote of him saying this?

    Bearing false witness is also a sin.

    • equality says:

      “Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself.”

      • Lynn Kane says:

        Well, one or more of the above applies to just about everyone on Earth at some time or other in their lives. Looks like we´re all up the proverbial creek.

      • Austin says:

        According to the bible Phil was exactly on. And I am Christian and I totally disagree with the way they decide to live there homosexual lifestyle but it doesn’t mean I hate them. Have you ever heard of the phrase “don’t hate the player, hate the game.” That’s exactly how it

      • He actually named each and everyone of us… I know where I am going if all this is true and I better bring a fan!

      • Theresa says:

        We are ALL Gods children…he loves us unconditionally, and has given us life here for a purpose…when our creator feels we have fulfilled our destiny here…we check out!! God is of love, peace, acceptance, and fulfillment in life… deception is in the heart and mind of the deceiver…it is A CHOICE….Amen 🙂

      • nothanksmcgee says:

        I always thought that Christians followed what Jesus said. Why is it that this particular phrase is ok but the ones that condone (and promote) slavery are ignored? Or the ones about killing your children? Why is the majority of the Bible ignored when it disagrees with some peoples’ beliefs but the old parts (that Jesus said to disregard) are suddenly given heightened status? I guess there are just too many buffet-style Christians.

    • l1l2l3k4 says:

      Lynn is correct, we are all guilty and when we acknowledge that we have fallen short we ask GOD for forgiveness. The problem comes we decide we don’t need his forgiveness, we begin to twist the truth, to downplay our own sinful ways, to vilify those who oppose you and then bring others to sin by deceiving them. Go ahead, don’t believe in God, don’t believe in sin, don’t believe you do any wrong. I just know I wouldn’t want to live in that society.

      • Alice Meeks says:

        And I would not want to meet my maker with all of that sin on me. It is what I consider sin. If we ask God for forgiveness, he will forgive us. But he also said go and sin no more. The twelve men that he chose to be his disciples were chosen to speak “His” word or words, to speak those things that he wanted to be sent to the other Churches. He could not be everywhere so the disciples carried his words to others. Just because the words may not have come from Jesus’ mouth, means He gave the disciples authority to send His words to others. I never hate the sinners. I can be nice to others without condoning their actions. If I can accept members of the LGBT, let them lead their lives, never tell them they are sinning unless they ask me, why can’t they leave me with my opinion. My biggest complaint is they want to change my mind. This is something that I have strong beliefs about. I am not out actively trying to change their minds, speaking to them about sin, or in anyway doing anything other than praying for them. Unless they ask. Why do they feel the need to change my opinion? And I do believe it is religious persecution if the LGBT Community responds with that need to change me when I am not trying to change them. I believe the author of this article was insolent in the way he speaks about Christians. I will forgive him though!

    • theboeskool says:

      Oh gosh. This has come up a lot. What do you think he means by the phrase “will not inherit the Kingdom of God?” Do you think that Phil is actually an Annihilationist, and isn’t telling everyone about it? “Not inheriting the Kingdom of God” means going to hell. Just because you say “God says it, not me” doesn’t mean you’re not saying it….

  347. Yvonne says:

    That is his belief everyone has their own beliefs….. I think they set him up

    • You may have a point there. Maybe SOMEone is scared that Phil will run for President. And politicians can play dirty.

    • Yvonne Lee says:

      I just want to clarify that I did not say that above comment. My name is Yvonne, but that was another Yvonne! I’m the Yvonne that wrote about salvation (Dec 20th; 10:04pm) and tried to point out that all our sins have been paid for…but people are still talking about everyone’s sins and wondering and hoping, they can do enough good to get into heaven! I’m only proof reading your posts now. I didn’t comment on the weather one. But it is pretty cold here in Colorado. I’ll sign off as Yvonne Lee.

    • Yvonne Lee says:

      you know, on second thought, I could have said that ^ I honestly can’t remember. ??

  348. John Doe says:

    You really should read what was said before tossing in your two pennies and sounding foolish. There was no hatred, in fact I believe he said something along the lines of “I don’t get it” and also said that he believed everyone should love one another. But, hey…add to the media bullshit all you like. Just thought you should bother reading what you “report” on.

  349. Jay says:

    You know I’m really divided where to stand here. Everyone has the right to be treated equally and not judged. After all, who are we to judge someone else for their choices? I’m a fan of duck dynasty. What I think really has to be remembered here is this man is in his 70s. He grew up in a polar opposite world compared to where we are as a society today.

    • Rebecca says:

      My father is in his 70s and he has not a racist or homophobic bone in his body. He was born in the 1930s and live through civil rights in the 1960s for blacks and the 1970s/80s/90s/2000s/2010s for gays. Age isn’t no excuse for ignorance.

      • Jay says:

        Sure you are right. But I’m not saying its an excuse at all. What I’m saying is we should try to understand his socialization and his thought process behind these comments before persecuting him. He’s a decent man, just behind the times quite a bit.

    • Saitaina says:

      My grandmother is almost eighty years old and believes that everyone has a right to live how they wish to, be it gay, straight, purple donkey. She grew up in the same era in the same part of the country and could care less who I choose to marry so long as I’m happy. Age/location/time period does not excuse such behavior.

      • Jay says:

        Absolutely right. Their is no excuse for harsh words like his against another individual. I’m just taking into consideration the stages of socialization he has gone through. I don’t believe he meant this interview to be malicious one bit. From watching his show, he full heartedly follows the bible and everything in it. This, to me at least, further explains his thought process and opinion.

    • HersheyMike says:

      He is a grown man with a Master’s Degree in Education and a multi-millionaire, not a back woods hick. He knows exactly what he is doing, saying and fully realizes it will have ramifications. I suggest, perhaps cynically, that the ramifications are monetary. He will gain more supporters who will, in turn, go to Walmart and buy more of his branded merchandise. I understand he even has Duck Dynasty loofahs. In this way, you can wash your back-side with his image. How awfully appropriate.

      Not certain if urls are permitted, but here is a piece from Outdoor Life which speaks of how they handle the “brand.” It is equally telling and fascinating.


  350. Craig says:

    Actually, I don’t need your “salvation” because of how I was born or what an ancestor is alleged to have done. So you can keep it.

  351. Chuck says:

    It’s funny to complain about “The Media” when this Duck Dynasty guy IS part of the media. You gain through the media, you play by the media’s rules.

  352. Ashley says:

    I think, regardless about who is right and wrong, it’s a little disturbing that voicing your opinion in public can completely destroy your whole reputation and also probably about half of your business. I agree that actions and opinions don’t come without certain consequences, especially in this day and age, where everybody takes things like that personally. I don’t agree with telling people they are going to hell. That’s an obvious statement that is going to make many people angry because for some odd reason everybody takes whatever is said on television like it is directed at them personally. I also don’t agree with suspending just one public figure from a television show that is concentrated on a religious family. It’s almost like A&E should have seen that one coming. If you concentrate a TV series on a religious family and their morals (I think we can all agree, not much about their business is shown on the show, it’s more about their lifestyle) opinions about things such as homosexuality and other subjects that oppose the bible are going to be said. If the homosexual community can voice so many negative opinions about Christians, but cannot tolerate a comment directed at a particular part of their lifestyle, this, also is hypocritical. This whole situation should be viewed fairly from both sides.

    • Roy Wargi says:

      You are so very right here Ashley, as this world moves forward we are only taking 2 steps backwards. We live in a world of hate. Once those who were tormented and persecuted for the color of their skin or origins are now the ones persecuting others. That has led to all groups who have been cut down and wronged to become what they fought so hard against. It is my belief that the only way to move forward and heal the wounds of hate, is to stop living in the past andl live for lthe future by example.

    • MagW says:

      I am confused. Making an inappropriate statement that is made public has ruined many a person throughout history. Take for instance, Mary Magdalene. He took a bad rap for more than 1500 years because some men decided to paint her in a different light. Basically, she was “rumored” to have been a lady of the evening. Is 1500 years or more enough of a time to have your reputation tarnished because of a perception? This person said things and is paying the consequences. Which is worse? Having your reputation tarnished because of rumor and no proof of action or having your reputation tarnished because you actually said something?

    • How is it disturbing? I really don’t understand your disconnect here. It’s 100% logical for something someone actually says and is quoted as saying in the media as saying to affect someone negatively. Are you crying foul because it’s not “fair” and all rainbows, glitter, and unicorns pooping ice-cream? People ruin their own reputations with the things that they say. This wasn’t a rumor. He said hateful things guised in “Hey let’s let it all hang out and I’ll say whatever comes to mind since there aren’t any cameras around.”


      • Roy Wargi says:

        Im not sure he is concerned that people don’t like his way of thinking, nor should he. It would appear that these posts are more for people to judge others then to actually talk about a disturbing issue.

  353. TjC says:

    Interesting take on what is for me a non-issue. I like Duck Dynasty. It’s good entertainment, the characters are likeable & it’s funny in a clean sort of way that’s pretty much non existent on TV these days. I do not agree with Phil”s opinions on gays or a number of other topics. I don’t think most American’s are so silly as to adopt an opinion just because a comedian, actor or singer holds that opinion. I watch the Robertson’s show because it entertains me not because I support Phil’s politics and certainly not because I want to be informed. For that I watch The Daily Show:-)

    I eat at Chick Fil-a. Mostly because it’s a very well run business. Unlike employees at every other fast food chain I can think of; their employees are uniformly polite, friendly & competent. Also; the food is pretty good & the prices are fair. I don’t think about Dan Cathy’s politics or what types of organizations the Cathy family supports. If I only frequented businesses whose CEO agreed with my politics I wouldn’t be able to shop anywhere. My tolerance does have its limits: if a company is involved in a labor dispute, if it is known to mistreat it’s employees a’la Wal-xxxx, if it discriminates against customers or employees based on sex, race etc.. or if they rape the.environment (still haven’t bought gas at an Exxon since the Valdez). they don’t get my business. But it seems not only silly but also divisive to constantly let our politics define us and everything we do. Life’s too short to be mad at somebody all the time.

    • Hoax says:

      Chick-fil-a is an example of a well run store front for many reasons. While some disagree with their political contributions, I would personally testify that few other storefronts operate with the same sense of compassion toward their employees and communities. One of my good friends worked for a Chick-fil-a franchise several years ago during the course of a divorce. The relationship had become abusive, and during the course of the separation her ex took liberties that included harassing her at work, making reports that caused her to lose her housing temporarily and destroying her vehicle. Throughout all of this the franchise owner not only stood by her, they made sure that her basic needs of food and shelter were met. When her vehicle was destroyed she received a 4 dollar raise to replace it, and when he showed up in the lobby on multiple occasions she was sent to the mgrs office while police were contacted. I strongly believe that KFC, Burger King etc would have found a justification to release her from employment because of the disturbances to business making a bad situation worse. A company that cares about their employees, their community and their customers gets my business even if I don’t agree with their politics.

      • Meaghan says:

        I’m really glad that your friend received such excellent support from her manager/boss at her job while she was going through that and I hope that it’s all behind her now. However, I think that has less to do with the fact that she worked at Chic Fil A and more to do with the fact that her manager was a good person. Good people are everywhere.

  354. Donna says:

    Umm…you know that’s a picture of Zach Galifianakis with a Band-Aid on his beard, right?

  355. Brent Adams says:

    This author may indeed be well intentioned but is nevertheless way off base.  Mr. Corleone writes off Phil Robertson’s firing as an isolated case of bad behavior that comes with consequences, claims that the only reason he was fired was primarily for being offensive as opposed to holding to an  unpopular religious conviction, uses fallcious parallels and illustrations to support his points, and equates living a life submitted to the authority of Scripture to hatred.  These could not be further from the truth.   

    Corleone either conveniently leaves out or is apparently just as clueless about what is going on in our culture as he self admittedly is about who Phil Robertson is. Within the last several months we’ve seen people fired from their jobs or face intense backlash for being no more frank about their the opinions on homosexuality than those in the LGBT community are on theirs.  For instance, the author of Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card made his views on homosexuality public just before the premiere of his book’s film adaptation of the same name.  Backlash was so intense against him that he could not even freely enjoy his vision come to life on the big screen.  What about the sports analyst, Craig James? Same story.  Mr. Corleone is trying to make this sound like an isolated incident. However, it is in fact one of many episodes where influential and talented people who do not toe the postmodern party line are being discriminated against for their beliefs.  America is a society of free thinkers and has become strong through that cultural characteristic.  The battle cry of the LGBT community and countless others in our day is “tolerance”.  Why such lack of tolerance for those intellectually honest and brave enough to be clear on what they believe?  It appears as though Mikewould have benefitted from spending a few minutes on google before typing.

    Secondly, his first point equates faithfully quoting or paraphrasing a passage of Scripture to summarize your position on an issue, with spewing an expletive about your employer. Therefore implying it should carry the same consequences.  A compelling parallel, to be sure.  Except that this was not an undignified cuss-fest against A&E in GQ magazine.   It was a man being clear and honest about his religious beliefs that he reached after studying and educating himself on what the Bible says about it.  In the context of the article it is not out of place and if we are going to condemn the man for answering the question, shouldn’t we also put the one who crafted the line of questioning and consciously decided what to submit as the final version of the article on “permanent hiatus?”  No.  Because it seems GQ is more endowed in the common sense department than A&E and Mr. Corleone are.                                       

    Next, Michael Corleone clearly doesn’t understand what religious persecution is.  Facing legal, relational, financial, occupational, or physical backlash from family, friends, strangers, or the state because of one’s personal beliefs and convictions is persecution.  The author is trying to say that Phil was fired only because what he SAID offends a group of people.  This is a  disingenuous attempt to dodge the issue at hand and is logically fallacious.  We communicate religious beliefs most clearly through the written or spoken word.  Mike is insisting that in this case you can separate the spoken word from its source,  belief in the clear teaching of Scripture.  He is trying to have his cake and eat it too.  It smacks of a logically baffling statement by one homosexual group responding to Robertson’s words as “not a real thought.”   If offense is the reason for negative backlash towards someone’s explicitly stated religious beliefs, then it does not cease to be religious persecution.  Rather, that is the essence of religious persecution.

    At the root of all religious persecution, especially that of Christians, is offense and scandalization.  Jewish Christians in Jerusalem and Roman Christians in the first century initially only lost businesses and property because of their explicitly stated and demonstrated trust in Christ as the one true God as opposed to holding to Hebraic traditions or worshiping Caesar and the Roman deities.  People were offended by what they said based on their beliefs which came from Scripture and made them suffer for it.  How is this any different?

    Mr. Corleone demonstrates a lack of understanding concerning biblical theology,  the cohesivensss, and self substantiating nature of the Bible when he seriously suggests that using the Bible as the authority for one’s views on homosexuality is equivalent to trying to biblically condemn interracial marriage and relations by saying BOTH are “old school hatred.”  ONLY one of those views is clearly hatred because it can be easily proven to be so when you read passages like Ephesians 1:11-22 when Paul addresses a multi-ethnic church and says they are all one in Christ because Jesus’s substitutionary death on the cross “destroyed the barrier,  the dividing wall of hostility [between the ethnic groups]…for through Him we both [Jew and Gentile alike] have access to the Father by one Spirit.” This indeed was God’s plan all along and is what Paul refers to on his letters as “this mystery revealed.”  God’s love for and pursuit of His people in every tribe, tongue, nation and people group. You can read God’s command to love and care for the alien among the Israelites in Exodus 22:21. What is more, isn’t the entire book of Ruth about an upright Israleite man who marries, *GASP!* a Moabitess (ethnic group outside of Israel) who places her faith in Yahweh in the beginning of the book?  The Bible’s climax in Revelation chapter 7 displays the great multitude of Christians from  all ethnic groups before God’s throne.  Couple that with the command in 2 Corinthians 6:14 for Christians not to yoke themselves to non-Christians (marriage being a particularly yoking relationship) and it is clear that in Christ our spiritual union to Him is supreme over and above all ethnicities and therefore Christiansare commanded only not to wed non-believers and are never restricted from marrying someone of a different ethnic group.  Because the Bible doesn’t actually teach that people who marry people of other ethnic groups are in sin, saying that they are would indeed be hateful and reprehensible. So yes, Mike, someone COULD use such an argument, but that would not be a faithful teaching of Scripture and people SHOULD be offended by it.

    However, homosexuality is clearly taught in Scripture as sin just like theft or murder is too.  Romans 1:27 and Leviticus 18:22 among other texts are clear on this.  If Phil said that people who did not do certain sins were better than others or that certain sins made you any worse than someone else or put you outside of God’s grace then that would be hateful and self righteous.   However, he did not.  It seems like Mr. Corleone, like so many people in our culture today cannot fathom or believe that someone can disagree biblically on the issue of homosexuality without hatred and still love the people caught up in that sin.  But that betrays both Michael and our culture’s misunderstanding  of the concept of hate.  God defines hatred as telling people that are His enemies that they have nothing to fear from Him.  Denying people the faithful teaching of Scripture. The Bible says that we are all born sinners, separated from God, and deserving His eternal wrath in Hell.  However, He came to Earth as a man, lived the sinless life we could not so He could be the worthy sacrifice we needed so badly to atone for our sin by dying the death we deserved on the cross in our place under God’s eternal wrath for our sins.  His resurrection from the grave three days later was the Father’s signature of approval and a sign to show us that if we repent of our sins and trust in Jesus alone  for salvation we too will have eternal life with Him beginning now and extending into eternity.  

    Christians are explicitly commanded to tell people this message and to teach them to follow His commands (resisting all sin, homo and heterosexual sins included).  This command is inseparably linked to love for God and people.  To tell people their sins do not anger a holy God and will not yield them His righteous fury in the afterlife is truly hateful.

    Corleone ends his piece with a squishy emotional appeal to what looks like an implied encouragement for Christians to abandon the truth of the Scriptures so that we don’t hurt people’s feelings.  He misquotes Jesus’ command in John 13:34-35 to love (the verb agape, meaning to put others above yourself) one another.  However, he is promoting a false and unbiblical idea of love. This idea of love is that Christians should either be silent on or recant what the Bible clearly states about homosexuality for the sake of homosexual people’s feelings rather than perform actual agape which is to speak the truth to people, even when they might not like to hear it, primarily because it glorifies God.  Corleone is promoting fear of man, not love.  Jesus had something to say about that as well:  “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).

    Christians should use this cultural firebrand as an opportunity to share the gospel with their friends and yes, lovingly and with humility telling our gay friends that they are sinners in desperate need of God’s grace who need to repent of all of their sins (as we all do) and embrace Christ as Savior.  Mike’s counsel is damning.  Perhaps a little more time inside the Bible learning the basics instead of blogging out Ned Flanders-like advice would do him and his readers some good.

    • Brent Adams says:

      *I don’t know your name, but I liked your quote at the top, so I just referred to you as I would the Ford Coppola character.

    • TGL says:

      Awesome teaching. 😃

    • Lou Gagliardi says:

      One point of..okay, two–three–four– points of contention:

      A. he wasn’t fired. he was suspended. he and his family can choose to (thankfully and hopefully) end their show and allow A&E to gain some semblance of decency or they can continue on when and if A&E brings him back from timeout

      2. Freedom of Speech protects you from the government retaliating against what you say. However, private corporations and individuals are not the government. Orson Scott Card and Craig James made their opinions known. As did Phil Robertson. and they received their first amendment protected backlash for it. and rightfully so.

      D. If you’re going to call me out for being biased, you’re dang right. I’m transgendered. I also studied as a Christian minister and can pull Scripture out of my butt and plaster it all over the Internet too–for example, does Mr Card, James or Robertson eat shellfish (leviticus 11:10-12)? Sold their daughter into slavery or as a prostitute? (lev. 19:29) and no, jesus didn’t abolish these laws. Matthew 5:7.

      4. His name isn’t Corleone. that was a quote from a movie.

      • kiki says:

        Matthew 5:7???????? Oh 17….. please understand that the English language is not adequate to understand scripture. We must also be able to look to the Greek and Hebrew. Please read this: http://www.gotquestions.org/abolish-fulfill-law.html

      • Lou Gagliardi says:

        oooooooh no! no. no. no.

        you are NOT pulling that BS.

        If “the English language is not adequate” then we never should have translated into English. After all, remember Revelations 22:19

        So take that BS and take it somewhere else.

      • Leslie Witty says:

        I don’t think many people will be coming to your church if you keep pulling scriptures out of your butt! LOL

      • Lou Gagliardi says:

        I don’t know, people want miracles all the time, right? What’s more miraculous than a person pulling literal words out of their butthole, right?

    • Leslie Witty says:

      I copied and pasted this so I can use it when talking to my gay friends and relatives. Hope that’s OK, Brent Adams?

    • Brian Mendes says:

      1st of all the Bible is a book, a book written by man and not by a douchebag of a god that others claim it to be. The most important factor in all of this is the simple fact and It is a undeniable fact, that the Bible was written by man so there for has major flaws and cannot be a reliable source. So fuck Phil Robertson and fuck anyone else who claims to be a Christian who proclaims their lifestyle is better than someone else’s. The Bible sucks major ass.

  356. He did NOT say that homosexuals are going to hell. Nor did he say that they are bad people. This article is horribly misinformed. Maybe you should focus on what he said before you write a report on what you think he meant. Whoever wrote this should revise it.

    • Rob Tisinai says:

      He said this: “They’re full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil. ”

      Sounds like he’s calling gays bad people to me.

      • nothanksmcgee says:

        Only if you consider murder, envy, strife, hatred, insolence, arrogance, ruthlessness and senseless bad things… 😉

  357. God says:

    They are not living in sin my daughters and sons. They are living the way that I made them.

    • Hoax says:

      Yo God what was that stuff in the bible about ALL of us being born in sin about then?
      Ecclesiastes 7:20
      *Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins. *
      Romans 3:23 ESV
      *For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, *
      The beauty of Christianity is that its a license to be bad with an invitation to love others the same way Christ did. Even the love of Christ wasn’t 100% gentle in practice.
      John 2:14-15 & incident also recorded Mathew 20:12
      *In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.*

  358. Lora says:

    First of all majority of Americans know that the bible speaks against many actions that occur regularly in our society, so a man stating that in an interview shouldn’t be shocking or insulting to the public, no more than a liar getting his feathers ruffled because the bible speaks against it. The second issue- Phil speaking bluntly about his bewilderment concerning the sexual attraction between men shouldn’t be shocking or insulting either. Society has become desensitized to sexual matters consequently now people talk more openly about it. Sex isn’t kept private behind closed doors it’s everywhere, to commercials were men shake their genitalia akin to bells, plus lubricants, and vibrators that blow your mind and hair back, to High School Dances were couples mimic copulating. It can be difficult to comprehend another person’s preferences, especially when they are different than yours. Example- I dislike horror movies. My reasoning is that in reality people kill, cut up, maim, and hurt each other so why would anybody find the pretense of that entertaining to watch. So Phil a man who is sexually attracted to women can’t understand why a man is sexually attracted to men and the acts thereof, wasn’t intending to insult, but rather he has legitimate confusion. We Need Perspective America, seek it out.

    • wildclover says:

      I read his interview. He did the usual “list a bunch of sins starting with homosexuality and bestiality so the two conflate in folks minds” crap spewed for decades now. Yawn. But then he said something about how as a man he loves vaginas and can’t see how an anus can offer what a vagina does, and everything else a woman has (boobs I guess?) and appealed to other guys as knowing what he’s talking about….that wasn’t a general christian boiler-plate anti-gay screed, it was him going TMI in a deliberately crude way inappropriate to a representative of a wholesome family show. That was the line I personally would have suspended him for. As a Christian minister myself, I have to wonder what makes Paul’s advice to various churches the most important thing for Christians to focus on, rather than the 4 Gospels and Jesus’ actual words. Paul in one letter tells the church that women should be seen and not heard….writing to a different church he exhorts men to listen to their wives, and not prevent them from teaching. Most of the fundamentalist churches focus on the women should be seen and not heard bit of advice, and ignore the other. Why the contradiction? Because church A probably had a couple gossippy troublemakers, so Paul told them how to deal with it, and church B had the opposite problem, where their problems were stemming from the patriarchy.

      It isn’t religious persecution to have someone disagree with your preferred interpretation of the Bible. It isn’t religious persecution to be disciplined by an employer for intemperate speech. Phil could have said precisely what he said in an inoffensive way. He also hinted months ago that he wanted to leave Duck Dynasty. His choice of words- going from a generic rant against sin into a personal appeal to other guys to back him up on Vagina=Good, Anus=Bad- could have very well been calculated to give him a reason to leave the show, or maybe he just didn’t care enough about continuing to use speech appropriate to someone selling a product (Duck Dynasty) when representing it. Persecution is some clown beating up the gay kid because his religion supposedly taught him gays are worse than divorcees, and his TV hero equates being gay with butt-sex…which it isn’t always if you talk to gay men, nor does it hold for lesbians.
      I’m also thinking of the dozens of film stars in the 1900’s who got canned for the “moral clause” in their contracts. I’m also thinking of Romans 14, which roughly says- if you think in your heart something is sinful, don’t do it. If you think it isn’t, and your heart tells you it isn’t, go for it, just don’t try and get your neighbor who thinks it sinful to participate.
      I could get into the reason guys were not to waste seed back then- sperm was thought to be tiny complete humans, women merely incubators. Eggs? Chickens laid eggs. Two men together meant actual babies not being born. It was therefore forbidden in Leviticus, the set of Laws meant for those who wanted strict laws to follow for the glory of God, or to prove piety. They were not everyday injunctions meant for a lifetime. Like you might give up coffee because you wanted God to answer some prayer of yours, that’s what the priest code was meant for.
      Paul didn’t approve much of any sex. Paul also couched a message to appeal to gentiles. Peter and his followers were still trying for Jesus’ original intent of a reformed Judaism. Paul won the politics, and so we have his religion, rather than the closer to original intent theology of Peter. As Judaism actually celebrates the sexual union between loving spouses, rather than Paul’s grudging acceptance of it for those who can’t control their urges, I think most Christians ought to worry less about sexual impurity and more about how to conduct themselves with love, and love means not hurting people’s feelings with calculated malice.

  359. Barbara says:

    I just have one question. Why is it okay for one person to put it out there and not okay for someone to disagree with them? For me it has nothing to do with being a christian but with someone saying it is okay for me to push my beliefs but it is not okay for you to say you do not believe or state your opinion. I can be liberal but you cannot be conservative! I can state what ever I want but you cannot. I can offend you but you cannot offend me! Get a life people! Everyone has a right to believe what ever they want and they have just as much right to say it as anyone else has.
    Now with all this said I am not gay but have gay friends. I personally fine the thought of being with a like sex partner disgusting and my gay friend know this, however, I am not judge nor jury, and if that is the way they want to float it is up to them and what they believe. I like a person for who they are not for their sex life. After all, I am not sleeping with them, are you?

  360. Charlie McMahon says:

    You are right about it not being about what “Phil” said, it,s all about what he paraphrased / quoted from the bible written by a guy, inspired by God for reaching out to people God loves so dearly. Sure most have seen signs with John 3:16 (reference below)
    I believe Phil is showing his love, reaching out to the very people A&E is accusing him of aleinating.
    If your child is about to stick there hand on a hot stove, (they have the right to do as they believe)do you let them go ahead and burn their hand or do you stop them becuase you love them and do not want to see them get hurt.
    Phil is doing the same here acting in love towards those individuals.
    The discussion one needs to have is not with Phil but with the one he is quoting. Everyone is free to accept or reject, it’s everyone’s free choice or decision.
    But as you said “But that freedom (or choice) comes with some ramifications….”
    Read on below for biblical scripture on this topic, not Phil’s statement but God’s:
    We All fall way short in someway or another.
    1 Corinthians 6
    8 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

    1 Timothy 1
    8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
    13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
    15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.
    John 3:16 – 20
    16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

    • Oh good, Biblical Pokemon.

      KJV Matthew 22: 37-39; John 15: 9-14

      As I recall, those state very explicitly point by point the bullet version Jesus gave during the How To Get To Heaven part of his lectures when asked point blank by his disciples and by the Pharisees.

      God loves his children. He laid out the laws in the Ten Commandments and in these very simple laws Jesus stated. And you know what? He trusts us to follow them on our own. Jesus made it a point to tell us to mind our own business more than once. All of those parables had a reason. It wasn’t to give us permission to decide what others’ sins were.

      • Austin says:

        If you are bringing up the Ten Commandments think. About how it says honor thy father and mother. Not father and father or mother and mother.

      • Austin, are you really honestly for real? That’s really the nitpick you’re going to choose out of my entire comment here? THAT is the important aspect you’re zeroing in on?

        “Honor thy parents.” That’s what ever single one Bible I’ve ever read has said. Did you not bother to read those passages I shared?

  361. Christopher Marshall says:

    I was “silenced” In the form of blocked from commenting by many of these boycott this or boycott that public forums , because Facebook is essentially a public forum, for saying almost this exact thing. Does that make it an infringement of my free speech rights?

    • No. If you enter someone else’s home and wipe dog shit all over their nice white carpet instead of doing it outside in spite of the hosts who own that private property having asked you not to wipe dog shit all over their nice white carpet ahead of time and while you were doing it, would you find that a violate of your freedom? No. Facebook is not government owned and operated. Congress doesn’t run it. If you get blocked in a community from commenting, it’s at the discretion of the owner of that particular community.

    • nothanksmcgee says:

      No. here’s why: Facebook is not the government.

  362. What disturbs me the most–out of all of this–is how ignorant people are about the Constitution. The bible is NOT the Constitution.

  363. Lillie says:

    Since you admittedly did not care to read the article itself nor took the time to research the nature of the relationship between the network and the family before opining on this via blog, allow me to respond.

    First off, the “5 things” you mention in this article are a bit ignorant, seeing as you didn’t read the article anyway. Secondly, these “5 things” are clearly directed at a select group of people that you feel are not on the same “enlightened” level as you, otherwise you wouldn’t have written this article to begin with.

    Third, since when does quoting a book constitute free speech? It’s a quote! You’re repeating something that was written, not expressing your own opinion; if Mr. Robertson is quoting the Bible, irregardless of his own personal opinion, he’s still quoting a book!

    Fourth, your “#2” on the list misses the point of why people are so upset and claim free speech. Over the past couple of decades we have watched the “PC police” go bananas. It’s one thing for someone to say, “You can’t call a someone retarded because they have a mental condition.” The use of that word is a put down, and personally, I think that not using it is a good thing. HOWEVER, when it gets to the point that a person is OFFENDED and complains about a PB&J sandwich being a symbol of “white privilege,” being PC has gone out the window! There is something called common sense, and A LOT of folks are so worried about being SUED over something petty they have forgotten what it is!

    Fifth, you make reference to the Chik-fil-a Appreciation Day event. You talk about how showing support for Mr. Robertson will only alienate the LGBT community. Excuse me, but I have watched the LGBT movement and some of the more “vocal” organizations that have no problem brow beating the rest of the nation by trying to ram “tolerance” down their throats. Oh, and before anyone begins to accuse me of being a bigot, know that I have several friends in the LGBT community who feel the same way about some of these organizations that are supposed to be making life better for them.

    Sixth, #4 may be the only thing I agree with you on. This had nothing to do with religious persecution; it had to do with a company afraid of getting sued. A&E pulled this stunt a few years back with Dog the Bounty Hunter over a conversation that had NOTHING to do with A&E. This simply boils down to being afraid of being named in a suit and having bad press.

    Lastly, none of us are perfect. NONE OF US; irregardless of sexual orientation. If you are reading comments you don’t agree with and you get so mad and can’t let go, you need to stop and seek some kind of guidance. I won’t tell you how to live your life, but I will tell you that even though it does say in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin, it also says love thy neighbor as thyself. When it comes to tolerance, if you want it, you have to be willing to give it too. It works just like respect. Learn to let the negative roll off your back, life is too short. Finally, don’t judge others; especially not by writing blogs like this without reading up on the whole situation first!

  364. amanda davenport says:

    you sir are an arrogant man with nothing better to do than humiliate the rest of us for standing alongside a very religious man who believes in himself and believes in our lord with all of his heart you need to understand that if there were more phil robertsons in this world and less people like your arrogant self maybe there wouldn’t be as much hatred and humility I hope you don’t have children because if these are the things your teaching them than I feel sorry for them good day sir

    • TJ says:

      “there wouldn’t be as much hatred and HUMILITY”? Maybe read a dictionary if you can put your bible down long enough. PS there used to be more Phil Rs in your country- they were called KKK.

      • Hoax says:

        Fun facts… did you know that the KKK especially the financial support of it was actually more common in the Northern states of the US specifically Ohio. Also national guard involvement during initially peaceful protests in Northern and Western cities in the 1960s actually led to more damage ($ figure) of Black run businesses and housing than reported KKK activity in the Southern states between 1880 and 1980. Detroit in 65, 68 &69. Chicago in 67. Watts in 65.

        Phil Robertson was like many whites of his era growing up in the South. His neighbors were black and white and there was no ability to look at the outside of a home (condition upkeep size location style) to know which house belonged to a white family. and which one belonged to a black family. They lived in equal poverty in an agrarian society that paid whites and blacks the same pitiful wage to chop cotton and ho rows of beans.

  365. tommyz says:

    I LOVE it when adults take fairy tales literally. I just wish more people believed in the Easter Bunny – like I do.

  366. Jerry says:

    I’m a Christian man and completely agree with #4. The problem with Christianity these days is people like this man speaking hatred and anger. Christ was all about love and grace. In no way am I to be a judge of someone since I have problems of my own. One thing I love about my church is we do not judge ones sexuality nor their past. We accept people as they are and this is the true meaning of Christs’ message

    • l1l2l3k4 says:

      Leave it to the “open-minded” enlightened people who only see a few feet in front of their words school us all on how we should think and to put everyone with a moral code and traditional values (values by the way that aren’t exclusive to Christians.) into the Christian category. I have found that people who speak in these terms can be wishy washy and find their compass in the ebs and flows of popular belief. It is one way to think or maybe not think? I personally have respect for people who stand firm in their convictions, ideals, and beliefs and little for those who buy into the mentality that whatever is popular is right and that we should yield to the times we live in. Anyway I am ranting now. Finally can you imagine our country if we gave into the fashion of the day.

  367. Big Bad Wolf says:

    you sir are the only hater i see here, instead of spouting off hatered about someone you dont even know on a program that you have never watched over a comment that you never even heard you instead tell other people to mind what they have to say about their opinions concerning this matter. It is people like you that is destroying our country, our freedoms and our rights that our for fathers and our service men and women fight for.

  368. Joe Fitzsimmons says:

    I bet the idiots speaking out against Phil Robertson voted for Obama too! And he is the worst Non-Christian Muslim, raghead I have ever heard of. He LIES to cover up lies, he lets good men die such as in the Benghazi incident, he is a bigoted idiot who wants America to fall in democracy and become Socialist to satisfy his black father. He is not and American citizen. Now how can you desecrate Phil Robertson’s name in comparison to the so called Leader of our country!

  369. normansteele says:

    he said this in a magazine interview not on tv.. im sure they asked him about his beliefs. he told them. now its a deal. don’t watch his show don’t read his interviews. lots of people have stupid beliefs. cant fix stupid by firing them. he believes what he said you get to believe what you want but your not being interviewed byGQ. duh..

  370. john says:

    In the interview and on any sermon that Phil has ever been in he has explicitly said; no matter who you are,man, woman , gay, straight, black, white, anyone no matter if you like me or not i love you because that is whatqGod tells us to do. In that article he did nothing but wuote word for word from the Bible. I dont believe all gay people are going to hell but still, the man was just quoting the good book

    • MagW says:

      Which version of the good book? Which translation of the good book? I once had a minster explain that there are many versions of the good book. He was saying it in defense of the variations. I think he had just confirmed my argument that the book has been interpreted many ways over the millennia. There is no single version. How does any “Christian” choose which version to follow? Not having read all of them myself, I do not know if they are close to being the same.

  371. Nellie says:

    I love how folks put that gay people will face consequences from their lifestyle.. how about you get up to the gates of heaven and god says, you..the one who was saying this person over here is going to face consequences.. well you know what.. for being a mean person and judging this person over here.. you cant come in.. but im going to take the gay person, because said person wasn’t being mean. So before you start talking consequences.. you betta check yourself for thinking that you can judge someone!

  372. Sunny Still says:

    I love you!

  373. Horrible Athiest says:

    Ok, I skimmed the article because I got the idea from the title but I did read quite a few of the comments.

    First, the show is funny…when Si is around.

    Second, Phil had the right to say what he did and honestly it wasn’t that bad. A&E HAD to know his opinion on the matter. He is a southern, older, christian, redneck who says what’s on his mind. Did they think he would say he loved homosexuality? I believe the real issue stems from the sermon that appeared after the GQ interview where he compared homosexuality to bestiality and terrorism. So all of you who say ” do your research”, might need to do the same.

    Third, A&E had every right to suspend him. He’s a bigot. When a company pays your millions of dollars and you basically become the face of the network, you have to watch what you say. If the CEO of Coke talked about how much he loved Pepsi, he would be canned.

    Finally, the Bible is a book written by PEOPLE, interpreted by PEOPLE and then used to spread hatred by PEOPLE. Using your fairy tale as a reason why these people are evil is no different than a radical Muslim using theirs to say you are. I’m an Atheist and I have more love in my heart than most of you so called “Christians”.

  374. Rachael Fontenot says:

    As a gay individual, I find this article completely rediculous.

    1. No, freedom of speech does not come wo consequences, this is true. However, this man (Phil)… Like the one writing this article has the right to say whatever the hell he wants. And then he (who makes the statement) is left to deal w the consequences. As long as we’re prepared to deal… So be it. You haven’t heard Phil make any remarks abt being pissed off have you? He said it, he’s takin it.

    2. Yes, an employer has EVERY right to punish or fire an employee for makin any horrible, derogatory, racist, hateful comment. No doubt! However, that’s if said employee is AT WORK or REPRESENTING the COMPANY / BUSINESS. (yeah, yeah… I hear ya.. But he works for A&E! Yeah I know). But did you know that A&E had to grant Phil permission to due ANY interview (which they did, KNOWING Phil’s stance on Gays, Religion, Politics, etc.) They gave written permission for him to do the article! They even sent a PR rep along for the interview. What does that tell you? Maybe, worried abt what would come out of his mouth? Hmmm… Yet, when the reporter and Phil went out for a ride on the 4-wheeler.. Guess who stayed behind? Yep! The PR rep! And guess when Phil was asked these questions? Yep! On that ride! So basically, A&E says, yeah you can do the interview but we’ll send someone to monitor you, that person doesn’t do their SOLE job, Phil’s asked a question, he answers it honestly and bc it’s not somethin A&E wanted to hear… keep in mind… ALLLLLL of this happened while he was NOT filming OR at a public even for A&E. Bc it’s somethin A&E didn’t “agree” w they punish him. A&E opened the door, Phil just walked through it.

    3. Christians taking a stand against this issue is NOT what’s causing the “divide” amongst us and them! It’s US! It’s organizations like GLAAD that want to stomp their feet when someone doesn’t agree w them. It’s horseshit! We want acceptance and respect… We need to start giving it as well! We need to learn to practice what we preach!

    4. This is a religious issue, along w a tolerance issue. This whole thing was tossed in the air based on statements made abt this mans personal religious beliefs. GLAAD took offensive bc his views weren’t inline w theirs, they demanded his head and the CEO of A&E stated she did it bc gay employees that work closely w the show were offended and she couldn’t see sending them back into that setting. Well, guess what… DD isn’t the only show they produce! I work w along of people who share many different religious beliefs… Should I not go back to work bc they believe that my relationship is a sin? Hell! If that’s how it works… We need to have gay only grocery stores, malls, car dealerships, hotels, schools, etc. How much more divided could we get then?! If we want to be treated fairly and on the same lines as others… We have to walk their lines and not demand that the line is too short, long, wide or the wrong damn color. Just walk it.

    5. Yes, there are gay kids succumbing to the pressures we all faced. But the world is a lot different from when we were younger. How abt we focus on tolerance rather than “right and wrong”. We need to teach kids that just bc we tolerate things, issues, people doesn’t mean we agree with or accept their lifestyle or situation. We can all live together wo agreeing if we simply learn a little tolerance.

    Articles like this infuriate me, clearly! It’s time that we as the gay community stop demanding respect and different / special treatment and set an example of tolerance and acceptance. Bc of we can prove that we can tolerate (not necessarily agree or accept) others… there will no longer be “we”, “them” & “others”… It’ll just be us!

  375. Lorilady911 says:

    I signed the petition for A&E to reverse his suspension, not because I agreed with him, in fact I STRONGLY disagree with him, but because I thought it was hypocritical of them to constantly be portraying the family as a religious family, then punish him for expressing something that is a basic tenet of his faith. Could he have expressed himself better?? ABSOLUTELY. But, that aside, I felt the issue came down to one of hypocrisy, as opposed to one of constitutional rights. I felt it was up to the viewership to decide whether they didn’t want to watch anymore, rather than the network to preempt their viewers choice by pulling him off the air.

  376. i honestly don’t care what he said i just want these idiots off my newsfeed. if he had said the same thing in a wal-mart break room and got fired for causing a hostile work environment because a gay or bi co-worker complained no one would notice or care so why would you defend him for spewing hatred in public?

  377. Innocent Bystander says:

    To the author of this article: I doubt you may ever see this but here is hoping. I know, I am not a reporter, but I do have common sense not to be as aggressive in language. Second, what makes you think Drew Magary, who wrote the GQ article, is any better than Phil? He have no consequence for using language that implied the damnation of a god yet obliviously that is offensive to most of the Christian community; hypocritical much? No one fired him for his language. When the using the word “goddamn,” it is often offensive to the Christian community. Yet, there is rarely an uproar when words like this occur. Yet, when some states there beliefs, that go against the LGBT community, they are punished. If viewers do not like what Phil’s beliefs were they can stop watching the show that is their right and that should be the only consequence. Phil never forced anyone to watch the show incorporating his views of Christianity; therefore,he should not be expected to filter his views homosexuality.

  378. Dan Hanson says:

    This entire comments section has made me sick, and I suppose I must join in and express my most humble opinion. Who are any of you to judge? You all hide behind your computer screens and preach beliefs to others using the bible; sure, believe what you will, but for the love of God stop ranting about these peaceful people to make yourself feel better and more secure in your own religious beliefs. Use common sense instead, I say. If it doesn’t harm others, let it go. What satisfaction does it give you to “know” that these people are going to hell, and you’re not? Self-righteousness, ignorance, and downright arrogance are the true “sins” at the heart of the matter. If you think I’m wrong, don’t bother to reply, I will likely never look at this sad page again.

  379. CMBKA says:

    Everyone is discussing this man’s comments about homosexuals. Totally expected from a conservative Christian. A&E should not have been really surprised.But he didn’t stop there. He went on to say blacks were happier before civil rights. When he was growing up they were all happy singing in the cotton fields. He never heard one complain. Yikes.

  380. Pingback: War is over, if you want it | Pink Bunny Ears

  381. Austin Barkley says:

    That Zack Galifinakos in that picture with the bandaid. This is one of the least educated takes on this I have seen. This is why the internet sucks and things get blown way out of proportion. To say it is not a vialation of your first amendment right is just baffling to me. Go to college, take a beginner level political science class, and get off your high horse. Though I totally think his comments are crude and totally out of line, when asked (more like set up) in an INTERVIEW, people say things they might have thought through with more care before saying them. Regardless, we created this country in part for RELIGIOUS and VOCAL freedom (there is no but if section in our bill of rights, freedom of non-violent expression is protected). So in conclusion, though his comments were absolutely out of line, when does it become fascism to control what comes out of our citizens mouths, something that is a major foundation of this nation. If you don’t like it, then you obviously are not supportive of your country. Your blog is complete shit and uneducated. Congrats on you recent graduation from Devry, that’ll get you places in life.

    • MagW says:

      Perhaps you should retake your poli-sci class. And while you are at it, please, please, please, take an English grammar class. You are not the only offender in this thread, but you are the one who is poking fun at another’s education.

    • He may have been asked questions in an interview, but he carefully chose his answers. He had a right to give those answers. His employer, A&E, used THEIR Constitutional rights as a private entity to fire him for a laundry list of offensive things he said.

      This is not a religious nor Constitutional issue. But if you really want to bring religion into it, again, as a Christian I find what he said to be extremely offensive because NONE of what he said in ANY of that interview represents a tenet of Christian faith. The tenets of Christianity are held in the Apostle’s Creed.

      Robertson has never, ever been known to do ANYTHING Christ-like. He may pray in public and throw around mis-quotes from the Bible, but he doesn’t contribute to ministering to the poor, sick, or disabled. I’m simply flabbergasted at how people keep comparing Jesus and (ugh—shiver) Phil. Phil is no follower of Jesus’s teachings.

      • Rachael Fontenot says:

        Yes A&E is his emoloyers and had he been AT work, FILMING or at a scheduled event for A&E they absolutely would have that right! This man was at his home! A&E had to give WRITTEN PERMISSION (which they did) in order for the interview to even take place! A&E (knowing Phil’s stance on gays, religion, politics, etc) even sent a publict to his home to oversee the interview! What does that tell you? Maybe they (A&E) were afraid of what he would say?! Then why even give him permission to do the interview?! A&E opened the door, Phil just walked through it! And now they want to crucify him! It’s BS! The A&E CEO stated she didn’t want to send gay staffers back into the environment (c they work w the Robertsons)… Ok, send them elsewhere! I work w a lot of different people that don’t agree w or accept my relationship w my gf of 3.5 yrs… Does that mean, I should demand to have them removed?! F that! I’m sick of GLAAD insinuating, we as gays, deserve special/different treatment. Come off it! If we want to be treated equally, act as equals! All I want is for people to respect me, period. I’m not asking for special treatment or people to agree w my life… Just respect that I am human… Nothing more, nothing less.

      • ::sigh:: GLAAD had nothing to do with this, dearie. It doesn’t matter a damn wit who was around or gave permission for him to give the interview. The man said what he wanted and there are repurcussions from society. This was a money and business decision from A&E and as an employer, they can suspend him at any time for any reason or no reason. There are videos coming out now of Robertson making far, far more offensive comments about people over the years before his show. And his PR person DID try to reign him in, by the way… HE DIDN’T ALLOW BEING REIGNED IN. He wanted the world to hear his crazy.

      • Why in the world does it matter to you that he wasn’t at work? Don’t you realize that where you or your spouse work you have morality clauses? And that public perception is EVERYTHING in a business? It doesn’t matter that he had initial permission. It doesn’t even matter that he had a publicist present during the interview. Had the publicist given him a script you would be screaming that the interview weren’t sincere and he’s a puppet.

        A&E had every single right in the world to suspend him. You don’t have to like it, Rachael. Especially since the man is no Christian at all. A few minutes of prayer at the end of every episode doesn’t make him a Christian, they make him a hypocrite. You really should do some research about what ends up on the cutting room floor regarding that show. You would be embarrassed to learn what you’re trying to defend.

    • theboeskool says:

      I have taken you comment, and turned it into a To-Do list that I have hung on my fridge. I wrote the list in green crayon. Thank you.

  382. F.A.Buck says:

    Read Romans Chapters 1 through 5. And don’t stop there. Becoming a “good person” by anyone’s standard (even a Christian’s personal standard) does not lead to heaven. It is only Christ that leads to heaven. He died and rose again so that we could live in him. So many people know John 3:16. Just scroll down two verses and look at what John 3:18 says.

  383. Tim says:

    This article was clearly written by someone who’s so flamingly liberal that it bled through my monitor. Go hug a tree.

  384. wally Kodera says:

    Yeh freedom of speech does have consequences. But how bout the freedom of shutting your tv off of just not listening to idiots. Lets face it their are a bunch people who are famous who we disagree with and have the tendancy to make inflammatory remarks. Which gets a rise out of most you. Now I really highly doubt there is any gay person out there that watch’s this show duck dynasty so why the outrage?? I think people really need to come to the realization that not all people have the same views or attitudes so quit being offended by every damn comment and put some big boy pants on. It’s just words.

  385. Rasta Charlie says:


  386. breelo says:

    You obviously, as stated, did not read his comments. They weren’t rude. They weren’t hateful. They weren’t every condemning. They were an opinion he had. And he followed his opinion with the fact that he loves everyone, and it’s not his place to judge. Get the facts before you go on a tangent.

  387. DK says:

    I think everyone is missing the point here. A&E hired this guy and his clan because they’re dumb rednecks, so why is anyone surprised and/or outraged when he acts like a dumb redneck?

  388. nothanksmcgee says:

    The biggest problem that nobody is talking about:

    Get rid of stupid reality tv shows. (This includes ALL reality tv shows).

  389. Bill says:

    My tolerance is not an endorsement.

  390. Amanda says:

    I disagree with your article. If you kept up with everything, you would understand #1`: There was a producer from the show in the interview. They could have spoken up then, or in the time since. They’d heard this before from prior speeches. #2. The show has tried to cover up the Robertson’s Christian’s beliefs by cutting “in Jesus name.” Only after Phil (that’s his name) protested, did they put Jesus back in. #3. I agree with pundits who believe that A&E believed that the interview would be a great way to suspend Phil, silence Phil and thereby eliminate the Christian-speak from the show.

    You may have your opinions, but your tone suggests that what you are spouting is fact, not opinion.

  391. Chuck Atkins says:

    I love Christians that think their sin is different than anybody elses! The individual acts we call sin are just the symptoms of our separation from God. There is no theological foundation for the ides that God has a score card. WE are all sinners. WE are all separated from God . So quit worrying about what others do! Worry about your self! GROW UP! Your sin is the same as a gay guys sin in God eyes! DEAL WITH THAT. Don’t judge others! WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF! Don’t be an ignorant hillbilly!

  392. Joel Maners says:

    “Taking a stand for the truth” does not make you more Christ-like. Standing with sinners and bearing their burdens does. If there’s any brothers or sisters out there struggling with same sex attraction, I pray that God will put their sin on my account. I’ll go to hell for them any day.

  393. Ryan says:

    People relay to much on their freedoms when they don’t sit down and think how they are blasting down others peoples rights. When the shoe is on the other foot it may feel good but when you are in the receiving line of a load of crap it don’t settle to well on your stomach. Think of it this way, the bully in the school playground in enforcing his freedom to be an asshole but the kids being bullied are having their own rights infringed upon. No one wants a that kid in the school yard so why do we allow such actions from any celeb on the block get away with murder. People are entitled to there opinions but they are not allowed to persecute others with them. Just play nice if you don’t want some one stomping on your feet don’t step on other peoples toes.
    I love the article keep the juices flowing.

  394. Mary says:

    How right you are. We do have freedom of speech, but when you have your say, you don’t have the right to have everyone agree. Sometimes your boss doesn’t agree!

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  398. Lisa King says:

    Thank you for #5. It will most likely fall on deaf ears but it made me reconsider the whole pile of duck poo. You may not teach anybody tolerance, but we can only hope a few of them learned proper apostrophe use. I thought I was alone in my desire to remind people of a basic grammar rule we all should have learned in the third grade. I even signed up to follow your blog. Well done.

  399. Matt says:

    Can I just point out that he responded to a question from GQ magazine in the most politically correct way possible to support his beliefs which is in no way a bash towards gay because as he stated, he loves all mankind, and its not up to him to judge. And the fact of the matter is that this is giving GLAAD and all other coalitions and gay rights groups a bad name by showing intolerance. A man is entitled to his own opinion. If homosexuals want to live their life a certain way, they are entitled to do so. If Christians want to live their life by the word of the bible then they hold that same right. If you do not want to know what a 67 year old man from backwoods Louisiana believes in, then do not ask him about his beliefs. All this is, is intolerance being shown by the people that claim to be the most tolerant.

  400. aolson says:

    I think none of us have a clue of what God has to say about a lot of things. The most important of all is Love God, Love People. That is it. Love thy neighbor. Not because he agrees with you, not because your beliefs align with yours. It is simple… love God, love People.

  401. Tom C says:

    Aaaaaannnnd A&E has put everything right. Good. Now let’s see if a gay boycott will cause them to reconsider.

  402. Chris, I just gotta say that I appreciate how you’ve handled these comments. I don’t know how you do it with such grace and humor (though I’m sure your blood boils as you’re typing).

    My whole issue with all of this isn’t what Phil believes, or what A&E did in response, but rather that he is a famous individual who professes Christianity who proceeds to give deeply unthoughtful responses to questions about God and humanity. I personally do not want to be in the same category as someone who is that numb and unaware of how words can hurt others. And, too, the fact that he seems to be highly uneducated as to the history, context, and meaning of our modern-day Scriptures is pretty agitating.

    Because he claims to be a Christian (and OBVIOUSLY he is considering he prays before he eats which…oh…isn’t a practice laid out in Scripture) people feel free to take what he says and place it under the umbrella of Christianity and call it “truth.” The problem is – that isn’t my truth. The problem is that the search for truth is ongoing and as humanity evolves and learns more about God and how God works in the world, we will grow into a greater understanding of “truth.” That’s the gospel: that we have opportunity to bask in this beautiful horizon that will never be captured and will forever be in front of us. If the phrase “the truth shall set you free” has any value, then we cannot possibly believe in a “truth” that continues to demonize, criticize and enslave others.

    Ok…I’m done. See ya Sunday 😉

    • theboeskool says:

      “greater understanding of truth” sounds like an admission of not already having all the answers…. Which is also how I define “liberal.” Also, everyone knows that if you’re a Christian, you have to pray before you eat! How else would your server know the reason you tipped like such crap… (I hesitate to even make that joke, because so many who have commented here are so dense that they might think I’m serious).

      We are all working our way toward more enlightenment than we currently possess, I suppose. Thank you for writing what you did. It was really beautiful and really true (if there is a difference. Grecian Urns and such). Thanks so much for taking the time to spread a little more beauty and truth. 🙂

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  405. terry says:

    it says they hate the sin, but not the sinner!!! i didn’t think christians were supposed to hate at all…………….

  406. Pingback: How To Keep Your Kids From Turning Gay | The Boeskool

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  415. joe says:

    He is entitled to his belief and I’m tired of people like you interpreting other peoples bible meanings and telling us what GOD meant!!!!!!! Did he tell you to deliver his message???? Did he not destroy cities for sins of homosexuality????? And other sins like beastiality ???Did he show mercy then ????? Now tell me how others should have to censor their beliefs!!!!! My bible says the same thing his does so why do i have to tolerate lgbt shoving their bullshit beliefs down my throat? ????? Im not white either just raised Catholic !!!!

  416. Sorry guy, but it isn’t hatred that drives a wedge between between Christians and the LGBT community. Sin is what drives the wedge. Hatred simply puts a spotlight on the wedge and polarizes those on either side of it. Failure to recognize that sin for what it is simply acomplishes what the sin was inserted there for in the first place–to take down the righteous standards God has established for people and to make them worthless.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are 100% correct. It is /not/ hatred that drives a wedge between the Christians and the LGBT community. It is a lack of /love/.
      In Matthew 5:43-5:44 Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Later in this same sermon (Matthew 7:12) he says, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
      Even in Leviticus 19:17-18, the lord says, “Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt.‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”
      These lines have nothing to do with judgement. They are simply about love and respect.
      Just as I won’t judge you or hate you for eating Pork, lobster, or shrimp (Leviticus 11:4-12). I will not judge you for wearing mixed fibers such as polyester or nylon (Leviticus 19:19). I will not judge you for eating meat rare or medium rare (Leviticus 19:26). I will not judge you for cutting your hair or beard wrong (Leviticus 19:27).

      The point being, there is only one place in the Bible that is distinctly says anything about homosexual relationships, and this in Leviticus. Where it lists a plethora of rules and sins that 1. no Christian adheres to anymore, 2. Jesus said these rules and sins are not longer applicable because he was the lamb of God, the final forgiving of our sins, and 3. all of those rules were created to separate the Israelites, foreigners in a land not their own, from those they were surrounded by. Historical context is EXTREMELY important in both Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

      In addition, it’s completely fine to have opinions. It’s fine to have hurtful opinions. It’s fine to have offensive opinions, but when you state these opinions in public ESPECIALLY to mass media, you should also be prepared for a response and/or backlash. That’s the modern age for you.

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  419. Goober says:

    Is John Luke retarded or is he just n idiot need to know I have 50 friends saying he is retarded n I say he is just a moron please let me know this is a 100 dollar bet but if I win it’s 5000 so please tell me he just n idiot

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