If This Is Christianity, Count Me Out

I don’t want to be a Christian anymore. Not if people like Jerry Falwell, Jr. get to call themselves “Christian.” Not if Donald Trump gets to stand up in front of Liberty University– reading from “Two Corinthians” and feigning devotion–and call himself a Christian without the entire Church–in unison–calling “Bull. Shit.”


Here we see Mr. Trump, right after he was asked the question, “Donald, is there anyone in this room who is as big a phony as you are?”

So you may have heard that Jerry Falwell, Jr. just endorsed Donald Trump for president. And if you’ve ever read anything I’ve written, you probably already know that stories like this are like catnip to me. This endorsement is right on the crosshairs of religion and politics… right at that intersection of interesting and infuriating. It’s my sweet spot. Now, some of you are hopefully thinking to yourself, “Who the crap is Jerry Falwell, Jr.?” Don’t feel bad… You are one of the lucky ones. But others may know him as the son of the anti-gay televangelist and co-founder of the “Moral Majority,” Jerry Falwell… or you know him as the President of Liberty University, the largest Christian university in the world… or you know him as the guy who (while claiming to be a Christian) encouraged the students of Liberty University to buy guns and get their Concealed Carry Permit so that “we could end those Muslims before they, before they walk in and kill us” (An aberration which I wrote about in a post with the catchy title, “Jerry Falwell, Jr, and the Christian Jihad”). But If THIS is what passes for “Christianity,” then that term means absolutely nothing anymore. And we might as well throw the word away…


Someday, we might look at signs that say “Christian Church” in the same way we look at this…

In his book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis talks about how the word “Gentleman” used to mean something recognizable–It meant that you had a coat of arms and owned property–But somewhere along the line, it deteriorated into something as meaningless as an opinion… “I think he’s a nice guy… He’s a gentleman.” Incidentally, now here we are–70 years after Mere Christianity was written–and you can’t take a long car ride without driving by places called “Gentlemen’s Clubs.” Lewis’ fear–and his reason for giving the radio talks that led to the book–was that the word “Christian” would take the same path… and devolve into a word that means nothing. And this is where we have landed… With one charlatan (who encourages kids to take up arms against Muslims) endorsing another charlatan (who flaunts his bigotry like a medal from a war his family’s privilege prevented him from having to fight in) for the office of the presidency… All under the guise of “Christianity.”

And now people are talking about Falwell’s endorsement being one of the keys to Trump (who Falwell called a “breath of fresh air”) winning the coveted “Evangelical” vote… There’s another word that has disintegrating into nothingness: “Evangelical.” Did you know that word actually means “Good News?” Now, it has been relegated to a largely unthinking group of voters who–if you want to be president–are essential to dupe into believing you are a “Christian.” Here is a video of Rob Bell speaking about the word “Evangelical.” And regardless of your preconceptions about Rob Bell, PLEASE take the time to watch it. It’s five minutes, and it’s so important to this conversation…

“And so they took this Roman military propaganda of ‘Caesar is Lord’ and they said among themselves, ‘JESUS is Lord.’ And they took this idea of ‘good news’ and said, Wait, it’s not good news when you destroy your enemy… It’s good news when you LOVE your enemy. And when you side with the widow, the poor, the immigrant, and the stranger among you.’ Their movement [Christianity] insisted that a whole new world was being made… NOT through condemning, and distancing, and ostracizing, and crushing your enemy. But through LOVING your enemy, and standing in solidarity with everybody who’s ever been kicked to the edge by the empire.” ~ Rob Bell


“Senator Cruz! How much difference is there between you and Mr. Trump?”

So… Last night I spent some time with some folks who are currently being “kicked to the edge by the empire.” I spent the better part of the evening at a Mosque here in Nashville. Speaking at the Mosque was a fairly important Rabbi. At the table behind him were a few local leaders from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam… And as they spoke about the necessity for interfaith dialogue, each of them also mentioned how important is is to speak out against the kind of xenophobic rhetoric coming from people like Donald Trump (and please don’t let it seem like I think he’s the only one peddling this garbage… Ted Cruz–as well as others–is every bit as virulent and blasphemous as Trump).

At one point in the evening, the Rabbi asked us to talk with a person we didn’t know about why we came there… I spoke with a woman whose skin was brown and whose hair was short and grey. She said, “This stuff is nothing new to me. I’m 82 years old! Eighty-two and a half years I’ve been living in this town… I was one of the people who refused to drink out of the ‘Colored’ drinking fountains, because I was sure that the white folks had peed in it. I have a sign in my living room that says ‘Colored Waiting Area.’ What’s happening to these Muslim folks is just like the stuff that was happening to us… We have to help each other out.” Despite all she had seen and lived through, she seemed SO hopeful. She said, “It’s getting better… I really feel like the gravy is coming.” And after we talked for a little while longer, she reached into her purse, and she handed me a tissue to wipe away the tears in my eyes.

After the dialogue was over, the Imam from the Mosque made sure we all knew how happy they were to have us guests. That we were welcome. That all of the refreshments and food were free of charge. And even though we had differing beliefs, there were so many hugs and so much kindness and hospitality in that place… It felt like heaven. I thought about it, and I said to my friend, “I don’t care what religion you are… If your religion doesn’t have a deep sense of ‘All Are Welcome Here,’ your religion isn’t worth shit.” And that goes for Christianity just like it goes for any group–A political party, a state, or even a nation.


Good stuff from Cuyler Black.

You know, one of the craziest things about this whole situation is that most of America doesn’t even WANT a Christian president… At least not one who acts like Jesus. Imagine the scandal if an American president used his Executive Orders to end the death penalty… Or if she declared some sort of “Year of Jubilee” and forgave everyone’s debts… Or if he said that no more federal money would be spent on weapons of war… Or if she stopped the practice of lending money at interest based on the Bible’s cover-to-cover prohibition of usury. Acting like Jesus is about as UnAmerican as things get. Any presidential attempts to deal with issues of social justice would be shouted down (most likely by “Evangelicals”) as “Socialism,” and people would be talking about impeachment. Ironically, the presidential contender who comes closest to Jesus’ social justice ethic is the one candidate who does not claim to be a Christian (Though I guess it’s not TOO ironic… They’re both Jews, and both didn’t have a very high opinion of money-changers taking advantage of people. #FeelTheBern).

So if Christianity becomes the religion of “Only people who think like we do are welcome,” then I want no part of it. If “Evangelicalism” can’t tell the difference between a charlatan and a follower of Jesus, then that word has become nothing more than a way of identifying ignorance. Either the word “Christian” reflects the radical hospitality of Jesus, or the word loses its meaning. And if a political party hitches its wagon to a counterfeit perversion of Christianity, that political party will lose its significance as well… Which would be a shame, because we NEED voices in our national conversation that are grounded in tradition and ask questions like, “How are we going to pay for this?” Though this is not a matter of republican vs. democrat… It’s an issue of our basic humanity. It is an issue of humanity vs. insanity.


“You keep using that word…”

I believe that the Church–at its best–is a reminder to the world of the times when humanity has strayed too far from the image of God that courses through our veins. And this is one of those times. If people want to vote for a person who celebrates bigotry and division, they have that right. But don’t put that garbage on Christianity. And if a supposed “leader” within the Evangelical Church endorses someone who embodies everything that is antithetical to Jesus-followers, the Church should be the first ones to stand up and say, “Bullshit. I call bullshit.” Or if you’re not comfortable with saying those words, you could just stand up–stand with me–STAND TOGETHER, and say, “That’s not Jesus. Evangelical means ‘Good News,’ and that’s not good news… That’s gross.” Otherwise, the term “Christian” will go the way of the term “Gentleman’s Club.”

I’ll leave you with one more quote from the video above…

“So I say we take the word back. Evangelical means ‘Good News.’ And it’s good news for everybody who doesn’t fit in. It’s good news for everybody who’s hungry and needs food. Everybody who’s thirsty. Everybody who just needs a home. It’s everybody who needs a helping hand to get them up out of the dust, and to brush off that dirt so they can have some worth and dignity. How did the word evangelical get hijacked like this? I think we should take it back. We should take back this word as the joyous, buoyant, announcement of good news that death and oppression and violence don’t have the last word. IF IT ISN’T GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY, IT ISN’T GOOD NEWS FOR ANYBODY.”~Rob Bell


Shout out to Jon Middleton. He believes in what I’m doing on this blog, and he helps support it by BEING A PATRON… Even though he’d still get it for free even if he didn’t. He is a class act, and someday soon, I hope to drink whisky with him. If you like my stuff, please share it. If you REALLY like my stuff, help support it. Thanks!


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40 Responses to If This Is Christianity, Count Me Out

  1. First, this:

    And after we talked for a little while longer, she reached into her purse, and she handed me a tissue to wipe away the tears in my eyes.

    That got me. Hard.

    I do not understand how we have such people living among us, who represent to us the best we can be, and do so, it seems, because they really are the best.

    As for the name “Christian” — I think I understand, a bit. I am tempted to give it up. Not the actual faith in Jesus. Not the idea that my God came down and for us all, and for our salvation, went to the cross, died, and rose again, never to die again. Not that. I believe in that. It’s solid.

    What I want to abandon is all the other nonsense that is gathered around Jesus like junk satellites circling around Earth. Clutter, not important, but if I don’t pay attention every so often one comes crashing down, and who knows when it’s gonna hit me.

    I want to abandon the hatred that seems to be the public expression of my religion. My religion which gave me a home and a welcome, that made room for someone who didn’t have a savior and made him known to me. The welcome was made through scripture and teachings that affirm that I was loved. Wanted. Cherished. Lost. But now found.

    I look at that church, and I am ashamed that I don’t see it in public. Which is bad, I suppose, but then, sometimes what gets attention is what stands out. Maybe there are a lot of Christians and churches that are welcoming and safe, warm, well-lit, a place for when you are wet and tired and cold.

    But dear God in heaven, if they are out there, why are they so silent when their good name, and the good name of Our Lord, are being so shamefully debased by the actions of this swath of Christians who publicly represent the most virulent, hateful, bigoted, angry, cult-like mob of people I’ve seen?

    I get it that the church accepts the lost.

    But church, it’s time to speak out about the church. We’re letting ourselves be defined by the very worst of the worst. By charlatan preachers who spout anger and hate. By Christian leaders who openly ally with the worst characters, imply that all Christians are mindless drones who follow the vilest people because a Christian university president calls them God’s choice.

    And then I have to remind myself. I can’t make the church speak out and remain silent. I am the church, too. I have to speak out. I have to risk reputation and safety and my own comfort.

    OK then.

    Challenge accepted.

    The church — and the Jesus behind the church — are worth it.

  2. jhaney says:

    It seems like you have a few enemies, Chris. People who you feel are entirely against who you are and what you believe. I will name them from your article: Jerry Falwell Jr., Donald Trump, Ted Cruz. Do you love them? Because if you don’t you are acting just like the ones you condemn.

    • I absolutely LOVE your reply, jhaney. It’s the perfect passive-aggressive response. In essence you make an assumption and imply that Chris doesn’t love someone because he has called them out for their open actions. It simultaneously defends the people whose actions are apparently incongruent with Christianity and maligns Chris without explicitly saying so. So VERY righteous and wrong at the same time.

      Here’s the deal. It is possible to love someone in the sense of not wishing them personal ill and praying for them to come to an understanding of goodness, yet disagreeing with their actions. Christ publicly asked God to forgive the ignorant rabble crucifying him. From the cross he called out those people, yet cared for their well-being.

      When one runs for president, one is saying “Come investigate me. Come challenge me. Come find my flaws” because THAT is what occurs in a Democracy. So, in order to be a good citizen, we need to do just that. We have to judge who in our opinion will be the best representative of our nation, of our constitution, of our rights, of ALL of our citizens. We have to judge who will be fair to all, who will promote peace, who will value the lives of our soldiers and police and minorities and prisoners and the poor and the wealthy and all the people in the middle. There is nothing wrong in calling out the hypocrisy of those who claim to follow the New Commandment of Christ and then violate that very commandment with every political action. But we do not need to wish them bankruptcy, imprisonment, or illness. And we need to pray for them.

      I think of Nathan the prophet who had to speak up and call the Apple of God’s Eye a murderer, an adulterer, and a profaner of justice and peace. Tough work and we know Nathan was probably without honor in his own country. Sort of like Chris is in your eyes.

      • jhaney says:

        “So if Christianity becomes the religion of “Only people who think like we do are welcome,” then I want no part of it.”
        You want no part of it because you believe that the narrow view you hold of Christianity is the only right one. Open your mind and your heart to see the point of view of the millions of people who think differently from you and yet are Christians, too. Recognize that you are only seeing through a glass darkly, just like everyone else. You do not have a clearer picture of God than another Christian has. You may see clearer one aspect of God. You do not speak for God nor do you have the authority to condemn others. You are thinking in such a shallow, narrow perspective. Try to think more deeply.

    • theboeskool says:

      Yeah, I love them.

      This is a classic “If you call someone judgmental, aren’t you being judgmental yourself?” defense.

      Listen, if someone says, “I am a champion of animal rights,” and then (upon further investigation) people discover that this “champion” has a damn puppy mill in his basement–Which he uses to make a special brand of Cruella de Vil clothes–It is not “unloving” to bring this into the light. And yes, if that’s what this “champion of animal rights” is doing while trying to get hired as the CEO of PETA, you can expect their hypocrisy to get highlighted.

      I’d contend that Jerry Falwell, Jr.’s comments about killing Muslims are the Christian equivalent of the CEO of PETA having a puppy mill/fur clothing line in her basement. Pointing out that someone is a charlatan is not being “unloving.” Insisting on the definition of the word “Christian” being focused on love instead of hatred and bigotry is not at all “unloving.” Pointing out that someone is a liar and a fraud and a hypocrite is not “unloving.” Expecting a higher standard from people who are in positions of power and leadership is not “unloving.” Jesus did it all the time.

      The definition of words is important. If we start defining “loving” as “abandoning and kicking out of our families” (as many have started defining it, with regard to LGBT children who come out in “Christian” families), then the word “loving” loses all its significance. And when that happens, all kinds of evil can take place under the heading of “love.”

      Do you really not get this?

    • Actually jhaney, I do not quite understand your response to my comment. Can you explain to me how making a judgment on the words and actions of a Presidential Candidate excludes that person from Christianity? I personally am a Universalist and believe that the good news of the Bible is that salvation is for all, no exceptions, even for Donald Trump, even for Ted Bundy, even for Idi Amin, and yes, even for Hitler himself. I do not know how God will affect that salvation (for now I see through a glass darkly) but I believe that is the promise. So I exclude no one from God’s grace and assume that at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow and we all will be worshipping together at some point, so we might as well do that now. That is different than saying all of the people in the world are Christians.

  3. jhaney says:

    I am no fan of Jerry Falwell Jr. at ALL. But I don’t agree with you, either.

    • theboeskool says:

      This might come as a shock to you, but I don’t write the things that I write in order for you to agree with me…

      • Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit a minute right there. I have assumed all along you are writing for my own comfort, solace, and confirmation.

        There’s a chance of disagreement? COUNT ME OUT.

      • jhaney says:

        Looking at our discussions I realize that all of our disagreements return to the same fundamental difference. We see God in different ways. And we’ve built our foundation on how we know God. And so from our foundation comes our opinions on everything else in our life, society, world. This revelation sounds pretty basic when I write it down; I guess I’m not that intelligent.

        But now that I’ve stated the obvious, I’m going to go back again and try to see where my understanding of God is biased. Because it occurred to me that all the criticisms I have about your thinking apply to me and maybe even more so. And what I want most is to grow spiritually, to be on the right path, to glorify God in my life. So thanks, Chris!

  4. Rick H says:

    jhaney – I am perplexed by your posts. You seem to be an intelligent woman, but I am not sure you read the article and watched the video. Here’s why I say that:

    When you study various religions around the world, you will see that each of them starts with explaining that there is a “basic problem with life”, a “way to solve it”, and “the good result if you follow this religion”. Buddhism suggests we have lost touch with The Buddha by becoming distracted by internal desires and the material world (the problem), and that Buddhism is the way to return to rid yourself of all desire and to want nothing (the way to solve it), and when you achieve this state of Nirvana, you will be at one with The Buddha (the good result).

    If you will indulge me, Christianity offers that we have fallen from grace and are not with God (the problem), if you live a decent, respectable life in accordance with The Bible’s teachings (the way to solve it), when you die you will go to Heaven and be with God (the good result).

    Using a template for digging down into The Bible or any other religious text, then comparing religions side by side using the same template for each, it quickly becomes apparent that central to many of them is the idea of “welcome to all, foreigner and stranger, too “. This is especially true of religions born at a time of scarcity, i.e., Christianity. To argue that away or to suggest that there is an alternate Christian view is just not in keeping with scholarly exegesis.

    Now, the etymology of the word ‘evangelical’ is pretty well laid out in the video. A quick Google search will bear out the word’s history for you, as well.

    So, I have this: an intelligent woman, an inarguable core tenet of Christianity, and an etymologic hopscotch of the word ‘evangelical’. Yet, in your posts you ignore these ideas, and somehow arrive at this: “You do not speak for God nor do you have the authority to condemn others. You are thinking in such a shallow, narrow perspective. Try to think more deeply.” The author, another reader, and I have thought more deeply AND explained how our ideas got to where they are. Please, kindly do the same.

  5. jhaney says:

    “If you will indulge me, Christianity offers that we have fallen from grace and are not with God (the problem), if you live a decent, respectable life in accordance with The Bible’s teachings (the way to solve it), when you die you will go to Heaven and be with God (the good result).”

    I don’t believe this statement. I believe that we are saved by grace alone–“sola gracia”. Our works cannot save us. To be redeemed you must acknowledge your sins, ask forgiveness, believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and decide to follow him. You will never have the desire to make that commitment without God first giving you that desire through his grace.

  6. jhaney says:

    “Using a template for digging down into The Bible or any other religious text, then comparing religions side by side using the same template for each, it quickly becomes apparent that central to many of them is the idea of “welcome to all, foreigner and stranger, too “”

    You are right in that we should welcome foreigners and strangers. I agree completely. I think we as a nation should allow Syrian refugees to enter and give them asylum. I don’t believe that welcoming strangers is a central tenant of the Christian faith. It is simply an expression of faith and love.

  7. jhaney says:

    Now for an explanation of why I keep asking Chris to think more deeply. I’ve been following this blog for awhile now and it keeps going around and around in a deep circular rut. Every post is a closed minded harangue against conservatives mixed with praise only for people who share every viewpoint you happen to have. You are not growing spiritually or intellectually. You think you already know everything and now your job is to convince everyone else you are right.

    The hubris is amazing! You even claim to know the mind of God! Aren’t you even a bit curious about how fellow Christians could see other facets of God? Don’t you know that God is so much more complex than any person? Don’t you see that in 2116 Christians will look back at you and see incredible bias and erroneous thinking–every bit as bad as racism or gay bashing. You are just unaware of your error. Or do you think you are standing at the peak of human evolution and society will look back at the liberal thinkers of 2016 as the great all knowing ones!

    So if you have any humility to think you have something still to learn, how are you going to learn it? Start asking real questions. Start looking at opposing views to understand them–what are they really feeling underneath the rhetoric? Why did Christians feel so impatient with God that they entered into politics? Does political power corrupt everyone? Should all Christians lead modest lives? Are famous preachers on TV and the Internet also corrupt? When Mr. Trump says he wants to build a wall on the border does he really mean it or is he trying to get new ideas in the conversation about immigration?
    Start thinking deeply.

    • theboeskool says:

      Sorry J… I don’t think I am able to think deeply enough to figure out what you’re talking about.

      If–after reading this blog for some time–you have gotten that I view myself at “the peak of human evolution,” either you haven’t been doing a good job of reading, or I haven’t been doing a good job of writing. There are many things–theologically speaking–which I used to hold with a clenched fist, that now i hold very open-handedly… I believe this is a better way to approach some of these issues, but I have been wrong before. My liberalism comes from a place of remembering the many times I have been wrong before, while expecting to be wrong again… I’m not sure how this has been translated to you as my viewing myself as the peak of human creation.

      That being said, Trump & Falwell & Cruz are either charlatans or possess a BLINDING degree of ignorance as to the foundations of Christianity/Jesus Christ, or I know absolutely nothing about God, truth, mercy, justice, grace, or the Bible. Absolutely nothing. Less than I know about anything in the world.

      I choose to believe that I know at least something about those things… no matter how small.

      • jhaney says:

        “There are many things–theologically speaking–which I used to hold with a clenched fist, that now i hold very open-handedly…”
        Would you tell me what one of these things is?

      • theboeskool says:

        Pick a theological thing, J.

      • jhaney says:

        I was quoting you, Chris. So I don’t know what things you used to hold tightly to and now don’t– that’s why I asked you to tell me.

      • theboeskool says:

        It was just another way of saying “all of them.” I have seen people use the Bible to justify all kinds of evil… From slavery to bigotry to war to disowning your children because of who they love. There are just under 40,000 different Christian denominations in the world, with beliefs as wide ranging as “everyone is getting into heaven” to “only the people inside of this actual building are getting into heaven.” And all of them use the same Bible to justify their beliefs. The same Bible I quote to talk to people about how God is loving and just, other people use to make a case for how God is the sort of being who would create a system where almost everyone gets a consequence of being tortured for all eternity… For the crime of 20 or so years of rebellion or incorrect theology. Those are starkly different gods, and yet the same Bible is used to justify their existence.

        If that sort of thing doesn’t make you hold every theological thing with an open hand, I don’t know what will.

  8. jhaney says:

    So, Chris, how did you decide on just two attributes of God, his love and his justness, to believe in? Do you ever wonder if you are missing truth by cherry picking the parts that appeal to you?

  9. Barbara Morgan Elliott says:

    I was raised a Lutheran. But when my severely retarded, epileptic, greatly loved, little sister died at 7 yrs old, I really started questioning the concept of loving God. My parents were devastated! I was,too! I progressed to true disbelief when I became a caregiver and then an registered nurse for DD (retarded) people!

  10. Pingback: If This Is Christianity, Count Me Out | The Essay Girl

  11. http://Bookscrounger.com says:

    Let me throw you a curveball: what if C.S. Lewis is part of the problem? Look at the definition of a gentleman. What is a coat of arms, where does it come from? Doesn’t all government come from slaughtering socipaths who set up a protection racket, who become Napoleon the Pig, and who then exploit others? With time, the protection racket becomes formalized, polished, and we worship it. Vicious conquerors become snuff-sniffing gentlemen.

    Falwell? Go look at, say, Episcopalians in the early 19th century. Today they are cutting edge social progressives. 100 years ago, they were intolerant, closed-minded prigs.

    Then go back to the Inquisition, the Salem witch hangings, and so many other delightful high points of Christianity. The problem is, we’re all nuts. But we still derive great entertainment by pointing at the other loonies and laughing. *sigh*

  12. Breed7 says:

    jhaney is a woman who is attempting to teach something (even something simpleminded and wrong) to the men. The Bible STRICTLY prohibits this.

    Honey, go be the silent, submissive piece of property you were created to be, and leave the grown-up talking to the men.

    (And no, I don’t believe in any of this. I’m an atheist, and I lost all belief in an invisible magic fairy man in the sky when wretched women like jhaney gave me reason to question the beliefs I was brainwashed into believing as a child.)

    • Brooke says:

      At least she was respectful. “Wretched?” Was that really necessary?

    • jamieroyer says:

      Breed7– I’m sad that you are feeling so hurt by someone and that I reminded you of her. We humans are all messed up– in our thoughts, our actions, even the faith we believe is flawed in ways we can’t see. But there is truth we can’t deny– we are here, we are alive and we know deep inside ourselves that there is more to our life than our bodies. There is a God and He is good.

  13. Couple of books you might read (that I wrote – full disclosure) – One Nation Over God: The Americanization of Christianity, and Love Story (no, not that one). Link: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/andyfletch42. And all of you atheists who disbelieve because so many Christians are assholes, you could read Quantum God Fractal Jesus (wrote that, too), found at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/andyfletch.

  14. BenBot says:

    ‘Someday, we might look at signs that say “Christian Church” in the same way we look at this…’ (Gentleman’s Club)
    I only pray that this becomes the case. I spend a decent amount of time in such venues, for reasons that I’d be happy to delve into further. I spend most of my time talking with the workers, listening to them talk about their obstacles, tragedies, hopes, dreams, and encouraging them to direct their energy and income into pursuing a sustainable career that excites them. One reason I go there to do this, instead of churches, is that they don’t pretend to have their lives together. It’s easier to get them to drop their masks than it is most other places, because if there’s someone willing to listen, and there’s no money in it for them to keep up the facade, it’s not worth their effort to do so.

    I pray that one day the sign “Christian Church” means that the people there are alike in that regard; open and honest about who, what, and where they are in life, opposed to maintaining a front that provides religious-social capital, where removing it is seen as a debit from their account.

    On a different tangent, regarding the nature of words that have lost their meanings, the Democratic party was originally founded to oppose governmental anti-slavery laws in favor of states right to choose(democracy).
    They were opposed to the Republican party, which was built around the idea of a larger government, funding projects and organizations designed to improve the quality of life and well-being of all citizens(republic).

    That Democratic party had a militant wing closely aligned in ideals with the KKK, that perpetrated violence against politicians and candidates that tried to promote civil rights, as well as ex-slaves who were getting too ‘uppity’.

    It’s a Democratopsy-Republicurvy world we live in

  15. Pingback: Choosing Between Jesus and Trump | The Boeskool

  16. Pingback: Christians ~ Want Fewer Abortions? Vote Democrat. | The Boeskool

  17. Pingback: Moana Is The Movie The World Needs Right Now | The Boeskool

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