
This is me, or whatever....

This is me, or whatever….

So you want to know about me, huh? I don’t know what to tell you. I guess that’s really what I’ve been attempting to do with this silly blog–Tell you about myself…. The best way to get to know me–short of eating a meal with me–is probably to read some of the stuff I’ve written.

I’m married. My wife is really beautiful. And funny. She’s fantastic–You can read a little about her here: “A Bench Press, A Biskit, And Some Broken Hearts” and here: “Let A Man Handle This, Ladies.”

I have three kids. They are really beautiful and funny too. I sometimes write about them: “I’m Getting Old.”

I have two jobs. One of my jobs is working in schools teaching kids about accepting differences. You can read a bit about that in this post: “Letting Go Of The R-Word.”

My other job is working as a server at a restaurant. Here’s a couple peeks into that world: “How Not To Do A Wedding Reception” and “Aaron’s Last Wish, And My First $500 Tip.”

I care about politics. I care about human rights. I feel like government can actually help people, if enough of us insist that it does what it’s supposed to. Here is a parable that I wrote: “The Parable of the Big Clock”

I love Jesus. There is nobody, no matter the religion, who doesn’t love Jesus. I believe he is the hope for the world, but maybe not like you might think…. I’m concerned with protecting his reputation from people who seem to be trying hard to sell the story that being a follower of Jesus is about voting republican: “Jesus Voting Republican Would Be A Miracle” or being anti-gay: “Why The Lines At Chick-Fil-A Made Me Cry” or hating Muslims: “How To Wink At A Muslim” or nationalism: “Sacrificing Our Children To The Nation State” or about somehow about killing our enemies: “Guns For Christians Are Like Condoms For Nuns.”  Still, I love The Truth more than I love God…. because if God is not contained within The Truth, what good is God to anyone?

And I like making people laugh–Sometimes with bathroom humor. If these don’t make you laugh, you might not like my blog very much:

This blog means a lot to me. I hope it is special to you as well. Here are some of my favorites:

 So there you go….

54 Responses to About

  1. Mona says:

    theboeskool is thebomb!

  2. hannah says:

    but….are you dutch?

  3. Zee says:

    Hey – read a few of your posts – I really like your writing.

  4. You are an amazing writer- and it’s as inspiring as it is a relief to see someone who is living their life according to what Jesus says, and how he also lived. Thank you for the encouragement and keep up the great writing-
    P.S. – you are hilarious

  5. Geralyn Boes Kiser says:

    I just read your “pope” blog. 🙂 I appreciate your candid style of writing.
    I am a Boes…from northern Ohio. We have Dutch ancestors. Are you from Ohio?

  6. Joey Tipping says:

    Just read your “pope” blog too and couldn’t agree more with all you said. I’m a Catholic who has great hopes for the Catholic Church with this new pope. God bless him and God bless you.

  7. Kuulei says:

    Just came across your blog…im feeling like someone in this world finally shares similar views to mine! Thanks for distracting me from my work, your writing is a treat!

  8. J Kevin baker says:

    Please sign me up for you emails

  9. You love the truth more than God? I think the truth resides in God, not vice versa. Or God=truth=love=being.

    • Peggy Cassidy says:

      Timothy, True. God is TRUTH. I may not be wording this right: Many years Cardinal Fulton Sheen made a comment about Truth. It went something like this: The TRUTH is still the truth even if NOBODY believes it. A LIE is a lie even IF EVERYBODY believes it.” So very true. He was a real Christian man who very much loved Jesus.

      • Peggy Cassidy says:

        I meant to say Many years AGO Cardinal Sheen made the comment . I left out the word AGO. Yet, I am sure that people will figure what I meant.

  10. Pat Scriveri says:

    You are fantastic, just discovered you today, and I intend to follow you from this day forward. I do have a question, I put my e-mail address on your sign up list a few minutes ago, and then I posted a reply re your Pope Francis article, but it did not show up. Is there something else I should be doing to be eligible to post a comment?

    Thanks so much and Happy Holidays to you and your lovely family!

    Pat Scriveri
    Cincy, OH

  11. Philip says:

    Reading just a few of your blog-entries, I deduce that you love yourself more than the truth and more than God. Boeskool is in Dutch dialect a term for a vegetable (white cabbage), but probably no person would associate himself with this veggie if he weren’t somehow related to the town of Oldenzaal (All souls), close to the German border. For over a thousand years it was a Roman Catholic stronghold and lapsed not until after the sexual revolution. If you loved Jesus you would indeed not hate muslims, since He loves every person, even His enemies. But you would be against bad behaviour, like practising the muslim faith, which proclaims that God does not have a Son. You would be against immoral behaviour like sodomy and you would acknowledge that government can exert violence in the course of justice (Rom.13). I’m not sure if I will continue reading your blog. But greetings from Twente!

  12. Hello, Boeskool! Mike Morrell asked me to contact you because he really appreciates your blog and thinks you’d be an excellent candidate for his Speakeasy Blogger Network. Do you like to review off-the-beaten path faith, spirituality, and culture books? Speakeasy puts interesting books in your hands at no charge to you. You only get books when you request them, and it’s free to join. Sign up here, if you’d like: http://thespeakeasy.info

  13. kwonstein says:

    I happened here after I read about your awesome post on Texas’ Amendment 1 effort. I just want to say that as a humanist, if all Christians were this sensible and tolerant, I don’t know if I would really bother talking ill about Christianity. Keep doing the awesome thing that you’re doing. I’m left inspired. 🙂

  14. Shelly VanB says:

    Dear me. I think I’ve just found the best male version of myself. We may be related.

  15. JoAnna says:

    How refreshing! I’m so glad I found your blog. You are sharing Jesus to more people than any conservative republican could ever hope to. My kind of evangelism!

  16. Axel McCreedy says:

    Balding, middle-aged, pedo looking, fucktard. Just the kind of person who I like to get life lesson’s from. You babbyboomers are a dying breed (thank God). And I know your gonna be a little bitch and fucking take down the comment. Go ahead. Fact is that my generation (as well as my succeeding generation) are about ready to overthrow you and your generation’s asses. And you’ve had it coming for long time. The way I see it, my generation is allowed to do whatever we wan’t to you, cause that’s what you’ve done to us. You’ve done everything in the world to us.

  17. The Professor says:

    Jesus probably wouldnt be anti-gay (or anti-anyone, for that matter). But that wouldn’t translate to homosexuals getting married. His own words define marriage, not mine or the Pope’s. Anyways, I agree with the ‘pro-person, optimistic, yet truth doesnt change because society does’ version of Jesus that you seem to espouse. Also, republicans and democrats are bad for America and the world. Something we can all agree on. Cute blog.

  18. Hey Boeskool!
    How I love what you are doing here on wordpress! So much so, that I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Mazel Tov! Enjoy and have at it! I will keep on reading. You rock!

  19. Judith Comer says:

    Please include me as a subscriber. A friend sent me your link. I’d like to see more!

  20. susanlight says:

    Thank you! Love your blog but I can’t figure out how to subscribe.

  21. Your posts are EPIC! And your argumentation is wonderful! So excited I found your blog 🙂

  22. I have just stumbled on your blog and I really like your style and topics. Shareable! Keep doing what you do!

  23. Richie says:

    Many today in the American culture, whether they be Christian or non-Christian, seem to misunderstand what love is. They want to say that love should cause us to just let people live however they want to live. However, in God’s word we read that love has to do with obedience to God’s Commandments. The Bible tells us in several places that if we are to love God then we must be obedient to him to show him that love. If we walk in disobedience to his commandments we show that we do not love God and the love of God is not in us. I feel as though I cannot make it clear enough how important it is to just be obedient to God’s Commandments. There is a direct connection between loving God, loving people and being obedient to God. I agree that I should not be pointing the finger at nonbelievers telling them that they are wrong. However, for those who are believers I do have a place to tell them that truly loving God means we are obeying Him and as believers we should never shrug off sin and pretend that it is no big deal to not repent from it. Many so-called Christians flat out refuse to even acknowledge that they are sinning even when the Bible makes it clear that the thing they are doing is offensive to God. If we let the love of God reign in our hearts and over our lives we will desire to be obedient to God. It is only when our hearts are truly surrendered to God in every way that we might please him with our lives. Genuine repentance and a hatred towards sin is desperately needed in the Christian church today.

    References used: 2 John 1:6, 1 John 5:2-3, John 14:15,

    How shall we tell them the truth? See 1 Corinthians 13 for your answer.

    Furthermore, we should absolutely accept sinners into our churches. However, just as Jesus told Mary to “go and sin no more”, we should also, in an effort to disciple, tell other Christians to do the same. After all, the word holy means set apart for God. If we are set apart for God we should look different then the world. Therefore, all Christians should be striving to be obedient and all areas that God has revealed in his word. Go ahead, pick a sin. Drunkenness, orgies, theft, lying, adultery and other sexual sin. By the way, homosexuality falls into that category. All sin is ugly. But, God calls all of his followers away from sin and sinful lifestyles. Romans 1.

    I agree that it is not very loving to just point the finger. But, to stand by and allow “Christian” Brothers and sisters to continue on in their sin is a fault in the other extreme.

  24. youmeanme says:

    I love your posts, your blog and the way you make me think. In honour of all those things I’ve nominated you for A One Lovely Blog Award https://savingwithoutscrimping.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/one-lovely-blog-award/

  25. Elizabeth says:

    Your blog is amazing! I do want to support, but not through Patreon. Why can’t I find your contact email anywhere?

  26. I came across your article about Hilary Clinton from a friend on fb who is an atheist and posted your link! Looking through your blog and fb posts, I really, really like what you write, your thoughts on politics and musings in general. I’m a Christian and a progressive liberal social worker and my public defender hubby and I are in the minority, political wise, in our family. Keep up the good work and I’m glad I came across your blog and fb page!!!!!

  27. Pingback: When You’re Accustomed To Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression | Adios Barbie

  28. Polly Singerman says:

    Thank God! I’ve been reading so many posts that left me feeling that, with my white privilege smeared all over me, I couldn’t possibly be an OK person. So depressing. I too grew up in rural America and recognise the razor-sharpness of your description. Could have come out of my mouth, if I were as well-spoken as you are. You are a gift to me.

  29. Jeff Boeskool says:

    I too, am a Boeskool.
    Being as how I’ve met so few in my life, I allow as how I’m mildly curious about the origins of your particular branch of Boeskools.
    Mine are firmly rooted in West Michigan, in Grand Rapids and neighboring environs, although personally I fled long ago to the great white north of Alaska, and still reside there.

  30. Sherry says:

    Grateful to have found this blog, for so many reasons. Thank you.

  31. Joni Carlson says:

    I’ve just now discovered you, and am blown away by what you have to say. I still consider myself an evangelical, but I’m sure most evangelicals would consider me misled, apostate and/or heretical, especially since I’m Episcopalian, and don’t vote Republican. Ah, well… Thanks for your honesty and courage. May God continue to bless you and your family. (And I really mean it…)

  32. CC says:

    I am so glad I found your blog. Thank you.

  33. Pingback: Now That The United Methodist Church Has Voted, Here Are A Few Things To Consider: | The Boeskool

  34. Rod Mills says:


    It was nice to meet you last night at the Birthday Party. Maybe we’ll run into each other again and finish our discussion about the source of morals and religion.

    Take care,

    -Rod (aka Kevin)

  35. D.B. Sieders says:

    I very much enjoy your blog!

  36. Caroline says:

    Subscribing! My mom forwards me your posts every once in a while and I feel uplifted by what I read and in turn supported by my mother, who can’t always speak her mind in front of my dad but who I know understands my viewpoints more than she lets on. Thanks for writing!

  37. Molly Dunning says:

    The piece you wrote on Hilary Clinton from before 2016 election popped up on my Facebook. I read it again. My God did this country totally mess up. I hope you made it thru.

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